This is a fascinating and informative article that has answered some questions I had, and prompted others: 1. Steve was the one who left Diane because he believed that Stephen Daniel, known as Danny, was the result of an extramarital affair that Diane had. Right after the shooting, little Danny would ask the nurses, , Even Ann Rule in her book, keeps mentioning that, Every time, she said she did not know, they told her to think again and made suggestions. It appears that you have to be a perfect mother with no lovers and not afflicted with any mental illness to be considered innocent until proven guilty in America. Christie's first child is a boy. 20 female celebrities with black hair to follow in 2023, 10 most famous QVC hosts who were fired or left the channel. I was a patient of the doctor who worked so hard to save her childrens lives that night. As she is incarcerated, her fate is already sealed, servicing her life sentence in prison. 1. Evidence or not, they were going to do their best to put her away for life. And some are even contradictory: shes mentally ill, but also not mentally ill; the site owner wants to focus on pure facts, yet ignore other facts; things happened in court, but those are irrelevant to what else what also happened in court, etc. Or why the fact that he was a con artist made him such a credible guy in this case. Strange how Jagger is pretty absent too except for the few photos where he is wrongly identified as Hugi. The whole case is crazy. This happened in 1983, not 1893. She was the prosecutions only hope. Here's what we know. In a fairly good knot which would have taken time to do one handed and teeth. Once you are vilified in the media in the US, the way Downs and others have been, a lot of people shut their eyes and their mind to any other possibility than what was presented in the court of public opinion. Considering the lack of evidence, it seems that she was condemned mostly because of herinappropriatestatements and behavior. My opposition to movies about true crime stories is unshakable. Two jurors had voted that Diane was not guilty of attempted murder or first-degree assault, but endedup voting to convict her of murder. The case is old and the blog dated, but it is never too late to respond. Everyone in the world can believe something. Hysteria. I almost felt bad for her.that being she seemed so lost in her lies..she just hangs in limbo now. But due to a law enacted in Oregon after she first became eligible for parole, she can now only apply every 10 years. But people never want to touch the high profile cases where the defendant is not likable. I am not her advocate, but I think she did not get due process. In her case it seems to be more a matter of punishment. It was never a slam dunk. Jul 3, 2022; fotomontajes de amor para dos personas; Comments: pete walker complex ptsd website; If not, why not? She said a bunch of really stupid things in the media (my kids were lucky, not me gets the palm) and basically bury herself. Two wrongs do not make a right but illustrates that she should have never been coerced before, during or after the trial. I did not shoot my children.. I would like to believe this is the truth. I have plans to go hunting with the husband of one of the alternates.. I point out some obvious facts and discrepancies, and that due process was shoved aside because the state and the media presented a guilty image right from the start. So imagine when you are troubled to begin with. I worked for county government child welfare for a decade. There is only one major problem with your scenario. If personal diaries were to be believed, half of the population would be in great jeopardy. After all, Cheryl Downs is basically serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole for her mothers crime. ..maybe it was lack of Internet and cellies *shrug)..years later, my Co worker at burger King (I was 16)told me about the small sacrifices movie she watched the night before. People tend to forget that the group of young women hanging out with Manson were deeply engaged in serious drug use and totally out of their mind at the time. Contemporary family finding principles argue that a child is best nurtured by parents, then immediate family members, extended family members, spiritual family (Godparents), close friends, etc. Its more boring to tell the truth and the readers might not have flocked to read a fair story without no real heroes and villains. As a result, joint legal custody which means parents share in the decision-making 1 is becoming the default decision in many family court systems. Hardly circumstantial or coincidental what are the chances that a bushy haired stranger, masked men, or someone that knew her (take your pick from Dianes ever shifting account) would have the exact same bullets matching to bullets from a gun owned by Diane ? The fact that she was driving five miles per hour to the hospital says it all as a mother myself, I dont care how hurt or mentally damaged I was, I would drive that car 100 MPH to get my children to safety. If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago, considering her good behavior and lack of priors. Their marriage was described as tumultuous, with Downs allegedly disappearing for long periods of time with her children. I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! Women who were somewhat normal begore, get pregnant, have the baby, then drown it a toilet, kill or beat the the baby in the first year..shaking or other means..its less often then notbut better believe these type of cases are reported constantly now on social media. And being the mother of three only served to propel Diane in a more manic state. I watched and worried through her escapeto find her childrens real attackerthat bushy haired stranger . Did u learn nothing?? Maybe that her mom was obviously not well after spending her life in prison so it would have been a good idea to meet the Downss family quietly and get the jest of it. So she warns her to stay away. Christie was understandably all over the place and I agree that the way in which her statements were procured were very odd and seemed to be very coached. Too bad she did not interview Diane or her family. I cannot be more transparent than that and integrity was one of the missing pieces of the entire case. Knicks habit of turning on and turning off their relationship was known to Diane long before he admitted it in court a year later (Appendix 81, page 1520, line 21): Q. They hated her attitude and thought she was promiscuous and showed no sorrow or remorse. It was far fetched, unfoundedand convenientlyrelayedby Rule to boost the sales of her book. I also wish that Dianes children have a great life. After parting ways, the couple would soon meet again in Arizona which would end up in them reigniting and reconnecting their fling. Just a thought. She may be highly vulnerable to losing control of her emotions in emotionally charged situations, creating faulty judgment and ineffective and inappropriate behavior. Diane was instructed to reenact her response to the attacker who murdered her daughter. As she walked away, Detective Welch called after her, If you dont testify against Steve, youre going to lose everything. Diane turned back to say, Show me proof, and walked away. What followed was a tragedy subject to many interpretations. They now have social media arenas reminiscent of the Romans cheering at the sight of a thumb down meaning there will be a bloodshed. They did not like her attitude and she did not behave the way they expected a grieving mother to act. Instead, it is Diane who fought to keep her children. Here are the pros and cons of sole legal custody. Nevertheless, what was done seemed out of our hands and we could have no contact with them at all. It wasnt simply her demeanor that got her convicted. The photo of Hugi I used is the one you find when you do a search online for Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs. He strung her along, played with both womens emotions, and after saying he would join her in Oregon, reneged and stayed with his wife. I have no idea how the social workers and county attorneys justified doing their due diligence in preserving the family (mandated by law) when they were in court. The prosecutor and his wife adopted both children that survived and although the boy is paralyzed and in a wheelchair, they trived with their new parents. Of course. Yes, isnt it shocking that some people would voice that a faulty investigation does not matter? The american system often reminds me of what Charles Dickens talked about in his novels. Don't get butt hurt. We cant. I was always really bothered by that. Her attorney, James Jagger, did a poor job for Diane. You are right. It could have been very different at almost any other time or with any other attorneys or juries too. Her other daughter and son were severely injured. Is. Foote then handled the juvenile docket and first encountered Downs when he ordered her two surviving children into state protective custody. why didn't steve downs get custody. She is nowhere near being paroled and if she admitted guilt, I am not even convinced they would release her. The mommy murderess pulled her car over the side of the road and shot her three young children in the backseat. Jennifer Hudson didn't lose custody of her son David Jr. because she was an unfit parent, but rather because her work commitments meant she had to temporarily relocate to film The Voice UK. She had no priors and no history of violence in prison. It is beyond belief that the State of Oregon allowed the prosecutor to adopt those children. If the goal was to get rid of them, why didnt she emulate her lesser half in this matter? But I am more than willing to review any new info. You need to have your own voice," she said. She had one arm totally out of commission. She has been denied parole 2x and is up again in 2020. (He WAS shot in the back remember). You have that part absolutely right, so why was this protocol ignored? But there was a lot left unsaid about this relationship. The absence of the gun or gun powder residues on Diane is fact. Reduces conflict because communication is limited. The question is of course, how can we determine guilt or innocence without a fair trial? Its too late for me to call myself a murderer (when I am not) just to purchase my freedom. You cannot skip due process because of mob mentality. They would have welcomed them with open arms.
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