AMEN! whatsoever you ask the Father in My Name, He will grant you. Father, we have asked You, in the Name of Jesus, for the re-election of President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the election of righteous, God-fearing candidates during this election. Who Is Sydney, and Why Should I Pray for Her? Remind us in this election year that You have called Christians to be one body. We pray for peace. That Your Mighty Holy Majestic power sweeps over America today with Your outpouring of the Holy Spirit! Ive never prayed for my team to win. Salem Media Group. God cares for the marginalized members of society and calls His people to assist them. Runoff elections are held when no candidate secures the required majority of 50% of votes. Let us all praise God for His unending love for our beloved country. This is the eighth of thirteen issues selected by our members and resulting froma nationwide faith and values study called Vital Signs.Each week, we will cover a new topic with in-depth insights and biblical perspective in order to encourage, equip, and inspirepraying Americans leading up to the 2020 Election. Thank you God YOU are leading this battle to VICTORY! Pray God will move against any force that would seek to create chaos and unrest on Election day. May every leader be encouraged by the truth that Your love is always stronger than hate. Bless and protect the police, firefighters, EMT, Healthcare workers, military and our government leaders. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. -Oh, Loving God, here I am today to pray for the prospective candidates of different parties such that their hard work and dedication can prove to be fruitful for them and they can be able to gather a mass of people to host their election campaign successfully. Analysis. May this election be safe from all deception. Please try again later. Many fear the election itself may be manipulated. Lord, provide them with your strength such that they can prepare their agendas mostly related to the problems of the common people. and make us a blessing to all peoples, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The election was set to the backdrop of Republicans zeroing in on crime as a salient campaign issue. For leaders who serve the common good, Father God, we are grateful that You love each of us no matter our status or abilities. We have them for a reason. Let us give thanks to God, saying, we thank you, Lord'. for Jesus Christ's sake. Last year the State of Washingtons Supreme Court upheld three $1,000 fines against Democratic electors who cast their ballots for Colin Powell rather than Hillary Clinton, the winner of their state election. Stop the media from suppressing the scandals of one candidate while magnifying the shortcomings of another. We humbly ask that you will intervene and scatter the enemys plans for this nation made great by your grace. Give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You and Your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray for discernment Thank you so much for praying for us from South Africa! Place upon the hearts of voters Your will. Lord, we ask that you hear the earnest prayers of those going up now across our Nation and across the World. so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word, I pray that all may cry out to God in their distress at this time Psalm 107. (2 Cor 8:21), 5. Lord you alone know all things. I pray that many people will hear and accept his words that apply to todays election. So, Father God, Righteous judge, the fate of America is hanging on balance in this election. Please keep our country healthy during this season. Abba Father, God Lord, we lift America unto Your hands this moments when they are conducting their elections, Dear Lord God step in with Your anointing of peace knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and provisions. Father, thank You for being an ever present God no matter where we areno matter what we go throughYou are always with us and have promised to never leave us. You are worthy of all praise and all honor and all glory for ever and ever! Oh, that they may see Jesus! That the scales would fall for 2020 vision and hearts be softened to turn towards you. Thus I pray that you kindly stay by the side of the prospective candidates of different parties and help them organize a successful election campaign since Lord, I believe that without your presence, it would become impossible for them to make their election campaign successful. We know that if we, Your people will pray and repent, YOU will hear from heaven and heal our land. (1 Pt 5:8), 3. May Americans elect Your anointed leader who will stir America in the Holy democratic directions. Lord, while we are on this earth, we participate in earthly systems of government, and it is important to do so with integrity. It has not happened at any time in Americas history, even during the nations Civil War, the 1918 influenza pandemic, or terrorist attacks. Pray for candidates and leaders who are God-fearing to be protected, continue seeking God, and to have favor. Dear Lord, First Jesus, let me thank you for your exceeding kindness and generosity. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. It is also written that wrongdoers will be completely destroyed and the offspring of the wicked will perish. -Oh Heavenly Father, kindly shower your blessings on all the prospective candidates from different potential parties such that they can host a successful election campaign and can put forward their agendas in front of the common people to win over their confidence. Lord, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for Your purposes. (Heb 5:14, Hos 14:9), 8. Throughout history, many presidents have followed those pledged words with so help me God. And since 1789, God has blessed America 58 times with the small miracle of one administration of government handing itself off peacefully to another. IN HIM UNTIL THE VERY END THERE IS ALWAYS VICTORY\o/ wooohoooo ALL PRAISES TO YOU LORD OUR GREAT GOD THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS THE TRUMP IS IN YOUR HANDS AS THE INSTRUMENT TO DO YOUR BID AND CALL!! AMEN, Lord, please fight for us and show Your glory to the world! Please keep our country healthy during this season. Throughout the Bible there are assurances that God will always guide us if believers turn to Him in prayer and ask for His help. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and kind. Thank you for Your sovereign will. And the weapons of our warfare are also not of this world but divinely from you for the pulling down of strongholds. Every four years, a citizen takes an oath and becomes the president without insurrection. This election does have consequences, more babies will die, more children will be trafficked, corruption will continue and spread. Never stop praying. ALL power and ALL authority, You have given to Your Son Jesus. Nothing larger than a state representative election. WebAn Election Prayer to Mary. A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Lord God, the enemy is trying to tip the scale in their favor by cheating with fraudulent ballots in this election. Call (712) 775-7431, code 2452# any time today to pray with others. Love the brother-hood. We ask from the court to issue a divine restraining order from your court to the illegal activities by the enemy to steal our election in America. Lord Jesus, have mercy on this country. Allow love to grow, rather than resentment. Keep us ever prayerful in our going out and coming in. Help us to remember the things we have in common, and not just our differences. You Word says that You change the times and the seasons, so You are in control of this phase in our nations history. Relieve their anxiety by helping them to focus on You and your will. Nun 10:9When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets; and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies. Help us to recognize that wisdom and exercise it in our vote. So, Lord God, give him another victory for another 4 years so we can bring in your Kingdom on earth. The enemy is stealing our votes in their favor by counting fraudulent ballots. Now obey my voice; I will give you advice, and God be with you! There is a plot afoot in Pennsylvania to change the R to D pray that all such corruption is thwarted by Almighty God! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Abba Father we pray that Your Righteousness will rule in the election commission counting process as they work to verify these votes have been cast by registered Americans voters and that those who are now deceased, as a result of the pandemic (COVID), have been removed from the registered voters list? May these Scriptures for election day calm your anxieties and help you rest in God's peace. For this land and the diversity of its peoples, Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. God our God come and fill us and Bless America Again FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. Righteous Judge, we ask the enemy to repay whatever votes that they have stolen from us seven-folds. Thank you for this prayer. Heavenly Father today the vote is cast. What an opportunity to share the good life God offers! Lord Jesus Christ we give you all the praise honor and Glory, amen amen, Remember: No matter what we see. Thank You Jesus YOU are draining the swamp! Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. (765)452-1779 In Jesus Christ name, Amen!!! It is a joy to pray this prayer with thousands of my brothers and sisters. person to win, because your purposes and plans are very complex. Thank you for sharing Derrick Princes very timely words. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? Things are already messed up enough in this country as it is, and a Joe Biden Presidency will only make matters worse. Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Dear Lord, thank You that we have government representatives who believe Your truth. Pray that the election outcome would result in our nation being poised for greater spiritual growth and revival. The Book of James tells us that we can know Your wisdom because it is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere. We come to You as Your believing people; Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. WebFor this election, O God, please bless us with the best rulers possible, in this fallen world, at all levels of government. Give us a breakthrough and replace those that are working against you with righteous people in the Congress and the Senate; to protect the Constitution of the United States of America! Lord, You said if we ask anything according to Your will, and we believe it is done, it will be done for us! Allow decisive and overwhelming victories five points up for Your candidates, five points down and out for those who are not Your candidates. We pray that you give wisdom and discernment to all lawyers and poll watchers that are being sent to investigate this matter from Trump Campaign. Let them see in this Nation a Nation filled and overflowing with YOU, YOUR SPIRIT, YOUR GOODNESS, YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND YOUR GOOD WEALTH BUT MOST OF ALL WITH YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL Oh, So Be It To the Great Glory of God \o/ Amen. WebThe Litany concludes with one or both of these prayers: Lord of every time and place, God beyond our dreaming, we pray for wisdom as we prepare to vote in the Federal election. Protect their families from sickness, bitterness, and discouragement. wiser individual to serve. We ask for your protection and guidance. Prayer is one of the most important actions during an election, next to voting. He further added that the party would wait for the final results before deciding on the way We ask that you will shut out all the clamoring voices in our midst. Will your one vote count? Thank you, Father, for giving us the keys of David that open doors that no mane can shut & close doors that no man can open. May Your glory be displayed through the whole process of this election. America was formed for Your purposes and may they be fulfilled. We pray all these things in the Name of our King and Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ! Remind us to rest in the knowledge that You are Omniscient & Omnipresent. Thank you! The saffron party is leading in two Please send corrections to You alone are God and we pray Your will to be done in this Election based on Your live, mercy and Grace rooted in Thy Faithfulness. Show us people who do not know You as their Savior so we can share the Gospel. 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign, 25 Types Of People Who Destroy Your Happiness, How to Stay Away from Toxic People: 51+ Proven Ways, 19 Habits Of Unhappy People That You Should Not Cultivate, 101+ Positive Affirmations for an Extrovert, Dreaming Of Colors: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of Microwave: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of A Toilet: 55+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of a Skunk: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming About The End Of The World: 50+ Meanings. May your peace be in my heart, your grace be in my words, your love be in my hands and your joy be in my soul. 4) that we would discern what truths and values should advance by being made law and which should advance only by the leavening of honest influence; 5) that your people would see what love and justice and far-seeing wisdom demand in regard to the issues of education, business and industry, health care, marriage and family, abortion, welfare, energy, government and taxes, military, terrorism, international relations, and every challenge that we will face in the years to come; 6) and above all, that we will treasure Jesus Christ, and tell everyone of his sovereignty and supremacy over all nations, and that long after America is a footnote to the future world, he will reign with his people from every tribe and tongue and nation. He further added that the party would wait for the final results before deciding on the way Let your people go to the promised land so we can freely spread the gospel and do the great commission for the Kingdom of God. Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. The Battle Belongs To The Lord! Who knows, but historically Americans have risen to the challenge and peacefully selected those who govern them. Help me to do my part with enthusiasm, and then to rest in Your hands, I only pray believing You hear and Answer, Yes and Amen and so in Jesus Name I say, So Be It. Father God, we cry out to You at this historical moment of our nation, at this crossroads we are facing. We pray for protection for all candidates and their families during this time. Create an IFA account or login to comment, pray and interact with our community. Fears of tampering by foreign influences have brought both Republicans and Democrats to the boiling point. Help us to remember that ultimately, nothing is out of Your control. Our emotions and values are not arbitrary. Thank you beloved for such an act of Christian courage!!! Lord kindly guide them and support them such that they can leave a strong impact on the mass. Today I come before you to you on my knees, asking for one more big prayer to be granted. Meghalaya Election Results 2023: The National People's Party (NPP) leader and Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma, stated that the party is still short of a few seats for a majority in the assembly elections, the results of which were declared on Thursday. Amen and Amen, Lord, in the Name of Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, we bind, gag, cripple, blind and render ineffective all anti-Christ, witchcraft, religious, deceptive spirits of satan and cast them into the Abyss. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom. We prayed, we campaigned for the platform that upholds Your Name and Your precepts, and we voted for the platform that honors Your Word. Under the Constitution, only Congress has the power to change the election date. I ask for the coverage of peace and order to shower over this nation! Zell noted that the timing of Tuesdays election coincides with the time of the year that Jews traditionally learn the Biblical chapters that deal with the foundation of the Jewish people through the line of Isaac, his binding and the subsequent purchase by Abraham of the tomb, known in Hebrew as mearat hamachpela. Lord God you have chosen to allow men to rule over nations. Soon it will be tested again. and keep in the ways of your truth Intercessor, did you miss yesterdays powerful First Friday webcast? Amen. WebPrayer For Winning The Lottery. Bless also the losers that they may be gracious in their loss I prayed before filling in the paper ballot and when my ballot was put into the machine I asked the young man assistant if I could pray over the machine ? Jesus, thank you for this authority. May they have the desire to seek truth and discern it. Amen, Brian! Thank you for democracy, and for the opportunity to pick our leaders on a rotating basis. United States of America and let there be Cane Ridge type grade or greater all over the country! Bethany Verrett is a freelance writer who uses her passion for God, reading, and writing to glorify God. Today the next 4 years will be counted. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. we thank you, Lord. O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. -Oh Lord, kindly stay by the side of the prospective candidates as they try to organize a successful election campaign, such that they can try their best to win over the confidence of the common people since they are aware that their faith in winning the elections completely lies in their hands. We humble ourselves and ask that you would heal our land and hearts. Please forgive us all our transgressions and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. Your Word says to be anxious for nothing, but in everything to come to You; I ask that you provide peace and comfort to the worried hearts of this country right now. Amen. God, please forgive us when we have put You on the back burner, please forgive us for the abortions that have been performed, all in the name of convenience.
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