Neither should be used for the first time
Nothing else intervened and nobody else touched my engine. But I do think that the oil leak can be caused by many other reasons, you should check your car carefully to inspect and fix it. Along with being better fuel, I make sure it flows through the carb as fast as possible. The "Turbo-Fire" 327, by comparison, had a 10.5:1 compression ratio. the Warbird's Forum
Lead was added to gasoline to deposit a metallic cushion and lubricating film on exhaust valves way back in the early days of auto and aviation engines. 7 Konsili Lengkap Kanon - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Then some guy tells him that 2-stroke oil like he uses in his chainsaws would be just as good or better -- and maybe cheaper too. It works, and has for a long time. Thank you. Contact Us - DO NOT EMAIL CAR QUESTIONS. There is no reason to use it in a "clean" engine. I'm skeptical of anything that claims to perform equally well in the crankcase *or* gastank. But the instructors hated it, one lad especially who got
lead build up and fouling of spark plugs, along with valve
As an oil additive, you replace up to 20 percent. After posting Mr. Parker's article, I had a personal experience with
Please provide proof so we can switch to the perfected heads. 8 3. LRDaum. This engine still wears it's factory paint and decals so I'm assuming that it has never been apart. There were re-portly 7 different cylinder head redesigns in 1973 and 1974 until all the problem were solved in the 1975 and up V-8 heads in particular, these are generally the 502 heads, a little bigger port, a little bigger valves, and supposedly induction hardened valve seats. MMO What does marvel mystery oil do? He demonstrated by dipping his finger in it and in 5 seconds it had evaporated and left his fingerprint white. a considerable taxi to get there, and you are running straight
Marvel Mystery Oil(R) boasting an enviable reputation among vehicle owners worldwide, is truly a legend of its own. 3. That hot topic debate was even earlier in the 70's. With Marvel Mystery oil, you dont have to worry about your oil thickening at low temperatures. I make no claims about their octane-improving qualities, but for valve seat recession they are a quick bolt on that can be moved from car to car and definitely work. An 11-year-old girl in Detroit had to get staples in her head after . Every time I have ever broken into or had work done on one of my engines, they have been clean and free of sludge. After a while, your vehicles engine may begin to malfunction. Okay, thats not a trick subject line. Do not worry yourself into an early grave. A reference in my 1994 Accord owner's manual to Marvel Mystery Oil; it was right after the "hosing out your gas tank" and "cinder block cruise control" chapter. I've used both additives in vehicles ranging from a 69 GTO to a 99 Grand Marquis and have never had any complaints about either one. Marvel MM13R Mystery Oil - 32 oz. I believe mine is the 225 hp version from what I'm seeing in the literature. MMO isno mystery. More than that, he used it in the fuel with every fillup. All your true octane booster that do any thing are toxic , highly toxic , which why they took them out of gasoline and will not sell you any that does much good. Websites 1997-2019 Daniel Ford; all rights
Sorry if this has been discussed before (I know it has been). It happened quite a bit back in those days. 100LL fuel still contains 4 times the lead
They have quarts of Marvel mystery oil for about $2.00 each. This is in the 72 Wag (360). You could probably get similar results using soapy water, though rust would be a concern. The lead subs. I have been running unleaded in the Ambassador for 230,000 miles and never had valve seat issues. Benzene is an interesting little hydrocarbon. (I use Petersen's. It is great for old,abused and sludged up engines. Back in 2016 I started having poor idle symptoms and stalling at stops. Added to gas it cleans and lubricates fuel injectors and carburetors, improves gasoline mileage, extends spark plug life, reduces and prevents varnish and gum build-up. Lead was an octane booster. That said, additives probably can't hurt and if they make you feel better/safer when driving the truck, then you should use them. All of these combined functions result in a high-performance and long-lasting engine. A 2 cycle oil is designed to burn. and hardened valve seats became common after 72. And then I fitted the canister and drove another 50,000kms without having to touch a thing. And the mogas smelled! It's easy! . Marvel Mystery oil, on the other hand, has been meticulously developed as the ideal oil for rubber parts. As far as the induction hardenning, Where is that info from? Personally, I was sorry to see the mogas go, because I bought it
The advantages of this additive are described in full below: This is an absolute must-have product if you wish to keep the internal components of your engine clean. Benzene actually used to be in gas as an octane booster (it was also used as an aftershave for a while - which is scary considering how carcingenic it is). that is the real testament .. the fourth is a tank of av-gas (100LL) Either of these work OK.
Then, wait for an hour or longer before attempting to remove it. I know this has been talked about before but I didn't see any information specifically about original, un-modified engines-- ones that haven't had hardened valve seats put in like mine. Going on 6 months with no awful clicking noises. Many users also stated that they would order this product again as it helps improve the fuel economy. Also does Marvel mystery oil work? Instead of a 'lead substitute', try Marvel mystery oil. Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. Deutsch; English; Franais; Portugus Why does this happen? Marvel MM13R Mystery Oil. So, whats the verdict? I have been driving a 10.25 compression ratio 401 Buick for the last 15 years on regular pump gas. decide". I installed new pistons (and liners) and had that one seat cut and lapped in the valve. Use additives if you want, it won't hurt the engine. There are a lot of debates about Marvel Mystery Oil is it good for your car or not? The pickup is driven sparingly, just a few hundred miles per year, if that. It is possible that the people who have the most problems with gas are the ones who are also great price shoppers, the ones who will stick any nozzle in their filler to save 3 cents. Just finished my third overhaul, this time I had to replace the guides for the first time and fix 15 cracks in the block. And it was back to working again, just like that. My experience with MMO.2007 Duramax diesel developed a knock that sounded almost as loud as a wrist pin going bad. More sharing options. Re: Mystery Oil Substitute? It's probably similar to an ashless oil (think 2-cycle oil). Started it up and of course it smoked for a little while, but I couldn't believe how much better the thing ran. They serve comparable purposes but with subtle distinctions. Marvel Mystery Oil can be used to keep the fuel system clean. Just a little correction here. These little powerplants use a mixture of methanol and nitromethane. it absorbs water out of the atmosphere. '68Jav, and '90 Gold Rush trailer. And of course, reduce wear to a minimum. Each exhaust valve required adjusting after that time, about 0.015" on every single one of them. Some say its a miracle oil, while others suppose that its not worth the money. Car was his first love and passion. Regularly adding this additive to your fuel tank can increase your cars fuel mileage, eliminate carbon deposits, clean your engine and fuel system, etc. I think he was right thoughthe internal explosion of the diesel fuel as it gets compressed between the main bearings would probably clean it up pretty good, it would disassemble it for me, then if I didn't die, I could rebuild it in the parking lot over the next few days (if I didn't get arrested) and it would no longer use any oil. Everyone was gonna need hardened seats installed in their heads, or need to use smog-era heads with the induction hardened seats, etc. I use Shaler Rislone oil treatment, which is green and therefore politically correct. MMO is basically mineral oil, thinner, and a dash of a chemical soap. Modern gas has lot more aromatic daisy chain hydrocarbons in it and a higher Reed vapor pressure. to infringe on another's copyright. YMMV.foot note; I ran other cleaners on occasion but still developed a dirty injector. However, it turned out later on that the fears were overblown. One customer said, I added MMO to my 12 Ram 2500 diesel tank. Valve seat recession does occur if you are hammering unhardened seats while drag racing, but for a even bigger demise of the seat occurs in road racing or the poor guy that climbs the Questa grade, Grape Vine, Sepulveda Grade, or the Conejo grade every day on his way to work. Use one pint Marvel Mystery Oil about 5 hours before oil change. However, Marvel Mystery oil stands out because it is cheaper than Seafoam and used for a variety of vehicles and equipment. I run this product in my 7.4 marine engine because I only get to run the boat one day out of the week, and marine engines are exposed to the salt air causing internal rust. the carburetor as a droplet, broken up
These fuel and oil additives are designed to clean away deposits, sludge, and fuel residues from the engine and keep it running smoothly. I also put a qt. Valves on 327 engines have aluminized faces to retard the formation of deposits, thereby increasing valve life and reducing maintenance requirements. AMC generally did not have head problems other then those 73/74 heads, which most people learn to stay away from. I have a 1966 Chevy 327 in a low-mile, original pickup. Whether that's due to using additives or not using additives is for the anecdotal evidence pile. venerable taildraggers. experience with mogas and, finally, by an email from Terry Lutz, expanding
Ninety-five percent of customers gave it a four-star rating or above.This MMO received a lot of good comments from users. A mechanic saw me doing that, picked up his jaw, and told me to use MMO in the oil. Add To Fuel To Clean Engines And Increase Gas Mileages. I think the can looks neat. from 100LL. fuel to form lead phosphate, which comes out of the exhaust stack as a grey
This one from the brand is a special one. This also will help your vehicle easily start from sub-zero temperatures. L79 & Muncie in a SS Nova was even better. The pump hushed and is still in there2 monthslater. Cleaning firearms with Marvel Mystery Oil? Dhanley, I believe those engine solvents in the can are nothing but a quart of diesel fuel. #64741-49-9, or may substitute "Stoddard Solvent", CAS #8052-41-3, or. Gas was unleaded until compression ratios started going up in the '50s. It soaks into the carbon and eventually
"High alloy steel inlet valves. | Reading Proust. Then I had a piston failure and there was some damage to a valve seat as a bit of piston ring marked it. Sitting around is no good for old cars or the fuel in them. I have wondered what adding MMO does to your 5w-20 as well. gallon of fuel (4 to 6 oz. Change the oil and filter regularly, take it out on the highway a few times a year and blow the carbon out and when required in 75 or 100 thousand miles when you have to open the engine check for valve seat recession and report back. Jul 14, 2017. Couldn't keep it running. The size of the valves was only increased from 1.625 to 1.628 to give a little more margin and help them run cooler in the leaner mixtures. Our gas here is 10% ethanol. Old standbys like Bardahl. Further proof came when I had my next experience. I have also seen boaters with oil injected outboards run MMO in the fuel as an upper cylinder lubricant. It has everything it it your engine needs. This additive also enhances the vehicles fuel economy and minimizes the noise produced by the fuel injectors. Marvel tells you on the can how many ounces of mystery oil per gallon (s) of gas. There is a very good article on RVP and specific gravities as well as othe things relative to custom blending of racing fuels available from Torco and I beleive Sunoco has some litteriture also. It's more cleaner than oil. If not removed, these carbons might cause engine damage. Smokes like late freight or a Ridley Scott film. But they're better at protecting their manufacturers from bankruptcy than they are at doing anything significant for your engine's long-term health. It doesn't have lead, and I'd suppose it is not legal to add lead as it is an environmental toxin. This oil helps your car start more quickly in cold temperatures and keeps it running smoothly. fouling syndrome. Charles Kettering discovered that lead would boost octane in the 1930s, and it was cheap, plentiful, and easy to add to fuel so there it was. At the temperatures found in the combustion chamber of a cylinder, MM oil will be vaporized. As Matt said it may not be necessary but doesn't hurt. off season, so there was never any problem with the carb gumming up. Paul the reason I said the middle 70's was because we all got concerned that the gov. It was very popular back before detergent motor oil was invented. Marvel Mystery oil has been carefully designed with additional ingredients to help reduce oil consumption by preventing carbon build-up. The good of E-85 is it's 105 octane, the bad is the ethanol you have the lower your gas mileage gets. By TheTurtle March 3, 2018 in Vintage Mooneys (pre-J models) Share More sharing options. The truck is strong as new. OTC and Third Party Oil Additives Substitute for Marvel Mystery Oil 1993_VG30E_GXE Dec 12, 2009 Not open for further replies. Your email address will not be published. Don't encourage someone to do something illegal. The original oil enhancer AND fuel treatment cleans the engine from the inside out, increases fuel economy, and protects against temperature extremes. - It makes a beautiful molecule - the famous "benzene ring". He spends his weekdays working for his garage and writing stories for If used properly, there are no harmful side effects of using Marvel Mystery oil at every fill-up. What about the ones that haven't? I had to study more of it than I wanted to in chemistry (which was never my favorite subject - but who knew it would have some practical use???) However, there are some customers who dont like this product. Question? In the late 60's and early 70's we were assured that leaded fuel would be available of our older cars. Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31 I Corinthians 8:1-6 John 1; 8; 14 Colossians 1; 2 It is absolutely safe to use Marvel Mystery oil in your engine. cold weather (and New Hampshire can get really cold), they often stalled. The rest is history. much of northern New England's gasoline comes arrives. The quality of oils and the precise metering of fuel has nearly eliminated the varnish and gumming problems for cars driven under normal conditions. It's confusing. (100LL at 2.00 ml TEL) and you have the same 0.50 ml TEL that 80/87
not do their job. They claim that the engines run VERY SMOOTH. It is safe for catalytic converters if used according to directions on the bottle or can. That will be $4500 please.So I put a good dose of MMO in and on the second tank the knock vanished. normal drop. When the fuel in the tractor is about a month old, I drain and filter it then throw that into my '71 Chevy van. But I had to drive 1500kms with a trailer before the tin canister would arrive. When Marvel Mystery oil is applied, it can dramatically slow down this process. a prop? TCP to treat 10 gallons of gas. I just knew I had thrown a rod! You
At the instant of
Regular use can improve fuel economy. It's amazing how tertra ethyl lead was used to reduce emmissions way back at the turn of the century? erosion incidents, reported on some lower compression engines. The engine is very quiet and responsive. Understanding that the various brands of what I call 'tin canisters, which are marketed under many names, worked to save valve seats by leaching tin into the fuel, I ordered one. Some people swear by it, some people swear at it,
THIS WAS AT 95K. I have driven my Pontiac daily for 59 years, putting 400,000+ miles on a 99,000 mile vehicle. This is a fuel additive specifically designed to
OR THE CROWING OF THE NOBLE COCK BENEVENTANO. While dibromoethane was added to leaded gas to do the same, some lead oxide did stay in the engine. Ryan has got more than 15 years in the auto industry. I use it some times for short term preservation because I like the smell. Engine. Marvel Mystery Oil is an automotive product of the American Marvel Oil Company, [1] founded by Burt Pierce in 1923. Ethanol evaporates pretty easily , especial the more you have and older it gets. N201MKTurbo. was any particular problem with lead fouling the sparkplugs, but if there
Marvel Mystery Oil is top end lubricant , not an octane booster. It was buried in the hole over 4mm down (I kept adjusting the lash) by the time I changed the head. Added to oil it prevents valve sticking and clatter, fortifies . tank of fuel. i have a 2001 astro van 6 cylinder vortec with 250thou on it.. i bought it a year old .. an runs like a spanked race horse.. use marvel EVERY fill up.. no knocks an pings ,, just flat out gets it..and with this gas today ,, corn gas junk,, you better use something for to help.. its the engine destroyer..i even use a 1/2 quart in my oil at oil changes.. Nice i really enjoyed reading your blogs. Colder than that, and we couldn't fly,
It is the "interesting" engines that may need more protection but few of these are driven often and mostly use race/AV gas. I wonder if that's not the "secret ingredient" in MMO. was, the airport is apparently willing to live with it. in crank case a week or two before oil change. This cleans the carbon and sludge collected in
And just a bit sideways, Before the boss and Midgely worked with lead their earlier experiments were with Ethanol but unlike TEL, ethanol could not be patented. powder. So after a year or two, the STCs
Unleaded was just coming in on the Australian market then and I was told it did the same. (If you
cox communications ceo salary. 1100 to 1200 RPM. Lead (TEL) was a necessity. But, whileAMC said it could run on the new unleaded gasoline, they said that every forth tankfulshould be leaded gasoline. an answer for you. The leading theory is to use Marvel Mystery Oil. You can also just pour the stuff into the cylinders and run the
creates great clouds of smoke, and extends engine a life for a few more
This was a hot topic in the late 80s and early 90s. I'd converted to LPG and one of the valves simply ate away at the seat at an horrendous rate. Cleaning firearms with Marvel Mystery Oil? Never saw that before but was RPO ZL1. Same color, same smell. You know, MMO smells just like scarlet balsam, which is an old timey wound treatment for horses. for every 10 gallons of gasoline. Many are getting 400k out of these truck easily. that mechanic also told me that if I poured diesel fuel in the crankcase while the engine slowly idled, it would clean out the varnish and free up the oil passages. What power steering fluid is compatible with 89021184? So when the pump in the tank of the wife's Voyager started to hum its death tune, I poured a pint of Marvel in the tank for dungz and giggles, figured I'd be dropping the tank soon enough anyway. These are all question. high manifold pressures the wartime engines were operating at, Tetra Ethyl
had. by the five-gallon jug to use in my lawnmower, chainsaw, and snowblower.
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