Above him, a blue sky spread out only to be punctured by mountain peaks; all clear and bright in the throes of an early spring. A time for wolves will come again. You're sounding crazy.". Littlefinger did indeed reveal the incestuous relationship between Cersei and Jaime, but not his motivations. Robert orders Renly and Eldon to find Cersei and Joffrey, the tone implies that there will be severe punishment should they fail to capture them. Like a wastrel found dead by the side of the road, the Lord Commander was laid out and stiffening on a bare trestle table. All I remember is throwing my sword into those bushes so they wouldnt be able to steal it.. He doesnt answer her question. With literally nothing else to lose but his life, he positioned himself in the middle of the tracks. In Chapter 27, Stannis declares he is setting off for Dragonstone to marshal the Royal Fleet. In winter, I plot and plan. (Seriously, any good therapist will recommend this as a cleanse for your soul! Despite being the first out the door, Melisandre was also the first one back in the room. As Jon Snow lays dying on the ground at Castle Black, he witnesses another Red Comet before he fades from the world. , Jonsa Fic Recs: Season 7 and 8 Fix-It Fics, Imight just have to do a reread of several of these because they're so gooood, for the ones that are still works in progress, I get super excited whenever I see an e-mail update forany of them. Meanwhile, a larger party was fast approaching. If Homura can keep everyone alive, she might just win this time. He was tall and rugged looking and, to his near giddy relief, they both had the sigil of House Stark embroidered into their outer garments. Category: Time Travel Fics A Stitch in Time by Will 0'the Wisp December 17, 2017 A Stitch in Time by the user Will 0'the Wisp is a complete novel length work within the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones fandom. Tywin very rarely paces, considering the practice a waste of movement. Trapped in the past (rewrite) Fanfiction After Melisandre tries to bring Jon Snow back to life, she succeed, but he doesn't wake up, she somehow sent his mind six years into the past, where it was the beginning of the downfall of house Stark, while Jon wakes up and remembers everything, Sa. She would win the game for her family. amaris smiled and her eyes filled with melancholy tears as she looked at jon snow, the man she loved but could never have. the Website for Martin Smith Creations Limited . She loves her family fiercely, despite the things they put people through. Small crossover with the character, Dr. Gwyn Davies, from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow whose work helps Grace invent time travel. Snow works throughout the work to get back to his own time period before those he cares about, including his sister-turned-cousin Sansa. But there was no one there. It features all of the Starks that have been lost throughout the show and its lovely to see them again even as they struggle to make sense of the situation that theyve found themselves in. The Stark children find the direwolf mother alive (albeit with an injured leg) and take her in along with her pups. Privacy Policy. All characters are from G.R.R.M's Game of Thrones. Not- , Sansa! Jon cut her off, aghast at her words as he stepped in and gripped her arms. "You have taken something that you could not even attempt to wrap your head around. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work More A Stitch in Time by Will 0the Wisp, Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by the user sanva is a novel length work of fanfiction posted onto Archive of Our Own on October 31, 2016, Valar Botis is an ongoing work that explores what would happen if Jon Snow was stuck in a Groundhog Day style loop. The confidence the lady had gathered throughout the duration of the ritual melted away as she looked down at the still dead man, hopeless and empty. Ones that seem to almost warn him of events to come. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lord Eldon Estermont, a background character from the books whose main distinctions are being the uncle of the Baratheons and a. Ser Brynden "Blackfish" Tully is mainly a supporting character to Robb and Catelyn in the books and show. Naked, but for the flimsy cloth preserving his modesty, and caked in his own blood and dirt. How could you think that your death was an acceptable outcome?, You hypocrite! she responded, throwing the accusation in his face as she stepped in closer, chest heaving in time with his own. Thats a wolf on the pommel, isnt it?, Lyanna beamed down at him. Whats all this about me being attacked? the one on the left asked. His eyes widened in shock at the state of it. There are many original characters because the bulk of the story takes place before canon, therefore there are many characters, like Lyanna Stark, who are present but are dead in canon. During their travels the tension builds between themespecially after Jon suffers an injury and theyre taken in by an older couple. None of it was possible. Robert needs children right now and Sansa hasn't flowered yet; childbirth could likely be very dangerous. Still, he hazarded a guess. Sam! His old friends name even tasted sweet on his lips as he spoke it aloud. Originally posted on the website Fanfiction.net on July 16, 2015, Robb Returns is an ongoing work updated regularly. Why isnt he waking?, What are you asking me for? I am Brandon of House Stark and this here is my sister, Lady Lyanna.. Here is my 2nd Game of Thrones one-shot book! For-forgive me, my lord, but what did you say your names were?, The man jolted as he studied the wounds. Please consider turning it on! The ground seemed to pitch beneath his feet. The plot is amazing and the characters have been written so beautifully. This lads life is in danger!. Everyone wants her, especially Prince Joffrey. Im looking forward to more updates for this fic whenever theyre posted. For Ghost and their siblings, they'll have to battle monsters, explore Hallownest, and hide from the Pale King, all while learning to live together and healing from their horrible past. Language: English Words: 145,469 Chapters: 35 /? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Instead, he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. Now, the question is: Are they here to save the galaxy, or are they to be feared? Now the others had caught them up and two more young men came cantering around the bend in the mountain road. Jon heals in the True North, finding his own worth again, and discovering that even after being lost, he can find purpose in his own heart and mind again, even burdened by the crippling guilt and resentment which will take him many years to learn how to carry and let go. Not even the light of the flickering braziers could soften the harsh grey tones of deaths pallor. Lord Estermont's opinion of the Tyrells, which makes them worse than Targaryen loyalists because they could turn sides at a moment's notice. This is my attempt to answer all the questions I was left with at the end of the season as mostwerenever addressed. The pack survives, whispered the North. Embittered by being sent to the Wall after his years of service, he manipulated events so he could return to Westeros in another's body and exile the last Targaryen. Tell me the truth. The problem? I don't own the script for game of thrones obviously What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. Is this why you brought me here? Their last hope faded with the smell of the burning hair. For more information, please see our Will you go on a great quest to find and destroy the cause of a calamity? How she is mentally is an entirely different story. But at least, after all these years, the pack is finally back together. Grace and Christopher are sort of depicted as demisexual (if you're not into that you can still read, just skip the last chapter). Gods, Lyanna, I know we dont see much of Ned since he came to the Eyrie, but really? Urgently, he added: Now! She was the first to walk away, closely followed by Dolorous Edd and Tormund Giantsbane. But she didnt let her fear or shock overawe her for long. Grace invents time travel in order to go back and save Christopher. Pregnant Sansa is sobrave and amazing. But Melisandre would not be hurried. Pregnant Sansa is so brave and amazing. - All the while, her incantations grew louder, stronger as she seemed to hit her stride. Edds voice sounded so distant, so far away like he was calling to him from the opposite end of a long tunnel. Gotten some life experience.All that fun and handy life experience is telling him that being disintegrated by a massive laser is fatalAnd yet. He nodded to the young maid who was behind Jon now, studying Longclaw where it had been thrown into the bushes. As the strangers drew closer, he also heard the sound of horses hooves crunching against the stony road. Where are they now? There, she paused. The only thing he may regret is that he will never have the chance to taste that cigarette Hangman mentioned. The life fading by the second as they met with their killer's chocolate brown eyes. Oh my gosh, this fic! This fanfiction's title is intriguing enough to get a click from most Game of Thrones fans. I still do not own ANY of the Game of Thrones characters. Not even his apparent nudity detracted from the ruin of his flesh, but he still breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw that his small clothes were intact and in place. The Manderly daughters have taken up Braavosi water-dancing. Its Ned, hes been attacked-, Listen, Im not Ned, he tried calling over, but she wasnt listening. As the wolves and the dragons prepare for another battle, the realm can only hold its breath and wonder who will win the Game of Thrones after this. Cookie Notice Welcome to my book/personal/multifandom blog that has recently become a landscape filled with my latest obsession, Jonsa. (I mean every fic by @athimbleful is amazing, but this one in particular is probably my favoritebecause I found it right when I was feeling down about the S8 finale and it helped remind me why I love Game of Thrones and Jonsa so incredibly much! Then she woke up a week before her half-brother's second name day, decidedly alive. It's called Valar Botis. "Draco Malfoy." He growled, taking large strides to get closer to Draco. I can play the same game, Jon. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Instead, he offers an explanation. The men lining the shadows shifted as the tension grew. What now? Jon rises from his seat and folds the letter, holding it tight in his hand, and strides towards the exit doors of the common hall. Summary:"Forgive me, he tells her, his voice is almost inaudible but there is no mistaking the pleading in his tone. It was a memory that dropped back into his conscious mind like a stone down a dry well. Being a bastard in the north, or in Westeros, isn't the most pleasant thing you can be. I tried to arrange all my recs below the cut in order of when they diverge from canon. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Enjoy And Now Their Watch Begins by Nickahontas - After their death for the Battle of Winterfell, three Starks wake as children. He was about to tell them who he was when the man cut him off. ], But you, Lord Snow, youll be fighting their battles forever. Ser Alliser Thorne. Sakura is just along for the ride and doing her best. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/ThereAndBackAgain. Warm and soft as a mothers embrace was what it felt like. Genna suggests that Viserys Targaryen would try to arrange an alliance with House Martell by betrothing Daenerys to Trystane, due to the Martells' hatred of the Baratheons and Lannisters. Its filled to the brim with Stark sibling moments, Pol!Jon, friendships, politicalintrigue, magic, and, of course, Jonsa. It felt like he was the last person alive in the whole country. Robin Arryn is revealed to be Lysa's son by Littlefinger. Please consider turning it on! Search With relationships and reputations What if you owned an animal species that mimicked your soul, a "spirit animal" in reality? Jon, though, assumes she means they should marry each other. Or, Rooster goes back to 1986, saves his parents, helps two idiots get together, and realizes his feeling for another idiot. This is my first work ever. Jon Snow Timetravel fics. ), Summary: He meets her gaze for the shortest moment before turning to look out over the woods, gesturing at it with a gloved hand. Standing again, he wrapped the loin cloth around his hips, where it hung to mid-thigh, easily preserving his modesty and a little dignity. While frightening to most you found a certain comfort in his presence. Words: 145,469. According to The Stranger, this is what happened to Jon in Season 6 because Jon lost the ability to listen to good advice. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? A mournful wail that made his skin prickle with apprehension. The man motioned for him to open the cloak he was wrapped in, which he hesitantly did. One team, a murder of crows, was allowed to take flight again after years since their devastating loss during the Spring tournament. Please consider turning it on! At the sight of him, she yanked on the reins of the horse in alarm. She placed her hands on the wounds and spoke as if pleading with them to close. The politics are to die for and the tension between Jon and Sansa is sssoooo intense. If you ever find yourself on the wrong end of a bow, dont run straight.. Will you go searching for your family, or find your friends? How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? "Brynden Rivers sacrificed everything he had for the Targaryens and was awarded for his troubles with banishment to the wall. The letters are sweet and sad and its good to see my darling Starks reaching out to each other after everything theyve been through. But that was not who she was now. This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. Chapter 27 indicates that Robert has persuaded the Ironborn to join in on his campaign to take out the Lannisters. No, it cannot be.. Ill wake him up.. A Stitch in Time by the user Will 0the Wisp is a complete novel length work within the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones fandom. He had no way of knowing. [Abandoned as of 18.06.2020. As the burning in his eyes subsided, he rolled over onto his side and breathed in the rich scent of earth and grass. She shoved past Davos and almost fell on the Lord Commander, smoothing his brow as she studied his face intently. Please note that this is a complete Season 8 rewrite that has major departures from Season 7 and a few from Season 6. The Old Gods and the New are smiling down on you, by the looks of it. But please, madam, I badly need your help.. When every single timeline resulted in failure to heal the Planet and Jenovas corruption spreads without fail, a sacrifice is made to ensure that the Lifestream can send back more than just one hero to save the world. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 39,051 Canon Compliant through: 6x08, Summary:For some reason, its Theon Greyjoys voice in Rickons head as he begins to run. Viserys is still marrying Daenerys to Khal Drogo. Looking up at Ser Davos, she grew more urgent as she added: This shouldnt be happening. My brother is nearby and we will have these men caught and punished. A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, (we are all looking for) a place to call home, There can never be enough time travel fics. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hes back! he called out to the others whod already retreated. After a few moments, as he didn't move, her brow wrinkled before she spoke again. She sees him wince as though her words have cut through his skin, yet she remains unmoved. And a girl who definitely isn't what she appears setting an impossible task. The only item of value he had was Longclaw, so he tossed it into a nearby thicket of bushes to hide it. Its been absolutely heartbreaking to watch her deal with some of the situations handed to her, but she does it with such love, grace, and political acumen that I cant get enough of it. So when he starts pacing while reading Robert's declaration of war on the Lannisters, Kevan knows something is up. Happy ending for Gracestopher! Small wonder you risked your neck to save this blade, she said. He looked back in the direction from which they approached, holding his breath as a young woman rounded a bend. Your life is far more important than mine could ever be., She met his eyes defiantly, a fury contained in them that ignited his bones. Ser Davos dared to step closer, to see if there was any change any viable sign of life from the Lord Commander. This is expanded to the rest of the Northern lords in Chapters 30 and 31. Then, when the hand of the king dies, and Robert Baratheon rides north to Winterfell, Jon knows the dream didn't mean nothing. Torn between hiding and making himself as visible as possible, the snap decision made itself. Littlefinger books it after escaping from the Black Cells. Jon isn't the world-destroying type though, he's already done it once, and this time around he'd much rather save it instead. Was he dead too and just didnt realise it? Required fields are marked *. This ending actually aligns with the Discovered Family Tree (Esme Hardcastle edition). Seven hells, man! -- sequel to time's arrow -- Luke Pearce had been living an ideal second life for eleven years, until his first life caught him and reminded him that he was never the God in this life, and there were things that even he could not change. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. [Completed, 7 chapters, 70,000 words, rated mature] A Knight's Watch by DolorousEdditor Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. Ignoring the aches and pains that filled his body, he sat up and forced himself to get his bearings back. He proceeds to have what he thinks is a premonition and rushes to the Kabasaki district. Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 131,955 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07, Summary:Jon, Sansa says quietly, her hands twisting together in front of her. For quite some time. It isn't terribly difficult, making The Archivist into an Eldritch fear Entity when the rules of reality don't apply. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. She pulled the cloak off her back and threw it around his shoulders. "I have Yelena Baratheon never wanted the Iron Throne, and with her brother as the next in line, there was little to worry about. Davos thought, irritably. In that moment, Jon decided that none of this was happening. The work begins at the point in canon where Jon Snow had been killed by his Black Brothers of the Nights Watch. Just wait until the Darksaber gets involved. Because, in hopes of protecting their identities, Jon and Sansa have to pretend to be happily married and in love. This fic is lovely and so far its been really interesting to get inside Jon and Sansas heads as they contemplate their relationship and everything thats happened to them since they were firstseparated when Jon left for Dragonstone. Takes place after the war against the NK is won. Then, it came to him in a flash and gave chase to his gathering despair. Summary:Sansa and Jon sleeping together before he goes to Dragonstone and when he comes back he finds out she is pregnant. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. he fails to keep a hold on the Kingsguard's loyalties. Tywin is dismissive of this, believing that Viserys is. In the meantime, you still have this magnificent blade. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 12,053 Canon Compliant through: 8x06, Summary:Sansa drops the quill onto the wooden table carved with the leaves of the heart-tree and leans back in her chair, letting out a loud, exasperated sigh. Im in love with the plot and Sansa is so brilliant and badass throughout every second. Lady Bolton. Perhaps, in the end, this had been for the best. (and that the characters deserved) (yeah ill die mad about s8, sue me), This fic was fabulous. Since birth she'd been groomed to take a seat on the Iron Throne. Tywin mentions that Grand Maester Pycelle is passing information from King's Landing to Casterly Rock. It worked., He should be awake, she pointed out. Rating: Mature Word Count: 44,583 Canon Compliant through: 7x07. Ned intends for Sansa and Arya to be trained to fight. But . ", Daenerys finds that there are no dragon eggs in one of the chests at her wedding, her response is to yell "Where are my dragons?!". DISASTROUS ( Jon Snow ) by yikes. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). I dont know if hed like to hear from me.. Different universe with Eren traveling back in time but he ends up in Marley, exactly in the Liberio Ghetto in a body of a three years old boy instead of Paradise Island, where his dad is married to Dina, his first wife and raising his first son, Zeke.