Tony Stark calls him that, like, all the time.. This. Oh my god! he gasps. all he could think about was how he was probably going to die. Hes fine, dont worry about it, Tony quickly assures, making a dismissive gesture with his hand. Not my fault he went all the way to Brooklyn. Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago. what was he suppose to do? Do you need me to come and get you guys? she offers. You two literally could not be more obvious. Ned ignores him. Alien signatures, similar to the Chitauri weapons that Adrian Toomes used to attack you., Peter cleared his throat. Kid, how? Steve asked, watching Peter as he moved in a way that shouldnt be possible. Youve got like, food poisoning or something., Peter shakes his head. 3. Tony wakes up at the bottom of a bomb shelter with a concussed Peter next to him, their only means of escape being a hatch 40 feet directly above them. Peter Parker gets hurt, and makes his friends worry. Peter has never been one to run from a fight, even without his suit. "mr stark- " tears fell down his bruised and battered face, blood clotted his hair and his stomach now an opened and bleeding. Put your hands up,theman ordered roughly. mind the tags!). Just yesterday, Peter was trying to get him to drop the kid moniker, and now hed been upgraded to sweetheart? After the Avenger's rescue him, Tony has trouble being there for Peter-- even if he's doing the best he can, his absence convinces Peter that he is no longer wanted. captainamerica, peggycarter, avengers. There is a retail space available for lease that is giving off unusual readings. The footage cuts out for a moment, and Jameson reappears, looking solemn. Help me! Peter moves his hand to his chest, rubbing over his breastbone. Spidey? Cyanide? Tony reluctantly introduces Peter to them but doesn't tell them he's Spider-man. Peter accidentally takes Steves emergency pills that are designed to make him sick in case of poisoning. Well, Chapter 11 is 6,000 words and unfinished, so we'll see. He talked back to Flash. Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). He thought hed just caught the tail-end of an argument between Hawkeye and Falcon, because Sam Wilson muttered Spoilsport. just as Captain America said, Clint! Yes, well I presume your husband is out making sure Eugene gets expelled?" Pretty sure we established that when you puked in a corn maze. He makes eye contact with Ned and shakes his head frantically. You gotta b-breathe! The someoneNed, his brain finally registerssounds almost like hes crying now. no see thats the thing im- tonys line had gone dead. And then you threw up and you were choking on it and I-I didnt know what to do, I just, I couldnt think and, Peters own eyes are stinging now. Tony shuddered inside the suit, and poured more power into his flight speed. Chapter 19 I don't give a shit what you think!" However, when the concept of paralysis is used in relation to Peter, things end up shifting more than they ever seemed to last time. In spite of that, he mutters, Yeah, maybe.. Steve Rogers AKA Captain America Flash kept slamming his head back. But hey, he's just a useless lonely orphan no one loves, right Flash? Hes uh, scared of hospitals, Ned replies quickly. Peter gives a small nod of acknowledgement. peter grunted as he pushed, the pole lifted and he gasped, letting go of the slab and the pole sliding down fast and welty through his leg. "Shit, uh, can I? Peters body arched, and shook as the electricity traveled through him, before it receded, and Peter fell to the ground. He was so sore, so tired. He loathed them with every bone in his body. Its nothing majorjust irritating, but its making his brain feel fuzzy, which is likely a contributing factor to why theyve been weaving their way through this stupid maze for the past hour. Peter's eyes start to feel really heavy. He said, slamming his locker closed. She put her hand out. 8. One arm wrapped around his middle, Peter spits a few final strings of bile into the dirt before shakily straightening back up. One familiar voice joins the mix: Im right here, kiddo. Then, his spider-sense, which had been only a low hum at the back of his neck, suddenly screamed, and Peter flung himself away without thinking. Peter thinks he's dreaming, but he realizes this is his new reality. He starts to rifle through the contents. He is no longer our son. "Ned, I need to get out of here before Mr. Stark finds out, otherwise he will literally kill me for going behind his back. He starts to think he should have kept the kid home, as the night quickly descends into chaos. 32 Stories. Peter doesnt feel good.. Kid, you okay? Tony asked as his helmet retracted into his suit. Rather than point out the question he was supposed to awnser, Ned though it'd be better to see Ms. Egdirbmu crash and burn. This would be bad enough, but when Peter starts getting seriously ill on top of that, it all goes to shit. Huge kudos to Hella for very patiently teaching me how to code the HTML. Just felt sick for a second. Would you please just talk to me? A Latina cop in a leather jacket pulls the gun out of the webbing on the other side of the alley. Aunt May, it hurts, make it stop, please make it stop! he groaned and gasped as he began to sob. Peter was groaning on the floor of the alley, cops on their way. Stark, dont do that!. He pressed his gentle fingers against the cut along Peter's hair line, wincing in sympathy when Peter hissed in pain. I made it completely through again and youre still not out., Be nice, MJ, Ned retorts. So when his adopted father told him that the Rogues has been pardoned and they were staying at the compound, Peter was livid. Stay with me, Mr. Stark says. The principal continued to tell Flash what would happen to him. Karen, help. Parker luck had other ideas though and Ned gets a lesson he didn't realise he needed to learn. "Your pathetic ass excuse of a son tormented my son about saying he has an internship at Stark Industries, which he does as my personal intern, and the one day," Tony holds up one finger, "that my son finally says that he doesn't need your son to believe him, your son decides it's okay to break my sons nose, two of his ribs, repeatedly hit his head into his locker so much that he was bleeding and my son's locker has red streaks down it, and my son can no longer hear. Oh! Its okay.. Eventually the wave of nausea fades and he straightens back up. Work Search: Out of town, he gasps. Hang in there. Chapter 10 The two fandoms will be the MCU, and OC's that will appear in future chapters of my other works. Bleeding Out: Peter walked out his room and into the living room, all the Avengers sat together watching a film. Jake calls out as he rushes to put Peter's mask back on. You sure youre okay? Peter needs me. Jake boss a couple times and then takes Peter's mask off, muttering cool repeatedly under his breath. Wait, does that even make sense?, No, A dry voiceClint, Peter thoughtsaid. "Dad. Peter Parker acts like a spider, and he finds a little surprise (he can now make his own webs, just it really isn't him). NOTE: There is kidnapping and captivity in this fic, but the main focus is the aftermath. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. The Thompson's ran into the office right as this exchange begun. Pepper let out a choked sob when she saw her son, laid out like this. Mr. Stark quirked an eyebrow at Peter, but answered. 'Cause I'm bleeding out So if the last thing that I do Is to . Plus one Asthmatic!Tony rec because its awesome: It Only Hurts (When I Breathe) byOcean_Born_Mary. The Vulture had slashed and grabbed at him, trying to catch him and throw him away, but Peter was persistent and held on. Figure out which way is out., Peter gives a half-laugh. Don't call him. FRIDAY, get this thing off me.. 4. Racing down the hall, Tony noted that the alarm and flashing lights were all over the compound and that the rest of the Avengers team were on their way to the conference room as well. Between the half-breaths and the pain, Peter is somehow still hanging onto consciousness. For the mission, Morgan explains as though its the most obvious thing in the world. He nods in confirmation. Peter was sure. Tony?, Ah, shit, Tony said good-humoredly. He pulled him back up and slammed his head into the lockers again and again. The accent was American, a dry, sarcastic lilt to it, and, yep, thats definitely Black Widow. , . Like in Die Hard." You can take it off for a few seconds at a time, but if this monitor she taps on one of the screens starts beeping, it goes back on, understand?. There are civilians in the subway stations around here. Peter gets a laced drink intended for Tony while at a fancy event. Tony gets a call from Peter one night asking for help because hes being followed in the street by someone or something dangerous. Peter laughed giddily. He shot a web to a building across the street and stumbled onto the roof of it. Breathe, Peter! Tony split from the group and simply headed for the closest window once he was in his suit. You, the one who had the wireless headphones." Wow Im so glad I asked, Michelle remarks, her voice flat. What happened?! Self explanatory but he is a Stark in all of them wether biological or adopted thought most of the time it will be adopted. His skin is roughly scrubbed down with sponges and lukewarm water. yknow what it doesnt matter just keep doing whatever youre doing. peter heard a click and guessed cap had stopped listening to the coms. Very introspective on Tonys side with a lot of angst and references to Tonys own abusive past while still managing to keep things light on the surface for Peter. No, not that. He takes a few short, painful breaths. OK LAST ONE FIANLLY I CAN DLEEP Peter and Ned kept working on the sheet, using ASL to communicate. Hey, there he is, Mr. Starks face appears in front of him, blocking the white light, thank God, then Mays face is next to his, blurry and hazy but its them and thats nice. Condiments cant play doctor by14million_constellations, That gets Tony to look up instantly. Peter tries to hide a stab wound and an infection-fuelled fever is never any fun. Nope. His nose and the back of his head were oozing blood. He settles on calling the next-best person to help, too bad (but its the life you lead) byjessicagoddamnjones, Are you even listening to what Im saying?, Jesus, kid he stopped and spun around, placing his hands on Peters shoulders. Part uh something idk The Red Room and HYDRA have united to undertake a top-secret project: Create a human spider with super human and spider-like abilities. Yeah, just enjoying the whole fall aesthetic here, Ned says, spreading his arms out in an encompassing gesture. No offense, but you look like crap, she replies. Was he underwater? Is he okay? Peter interrupted without really thinking about it. A few minutes later, they were going over the sheet and Peter kept his eyes on the sheet so he didn't read lips to get this exchange. Super well-done whump, especially in how Peters brain fuzziness is portrayed, and with a big focus on the recovery aspect. A Thompson would never do that." Peter sustains a severe head injury on patrol and deals with the subsequent recovery. Browse Ranking Create. Peter says way too cheerfully for someone who was shot last night. Tony turned on his heel at the parents. And didnt I tell you that yoga is a better stress-reliever?. Make Way For Tomorrow by @the-great-escapism - Basically, recently-turned-homeless Peter Parker wins a science competition by entering a version of the web fluid he created for Spider-Man, but gets spooked and hightails it out of there before Tony can speak with him properly. Tony pulls doit his phone and started texting. Catch up, old man!. Jake started to put his cuffs on so Rosa took over. Where are any of us really going, Peter? she says cryptically. "Will he be okay?" "I'm Karen, Peter's Artificial Intelligence. Peter is feeling attacked. Whats wrong with you?. I think Coach Wilson is ready to get started.. Head hurts. He and Tony were arguing, and Tony was being dumb. Perhaps you should give me your phone number as well so you could check up on him." I'm not a kid. He glanced behind himself, spotting another water tower (why did Manhattan apartments have so many?) So does Mr. Stark. Peter felt really tired. "~the office~"Principal Mortia you don't understand!" Pepper calls Tony, who is on his way to the office to talk him the diagnosis. Peters hand fumbles at the front pocket of his jeans for his phone. Getting Midtown School of Science and Technology to approve the decathlon team for a field trip to a pumpkin farm had been a bit of a stretch. "Well, guess what Flash? "What did you say?" He was sure hed only been asleep a short while, and it was Saturday, so he didnt have to work today. He whispered. Oh, shit! They made weapons, and after Stark left that race, the Thompsons stole his first place spot and got real rich. Dont want that happening again. I think you dont have a choice, Peter thought. He feels disgusting. Tony swallowed, his hands shaking slightly. He jumped onto the ceiling and silently crawled out of the open . Youre not hurt, right? The genius seemed too preoccupied with searching the Captain for injury to actually focus on Peter. Please just help Peter." tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". 6. KAREN seemed to be broken or damaged because she wasnt responding to him, so his best option was trying to talk by the coms and not his suits AI. Ned gives a half-laugh. She checks him overshines a light in his eyes, draws some blood, and makes careful note of his vitalsbefore deciding hes okay to extubate. What?, The the Mayo Clinic. Flash dropped Peter, and he crumbled to the ground unconscious. Well, we had to bring something to eatits a long way to Pluto.. Sentry mode. Tony ordered it over his shoulder. You lost a lot of blood by the time we got there, and then the ambulance didn't show up for five minutes. Kid, were cut off for now. Chapter 9 He jerked his wrists up and shot a web at the man, yanking the gun out of his hands and shoving him harshly away from Rogers. (Or, five times Tony makes Peter sit out on a mission + one time the tables are turned. There was a shooter in the school. He's not wrong. Shit. Hello! Tony Stark had called him that morning (seriously, Mr. Stark, it was a Saturday, who wakes up at 7 AM?) Heck, he rarely went to Brooklyn, and there wasnt even a river for him to cross to get there. Peter was sure. 16. "Yes, that would be wise. Mr. Stark was the one that brought you to the hospital." Peter Parker was unable to get out of the rubble and an exasperated and worried Tony Stark takes Peter to . He feels vaguely nauseous now and theres a weird tightness building in his chest thats starting to wig him out. In My Shawarma? 10. Theres a metallic taste on his tongue and his head is pounding. Cap! Peter yelped, flinging himself forwards and shoving him out of the way. Im coming. You did everythingbreathright.. Tony screamed. Yelling. Tony appears to notice this too. Peters jelly laid forgotten once Tony left. When the bad guys converged on one spot, Peter knew it was bad news. Peter thinks he has the flu but superheroes dont get sick days and he has a certain Tony Stark to impress. He spotted another guy in faded fatigues sneaking up behind the archer and swung right past, extending his legs and sending the guy flying off the building.
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