Type R. Use stones between 50 and 250 lb. . Draw Down Device, Sediment Basin Schematic - Vert. This handbook includes new and revised details for the various practices that are used in the development of erosion and sediment control plans. This translates to a 0.75H: 1V incline and is shown below. Maximum slope 1.5:1 horiz:vert, (67% or 34) or flatter, and is limited to slopes < 30' of uninterrupted length. Project Details For EA 04-0A0204 ITEM NUMBER 729011 ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION FABRIC (CLASS 8) Bid Opening Date (mm-dd-yyyy): 04-21-2021 District-County-Route-Postmile: 04-SON-1-R15./R15.7 Quantity: 220 SQYD Unit Price: $21.50 Total Price: Type of work: REALIGN ROADWAY Temp. 5. The maximum height of the vertica l lower portions 3.5 feet. 0000007052 00000 n
At the terminals of protection, ensure the contractor is particularly careful to avoid erosion and undercutting. Be sure to consult your local project engineer or construction professional about the rock sizing and particular . For RSP Classes I thru VIII, use Class 8 RSP-fabric which has lower weight per unit area and it also has lower toughness (tensile x elongation, both at break) than Class 10 RSP-fabric. Mirafi 180N is a moderate weight nonwoven geotextile that meets AASHTO M288 Class 1 geotextiles for separation and subsurface drainage. Take care not to tear the filter fabric during installation. 2 0 obj Intermittent inspection of placement of slope protection, slope paving, and fabric operations. If the slope is steeper than 2:1, do not use rounded boulders and cobbles. Standard contract items and descriptions for Caltrans projects. If there are no prevailing agency specifications, it is recommended to follow AASHTO M288 for subsurface drainage applications. (a) Exception: US 250NW is 5 pounds short on "grab breaking load" for Sediment Filter Bags. endobj Of the various types of instability problems, foundation failures are the most serious and most common. Close observation is required during rock placement to detect any damage to the fabric. On a cut slope, this could be due to . =w
(j($M/!bMbo,iDjQL1{L! To provide the desired cleanliness, the contractor may need to sluice the rock or facing. Benchmark inspection of sampling and testing of rocks. Without proper slope protection, a serious erosion problem known as "beaching" can develop on the upstream slope. If extensive slope protection problems are anticipated or encountered during construction, refer these to the design engineer and the project manager, who may in turn obtain the advice of the Caltrans Bank and Shore Protection Committee.. Our TerraTex brand offers full-spectrum performance delivery - groundwater filtration and drainage, soil separation and reinforcement, geomembrane protection, sprayed liner substrate, oil-and-gas industry drilling pad and access-road enhancement, as well as pavement overlay and bond-breaker applications. cIP=L
?L-o'OfE;9'WgIBdysw>vOo#g 8L3f*7Mnd*3cdLy&v~;6s8;)9Q"SE8a+3/>svm^}+7Ea8IG01nY5y7mxJ]X9sGjv][ppYdv r=0EVPTO(Xam
-j9 WYY5:F"l9o&l:dyg^0GXoZgm[\H2#RrlXpZd`CAlwE.Sz.BuTiqT;E@m3I~`km&yeF They are designed to protect against raveling-type rockfall that involves small-volume slope failures (up to about 7.6 m3 or 10 yd3) or blocks up to 1.5 m (5 ft), depending on the strength of the mesh used (Muhunthan et al. 0000008331 00000 n
Transportation Specifications Section 96-1.02I for Rock Slope Protection Fabric, Class 8, nonwoven geotextile. RG12N Nonwoven Geotextile with a 300 lbs grab tensile strength and a flow rate of 65 gallons a minute per square foot. Mirafi N-Series Product Description Sheet. Class E Revetment Erosion Stone or Class E Revetment Erosion Stone or A A Engineering Fabric Ditch Bottom 2' 2' Anchor Slot W 6'' min. are available to meet BABA (Build America, Buy America) requirements. rock slope protection (3/8 t, class vi, method b) (ton) 723060 rock slope protection (300 lb, class iv, method b) (cy) . Contact your local TenCate Geosynthetic representative for the proper use and specification of these products. ), Geocomposite Wall Drain (w/ 6oz on 1 or 2 sides - Please specify.). If excess concrete remains on the surface, the finished product, when used in streams, will be too smooth and, along the protection, velocities will increase beyond those intended during design. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. 9 0 obj AASHTO is typical mass of 4.1 sy/oz.. endobj 0000014254 00000 n
Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources. Retaining Walls & Slope Stability Mirafi 1100N, 1120N and 1160N are heavy weight nonwoven geotextiles for more severe or extremely harsh conditions, such as rip-rap and revetment applications. concreted-rock slope protection (1/2 t, class vii, method b) (ton) 723215 concreted-rock slope protection (1/4 t, class v, method b) (cy) 723220 concreted-rock slope protection (1/4 t, class v, method b) (ton) 729011 rock slope protection fabric (class 8) 729012 rock slope protection fabric (class 10) 750020 rigid rail fall protection system C-15 Permeable rock jetties (fish habitat structures) C-8 C-16 Close-up of permeable rock jetty C-8 C-17 RSP tied to solid rock outcrop, natural impermeable retard (jetty) C-9 C-18 Soil-filled voids, natural vegetation C-9 C-19 Channel cut through deposited beach sand C-10 C-20 Layers of deposited sand C-10 Refer to Section 4-96, Geosynthetics, of this manual for guidelines on inspecting and accepting rock slope protection fabric. K@^9t% OZ$Mb Ne#^/_*Zw;*T_]k. 2019-07-30T13:47:33-04:00 Vegetation (see . Otherwise, placement could result in what is known as rockers or unstable rocks. conforming to the requirements of 710-03 Vinyl Coated Steel Fence Fabric, Class A Wire Diameter, except color. TenCate develops and produces materials that function to increase performance, reduce costs and deliver measurable results by working with our customers to provide advanced solutions. AASHTO is typical mass of 4.1 sy/oz. Placement of Bedding Material 1. BMP040 "rock slope protection (no fabric)" as applicable. The heavier fabrics provide more strength and are less likely to tear when large class II or Class III boulders are placed on them. Mirafi 160N is a lightweight nonwoven geotextile that meet AASHTO M288 Class 2 geotextiles for separation and subsurface drainage. FDM 10-10-3 Polypropylene is stable within a pH range of 2 to 13. Slope Protection consists of rock, concrete, or concreted rock or slope paving ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION ROCK SHOULD DEMONSTRATE Stability: Angular shapes may be used on any planed slope Durability: Resist degradation and have a durability of 52 minimum (Caltrans) Consistency: Product is the same load after load. Refer to Section 6-202, Responsibilities for Acceptance of Manufactured or Fabricated Materials and Products, of this manual for additional information. This section provides guidelines for inspecting slope protection for work specified under Section 72, Slope Protection, of the Standard Specifications. Click on the to search for an item in 2, METHOD B) (CY) (ENGMET), ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO. (b) Paving fabric specification requires a minimum mass of 4.1 sy/oz. When shotcrete is to be used, review Section 4-53, Shotcrete, of this manual. Natural Resources & Energy Infrastructure, Energy - Power Generation - Renewables - Solar, Energy - Power Generation - Renewables - Wind. 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230, Stormwater, Dam Safety, and Flood Management Home, Plan Review for State and Federal Projects. (a) Exception: US 250NW is 5 pounds short on "grab breaking load" for Sediment Filter Bags. For details about concrete production, review Section 4-90, Concrete, of this manual. Obtain initial samples and have them tested for the specified attributes. In 2007, the FAA approved construction of a new center field taxiway (Taxiway Mike) to alleviate airfield congestion. Slope protection structures are to be used where concentrated water will cause excessive erosion on existing and/or recent cut and fill slopes. The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services. xZrFou D[&! The small-rock slope protection method consists of excavating and backfilling the footing trench, placing rock slope protection fabric as shown, and placing small rocks on the slope. Soil Stabilization Matting - Channel Application, Perm. When slope protection is paid by volume, review the plans and quantity calculations in the resident engineers file to determine if there is sufficient detail and accuracy to be used in the project records. 0000004014 00000 n
(You may enter part of the word or the whole phrase). Riprap is a permanent layer of large, angular stone, cobbles, or boulders typically used to armor, stabilize, and protect the soil surface against erosion and scour in areas of concentrated flow or wave energy. Properly designed slope protection and stabilization has to include two components: a vegetational-biological and a mechanical-structural component. Links to important documents and pages can be found below the chart. Riprap is typically placed along graded ditch, channel, and shoreline banks over geotextile, which prevents erosional undercutting. Protection involves constructing a heavy mass of smaller rocks bound together by concrete. Mirafi 135N, 140NL and 140NC are lighter weight versions of Mirafi 140N . <> Copies of these details are made available below in both Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and AUTOCAD Drawing (DWG) file formats. | Conditions of Use | Privacy Policy The concrete slope protection method consists of paving the embankment with portland cement concrete. <> << <>stream 0000005681 00000 n
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Place a highly permeable and appro-priately sized geotextile filter fabric on the prepared slope following the manufacturer's recommendations. 3, METHOD B) (CY), ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO.
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