Either..I forgot my phone on silent, I was very busy and didnt pick up any calls today or I wasnt really in the mood to talk to anyone. All Rights Reserved. I dont usually give excuses, I just say I didnt wanna answer, haha. Be straight up and tell them that you didn't want to and possibly follow with explaining your actual motive for not wanting to. Furthermore, if you are going to argue with your children the whole time you are on the phone, you might want to reconsider that as well. i dont answer for simple reasons like: i walked away from it or didnt hear it ringing. Id definitely say not to bother rescheduling. Should of checked reviews first. What is your best excuse for avoiding a phone call? Don't harass people with texts. I will answer texts, but my friends expect to leave a message whenever they call me. Or, you could say that you were at someone elses home, were out shopping, and didnt have access to a phone charger for quite a while. How late are you in the office? HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. 1. but really though, being available at any given time would drive anyone insane, Im sure. I am scared to death of Creepy Peter! Ive got to go, my phone is ringing!haha. . Then I apologize, because I misunderstood your first post. it's not even an excuse when i dont answer the phone. What a total lack of common sense and professionalism! . If you are confused about why this happening, that is OK. You can always address it in the phone interview itself. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. bcps virtual . By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Consider asking an unbiased friend for advice on the matter. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? If you're looking for legit excuses, then tell him the truth. When the interview was over, I did two things: I e-mailed the chair to let her know what I had found out just before the interview AND I ordered pizza; I started crying while ordering pizza. was my interviewer in the wrong or was I? Every group usually has a friend that is kept around out of sympathy or because no one wants to admit they don't like Creepy Peter. If you are someone who falls into this category and most people know this about you, then you will need to say that you didnt hear the phone ring. you call your friend but have other stuff that needs to get done. Yeah, I said it. Instead, I say, "Oh, and what did you call about? Waiting for an iPhone (no official iPhones in Australia yet. Nobody will ask to examine your teeth, not even a college professor in clinical dentistry. Does this sound like you? Some people may not believe your excuses. The top 3 from top to bottom are friends, family, and work. Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. "I was driving," 6%. Do you think your phone calls are being ignored? So many people seem to have forgotten that only a couple of years ago, we werent constantly tethered to the rest of the wold with cell phones. Today I called a candidate for a pre-scheduled phone interview and she didnt answer. time and again i have explained this can happen even at times when it is an emergency. You could tell the person you happened to be out every time they called, but I always encourage telling the truth. 5. You can explain to them that you couldnt answer the phone as doing that could have canceled or restarted the download. If you are a phone conversation multi-tasker, it can be quite annoying for the person talking to you. I thought you meant that you give job seekers a time and a number to call for the first interview instead of calling them yourself. They are babes in the woods who we know going into it were going to need to train heavily in this kind of thing. He misses the call. I have an iPhone. Had it been me, I would call a couple minutes minutes early. Fortunately, there are a lot of options here. It is sometimes necessary not to pick up some calls. But if you want an excuse for the third call, you could have left your phone somewhere. Excuses are decently easy, especially if your not on the spot. i always use the i was in class or i was walking and my phone was on vibrate or i had no serivice, you really called me?!. Im okay with her scheduling a phone interview during the day, as long as shes doing it on her own time lunch or whatever. This is another good excuse but remember that this action has to seem like it would fit well with your tendencies. I glanced at the jobs up at your work (I hope thats ok since youre outed) and I would say it depends on the job. For instance, you could say that my phone was on silent and that it was on charge so you werent in the same location. You may fake a chat with your cousin, nephew, niece, etc., and show the fake chat to your friend as evidence. My phone was on silent. This excuse is believable because someone being with your phone stops you from answering your calls. Note also that it could be an emergency, so missing the call means ignoring the event. They might need a little more time to get over what happened, accept your apology, and to forgive you. Remember the days before cell phones? The lesson here is: don't be a Creepy Peter! If a potential employer couldnt work around something that basic Id probably keep looking regardless. If your parent has cognitive impairment, they could struggle to manage any kind of phone. Some people will expect an apology for not taking their calls. I just dont answer and all my friends and family know I never answer my phone and that it will take me days to check my voicemails. Next are calls from whiny or needy people (You know who they are toolol). You dont have to answer all the time. I was holding too many things. Washing your hair at the saloon is a good excuse a female can use for not answering the phone. [removed] OldButStillFat 10 yr. ago. In some cases, people have to work longer hours than ever before just to make ends meet. (Don't worry . "This helped me to realize another source of help for other people who go through phone issues! If this is a relationship that you want to be smooth, you'll need to put in some effort to make things better. The top excuses for not answering your phone include: your phone was on silent, your phone was far away from you, you were working, you didnt want to be disturbed, your phone battery was dead, and that you were driving. People like you make the workaday life hell. by. DO NOT USE NEELS PLUMBING!! A bad phone screen is one of the excuses for not answering phone for days. I don't have time for people who are so insecure that they demand instant results from me. Youre forgetting that these people have already missed an initial interview. More and more, I feel like there is an expectation that I always answer their calls. Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. for 48 hours i felt free again. B pool is right. It is fine to get a little multi-tasking done while on the phone, especially if someone calls you and you are in the middle of something. she was the one trying to call and finds it unbelievable that a phone call can go unanswered just based on cell phone technicalities. You will not even give someone the benefit of 1 minute, possibly caused by a difference in the clocks you use? Subscribe to 102.3 KRMG newsletter(Opens a new window), 102.3 KRMG facebook feed(Opens a new window), 102.3 KRMG twitter feed(Opens a new window), 102.3 KRMG instagram feed(Opens a new window). mzgator, there is a ringer volume that you can turn way up in your settings, or on the side of your phone. The following are excuses for not answering the phone: "I left my phone in a bag." What's a good excuse to miss a call? If your friends or family members are not taking your calls and they seem hesitant to be alone in a room with you, you are scaring them. Don't just assume your friends or family members are purposely ignoring you until you have more evidence. How Does Respondus Lockdown Browser Work? IT IS PERFECTLY OK!!! Sometimes people just need some time to themselves to work things out. A bad toothache is one of the best excuses for not attending a meeting. Brian, you like Peter, right? He does not answer phone calls or text messages other than making excuses. By using our site, you agree to our. It is not your fault she doesnt know this yet. She e-mailed to apologize. But I also believe in being fair, and so I think striking a balance like the last one proposed sounds good. assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. I am here to break it down for you. having a life. ", How to Tell if Someone is Ignoring Your Calls & What to Do About It, https://emilypost.com/advice/top-10-cell-phone-manners, https://www.karlalbrecht.com/siprofile/siprofiletheory.htm, http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/dealing-with-angry-people.htm, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/science-and-sensibility/201311/it-s-not-what-you-say-it-s-how-you-say-it, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fixing-families/201208/relationship-repair-10-tips-thinking-therapist, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rory-vaden/conflict-resolution_b_1474742.html, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201508/five-basic-rules-getting-along-anyone-anywhere, saber si alguien ignora tus llamadas y decidir qu hacer al respecto, Determinare Se Qualcuno Sta Ignorando le Tue Chiamate e Decidere cosa Fare al Riguardo, , , , Saber se Algum est Ignorando as suas Ligaes e Decidir o que Fazer a Respeito, savoir si quelqu'un ignore ses appels et dcider de ce qu'il faut faire, Herausfinden, ob deine Anrufe ignoriert werden, und etwas dagegen tun, Mendeteksi dan Menyikapi Orang yang Mengabaikan Telepon Anda, Weten of iemand je oproepen negeert en mogelijke oplossingen. In general, I feel like nothing is a good excuse for this, short of a car accident or other such disaster, unless you apologize profusely and seem horrified by the oversight. Try texting to see if they are available. Tap on any of the buttons below to download our app. There is always a great deal of training to do when new employees start with your organization and that is especially so when the employee needs training on how to be a professional. It doesnt come naturally and we cant expect them to know it automatically. The good news is, that is not that difficult to change. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Reva: I sympathize totally unprofessional! It might not be you at all. Yeah, no one likes that. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. I forgot that I left my phone on silent. If you're a teenager and you excused to leave school early without informing your parents, use this as an excuse for not answering their calls. Do your conversations last about 2 hours? Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. If the call was made during rush hour, then you could tell people that traffic was crazy and you wanted to keep a close watch on the road.