They did not seem happy. While the impact can be measured in economic terms, it is also an issue of equity, as socio-economically disadvantaged and communities of color are often disproportionately impacted, as reflected in data related to health outcomes. What will you do as a County Commissioner to ensure healthy air quality for all residents as our population grows? I will do everything in my power, as I have done in the past, to advocate for greenways and parks. Arthur Griffin Jr. (D, At-Large): To support the Environmental Leadership Policy with specific emphasis on green construction for the county and its partners, electric vehilces, and targeted resident education about climate change. I strongly support the acceleration of land acquisition as evidenced by my advocacy from the dais and my votes. Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners (At-Large) Democrats: Jennifer De La Jara Republicans: Tatyana Thulien Related experience: Finance executive in investment banking; former commissioner, Centralina Economic Development Commission; former board member, Community Culinary School of Charlotte; formerly on the planning committees for Charlottes Taste of the Nation and Charlotte Literary Festival. In matters of amour, you love deeply, Its been a long time, but it appears were finally going to be able to vote in municipal elections this year. Patricia {Pat) Cotham (D, At-Large)(i): I support it. I have been and will be a proponent of preserving our green spaces, and I support the FY2023 plan. Our Republican voter guides are being distributed at community events and as we knock on doors to talk to our neighbors. ZTAyMWI2ZjYwYjQyYzUxY2NiMWQ3NTc5MGJiM2U2MWUzMzdiZTY4ZDRhMWNm I represent the towns and North Meck had paid the tax for 20 years and received no new roads. One boy told me he was "sickly" when her arrived-but a week later-he said he could not believe how much better he felt. I was proud to have voted to raise the previous BOCCs allocation of $6.6 million to $20 million and am eager to invest more. But A number of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County races including for City Council, sheriff and district attorney will be decided Tuesday in the Democratic primary. Check back here for a continuation of comprehensive listings including all candidates running to represent the Charlotte area on this page. In 1997, I supported the one cent sales tax and the promises of then Mayor McCorey that affordable housing would be along the transit stations. Voter Guide Mecklenburg County NC Election 2022 POSTED ON: October 3, 2022 General Election Table of Contents VOTER GUIDE U.S. House - District 12 U.S. House - District 14 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 37 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 38 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 39 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 40 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 41 NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 42 I support a reduction in county personal property tax for county tax payers that own and use electric and plug in hybrid electric automobiles. MDE4N2I4MDE1ZjMxZmE5MTkyMmM0ODNmYWU4YWExZTRkYjYzMTIzYWQ4MTQw Today, there is no affordable housing at transit stations along the Blue Line.". The county must establish themselves as the leader in environmental policy. 2022 Candidate Questionnaire - Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners Ahead of Election Day 2022, candidates running for election for the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners were provided a five-question survey to complete and share their position on arts and culture. My constituents in North Meck needed answers and assurances. OGJiYmIxODgwYjhkZDcwNjgwOTljZWM5N2Y0M2E0ZDQ4MjlmMDBhY2I1ODA3 To keep up with this rapid growth and provide adequate recreational resurces, we must respond with commensurate funding for acquisition of land, construction of parks, greenways, and nature preserves. [Go deeper: U.S. Senate candidates Cheri Beasley and Ted Budd swing through Charlotte] U.S. House of Representatives Mecklenburg's Congressional Districts. It is imperative that we approach this effort with a sense of urgency to meet the needs of our community with respect to parks, open space, nature preserves and greenways, which can (and should be) utilized as transportation corridors, which provide greater access to services for many of our residents in under-served communities. As our community continues to grow, it is critical that our residents have access to services, jobs, and amenities without over-reliance on a car. Six Democrats are running to be an At-Large representative on the Mecklenburg County Commission. Candidate Survey 2022 from Sustain Charlotte: June 2022 Update, Mecklenburg County Environmental Leadership Policy, America Public Transportation Association, Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation, Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont. But for me, in addition to the above important and necessary work, I believe we have a fundamental imperative to be successful in the TMN buildout. NTc5ZGZmMjc1NTA3NWE0MTVmZjQ1MGZhNTFhN2Q4OTg0ZmRhZjYyZjA5ZTYx A major role for the BOCC is the decision to place the "One Cent for Mobility" countywide sales tax on the ballot. Our roadways are congested, simply put. **, Political experience: Charlotte Mayor, 2017-present; Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2013-2017; assistant city manager, Related experience: Consulting director, Lee Institute and Flynn Health Holt Leadership; Charlotte Housing Authority Moving Forward initiative; Committee of 21 transportation initiative; Charlotte-Mecklenburg African American Agenda; Achieve Together community-based advocacy education initiative, Platform: Affordable housing, economic development, community safety, Related experience: Founder, Take Back Our Hoods, Platform: Community safety, police reform, gun violence, Related experience: Creator, EVOLVE Media, Platform: Affordable housing, governmental transparency, environmental sustainability, Related experience: Founder, Taes Beauty; accessibility advocate, Related experience: Background in media and finance, married to CMPD officer, Related Experience: Owner, Universal Cab; sued the city in 2015 over alleged corruption in pay-to-play deal for taxis at the airport, Political experience: Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2017-present; chair, Environment, Engagement and Equity Committee; vice-chair, Budget and Governance; former Charlotte Housing Authority board member, Related experience: Certified Public Accountant, TIAA and Deloitte; Leadership Fellowship with the Institute of Political Leadership, Platform: Affordable housing, public safety, sustainability, infrastructure, Political experience: Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2017-present; co-chair, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Related experience: Stagehand, member of International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) union; board member with: My Brothers Keeper Charlotte-Mecklenburg, the Board of Trustees of the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, Smart Start of Mecklenburg County, Habitat for Humanitys Charlotte Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, Platform: Equity, access, interconnection, Political experience: Charlotte City Council District 1 rep, 2017-present; chair, Safe Communities Committee; former president, Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County; former board member, Plaza Midwood Neighborhood Association, Related experience: Volunteer firefighter, Long Creek Volunteer Fire Department; former vice-chair, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission; former chair, Charlotte International Cabinet, Platform: Housing, transportation, preservation, Political experience: Charlotte City Council District 3 rep, 2011-2019; former member, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee; former president, Centralina Economic Development Committee, Related experience: Member, International Minority Coalition; board member, LGBT Democrats of Mecklenburg County; former member, Immigrant Solidarity Committee; former member, Charlotte Community Justice Coalition; former executive board member, Human Rights Campaign; former board member, Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund, Platform: Property values, economic growth, community safety, Political experience: Charlotte Mayor, 2013-14 (deposed after arrest on fraud charges); Charlotte City Council District 3 rep, 1993-2001; Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2001-2013, Platform: Inclusivity, intentionality, involvement, Political experience: Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 1999-2021, Related experience: President and co-owner, RJ Leeper Construction, January 2021-July 2021. MDExMzA3YmNjYzYxOWQ1N2M4ZTE0NGUzZDQ1NmQxZTFmNGU2NDk0MDNmIiwi NzRhMTg5ZmRjM2EzNDc4YzM1MDg2YjdkYzUxOTdjODc4NmVjZTU1NTQ0OWE5 In our BOCC FY21 budget I proposed and acquired support for hiring a Director of Sustainability as an addition to the county manager's office. U.S. Senate Cheri Beasley |. It is imperative that we approach this effort with a sense of urgency to meet the needs of our community with respect to parks, open space, nature preserves and greenways, which can (and should be) utilized as transportation corridors, which provide greater access to services for many of our residents in under-served communities. I completely support allowing the people to have a voice in a new tax. MmY2MWZiMTdkZjJmYjEyOGRhNzFjZmQ4ZDliMzBmMDNkYjhjZmFhMjdiM2Fm Jeremy Brasch (R, District 6): I support a reduction in county personal property tax for county tax payers that own and use electric and plug in hybrid electric automobiles. Display County Status. The Environmental Leadership Action Plan outlines goals, which I voted to support and will work to expand moving forward. - 99 Restaurants in Charlotte (28210) Bojangles, 231 E. Woodlawn Road -. NTg0YWMyZDA3Mzk5NjNlOTYxMDI3ZDZiMDQyM2FkMzZkOWMxZWFmYWZjMzE1 Yes, I support. I look forward to hearing from staff regarding the considerations around faster land acquisition and to provide the necessary resources to the Managers Office to speed the process. We have to create easy access to transportation for all our residents so that our residents can take care of their families-- to get to work, to get home, to get to childcare, to get to school, to get to the grocery store (food deserts abound in Mecklenburg County, and we must give people access to food). ". . In addition, it is important to note that government cannot do this alone and cannot operate independently, but should play a key role in establishing the conditions needed for success and galvanizing key stakeholders to include all bodies of government, community leaders, conservation organizations and others to help achieve our goals.". The role of the BOCC should be to advocate legislatively, facilitate discussions, educate the community, work with all governmental entities, and provide spaces for substantive community feedback around the needs of Mecklenburg County residents. Only by reducing single car ridership in favor of mass transit will we succeed in reducing tailpipe emissions and reach our air quality goals.". I will advocate for adequate staff for park & rec staff and for wages designed to retain and attract employees to our park assets. Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account. Yes, I do support the Park & Recreation Commission request and I plan on bringing a request that is slightly more than what they asked for, such as a $40-50 million in land acquisition investments. County Leadership Meet Chairman Sarah Reidy-Jones Meet Vice Chairman Dale Dalton 2022 Candidates Online Shop Backpack Volunteer Donate About History Meck Plan of Organization FAQs MeckGOP Mentorship Program RED U News Call To Action Call To Action Get Involved Events Recognized Clubs Mentorship Program We must, absolutely must, stop relying so heavily on cars, and build more public transportation, greenways, sidewalks, walkable communities and livable neighborhoods. To keep up with this rapid growth and provide adequate recreational resurces, we must respond with commensurate funding for acquisition of . We are behind other major metropolitan areas who have already begun the process of establishing a transportation system, as well as the use of greenways as a mode of transportation. I will always remember when I had Chinese high school students who lived with me, and they had never repeat never seen the stars or the moon because of air pollution.
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