Driveway: A private, vehicular access connecting a house, carport, parking area, garage, or other buildings with the street. This use includes structured sober living homes that provide resident rooms or residential units to 11 or more individuals. G-4347, 2001; Ord. Commercial Pad, Freestanding: A parcel, lot or retail building that is part of a commercial development but separate from other buildings. stream
As a big generalization, every place that requires a building permit and has a building code would require a permit for any kind of room addition, including patio enclosure. G-4815, 2006; Ord. SOLD FEB 7, 2023. The following may be included: rectory or convent, dormitory, private school, meeting hall, administrative offices, licensed day care (adult or child), playground, athletic fields or pocket shelter. G-3504, 1992; Ord. Choose the document or form you need to continue: U.S.A. forms for City of Phoenix Powerful and sophisticated, yet delightfully simple Fill Download Loggia: A space within the body of a building but open to the air on one side, serving as an open-air room or as an entrance porch. Wireless Communication Facility, Equipment Enclosure: A tract or area of land enclosed by a solid wall that contains one or more Wireless Communication Facility antennas, their associated equipment shelters and other equipment associated with and ancillary to wireless communication. A commercial establishment may have other principal business purposes that do not involve the offering for sale or rental of the above-listed items and still be categorized as an adult novelty store. The mall or plaza shall be at a minimum, not less than 30' x 30'. No. Permanent Undisturbed Open Space: Areas containing naturally occurring Sonoran Desert vegetation and topographical features, including washes that have not been altered except to allow trails (private or public) in accordance with ADA guidelines and utility easements as necessary. Station Platform: An elevated platform to the level of the passenger doors on the light rail vehicles to allow for access to all passengers. To report non-permitted construction, call 602.262.7884 or mailto: Non-Permitted Construction, Citations, Notice of ViolationsEnforcement Procedures, Non-Permitted Construction, Fee Waiver-Reduction Procedure, Non-Permitted Construction, Fee Waiver-Reduction Request, Non-Permitted Construction, NOV Release Procedure. Reserved. G-5952, 2014; Ord. Marijuana Establishment: Means an entity licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services to operate all of the following: 1. Parking is not considered a separate use for mixed use developments. Bar: An establishment the main use of which is to serve spirituous liquors to be consumed on the premises. The lotting configuration for this development pattern shall generally not exceed six lots with only one point of access unless approved by the Planning and Development Department with the intent of protecting the public health, safety and welfare. Disability: (1) A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) a record of having such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment. 48 0 obj
Community Residence Home: Except as required by State law, a community residence home is a residential living arrangement for up to ten unrelated individuals with disabilities living as a single functional family in a single dwelling unit who are in need of the mutual support furnished by other residents of the community residence home as well as the services, if any, provided by the staff of the community residence home. Nursing Home: A health care institution other than a hospital, assisted living home or center, or a community residence home or center that provides inpatient beds or resident beds to persons who need continuous nursing services. Adult Day Care Center: A facility providing care for 11 or more adult persons for less than 24 hours per day and for compensation. ), as amended, and the Federal Fair Housing Act (42 United States Code 3601 3619). When the property abuts a dedicated right-of-way, the distance shall be measured from the dedicated right-of-way line or future right-of-way line as shown on the street classification map. View Fence: The provision of open wrought iron or tubular steel fencing with the intent of maintaining visual surveillance on public or semi-public spaces. Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Retail Dispensary Facility: A not-for-profit entity that acquires, possesses, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies, sells or dispenses medical marijuana. G-3378, 1990; Ord. Unpermitted addition in Phoenix. Natural Grade: The elevation through any section of a site on an undisturbed lot at the time of adoption of this ordinance by City Council. Every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such resin or tetrahydrocannabinol. Garage Projection: The extension of a garage structure beyond the primary front facade of a house. The modified washes are designed with irregular banks, typically in a curvilinear fashion which simulates washes as they occur in a natural undisturbed condition. No. SHAPE PHX officially launched on June 6, 2022 with Release 1. SHAPE PHX officially launched on June 6, 2022 with Release 1. An application for a permit may be made at the Community Development Department, Permit Counter, located in City Hall at 31 E. 5th Street, Garden Level, East side. G-5766, 2012; Ord. PDD Online - Search. Religious Assembly: An establishment where persons regularly assemble for religious purposes and related social events. G-4004, 1997; Ord. Ammunition, Small Arms: Ammunition used in rifles and handguns no larger than 45 caliber in size or in shotguns no larger than 10 gauge in size. No. Easily download and print documents with US Legal Forms. * 10. Provides direct access to abutting land. A logo and corresponding business name shall be considered one item of information. Sign, Outdoor Advertising: Any billboard or other sign, which is not appurtenant to a use of the property, a product sold on or the sale or lease of the property on which it is displayed and which does not identify the place of business as a purveyor of the merchandise, services, etc., advertised upon the sign. Natural Features: Land formations which include elements such as natural drainageways, rock outcroppings or formations, and significant grouping of mature vegetation. Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection with "specified sexual activities," excluding condoms and other birth control and disease prevention products. Public AssemblyActive Recreational: Venues where people typically gather in an outdoor area, and the majority of the area is devoted to recreational equipment or attractions with the minority of space dedicated to patron occupancy, including but not limited to amusement parks, fairgrounds, miniature golf, water parks, and zoos. The faces may be on common or separate structures. When the property abuts a private street, the distance shall be measured from the back of the tract or easement used for the private accessway. No. Such parking facilities must be available to the tenants or customers of the building. No. Naturalized Wash: Where a single wash is modified by humans to accept a decrease or increase in flows and/or multiple washes are eliminated with their flows directed along fewer washes modified by humans. Sign, Ground: Any sign supported by a structure affixed to the ground and in no way supported by a building or part of a building. This allows for up to a ten percent variation in key design elements, such as but not limited to building height, landscape setbacks, building setbacks, density, lot coverage and open space. G-6331, 2017; Ord. Sign, Special Event: Any sign advertising or announcing a special promotional event. Regularly excludes all minors from the premises or a section thereof because of the sexually explicit nature of the items sold, rented, or displayed therein. After-Hours-Construction-Noise-Complaints. BulletinA sign of from 301 to 672 square feet plus 20% embellishments for a total not to exceed 785 square feet. Sales and installation of auto accessories, washing, polishing, inspections, and cleaning, but not steam cleaning, may be carried on incidental to the sale or such fuel and lubricants. Such means might include: (i) computer/internet terminal or direct telephone connection at the arena to the arena sponsors personnel or databanks; (ii) the arena sponsors personnel at the arena; (iii) displays of arena sponsors goods or services at the arena, or (iv) other means of disseminating information regarding the arena sponsors goods and/or services at the arena. Critical Infrastructure: Physical systems and assets vital to national security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any other combination of those matters, as defined by the United States Department of Homeland Security. Residential Purposes: The intent to use and/or the use of a room or group of rooms for the living, sleeping, and housekeeping activities of persons on a permanent or semi-permanent basis of an intended tenure of one month or more. Hardscape: Decorative pavement or other similar decorative walking surfaces, including defined natural surfaces, intended primarily for pedestrian use. The event shall be sponsored by a charitable or nonprofit group or organization and shall not be for personal or private gain. G-3850, 1995; Ord. Permanent Border: Shall mean the method of creating a permanent delineation of a parking, maneuvering, ingress, or egress area from the remainder of the yard area. No. No. G-5582, 2011; Ord. G-3681, 1993; Ord. G-3829, 1995; Ord. SOLD JUN 10, 2022. Mezzanine: A partial ceiling area between two main floors of a building. Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility: A not-for-profit entity that acquires, possesses, cultivates, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies or sells medical marijuana. These key design elements may not exceed the established Zoning Ordinance standards. This term does not include the mass assembly or mass production of dental prostheses or orthodontic appliances. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be the main building of the lot on which the same is situated. G-3850, 1995; Ord. Wireless Communication Facility, Co-Located: A facility owned by one or more wireless communication service providers that is attached to a facility or site owned by a different wireless communication service provider. The requested information could not be loaded. No. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Zero Lot Line Development: A residential development, according to the provisions of Chapter 6, wherein a building envelope may extend to side lot lines. No. RNPC Residential Non-Permitted Construction EFFECTIVE BUILDING CODES: 2012 . G-5440, 2009; Ord. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1569 sq. billboards, oriented to shall mean that the sign face makes an angle of more than thirty (30) degrees with the arterial street or freeway from which the sign is intended to be read. Which is located on the same zoned lot with the main building, other structure, or use of land. Embellishment, Architectural: Vertical relief from a continuous plane, ornamentation - geometric or organic, cornice, wainscot, change of construction materials or similar superimposed treatment of the architectural facade of a structure. Building Frontage: The portion of the lot in which the building is at or within the minimum or maximum setback from a street, private accessway or public pedestrian path. No. Accessory Building or Structure: A detached subordinate building or structure situated on the same lot with the main building and used for an accessory use. A multifamily property or development is a community residence center if (1) residents in more than two units or 20 percent of the total number of units (whichever is greater) on the multifamily property or development receive on-site care, training or support, or habilitative or rehabilitative services from a service provider, and a portion of the cost for the service is paid for by a health care insurance provider authorized to provide health insurance in the State of Arizona; or (2) more than two units or 20 percent of the total number of units (whichever is greater) are operated or provided by an entity that is licensed by the State of Arizona or the City of Phoenix to provide health care services relating to the treatment of the disabilities. G-5594, 2011; Ord. Phone Directory, Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the United States. Disguised Wireless Communication Facilities include, but are not limited to, a monopalm, a monocactus, or monopine. Specifically excluded are materials or containers for substances that are flammable, corrosive, toxic or otherwise hazardous as determined by the Fire Department or United States EPA. If the inspector cannot reach the complainant, the complaint will not be investigated. III, Construction or Removal Generally Sec. Sign, Inflatable: A sign that is inflated with air or a lighter-than-air substance. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Green Screen: Parallel galvanized steel wire (or equivalent) panels with a minimum of 3-inch separation and attached to vertical structures with climbing vegetation with adequate soil to enable complete coverage of the panel. Sign, Awning: A sign located anywhere on any surface of an awning. G-5744, 2012; Ord. Commercial Recreation: A commercial recreational land use conducted entirely within a building, including arcade, arena, art gallery and studio, art center, assembly hall, athletic and health clubs, auditorium, bowling alley, community center, conference center, exhibit hall, gymnasium, library, skating rink, swimming pool, tennis court. Group Home: A residential home or building(s) for six or more unrelated individuals providing living facilities and sleeping rooms; and which also provides limited services, such as, but not limited to, meals, services to promote emotional support, life skills development and/or employment training. Before you decide whether to get a permit, assess the process and cost involved in doing so. Sign: Any identification, description, illustration, symbol, or device which is affixed directly or indirectly upon a building, vehicle, structure, or land and which identifies or directs attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution, or business. Recyclable Materials: Any item that can be recycled through an industrial or organic process. An individual or two (2) or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and usual servants, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling units, or. Some access may be controlled by the spacing and location of intersections. 5^n'r8R2o[ Zf)B,H(z+X`/j95^ No. No. No. Private Swimming Pool: Any pool maintained for private use. Mobile vending site: "Mobile vending site" or "site" (as used in subsection 10-166(b)(1) of the Phoenix City Code) means the property address or Maricopa County parcel number of the land where the mobile vending unit or mobile food vending unit will be located, which is required to be submitted to the City Clerk pursuant to subsection 10-163(11) of the Phoenix City Code. Professionally drafted and regularly updated online templates. 1. Non-Commercial Message: A message that does not promote a commercial transaction. Motor Vehicle Service and Repair (Minor): An establishment engaged in the retail sale of gas or diesel fuel, lubricants, parts, and/or accessories, including quick-service oil; tune-up; brake and muffler shops; and tire sales and installation, where repairs are made, or service provided in enclosed bays, and vehicles are not typically stored overnight. No. To view this site, Code Publishing Company recommends using one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. General assembly uses include arenas, auditoriums, banquet facilities, conference and reception centers, concert halls and theaters. wind or gravity. No. Ammunition, Specialty or Custom: Ammunition used in rifles and handguns larger than 45 caliber in size or in shotguns larger than 10 gauge in size. 2 Baths. No. Sign, Wall: Any sign placed or painted directly against a bearing and/or nonbearing wall connected to a building structure within the building setback lines of the premises, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plan of said wall and projecting outward from the wall not more than eighteen inches. Easement: A grant of one or more of the property rights by the property owner to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation, or another person or entity. No. Wireless Communication Facility, Monopole: A single, freestanding and unguyed pole-type structure erected on the ground that supports one or more antenna. Doctors of medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and optometry. Correctional Transitional Housing Facility: A supervised residential center where individuals who are completing a sentence, including pre-release programs, reside for a defined period of time for counseling, job placement assistance, and similar services to assist in transitioning from institutional to community living. cereal boxes); polystyrene; metal (e.g. No. %PDF-1.7
Easily download and print documents with US Legal Forms. This term does not include a person who operates a mobile food vending unit that visits multiple private property sites on a daily basis for no more than thirty (30) minutes per site per day. Food and beverages dispensed from booths located on site is permitted as an accessory use. 1. G-3628, 1993; Ord. MLS# 6394660. . Optical Illusion of Sign Movement: A static design which presents a pattern capable of reversible perspective, giving the illusion of motion or changing of copy. Residents may be self-governing or supervised by a sponsoring entity or its staff, which provides on-site care, training or support, or habilitative or rehabilitative services, related to the residents disabilities. G-3829, 1995; Ord. A hospice does not include in-home hospice care. Overhang: The architectural elements of a building that extend horizontally beyond the wall. Parking Facility, Commercial: A parking structure or a surface parking lot operated for profit that is not related to a primary or accessory use. $257. No. No. Refer to Sections 608 and 1223. Modular Home: A dwelling unit which is either wholly or in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be assembled on-site, except that it does not include a manufactured home, mobile home, park model, or recreational vehicle as defined in this section. Adaptive Reuse: Adaptive reuse is the practice of adapting existing buildings for new purposes when the original use of a building changes or becomes obsolete. city of phoenix non permitted construction Completing a permit application. The resin extracted from any part of a plant of the genus Cannabis, and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such plant, its seeds or its resin. No. Release 1 includes Residential single-family and duplex units for building plan review . Latest News: Web: https:/ Social: @CityofPhoenixAZ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 24/7 Live and on-demand programming: Sign Structure, Abandoned: A sign structure which has ceased to be used to display or support a sign, and where the owner of the sign structure has manifested an intention to permanently cease to use the sign structure. No. 18 0 obj
This definition applies to schools that are owned and operated privately for profit. If the side lot lines are parallel, the shortest distance between these sidelines. No. 1. As one of its principal business purposes, offers for sale or rental, for any form of consideration, any one or more of the following: a. Floodplain: The channel and the relatively flat area adjoining the channel or a natural stream or river that has been covered by the floodwater of a 100 year frequency storm. A nursing home shall be licensed by the State of Arizona. Family Game Center: A supervised indoor amusement and recreation facility, the main use of which consists of mechanical, electronic, and electrical devices for entertainment and amusement, and which may include, but not be limited to, such facilities as card games, ping pong tables, and billiard tables. No. Stay connected with us! If no area plan is adopted, the street with the least amount of pedestrian activity is the side street for multi-frontage lots. G-6304, 2017; Ord. Topless or bottomless dancers, male or female striptease dancers or male or female go-go dancers whose clothing less than completely and opaquely covers: c.Entire female breast below a point immediately above the tip of the areola. Private Lane: The provision of a private circulation route within a planned residential development with the primary purpose of providing automobile access to the rear of a lot, and with a secondary purpose of providing utility services. The recognized rule in Arizona is that blocking or obstructing a landowner's view does not constitute a private nuisance without a statute or easement that says otherwise. G-3553, 1992; Ord. Cart Corral Temporary: An enclosure for the holding of push carts made available for use by the public for shopping during normal business hours. Sign, Warning: Any sign displaying warnings or other messages necessary for the safety of persons or protection of property, and which has no advertising copy. This area shall not include counter space, food preparation areas, coolers, freezers or walkways. The term "substantial conformance" may be used as a subset of a general conformance stipulation to remove the ten percent variation and as such that particular item shall appear exactly as shown on the stipulated public hearing plans. Such events may include but shall not be limited to fairs, bazaars, rummage sales, dances, and dinners. No. No. Person with a Disability: An individual who has an impairment, including mobility, sensory, or cognitive impairment, that results in a functional limitation in access to and use of a building or facility. The City of Phoenix Building Construction Code, Administrative Provisions Section 114 Enforcement, states that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to perform any work for which a permit is required by this code before first obtaining the required permits as set forth in Section 105 of these administrative provisions. Easily download and print documents with US Legal Forms. Drive-Through Establishment: Establishments only allowing transactions for goods or services without leaving a motor vehicle. Facilities may provide shelter, feeding, grooming and retail sales. No. Major Hospital Building: The principal medical building in a hospital providing at least one hundred (100) in patient beds. On-call inspectors will respond within two hours. No. No. No. The Phoenix Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance G-7013, passed September 7, 2022. If you're looking online, the permit Status should say "DONE." This will provide the permit history from 1995 to the present. Collectors may have one to two through lanes in each direction. Contiguous: In contact with one or more sides. Mixed-Use: Development contained within a single parcel (horizontally or vertically) or adjacent parcels that contains different uses that are complementary to each other and provide activity throughout the day. Manufactured Home: A multi-sectional dwelling unit manufactured after June 15, 1976, and built to the Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards and the State of Arizona Installation Requirements For Manufactured Housing. Which is customarily in connection with the main building, other structure, or use of land, and 3. Guesthouse: A free-standing building which is designed to house guests or servants of the occupants of the primary dwelling unit. Hospice: A health care service agency or institution other than a hospital, assisted living home or center, community residence home or center, or nursing home that provides inpatient beds or resident beds to persons who need continuous hospice services. Food may or may not be served. G-3787, 1994; Ord. Queue(ing) Lane: A lane on a lot for the exclusive use of vehicles accessing a service window or parking structure. Where there exist or are required public utility easements that are greater than the build-to, the measurement may be from the dedicated public utility easement line. A hospital may include such related facilities as laboratories, medical testing services, central service facilities, staff offices and volunteer community blood centers (non-profit only). Boarding House: A residential home or building(s) for six or more unrelated individuals used to provide lodging for compensation. A resort may provide services customarily furnished by a hotel or guest ranch including restaurant, bar and convention facilities. Personal Services: Businesses offering services including barber shops, beauty shops, tanning salons, day spas, weight loss clinics, massage therapy, yoga/pilates studio, personal training studio, laundromats, laundry and dry cleaning pick-up and delivery stations. Permitted land uses for this property include single-family and commercial. Complainants must provide their contact information for call back by the on-call inspector. No. Building, Main: A building, or buildings, in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated. The tenant leasable area also excludes mechanical and utility areas which typically are 5% of the building area. Panhandle Lot: A lot, which contains an appendage that provides private or shared access to a public right-of-way or private accessway. The Spruce / Alex Dos Diaz For Definitive Answers No. Resource Based Revegetation: The process of reestablishing indigenous vegetation based on an inventory of established plants. No.
\%ry}!JP'.QyV\:T4?\_P ND&X#`0 K ox9F)RR>D|91dVf'Q09C#0eco8kssm7wczkdR'`26B2LBI,$CRJn&?+:&^T51~sQ/ a\>;9f&8OWq6$hm/9`Y_. 2. That part of the roof of a flat-roofed building extending beyond the walls or exterior columns of such a building, if not more than twenty-five feet above the grade, shall be considered a marquee. G-5745, 2012; Ord. G-4815, 2006; Ord. HU0DzA i.H*E~?$El&8E#/0>lO6By9&~O=)858Q>N(_'? {*kt1tcG,t|\C} Such a lot over two hundred (200) feet deep shall be considered, for the purpose of this definition, as two lots, each with its own frontage. Liquor, Retail Sales: A retail establishment where the primary purpose is the sale of packaged liquor, including spirituous liquor, beer, and wine. Chapter 6, Zoning Districts. For purposes of computing required parking, the tenant leasable area shall not be less than eighty percent (80%) of the total floor area of the center. A basement, the ceiling of which is less than four feet six inches (4'6") above the natural grade, shall not be considered a story. Health/Recreation Facility: An indoor facility including uses such as game courts, exercise equipment, locker rooms, jacuzzi, and/or sauna and pro shop. No. 2. Articulation: The visible expression of architectural elements through form, structure, or materials that "break up" the scale of buildings and spaces to achieve a "pedestrian scale.". On lots that have been disturbed previously, the natural grade is the pre-existing grade if it can be determined; otherwise it shall be determined by an average of off-site elevations at points taken around the boundary of the site. No. G-4611, 2004; Ord. Transient Purposes: Occupancy of a dwelling, guest room, or rooming unit on a temporary basis. <>/Metadata 149 0 R/ViewerPreferences 150 0 R>>
An open vault or privy constructed and maintained within the city, except those constructed or maintained in connection with construction projects in accordance with the Oregon Health Division regulations. These include: general and professional offices, insurance offices, real estate offices, and taxi-cab offices. Sign, Architectural Ledge: A sign that stands on a horizontal shelf on a wall or architectural element projecting from the building. G-5268, 2008; Ord. The structure must be anatomically correct in its color, texture and design to give the appearance of a palm tree. No. Sign Copy: Those letters, numerals, figures, symbols, color schemes, logos, and hieroglyphics used to make up words and elements of the sign message, including the spaces between letters, numerals and figures, but excluding numerals identifying street address only as exempted under Section 705.E. 1,991 Sq. Building Envelope: The area defined on a lot in which all improvements must be made, including grading and alterations to existing landscaping. If the side lot lines are not parallel, the width of the lot shall be the length of a line at right angles to the axis of the lot at a distance equal to the front setback required for the district in which the lot is located. Phoenix City Hall200 W. Washington StreetPhoenix, AZ 85003Map, Main 602-262-3111
For permit history prior to 1995, visit Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington Street, Phoenix AZ 85003, 3rd floor, P&D Records Mounds can physically and visually separate areas and provide visual and physical level changes by raising landscape elements above grade. Free fillable forms: City of Phoenix Non-Federal Agency (AZ) Free sign up, no payment required. G-4256, 2000; Ord. Commercial Use: A use operated for profit or compensation. Public AssemblyResidential: Venues where patrons gather for activities and where the assemblage follows a pattern that significantly changes the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic within a residential neighborhood. Direct Access to Off-Street Parking: The provisions of direct access, without the necessity of using the public sidewalk, between the building and an off-street parking facility either within the building or adjacent to it. (Ord. 4. The liquor may be distributed to other locations and be sold on site.
Citrus County Chicken Ordinance,
Taj Krishna Exhibition 2022,
Articles C