Dunkerque's sister ship, Strasbourg, managed to escape from the harbour. Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Hood after several members of the Hood family, who were notable naval officers: HMS Hood (1859), a 91-gun second-rate ship of the line, originally laid down as HMS Edgar, but renamed in 1848 and launched in 1859. The decks were made of high-tensile steel. Hood and several light cruisers gave chase, but gave up after two hours; Hood had dodged a salvo of torpedoes from a French sloop and had damaged a turbine reaching 28 knots (52km/h; 32mph). [59], Hood was relieved as flagship of Force H by Renown on 10 August, after returning to Scapa Flow. Hood Crew Information Updated 10-Apr-2022 Though mighty, the battle cruiser H.M.S. H.M.S. [60], In January 1941, the ship began a refit that lasted until March; even after the refit she was still in poor condition, but the threat from the German capital ships was such that she could not be taken into dock for a major overhaul until more of the King George V-class battleships came into service. [9] She carried enough fuel oil to give her an estimated range of 7,500 nautical miles (13,900km; 8,600mi) at 14 knots (26km/h; 16mph). [90] In 2015, the same team attempted a second recovery operation and Hood's bell was finally retrieved on 7 August 2015. They were and are the very heart and soul of the ship. This work is still very much in development but we have about one-third of the people who died already listed. Hood Rolls of Honour Updated 01-Jan-2020 These memorials are dedicated to those who died whilst building and serving aboard Hood. With the backing of the HMS Hood Association, Mearns planned to return the bell to Portsmouth where it would form part of the first official and permanent memorial to the sacrifice of her last crew at the newly refitted National Museum of the Royal Navy. This position shows the rudder locked into a 20 port turn, confirming that orders had been given (just prior to the aft magazines detonating) to change the ship's heading and bring the aft turrets 'X' and 'Y' to bear on the German ships. The Royal Navy's HMS Hood will forever be linked with the German Kriegsmarine battleship KMS Bismarck, as the former vessel was sunk on May 24, 1941 during the Battle of the Denmark Strait. The names can be accessed by clicking on the links at right (alphabetical by surname or a listing of all names). You can also click below to view a single list of all names -H.M.S. More recently, the records for men who joined the Royal Navy before 1929 have been released into the public domain and are available on Ancestry (subscription required) or The National Archives (free if registered). [94], The forward section lies on its port side, with the amidships section keel up. [11] Two of these guns on the shelter deck were temporarily replaced by QF 4-inch (102mm) Mk V anti-aircraft (AA) guns between 1938 and 1939. The memorials were assembled by blending official records with public casualty listings. Dundass survived by kicking out a starboard side window and swimming away. At this point, the order to abandon ship was given. Hood, H.M.S. [56] The ship's condensers were in such bad condition by this time that much of the output from the fresh-water evaporators was required to replenish the boiler feedwater and could not be used by the crew to wash and bathe or even to heat the mess decks during cold weather, as the steam pipes were too leaky. William was born in Jarrow 1929, the son of Thomas and Catherine Ramshaw (nee Gibson) of Jarrow. Patrick Drennan. On 25 September 1939, the Home Fleet sortied into the central North Sea to cover the return of the damaged submarine Spearfish. Photos of many of the men who served in Hood, Navy Lists If you have information about a man who served in the ship please contact William Sutherland by e-mail at crewsubs@hmshood.org.uk In the first instance if would help if you include in your e-mail the following information relating to the crew man: When he is able, William will reply to your e-mail so that we can draw it together into a page for the man concerned. The design was revised after the Battle of Jutland to incorporate heavier armour and all four ships were laid down. Whatever caused the explosion, it proved fatal for the ship and most of her crew. This theory was ultimately adopted by the board. Moreover, Sir Stanley V. Goodall, Director of Naval Construction came forward with an alternative theory, that the Hood had been destroyed by the explosion of her own torpedoes. To save construction time, this was accomplished by thickening the existing armour, rather than redesigning the entire ship. [32], She was launched on 22 August 1918 by the widow of Rear Admiral Sir Horace Hood, a great-great-grandson of Admiral Samuel Hood, after whom the ship was named. At 0925 hours, when the Ohio, . Crew lists from Ships hit by U-boats. Hood Crew Information- H.M.S. In January 1941 Janus assisted with convoy operations between Malta and Piraeus. In the early days of the database, information came to us mainly from relatives of individual men. All the 5.5-inch guns were removed during another refit in 1940. [4], The main battery of the Admiral-class ships consisted of eight BL 15-inch (381mm) Mk I guns in hydraulically powered twin gun turrets. She was the most powerful warship afloat during the interwar. HMS Hood (hull number 51) was a battleship of the Royal Navy (RN). After conservation work, Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, unveiled the bell at the museum on 24 May 2016 the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Denmark Strait. ENGINEER Served from 1941 - 1943 Served in HMS Rodney. . Admiral Tom Phillips and others criticised the conduct of the inquiry, largely because no verbatim record of witnesses' testimony had been kept. (7) 30 May 1940 The troopships Antonia (British, 13867 GRT, built 1921) and Duchess of Richmond (British, 22022 GRT, built 1928) departed Liverpool for Halifax. [65] A note on a survivor's sketch in the RN Historical Branch Archives gives .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}6320N 3150W / 63.333N 31.833W / 63.333; -31.833 as the position of the sinking. On the other hand, the 12-inch belt could have been penetrated if Hood had progressed sufficiently far into her final turn.[84]. THE only three British sailors to have survived the sinking of HMS Hood after an attack by the Nazis have spoken about their terrifying ordeal the day after the 75th anniversary of D-Day. He joined HMS Copra on the 7th of November 1943 and was lent three times to HMS Dundonald. Three torpedo-control towers were fitted, each with a 15-foot (4.6m) rangefinder. Only three men from her 1,418-man crew survived. Hood Crew Information- H.M.S. . 2616 The Protection of Military Remains Act of 1986 (Designation of Vessels and Controlled Sites) Order 2006", "HMS Hood's bell unveiled at Navy museum Portsmouth", "Conserved HMS Hood bell rings out on 75th anniversary of largest ever Royal Navy loss", "Photos of the Wreck of H.M.S. The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. To compensate for the additional weight, the 4 midships above water torpedo tubes and the armour for the rear torpedo warheads were removed, and the armour for the aft torpedo-control tower was reduced in thickness from 6 to 1.5 inches (38mm). Although these give the date on which any man joined the ship, they do not give the date on which he left. Its main conclusion is that the loss was almost certainly precipitated by the explosion of a 4-inch magazine, but that there are several ways this could have been initiated, although he rules out the boat deck fire or the detonation of her torpedoes as probable causes. It remains possible that a door or trunk could have been opened up by an enemy shell, admitting flames to the magazine. [68], Prince of Wales was forced to disengage by a combination of damage from German hits and mechanical failures in her guns and turrets after Hood was sunk. Hood was nothing without the many men it took to design, built and operate her. (Public Domain) Launched in 1913, the battleship HMS Warspite saw extensive service during both world wars. Issue 22 4 knots. He then joined HMS Letchworth and was promoted to Wireman (LC) on 26/10/43. -H.M.S. Evidence given to the second board indicated that the doors for the 4-inch ammunition supply trunks were closed throughout the action. [61], When Bismarck sailed for the Atlantic in May 1941, Hood, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral Lancelot Holland, together with the newly commissioned battleship Prince of Wales, was sent out in pursuit along with several other groups of British capital ships to intercept the German ships before they could break into the Atlantic and attack Allied convoys. Hood Crew Information- The German ships were spotted by two British heavy cruisers (Norfolk and Suffolk) on 23 May, and Holland's ships intercepted Bismarck and her consort, the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, in the Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland on 24 May. [44], Shortly after commissioning on 15 May 1920, Hood became the flagship of the Battlecruiser Squadron of the Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Rear Admiral Sir Roger Keyes. Its impact is still felt today . She was scheduled to undergo a major rebuild in 1941 to correct these issues, but the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939 kept the ship in service without the upgrades. The battlecruiser's turbines were designed to produce 144,000 shaft horsepower (107,000kW), which would propel the ship at 31 knots (57km/h; 36mph), but during sea trials in 1920, Hood's turbines provided 151,280shp (112,810kW), which allowed her to reach 32.07 knots (59.39km/h; 36.91mph). [21], For protection against torpedoes, she was given a 7.5-foot (2.3m)[27] deep torpedo bulge that ran the length of the ship between the fore and aft barbettes. Due to her publicly perceived invincibility, the loss affected British morale. Roll of Honour & Crew Memorials The main deck was 3 inches (76mm) thick over the magazines and 1 inch (25mm) elsewhere, except for the 2-inch-thick slope that met the bottom of the main belt. [55] The ship's near-constant active service, resulting from her status as the Royal Navy's most battle-worthy fast capital ship, meant that her material condition gradually deteriorated, and by the mid-1930s, she was in need of a lengthy overhaul. However, the additional armour was never fitted pending further trials. We are particularly grateful to Barry Roberts who has dedicated many hours undertaking this task and has identified several thousand "Hood men" thereby. The terms were rejected and the Royal Navy opened fire on the French ships berthed there. This included the standard-use 1,920lb Common Pointed Capped (CPC) shell and the equal . [4], The additional armour added during construction increased her draught by about 4 feet (1.2m) at deep load, which reduced her freeboard and made her very wet. Afterwards, she patrolled the North Atlantic before putting into Scapa Flow on 6 May. At the second board, eyewitnesses reported unusual types of discharge from the 15-inch guns of, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 14:06. After a brief overhaul of her propulsion system, she sailed as the flagship of Force H, and participated in the destruction of the French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir. [14] When they detonated, the rockets shot out lengths of cable that were kept aloft by parachutes; the cable was intended to snag aircraft and draw up the small aerial mine that would destroy the aircraft. Other surviving relics are items that were removed from the ship prior to her sinking: Two of Hood's 5.5-inch guns were removed during a refit in 1935, and shipped to Ascension Island, where they were installed as a shore battery in 1941, sited on a hill above the port and main settlement, Georgetown,[Note 2] where they remain. Deborah. The British opened fire at 05:52 with Hood engaging Prinz Eugen, the lead ship in the German formation, and the Germans returned fire at 05:55, both ships concentrating on Hood. Just eight days after the French surrender, the British Admiralty issued an ultimatum that the French fleet at Oran intern its ships in a British or neutral port to ensure they would not fall into Axis hands. Roll of Honour who match particular criteria such as rank / rating, age, home town etc. HOOD-Class battle ordered on 7th April from John Brown of Clydebank. . Another "pom-pom" director was added on the rear superstructure, abaft the HACS director in 1938. H.M.S. Hood Crew Information- H.M.S. Before being installed on the battlecruiser, the bell was inscribed around its base with the words: "This bell was preserved from HMS Hood battleship 18911914 by the late Rear Admiral, The Honourable Sir Horace Hood KCB, DSO, MVO killed at Jutland on 31st May 1916. Hood Association-Battle Cruiser Hood: Crew Information - H.M.S. Positions authorised to be filled aboard Hood, Crew Biographies Over 40.000 pages on the officers, the boats, technology and the Allied efforts to counter the U-boat threat. As before, with the exception of the attempted retrieval of the ship's bell, a strict look-but-don't-touch policy was adhered to. Click here to access the list of dates men joined the ship. Other historians have concentrated on the cause of the magazine explosion. HMS Hood - Specifications: Displacement: 47,430 tons Length: 860 ft., 7 in. [91] Other researchers have claimed that the final salvo fired by Hood was not a salvo at all, but flame from the forward magazine explosion, which gave the illusion of Hood firing for the last time. [52] Hood was refitted at Malta in November and December 1937, and had her submerged torpedo tubes removed. This crew list was last updated on Saturday, 25 February 2023, 13:17 and contains 1105 names (Index of Ship Interest Groups) - (Index . This explosion broke the back of Hood, and the last sight of the ship, which sank in only three minutes, was her bow, nearly vertical in the water. The relevant series of documents are ADM188 (men joined before 1926), ADM362 (men joining 1926-1928) and ADM363 (service after 1929 for men joining before before that date). She had cost 6,025,000 to build. 1935 was stamped on one surviving example, and "Hood V Renown off Arosa 23135" on another. HMS Hood was a massively armed battlecruiser and was considered to be one of the most powerful battlecruisers afloat in World War Two. Hood was the first of the planned four Admiral-class battlecruisers to be built during the First World War. Hood. Illustrious, H.M.S. [102], Some relics from the time of Hood's sinking still exist. Below are just some of our members who have served at HMS Royal Arthur. [51] On 23 April 1937, the ship escorted three British merchantmen into Bilbao harbour despite the presence of the Nationalist cruiser Almirante Cervera that attempted to blockade the port. Some 5,000 long tons (5,100t) of armour were added to the design in late 1916, based on British experiences at the Battle of Jutland, at the cost of deeper draught and slightly decreased speed. HMS Hood (pennant number 51) was a battlecruiser of the Royal Navy (RN). [99][98][100], The recovered bell was originally carried on the pre-dreadnought battleship Hood. She had an extensive battle history, first seeing action in August 1940 while still being outfitted in her drydock when she was attacked and damaged by German aircraft. The probability is that the 4-inch magazines exploded first. The Board came to a conclusion almost identical to that of the first board, expressed as follows: That the sinking of Hood was due to a hit from Bismarck's 15-inch shell in or adjacent to Hood's 4-inch or 15-inch magazines, causing them all to explode and wreck the after part of the ship. This was to be used for a major event documentary to be aired on the 60th anniversary of the ships' battle. She would have received new, lighter turbines and boilers, a secondary armament of eight twin 5.25-inch (133mm) gun turrets, and six octuple 2-pounder "pom-poms". HMS Hood vs Bismarck : 860ft long and weighing over 43,000 tons, HMS Hood was a global star. Hood Association. Anecdotes and remembrances concerning Hood, Hood's Mascots PETTY OFFICER Served from 1942 - 1946 Served in HMS Rodney. [15], The Admirals were fitted with six fixed 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes, three on each broadside. Basil O'Neill. For almost 2 decades, she was the largest and most powerful warship afloat. Organisation of the search was complicated by the presence on board of a documentary team and their film equipment, along with a television journalist who made live news reports via satellite during the search. Lutjens, commander in chief of the German Fleet, the Bismarck sunk the Hood, resulting in the death of 1,500 of its crew; only three Brits survived. The other theories listed above remain valid possibilities. King George V and Smaller Vessels of RDF279", "Memorials in Southsea Portsmouth Naval Memorial", "The July 2001 Channel 4 Expedition to Locate and Film the Wrecks of, "Statutory Instrument 2006 No. Hood Crew List Updated 11-Apr-2022 Background It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. All crew were off the ship at 0430 on 14 Nov as the list increased to 35 degrees. [27], Live-firing trials with the new 15-inch APC (armour-piercing, capped) shell against a mock-up of Hood showed that this shell could penetrate the ship's vitals via the 7-inch middle belt and the 2-inch slope of the main deck as a result 3-inch plating on the main deck over the slopes was added alongside the magazine spaces at a very late stage of construction and the four aftermost 5.5-inch guns and their ammunition hoists were removed in partial compensation.. A proposal was made to increase the armour over the forward magazines to 5inches and 6inches over the rear magazines in July 1919 in response to these trials. The HMS Hood, originally launched in 1918, . Information about men who served in Hood, NAAFI Men Hood visited the Mediterranean in 1921 and 1922 to show the flag and to train with the Mediterranean fleet, before sailing on a cruise to Brazil and the West Indies in company with the battlecruiser squadron.
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