374. The candles, which are required at every liturgical service out of reverence and on account of the festiveness of the celebration (cf. After the homily a brief period of silence is appropriately observed. [164] Cf. The Ministry of the Instituted Acolyte and Lector, 98. To fulfill this function correctly, it is necessary that the psalmist have the ability for singing and a facility in correct pronunciation and diction. 112-198), except for those matters that are to be observed, even with appropriate adaptation to circumstances, as set forth below. The homily, Profession of Faith, and Prayer of the Faithful, however, develop and conclude this part of the Mass. 127. [125], The one tabernacle should be immovable, be made of solid and inviolable material that is not transparent, and be locked in such a way that the danger of profanation is prevented to the greatest extent possible. 2, 36: AAS 87 (1995), pp. [47] Cf. 39. [111], On account of this, in commissioning artists and choosing works of art to be admitted into a church, what should be required is that true excellence in art which nourishes faith and devotion and accords authentically with both the meaning and the purpose for which it is intended.[112]. 190. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. [89] All should observe the norms established by the Bishop for his diocese regarding the office of those who serve the priest at the altar. 20. Brethren . <>
[65] Cf. On reaching the altar, the concelebrants and the principal celebrant, after making a profound bow, venerate the altar with a kiss, then go to their designated seats. 230 3. In addition, the Lectionary has a special selection of texts from Sacred Scripture for Ritual Masses into which certain Sacraments or Sacramentals are incorporated, or for Masses that are celebrated for certain needs. Care should be taken that singers, too, can receive Communion with ease. This sample provides several options. A brief period of silence may precede the prayer, unless this has been already observed immediately after Communion. The priest purifies the chalice at the credence table or at the altar. Bearing in mind the important place that singing has in a celebration as a necessary or integral part of the Liturgy,[152] all musical settings of the texts for the peoples responses and acclamations in the Order of Mass and for special rites that occur in the course of the liturgical year must be submitted to the Secretariat for the Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for review and approval prior to publication. 0000001951 00000 n
A Bishop blesses the people with the appropriate formula, making the Sign of the Cross three times over the people.[99]. Thus, not a few expressions bearing on the evaluation and use of the goods of the earth have been changed, as have also not a few allusions to a certain form of outward penance belonging to past ages of the Church. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. The acclamations and the responses of the faithful to the priests greetings and prayers constitute that level of active participation that the gathered faithful are to contribute in every form of the Mass, so that the action of the entire community may be clearly expressed and fostered.[47]. [78] Cf. 81. THE ORDER OF MASS 7. you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. 88. [119] It is appropriate that, before being put into liturgical use, the chair be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual.[120]. Then he says, Lectio sancti Evangelii (A reading from the holy Gospel), making the sign of the cross with his thumb on the book and on his forehead, mouth, and breast, which everyone else does as well. 212. [15] Cf. The Manner of Speaking the Eucharistic Prayer. If there is no singing at the entrance, the antiphon in the Missal is recited either by the faithful, or by some of them, or by a lector; otherwise, it is recited by the priest himself, who may even adapt it as an introductory explanation (cf. The readings should whenever possible be proclaimed from the ambo or a lectern. IV. These adaptations include. 187-193), which he must perform personally. Epiclesis: In which, by means of particular invocations, the Church implores the power of the Holy Spirit that the gifts offered by human hands be consecrated, that is, become Christs Body and Blood, and that the spotless Victim to be received in Communion be for the salvation of those who will partake of it. For this same reason, concelebration is recommended whenever priests gather together with their own Bishop either on the occasion of a retreat or at any other meeting. The cross adorned with a figure of Christ crucified and perhaps carried in procession may be placed next to the altar to serve as the altar cross, in which case it ought to be the only cross used; otherwise it is put away in a dignified place. As for the sign of peace to be given, the manner is to be established by Conferences of Bishops in accordance with the culture and customs of the peoples. Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours, editio typica, 11 April 1971, editio typica altera, 7 April 1985, nos. Regarding procedures to be followed in this matter, the following should be followed: In the first place, a detailed preliminary proposal should be set before the Apostolic See, so that, after the necessary faculty has been granted, the detailed working out of the individual points of adaptation may proceed. After them the deacon receives the Body and Blood of the Lord from the principal celebrant. Then he makes a profound bow before the priest and asks for the blessing, saying in a low voice, Iube, domine, benedicere (Father, give me your blessing). After a suitable pause, with hands extended he says the collect. 253. Two copies of the printed text should be forwarded to this Congregation. The following are incensed with three swings of the thurible: the Most Blessed Sacrament, a relic of the Holy Cross and images of the Lord exposed for public veneration, the offerings for the sacrifice of the Mass, the altar cross, the Book of the Gospels, the Paschal Candle, the priest, and the people. 120-169) the minister saying the peoples parts as appropriate. 0000011439 00000 n
[151] Cf. @1N$BP Then he proclaims the Gospel and at the end says the acclamation, Verbum Domini (The Gospel of the Lord), to which all respond, Laus tibi, Christe (Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ). 69. 59: AAS 56 (1964), p. 891; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. The intentions announced should be sober, be composed freely but prudently, and be succinct, and they should express the prayer of the entire community. 238. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 3, 2023 / 15:40 pm (CNA). In order, however, that the people may be able to sing the Psalm response more readily, texts of some responses and Psalms have been chosen for the various seasons of the year or for the various categories of Saints. 167. [37] Cf. Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Immensae caritatis, 29 January 1973, no. 9 0 obj
The Chair for the Priest Celebrant and Other Seats, 310. It is appropriate that this place be ordinarily a stationary ambo and not simply a movable lectern. [44] Cf. For in the readings, as explained by the homily, God speaks to his people,[58] opening up to them the mystery of redemption and salvation, and offering them spiritual nourishment; and Christ himself is present in the midst of the faithful through his word. [54] Its purpose, however, depends on the time it occurs in each part of the celebration. [62] Cf. At the end of the prayer the people say the acclamation, Amen. Singing may always accompany the rite at the offertory, even when there is no procession with the gifts. Tell the whole community of Israel: On the tenth of this month every one of your families. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. The meaning of this office is enunciated and explained clearly and at greater length in the Preface for the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, the day commemorating the institution of the priesthood. The acolyte is instituted to serve at the altar and to assist the priest and deacon. 350. 0000000016 00000 n
Votive Masses of the mysteries of the Lord or in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of the Angels or of any given Saint or of all the Saints may be said for the sake of the faithfuls devotion on weekdays in Ordinary Time, even if an optional memorial occurs. When Mass is celebrated for a particular dead person, the special formula may be inserted in the place indicated, namely, before the Memento etiam (Remember our brothers and sisters). 348. For in these prayers the priest, while he performs the commemoration, turns towards God, even in the name of the whole people, renders him thanks and offers the living and holy Sacrifice, namely, the Churchs offering and the Victim by whose immolation God willed to be appeased;[4] and he prays that the Body and Blood of Christ may be a sacrifice acceptable to the Father and salvific for the whole world.[5]. [138], 343. 260. A further musical specification is provided: "the organ and other musical instruments may be used only so as to support the singing" (EM, no. [55] Cf. The practice of placing relics of Saints, even those not Martyrs, under the altar to be dedicated is fittingly retained. Then the minister or the priest says the Entrance Antiphon. In keeping with the Churchs traditional practice and the altars symbolism, the table of a fixed altar is to be of stone and indeed of natural stone. 30; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. 12: AAS 59 (1967), pp. Then the acolyte incenses the priest and the people. 2628 0 obj
97. [16] Cf. 176. Caeremoniale Episcoporum, editio typica, 1984, nos. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. 223. The Sequence, which is optional except on Easter Sunday and on Pentecost Day, is sung before the Alleluia. [85] Cf. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Varietates legitimate, 25 January 1994, nos. I. Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass II. This is a template for planning a Roman Catholic Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, in the Ordinary Form. Singing is the sign of the hearts joy (cf. First, the altar, the Lords table, which is the center of the whole Liturgy of the Eucharist,[70] is prepared by placing on it the corporal, purificator, Missal, and chalice (unless the chalice is prepared at the credence table). 91: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898. And so, The Roman Missal, even if in different languages and with some variety of customs,[164] must be preserved in the future as an instrument and an outstanding sign of the integrity and unity of the Roman Rite.[165]. 168. A little before the consecration, when appropriate, a server rings a bell as a signal to the faithful. The Prayer of the Faithful follows, which may be said even in this form of Mass. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 38). Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. The nature of the presidential texts demands that they be spoken in a loud and clear voice and that everyone listen with attention. 3: AAS 72 (1980), pp. Among those Masses celebrated by some communities, moreover, the conventual Mass, which is a part of the daily Office, or the community Mass, has a particular place. 115. 41: AAS 87 (1995), p. 304. For the celebration of the Eucharist, the people of God normally are gathered together in a church or, if there is no church or if it is too small, then in another respectable place that is nonetheless worthy of so great a mystery. When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his own word, proclaims the Gospel. Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, Instruction Actio pastoralis, On Masses with special groups, 15 May 1969: AAS 61 (1969), pp. It is most desirable that the faithful, just as the priest himself is bound to do, receive the Lords Body from hosts consecrated at the same Mass and that, in the instances when it is permitted, they partake of the chalice (cf. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. In the dioceses of the United States of America, the following may also be sung in place of the Psalm assigned in the Lectionary for Mass: either the proper or seasonal antiphon and Psalm from the Lectionary, as found either in the Roman Gradual or Simple Gradual or in another musical setting; or an antiphon and Psalm from another collection of the psalms and antiphons, including psalms arranged in metrical form, providing that they have been approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops or the diocesan Bishop. [125] Cf. [91] Cf. The priest next shows the faithful the Eucharistic Bread, holding it above the paten or above the chalice, and invites them to the banquet of Christ. Besides violet, white or black vestments may be worn at funeral services and at other Offices and Masses for the Dead in the dioceses of the United States of America. 95: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898; Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments, Instruction Nullo umquam tempore, 28 May 1938, no. The priest goes up to the altar and venerates it with a kiss. [54] Cf. 240. 319. 48, 87). 0000003750 00000 n
Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 938 3. A minister, while standing at the side of the altar, incenses the priest and then the people. 900-918. The Church has always regarded this command as applying also to herself when she gives directions about the preparation of peoples hearts and minds and of the places, rites, and texts for the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist. During the procession to the altar, the Entrance chant takes place (cf. 151. The priest then venerates the book with a kiss, saying quietly the Per evangelica dicta (May the words of the Gospel). The concelebrants may, however, partake of the Blood of the Lord while remaining in their places and drinking from the chalice presented to them by the deacon or by one of the concelebrants, or else passed from one to the other. 261. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. 339. nos. 54: AAS 87 (1995), pp. These are to be put in a suitable place but away from the Eucharistic table. The Communion chant begins while the priest is receiving the Sacrament (cf. And indeed, since no one today calls into doubt in any way the doctrinal principles on the complete efficacy of Eucharistic Communion under the species of bread alone, the Council thus gave permission for the reception of Communion under both kinds on some occasions, because this clearer form of the sacramental sign offers a particular opportunity of deepening the understanding of the mystery in which the faithful take part.[21]. If the concelebrants Communion is by intinction, the principal celebrant receives the Body and Blood of the Lord in the usual way, but making sure that enough of the precious Blood remains in the chalice for the Communion of the concelebrants. 38. 14. Only what is required for the celebration of the Mass may be placed on the mensa of the altar: namely, from the beginning of the celebration until the proclamation of the Gospel, the Book of the Gospels; then from the Presentation of the Gifts until the purification of the vessels, the chalice with the paten, a ciborium, if necessary, and, finally, the corporal, the purificator, the pall, and the Missal. 0000001560 00000 n
[86] Cf. 111. These, however, are so closely interconnected that they form but one single act of worship. 4, 24: Sources chrtiennes, H. deLubac et al., editors. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. 33). A genuflection, made by bending the right knee to the ground, signifies adoration, and therefore it is reserved for the Most Blessed Sacrament, as well as for the Holy Cross from the solemn adoration during the liturgical celebration on Good Friday until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. 6. <>/Metadata 3630 0 R/ViewerPreferences 3631 0 R>>
182. It is not permitted to substitute other chants for those found in the Order of Mass, such as at the Agnus Dei. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. [103] Cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. [123], 313. In the dioceses of the United States of America there are four options for the Entrance Chant: (1) the antiphon from The Roman Missal or the Psalm from the Roman Gradual as set to music there or in another musical setting; (2) the seasonal antiphon and Psalm of the Simple Gradual; (3) a song from another collection of psalms and antiphons, approved by the Conference of Bishops or the diocesan Bishop, including psalms arranged in responsorial or metrical forms; (4) a suitable liturgical song similarly approved by the Conference of Bishops or the diocesan Bishop.[55]. 919-929. [22] Cf. 292. 47; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. 171. If Communion is received by drinking directly from the chalice, one or other of two procedures may be followed: The principal celebrant, standing at the middle of the altar, takes the chalice and says quietly, Sanguis Christi custodiat me in vitam aeternam (May the Blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life). 7. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. [104] Cf. It is appropriate that, before being put into liturgical use, the organ be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual.[124]. The sacred vessels are purified by the priest, the deacon, or an instituted acolyte after Communion or after Mass, insofar as possible at the credence table. It is appropriate that a new ambo be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual[118] before it is put into liturgical use. a proclamation in which the Body and Blood of Christ are made present by the power of the Holy Spirit and the people are joined to Christ in offering . Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. 26, 28; Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 324. 0000002821 00000 n
In choosing between these two forms, a pastoral criterion must be kept in mind. It ends with Holy Saturday. 2 0 obj
7671; Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, response to dubium regarding can. The Preface brings to light the conferral of the priestly power accomplished through the laying on of hands; and, by listing the various duties, it describes that power, which is the continuation of the power of Christ the High Priest of the New Testament. xb```b``
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h``acR 297: With this Mass, celebrated in the evening of the Thursday in Holy Week, the Church begins the sacred Easter Triduum and devotes herself to the remembrance of the Last Supper. This Mass is a time for Catholics to remember the Last Supper where Jesus and his apostles gathered to celebrate Passover. [132] Cf. 0000001624 00000 n
Rose may be used, where it is the practice, on Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent) and on Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent). As soon as the communicant receives the host, he or she consumes it entirely. 199. Above all, they should instruct the Christian faithful that the Catholic faith teaches that Christ, whole and entire, and the true Sacrament, is received even under only one species, and consequently that as far as the effects are concerned, those who receive under only one species are not deprived of any of the grace that is necessary for salvation.[106]. nos. For exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with the ciborium the following are to be prepared: A. an altar cloth B. at least two candles C. censer and incense boat, if incense will be used D. humeral veil E. chair and kneeler F. vesture for a presbyter or deacon: alb and stole (cope . After the introduction by the priest it is the deacon himself who normally announces the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful, from the ambo. The Christian faithful who gather together as one to await the Lords coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (cf. 93. 47-48). Or. 548-549. [92] Cf. 384. 191. [33] In celebrations at which the Bishop presides, and especially in the celebration of the Eucharist led by the Bishop himself with the presbyterate, the deacons, and the people taking part, the mystery of the Church is revealed. After the collect, the minister reads the first reading and Psalm, the second reading, when it is to be said, and the verse for the Alleluia or other chant. [21] Cf. Therefore, all must listen with reverence to the readings from Gods word, for they make up an element of greatest importance in the Liturgy. [1] [2] It inaugurates the Easter Triduum, [3] and commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, more explicitly than other celebrations of the Mass . When Communion is distributed under both kinds. 301, 326, 329, 339, 342-346). The option chosen may change from year to . Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Vicesimus Quintus Annus, 4 December 1988, no. In a similar fashion, traditions dating back to the first centuries, before the formation of the rites of East and West, are better known today because of the discovery of so many liturgical documents. 353. 52. The concluding rites are carried out as at a Mass with a congregation, but the dismissal formula is omitted. The Mass is made up, as it were, of two parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 13. In the celebration of Mass the faithful form a holy people, a people whom God has made his own, a royal priesthood, so that they may give thanks to God and offer the spotless Victim not only through the hands of the priest but also together with him, and so that they may learn to offer themselves. If, however, required by some real need or pastoral advantage, according to the judgment of the rector of the church or the priest celebrant himself, a Mass corresponding to such a need or advantage may be used in a celebration with a congregation. 38: AAS 62 (1970), p. 660. 80. 0000000572 00000 n
These may be used in place of the text corresponding to the reading whenever the Psalm is sung. 298-299. "[T]he Priest, with the help of the Deacon if necessary, places the ciborium in the tabernacle, the door of which remains open" (EM, no. 5 0 obj
Because, however, the celebration of the Eucharist, like the entire Liturgy, is carried out through perceptible signs that nourish, strengthen, and express faith,[31] the utmost care must be taken to choose and to arrange those forms and elements set forth by the Church that, in view of the circumstances of the people and the place, will more effectively foster active and full participation and more properly respond to the spiritual needs of the faithful. 181. [120] Cf. Then holding it in their right hand, with the left hand placed below, they return to their places. 14: AAS 59 (1967), p. 304. Holy Thursday, therefore, is an invitation to become aware of our sins, to put our lives in order, and embark on a path of repentance and renewal to obtain God's pardon. To bring to completion the prayer of the People of God, and also to conclude the entire Communion Rite, the priest says the Prayer after Communion, in which he prays for the fruits of the mystery just celebrated. Moreover, it is unlawful to substitute other, non-biblical texts for the readings and responsorial Psalm, which contain the word of God.[62]. In accomplishing this task, it is expedient to take account of the different literary genres used at Mass, such as the presidential prayers, the antiphons, the acclamations, the responses, the litanies of supplication, and so on. The following are also to be prepared: Next to the priests chair: the Missal and, as needed, a hymnal; On the credence table: the chalice, a corporal, a purificator, and, if appropriate, the pall; the paten and, if needed, ciboria; bread for the Communion of the priest who presides, the deacon, the ministers, and the people; cruets containing the wine and the water, unless all of these are presented by the faithful in procession at the Offertory; the vessel of water to be blessed, if the asperges occurs; the Communion-plate for the Communion of the faithful; and whatever is needed for the washing of hands. Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship, Instruction Inaestimabile donum, 3 April 1980, no. [66] Cf. 291. To the same end, he should also be vigilant that the dignity of these celebrations be enhanced. 24: AAS 59 (1967), p. 554. The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, editio typica, 1984, Order for a Blessing on the Occasion of the Installation of a New Ambo, nos. At the end the people make the acclamation, Amen. At the end, the people make the acclamation, Quia tuum est regnum (For the kingdom). Throughout the ages, the Roman Rite has not only preserved the liturgical usages that arose in the city of Rome, but has also in a deep, organic, and harmonious way incorporated into itself certain other usages derived from the customs and culture of different peoples and of various particular Churches of both West and East, so that in this way, the Roman Rite has acquired a certain supraregional character. 48, 51; Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, 18 November 1965, no. [67], 70. 45. 23: AAS 59 (1967), p. 307. Furthermore, if the inner elements of this tradition are reflected upon, it also becomes clear how outstandingly and felicitously the older Roman Missal is brought to fulfillment in the new. 218. After the purification of the chalice, the priest should observe some moments of silence, after which he says the prayer after Communion.
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