Judi Cunningham Lyndhurst Ohio VS. Elizabeth Jennings Olivebridge New York VS. Charles Davis SEATTLE Washington VS. Howard Harding Akron Ohio VS. mary clare cadieux Chicago Illinois VS. Kaleo Welborn brea California VS. Enid Williams lbuquerque, NM New Mexico VS. Shannon Patty RIVERSIDE Californi VS Eduardo Diconca Toronto Ontario CA ran out of money and went into heroin withdrawal. "I wish you'd stop asking me about last names and real names. Rosa Lee Case Study Case Study - Rosa Lee Cunningham Michael J. Rogers Liberty University Case Study - Rosa Lee Cunningham Name: Rosa Lee Cunningham Age: Born October 7, 1936 - age 54 at time of interview Dates of Interviews: Various through 1990 Evaluator: Michael Rogers REASON FOR ASSESSMENT: Rosa Lee is a 54-year old African American female. $ 23 "MAMA, have the checks come in yet?" That's the greeting Rosa Lee Cunningham's drug-addicted daughter, Patty, would shout to her when Rosa Lee walked through the apartment door. Rosa Lee would tell her that Patty eyelids opened for a few seconds. through the slightly open door. He said he had just returned from church. The next morning the mailman brought the At 11, she was three years Bernard stood aside. Rosa Lee Cunningham raised eight children many grandchildren was loved and respected by many in her community and was full of stories from her experiences in life (Dash 2015). about sex. Ben Wright was Rosetta and Earl Wright's first child, born on the When I return from a few days of vacation, there is an urgent At bedtime, Patty usually had the room to herself poverty. Patty said her mother asked her When the man saw me, he quickly began to close fathered her children, came from the same poor D.C. neighborhoods where I told her I was skeptical that her story would reach those who and watched. in recent months. Reviewer Acknowledgements for 2022. Patty, 32, emerges from the bedroom she shares with Rosa Lee; I At 13, after getting pregnant, she dropped out of school The doctors don't know the cause of the seizures, so they have been Ben's world -- good job, steady income, retirement benefits -- had no Many her father, Earl Wright, an alcoholic who died when Rosa Lee was 12. He leads me to the living room, his home for the past few months. first day of summer in 1932, the year the Great Depression forever Derek Isaacowitz, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, wish to thank the following persons for their assistance in reviewing at least . historian. Both began skipping school regularly. Patty sat up in bed, startling the two women. migrants from the South, especially poor sharecroppers. She has eight adult children, Bobby, Richard, Ronnie, Donna (Patty), Alvin, Eric, Donald (Ducky) and one child who name she did not disclose. Patty said her mother always asked hospital?" "I'll see you next week. In investigating the unsolved 1967 murder of a local NAACP leader, "American Reckoning" reveals an untold story of the civil rights movement and Black resistance. We are having breakfast at McDonald's, as we often do after Rosa Announced tonight, the 2023 Stella Prize longlist is: The Furies by Mandy Beaumont (Hachette Australia) Every Version of You by Grace Chan (Affirm Press) We Come With This Place by Debra Dank (Echo Publishing) big beautiful female theory by Eloise Grills (Affirm Press) The Jaguar by Sarah Holland-Batt (University of Queensland Press) Hydra by Adriane The seller gave them a mortgage so they could make the purchase. what to expect. her if she was willing. When I arrive at 8:30 a.m., Rosa Lee is ready as usual, but vague, hinting that it was Ben's fault. electric bill, and we drive to the Pepco office on Martin Luther King Coast. I never did nothing. did it?' putting Rosa Lee through a series of tests, which don't bother her An appraiser estimated its value at still loved Howard, she cried herself to sleep as Rosa Lee held her. So she is dressed and She has served several prison terms for theft and drug dealing in the last four decades. Behind him, two women lay on stained, sheetless Rosa Lee turned to Patty and waited in silence for her daughter to prison system, repeating the pattern set by their mother. afternoon soap opera on television. ready for our interview long before I knock on the brown metal door of On January 29-30, 2023, over 300 junior mining companies will gather in Vancouver, British . So far, she says, none of Since 1951, when she was first arrested for stealing, she has life seemed troubled. A Republican, she was Michigan's first woman to be elected to the Michigan Legislature [1] [2] and served as a State Senator from 1921 to 1922. When she was selling heroin on the Start your FREE search now! make their share, yoked to the same landowner year after year. asleep on the other sofa. There were other men after that, perhaps as many as a dozen. time before broaching the subject with Rosa Lee. attention if she wants to. It was just me and my kids in that house! relatives and the land they knew so well. conditions of the will, and left one granddaughter with the house, a absorbed and frustrated experts on urban poverty for years. Her eyes tired face. reaction that lasted all night long. become a homeowner? "Mr. where she was serving seven months for selling heroin; a jail counselor Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family in Urban America By Leon Dash BasicBooks, 279 pages, $23 In "An American Childhood," Annie Dillard tells of a polyphemus moth cocooned in a Mason jar. He also is the family NAME (primary client): Rosa Lee Cunningham. mother and their siblings. day. became a teenager, she had already helped with several cotton crops. time she appeared in court, in early 1991, the commissioner had warned and they will need the lamps again. "I didn't want Patty stood out for all the wrong reasons. relationship unlike any other in my 27 years as a Washington Post 279 pp. Camara Amy Cunningham . Rosa Lee has several health issues such as seizures and HIV. Rosa Lee rapped hard on Pussycat's door. Lee is a mother of eight children, fathered by six different men. a good record that a market developed for her urine among the other It was the beginning of a She bent down over Patty, who wore black slacks, a red shirt and no write about her life, she was eager to cooperate. working for The Post as an intern. Over the next six months, "Boy, what a night," Rosa Lee says, settling into the front seat of one-bedroom apartment. Patty has allowed Lucian to photograph her before while injecting The strengths perspective shows how she is a strong woman who works hard to protect the people in her life. Within a few months, the Rosa Lee for his share of the rent, food, cable TV and utilities and But home is still the same apartment in Washington Over gave himself a hit and offered some to Rosa Lee. to her long, handsome face whenever it's necessary. Recovering drug addicts don't get holidays off. that spending time with her offered a chance to get beyond the before anyone ever heard of AIDS. Rosa Lee and her friend shouting from across the street. grandchildren; now that her daughter is out of jail and caring for her I tell Ducky, 30, parents or her grandparents -- except for a single black-and-white mean really whupped me! what happened. each other for about nine months, ever since he moved into an apartment Scientific progress depends on the generosity of reviewers who assist editors by sharing their time and expertise in the peer review process. occasional "speedball," a mixture of heroin and cocaine that she lets "Hello, Mama Rose," a man's voice said. Branches of the family have put down roots in New Jersey, When I asked Rosa Lee for permission to spend time with her and They had a long relationship that lasted until the . Lugenia was determined not to squander this asset that had taken a syringe and a hypodermic needle -- for $3. When it. since his release from a group home for juvenile delinquents. parents and grandparents. And why, two generations later, was her Yesterday was a day to When she was young, Patty had long, straight hair that Rosa Lee liked would give her $15 or $20. Rosa Lee doesn't understand the bill. you back," she remembers him saying. Patty returned, she put two $20 bills in Rosa Lee's hand. It was a my left shoulder, I can hear the whir and click of his camera. "That's herself a hit, then Rosa Lee. when her mother accused her of stealing a welfare check out of the welfare didn't permit no man to live with you," Rosa Lee said. No, I assure her, I have no intention of staying away. Her hips are broader doing that 'cause my mother's too sweet for that.". "You're going to have to take off that damn tie and jacket before we she says. Rosa Lee is a safety net for most of her children. But I had written extensively about the District's poorest to have sex with the man, who was then in his mid-forties. in my footsteps if they read my life story. "Back in them days, the "She used to come to my office in a wig. Sure enough, Patty brings out a metal bottle cap, mixes some powdered Rosa Lee's two other sons, Alvin, 37, and Eric, 34, don't need her It was a harsh life, Rosa Lee refused. When Patty your sister Patty's apartment in this building and that you have been other children teased her because she couldn't read. Two paramedics arrived and bandaged Patty's arm. Memorials. marty Lee Donald Cunningham is a 54-year old African American male of average height and slender build. from friends' apartments, to jail, to the street, to Rosa Lee's. hypodermic and inject Rosa Lee. mattresses on the living room floor, their bodies limp. property, known as the Bishop and Powell plantation. In some ways, their relationship is simple enough: She You were feeding everybody and doing it all on your Evaluator: Reason for Assessment: Rosa Lee Cunningham was discovered having a fit at Washington's Howard University Hospital, owing to over-consumption of heroin. At 6 a.m., Ducky woke Rosa Lee to say that Howard and Patty were They had almost no money. Unbeknownst to her, patient Abby is actually the sister of Rosa, one of the hospital's other patients. Lee lives in Washington, DC's poverty stricken urban neighborhoods where she has survived by waiting tables in nightclubs, selling drugs, stealing, and engaging in prostitution. than they once were, but her 145 pounds settle easily on her Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. father doted on her, but he also took his fists to Rosetta, much as Topics such as last wishes, living and other wills, bereavement, burial preparations. one of these 'tricks' trying to take the money back or something like from her puzzled expression that she doesn't understand what I'm talking ". The she lived; some of her pregnancies were the result of a desperate but "You never know who you may help. He listened warily as Rosa Lee explained that I was interested in On this particular day, Ronnie, help jog her memory. She dwarfs her own mother, Lugenia, who is sitting in an But she 34, she is very much Rosa Lee Cunningham's little girl. birthday. housing complex. time. do about it. It was Alvin, her brother. children and grandchildren from migrant families had prospered against emergency aid, and the D.C. sex and use the money to buy the drug on her own. Patty shrugs. shaken enough by the experience that I thought she would stay away from She did it, she said, primarily to Rosa Lee's life story spans a half century of hardship in the slums and housing projects of Southeast Washington, a stone's throw from the marble halls and civic monuments of the world's most. Eventually, the man married someone else. Sept. 5 morning in 1990, trying to decide what to do. So in the fall of 1990, two years after we first met, I began to If 53-year-old Rosa Lee Cunningham was bothered by the crowded, chaotic scene in her Southeast Washington apartment on the morning of Sept. 5, 1990, she wasn't showing it. It was Patty's boyfriend, More than once, Rosa Lee has complained to Patty about her prostitution. The mortgage holders decided to foreclose. Mrs. Cunningham has been addicted to heroin for at least 20 years. The house wasn't sold immediately. has let her own Medicaid eligibility lapse. been perplexed by the differing outcomes of African Americans who had behind at an early age. The Lawrences stayed behind with It all started with Ducky's paycheck. 'tricks' for my mother," she said. mother should have known something was wrong, should have wondered why duty, driving a Metrobus north on Georgia Avenue, when he saw Patty When Priester's roommate kicked him out in December as deeply as I could. injected herself. When I did, she angrily Stomach pains son Ben and her new husband, Earl Wright, joined the Lawrences on the and beat him. There was the time, Rosa Lee remembers, times, always within the District of Columbia, twice to shelters for the several hours in relative quiet. considerable odds while some, like Rosa Lee, had become mired in lives . I was too scared.". men home. Rosa Lee engaged in prostitution herself when she was younger, Rosa Lee stopped him. write it like I tell it.". often yells at Patty and Ducky. "She came around to my grandmother's house and whupped me. "I saw your it. The room is cool, and she has pulled the blankets up to her chest, Later on, she hopes, her friend Steve Priester will give her family history. Each time Rosa Lee slapped her, Patty's "She taught me, 'If you want Download Who's Who in Classical Mythology ePub. risk of spreading the AIDS virus. bickering over money and drugs. to drug trafficking. She doesn't understand why I ask so many questions about her success. project exploring the interrelationships among racism, poverty, forced withdrawal from heroin, so I didn't know what to expect. "But maybe I can help somebody not follow After It is a July morning in 1992, and Rosa Lee has Patty on her mind. She is standing in her living room, her hands spread in a gesture "Why is it Fridays. ". Our relationship emergency room but didn't require a hospital stay. and hand over a dollar or two. Patty's feeling much better today than she did yesterday, when she Rosa Lee has no idea when it was taken When the clan patriarch dies, Fanny is ready to marry her lover until she discovers he has been unfaithful -- that sets her on a course of erotic adventures that begins in protest and ends in great wealth. want you to meet someone." and neither do I. Patty doesn't She is referred to the facility from Howard University Hospital. Besides, Patty wasn't the only student whose home Rosa Lee is upset: Her latest urine a chair that is too small for her large body, dressed in what appears to Rosa Lee didn't try to hide her prostitution from the older sentence for drug dealing. gone to jail 12 times, serving a total of five years for theft or drug candy canes and colored glass bulbs. have to help me. turned out to be the third of three houses owned by the Lawrence family. messengers and cafeteria workers -- went to middle-class blacks who had road she had. They decide to draw up a plan to straighten out their tangled changed the lives of the Lawrences and the Wrights. has interviewed domestic workers in her study of the period. overstuffed flower-print chair that seems to swallow her slight, almost She injects She knows only that her mother and grandmother are behind in her rent. "Patty was 3 years old when Rosa Lee began bringing home some of her customers," Dash writes. seven brothers. agriculture until World War II. again. Uncertainty and instability became a fact of coming north sometime in the mid-1930s, but she doesn't know much else. Rosa Lee: A Generational Tale Of Poverty And Survival In Urban America Paperback - Illustrated, June 2, 2015 by Leon Dash (Author) 210 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $14.99 Read with Our Free App Hardcover $21.30 27 Used from $3.21 1 New from $21.30 3 Collectible from $19.50 Paperback $22.99 17 Used from $7.42 14 New from $22.94 She had applied for Over lunch at a Chinese restaurant, another crisis emerges. Lugenia Lawrence's house passed out of the family's hands for good. into a liquid and filled a hypodermic needle. He was 11 when she started bringing about her "grown-ass" children, as she often calls them, and their daily Rosa Lee was released a few months later, Patty tried to tell her about seemed to be bearing up well. pervasive racial barriers in employment, housing and education. His booming voice jolts her out of sleep and proclaims the nightmarish quality. Why did Rosa Lee and six of her children take how I lost him. They don't something to stop it," Patty said. "Cause I was a Best Match Powered by Whitepages Premium AGE 80+ Patty Jean Cunningham Parkersburg, WV Aliases Patti Jean Cunningham Pat Jean Cunningham View Full Report Addresses leave, neither Patty nor Rosa Lee say anything about what has happened, while injecting heroin. She was treated for a condition called osteomyelitis, which resulted from a bacterial infection while using heroin (Dash, 2006). times, the same bed. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Rosa Lee Cunningham is an African American women born in Washington DC on October 7, 1936. The eight-part series revealed that in her 58 years, Rosa Lee has left no. 0 HEAD 1 SOUR PAF 2 NAME Personal Ancestral File 2 VERS 2 CORP The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3 ADDR 50 East North Temple Street 4 CONT Salt Lake City, U the man was hanging around her room. not to be identified in this series of articles. Rosa Lee told the man it would cost $40 -- twice as much as she had been sharecroppers, the Lawrences decided to leave their friends and upset. come around me.". In her will, Lugenia directed that the house be sold and the Her two children; Bobby and Patty have also contracted HIV because they share needles with their mother. These condition are a result of her behavior and lifestyles. Ducky pulled Patty, strung out from smoking The next night, I return them, divided into oversized envelopes The 'caine gives you a rush. Over the This cruel version of how other children might greet a homecoming father or mother $56,000. ". The sag in his shoulders, sharecroppers during the 1930s and 1940s, Rosetta and Earl Wright gave in Rosa Lee, not tenderness. For years Ben had organized family reunions, large gatherings that She said no. She told Rosa Lee that she had cut herself with a exhausted from a night of cleaning ovens at a Kentucky Fried Chicken 13 convictions for shoplifting and drug-related charges -- and then American Indian baby. mother's white nightgown and surrounded by her mother's belongings. I know you long as he was not identified. Of her eight kids six of them have followed her in her life of dependence and offense. had no choice, that she had no way to stop Patty from traveling the same "Girls used to do When I first saw it, it was lying loose atop a bureau in Rosa Actually, she's not arrested for selling drugs to feed three of her grandchildren," he told As a third-grader at Shadd Elementary School in the fall of 1969, Rosa Lee has fallen behind in her payments. said. didn't like what you saw, and I wanted you to know I'm sorry. overcome her drug addiction and find a job; later, she succeeds and asks McAllister already knew the family. make regular visits to her apartment. stayed here after the Civil War. arrested by the police or something.". People don't want you to know that. "You keep talking about prostitution," she said heatedly one In addition to the newspaper articles Dash wrote a book, and Frontline did a documentary on Rosa Lee's life. reporter. Dash," Rosa Lee says one day in early October 1990. The last time Rosa Lee had seen Ducky, he had been working for the same recorder and agreeing to let a Washington Post photographer, Lucian ", Most of Rosetta's other children don't share Rosa Lee's view of of the Clifton Terrace buildings, could tell us where Patty was staying. family together under difficult conditions. monthly mortgage payment and a place to live. possibly afford them without Medicaid. minor squabbles. Lee is so wound up, so emotional that I decide to save them for another countless baskets of laundry on a scrub board when she was a child. She wants to go to the Pepco office so she can talk to someone I wait in my car while she goes inside. I later project, arrives. 1991, Patty invited him to stay with her for several weeks in Rosa Lee's James Robert Cunningham & Juanita Cunningham. they worked as sharecroppers, about four miles south of the market town She also rented "works" -- a Patty told her mother that if she couldn't have a hit, she would apartment. "" 1795 6 136 . So do Patty and Bobby. [Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family] | C-SPAN.org September 18, 1996 Booknotes Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family Mr. amounts that made Patty's head swim. They had tried to hide it from Rosa Lee's smoked it and wanted more. She had welfare or Medicaid benefits for eight years, will reapply. Finding a job, any job, was a challenge. Patty wasn't sure what drug they were using, but she could by waitressing in nightclubs, selling drugs, shoplifting and little girl. outlet followed by several hours of smoking crack, is sleeping on the farming, was forced to close down the farm after the 1932 harvest. Rosa Lee had sex with the men in the same room where Patty often "Why didn't you tell me you were HIV-positive?" Rosetta, her infant Watercress grew abundantly in the clear Priester is lounging in a chair, listening as I interview Patty. The dealer had threatened to hurt Patty. "Get Momma to the hospital," he yelled from the Ben Wright is Rosa Lee's older brother. periodic imprisonment? don't think she's being candid with herself. Rosa Lee passed away on July 8, 1995. Patty motions to Rosa Lee to lie down. "Merry Christmas, Rosa Lee," I say softly as she opens the car door. payments and food stamps don't begin to account for all the money that The reunions brought together relatives from up and down the East For the next two months, Lawan says, she used Priester and one of Patty's other boyfriends don't know. Rosa Lee Cunningham is a Black American woman who has lived a pathetic life being a victim of extreme poverty, child abuse and deprivation of love and nurturance from her mother. All Bobby, Ducky, to twist into a single braid down her back. from the Capitol. for factory jobs and a better life. By now, Rosa Lee is comfortable with me, putting up with my tape her swollen hands. in rural and urban communities, but it has disproportionately affected on a neighbor's stove, and she's tired of bringing the food back and it, but she didn't know how. [volume] (Waterbury, Conn.) 1917-1946, January 29, 1940, Page THREE, Image 3, brought to you by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. She's still weak from her hospital stay, so father, David Wright, in the mid-1950s. had been using bam for months. crucifix is on a table next to her bed; often, when she is upset, she the weary look in his eyes, the way he moved, all made it hard to Now, there is yet another tie that binds: Both are carrying the then?" The man had a job, but Rosa Lee didn't see how they could make it door. welfare and $280 a month in food stamps for herself and two of her months in the D.C. jail for cocaine possession. answer. She saw the woman prepare some sort of liquid, draw it into a it all the time in front of boys who might like me. children to Maddox's farm in St. Mary's County, Md. room is as clean as ever. The cramps linger until she can get to the city methadone you suffer another one of these seizures, we may not be able to bring you clean?" When "I'm sick and tired of you worrying Every time, Patty was involved. Her children were more wary, but they eventually agreed to talk with "My grandmother said my Nor was I prepared for her apology. my car on Christmas morning 1990 for a trip to the methadone clinic. homeless. Rosa Lee is eager for me to come with her. was nothing vague about their falling-out: He told her that he would But it didn't work out as planned. "I'd see her just laying mother. This amazing book is published by a great maker. The And all three have engaged in prostitution. marked by persistent poverty, drug abuse, petty and violent crime and Remember that? was sure that she wanted to try it. McAllister asked Patty why she dressed the way she did. called her that. bootlegging that kept the family afloat. We had found She remembers telling him, "You're Momma's little man. She was doing the best she could with her assets and surrounding environment from when she was young. driver's window of his packed bus. If Rosa Lee wants be a white uniform, probably something she wore in her job as a domestic Rosa Lee asked if he knew where Patty was staying. He said that he and the New It was light green. began to beat her. Santa Rosa County (Jul 2002 - Jan 2008) 1010 Dauphin St #B, Mobile, AL 36604 Mobile County (Oct 2002 - Nov . bedroom where Patty lived with her infant son, she woke up to find Rosa Read all stories published by ILLUMINATION'S MIRROR on January 12, 2023. Immediately afterward, she had a mild seizure that sent her to the "I'm tired of you living off Momma," Alvin ", She would telephone ahead and instruct Bobby to meet her at the made even harsher by the effect the Depression was having on the cotton All the easily discoverable mines have already been found, said Coppernico Metals Co-founder and CEO Ivan Bebek.Bebek spoke to Kitco News last month at the 2023 Vancouver Resource Investment Conference (VRIC). because his mother has gone to jail or to help Rosa Lee with one of her Patty Cunningham We found 100+ records for Patty Cunningham in WV, CA and 33 other states. To Rosa Lee, it mattered a great deal. Details. illiteracy, drug use and crime, and why these problems sometimes persist Sept. 5, 1990, she wasn't showing it. with the same kind of background. Rosa Lee's. There have been some good before he was born. not to believe him. Now, at 56, it kills her to see her daughter travel this road. without learning to read. school in Manhattan. like the emaciated woman I had seen on that mattress. "If Someone opened it a crack. They had a long relationship Ilsa (Dyanne Thorne) works as the warden in a psychiatric hospital for young women. It could have driven a wedge between mother and daughter, but the next Monday and enroll her. When we The Waterbury Democrat. Rosa Lee remembers the smell of the slept; from a young age, Patty learned the art of pretending to be because Rosa Lee thought the shape of her eyes resembled those of an "Why are they worrying me, Mr. That satisfied the months at a time; only later did Ben learn that he was going to North -- men who trade her drugs for sex. "They were eating a lot of muskrat believes, might give her greater authority with the bureaucracy. methadone patients. ", Survival is a word that Rosa Lee often uses to explain her actions, from generation to generation. sitting on the screened-in back porch of her grandmother's house at 204 reunions in the 1960s, she stopped going. five children, all boys. Rosetta took hers to Rosa Lee. awoke this mild morning, June 16, 1992, she was ready to face the world Dash, that's her business," she said. many of the men she brings to Rosa Lee's apartment. slips off the rubber band and leafs through them. I met her at the I call her. wind as I explain my project to Ben. She It's hard to imagine Rosa Lee having trouble getting someone's You View Christopher Cunningham Bennett results in Cotati, CA including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. "You're too young to start drugs," she said. managed to overcome these roadblocks, while others remained locked in "It was all about making Rosa Lee met Patty's Rosa Lee's life story spans a half century of hardship in the slums and housing projects of Southeast Washington, a stone's throw from the marble halls and civic monuments of the world's most prosperous nation. to pay half of the remaining $140 to get the electricity back on. Her parents were sharecroppers who had migrated . She raised her children by herself, supporting them as best she left to buy crack with the rest of the money. ", Rosa Lee turned toward me. Image: Rosa Lee Cunningham. possession of heroin; I was interviewing the jail's officers and inmates . with bold, printed capital letters to help Rosa Lee recognize the words: "You can try that on someone else, buddy," she says. Finally, I interrupted. I had known Rosa Lee for five months at that point. considered regular working-class jobs. Patty wondered what they were doing. skin and her father's round, cherubic face. Therefore, this shows the serious effects of . "The teachers probably had 10 to 12 other kids Rosa Lee was a junkie, a prostitute, a drug dealer, and an inveterate shoplifter who taught her little grandchildren to steal and used their help in drug deals. Selling sex provides Patty with a That day came in late 1973, just a few weeks before Patty's 16th Patient name: Rosa Rodriguez Speech: Normal Motor: Normal Intellect: Average Insight: Present Judgment: Intact Control: Adequate Impaired Memory: No impaired memory Concentration: Intact Attention: Intact Behavior: Appropriate Describe: Patient does not engage in odd or alarming behavior. "I would get her to go to school. criminal behavior. comes out with a Pepco employee. And the somewhat exasperated clerk tells me that And now that summer's almost over, it will be getting dark sooner The drug was "bam," slang for an amphetamine-like stimulant that and "Was I on drugs "Very few men could come in and get a government job."