They are then invited to share their answers with those sat next to them, giving them the opportunity to fine-tune their responses with their neighbours feedback. The collaborative learning maintained here was particularly effective where this mirrors assessed group working. Key guides for effective teaching in higher education series. Robert Gordon University. I briefly touched on this during A2 where I gave examples of how I use online technologies to support student learning. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. I am responsible for writing and building the myPortfolio Guide in myCourse ( After all here it was, in black and white the agreed and sealed by lots of Higher Ed experts list of what Im supposed to be competent in, which, for a perfectionist like me, is most helpful. (2019) Disability, the Silent D in Diversity,Library Trends, 67(3), pp. HEA the application forms. It was during this course that I was able to build up enough confidence to successfully apply for a promotion to become a Learning Technologist. Available at: Nothing brings him more sense of fulfillment than writing fellowship docs in orthopedics. Part of this was initially submitted through portfolio for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2020, and then was expanded for written application for Fellowship, and assessed in mid-2021. However, it was a strategic narrative, as I needed to include (and reference!) Sam has an excellent approach to her work and is professional in all aspects and is very well respected by her colleagues. In order to make it clear to the students how the numerous ILOs from different lectures aligned with the assessment task (an exam), I created a revision guide and facilitated an interactive revision seminar (evidence 1) (K2, K4). It was during this time that I decided to re-evaluate my support offer and see if I could do anything differently. 6. Copyright Information & Technologies in Education (CITE) Forum for Higher Education (HE). A Senior Fellowship application should really include evidence of institutional impact. From previous experience this exercise causes the energy in the room lift as the student discussions get louder and louder. I used the structure and technology of Case Study 1 (such as collaborative Word Documents) but reimagined for online learning, which consisted of guided talking head videos and a presentation, which gives space for more self-paced and self-referential learning than in-person teaching (Forsey et al., 2013; Hsin and Cigas, 2013; Li, 2020) [K1, K3, V3]. Published On: 04/02/2022 Forsey, M., Low, M. and Glance, D. (2013) Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice of online pedagogy, Journal of Sociology, 49(4), pp. Following are successful project statements from a former junior fellow, a senior fellow and a performing/creative It also allowed the students to explore the reasons why they made certain decisions in their choices when questioned by myself. It took longer than I anticipated and came back with comments like reference HEA criteria more consistently in your application, which were easy to address. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Williams, T. and Hagood, A. (2020) Introduction: Disability Studies in EducationCritical Conversations,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. Associate Fellow (D1 AFHEA) Some teaching and/or supporting learning responsibilities students, GTAs, contract researchers, In order to apply for post. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. Available at: From looking at the bookings I could see that we were to expect 50 participants ranging from administrators to lecturers, HR managers to support service staff. I consider myself more as a facilitator of learning rather than a teacher as I rely on my participants to follow my advice and guidance, reflect on how it can affect their everyday practices, and finally share it with their peers. for this criterion in the other column (see a small snippet below of how I did A little bird told me that HEA is getting so big worldwide that, for example, its now impossible to get a teaching position in the UK without having a fellowship. doi: 10.4324/9780429432606. With over a decade of HE teaching, including 6 years of programme leadership experience, I currently lecture on BA (Hons) Graphic Design for Digital Media at GCU. This is aimed at lecturers, specifically those who attended a presentation I did with fellow Learning Technologist, Julian Prior, titled Rethinking Pedagogy with New Technologies at the recent Solent Exchange 2013. As shown above, I always try to ensure that I understand as much about my subject area as possible. Here are some tips on writing a diversity statement in academic or job application purposes. Li, M. (2020) Multimodal pedagogy in TESOL teacher education: Students perspectives, System, 94. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2020.102337. The Advance Higher Education Fellowship is an internationally recognised program. Sometimes fellowships include other benefits like health insurance, travel or relocation grants, funding for dependents, discretionary funding for language classes, or housing. I have also successfully completed the PGCert in Blended Learning where I further developed my teaching knowledge by developing activities that could be delivered online to supplement face-to-face classroom situations. Me leading a Mahara developers workshop at Catalyst HQ in Auckland, New Zealand 2015. the HEA code Teche post. It will be interesting to see if the students do actually follow my guidance, compile and submit a more focussed assessment, thus improving the average grade for that cohort. This example shows how feedback from students led to a review of the current assessment, resulting in a more coherent and focussed brief. And while there is a virtual reading group that anybody regardless of their location could potentially participate in, its scheduled for 12:30 London time, which happens to be 23:30 Sydney time. Feedback gained from those who attend say they feel really positive about the sessions as they are learning a lot from their peers. Tewell, E. (2018) The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy: Academic Librarians Involvement in Critical Library Instruction,College & Research Libraries[Post-print], 79 (1). Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, HEA Fellowship Program @ MQ now open for 2019 applications. I have created many online tutorials and guides to advise staff and students on using technology to support teaching and/or learning. Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) is an advanced level of professional standing that evidences expertise in teaching and learning in higher education. Locate your evidence PFHEA begins with the selection of evidence that will underpin the entire application (this is called the Record of Educational Impact or REI). Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship The University of Sunderland is accredited by the Higher Education Academy to award Fellowship aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF). Application for Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy: Complete Reflective Commentary LJ 2 Lindsay Jordan Reflective Commentary My application for Senior Fellowship is based on many years' experience with university-wide teaching and learning advisory responsibilities. Advance HE is a UK-based member-led, sector-owned charity that promotes excellence in higher education across the world. Wisker, G. ed. Most HEA events, like workshops, seminars and reading groups, take place in the UK. (2019) Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. Participation in this aspect of the activity was moderate, so for next year I need to explore classroom power and the ways in which I can encourage students to voice their critiques of class work. The Fellowships of the Higher Education Academy are concerned with teaching and learning in higher education. I also knew that by creating how to videos and support materials for the distance learners on the MSc Shipping Operations unit that they could do their own induction themselves I would only be needed if anything technical was going wrong. During this year I was rewarded with invites to present my knowledge and experience of using Moodle and Mahara at universities and colleges across the south of England, I was invited to be a technical reviewer for a book on Mahara calledMahara 1.4 Cookbook, I received information regarding jobs across the globe (including some addressed to me directly) and became the go to person for advice on the uses of Mahara, as recommended by my online network. The spectrum chosen initially was a spectrum from I dont know anything to I know everything, which whilst seemingly effective, I realised was placing my self-assessment activities in a deficit model of learning that the students are lacking and need me as an educator to complete them whilst prioritizing knowledge over the practical application of that knowledge [A2, A3, K3]. Rebooting Inclusive Education? You may identify specific career milestones, influential professional development activities, engagement with significant others, etc. As part of my CPD I undertook an online course on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Education where I was able to learn about new initiatives going on at other universities around the world. With students walking, talking and mingling, a dynamic environment emerged where students combined cognitive activity with physical movement and interaction. I also hope that the number of last minute support requests from the students will be reduced as everything has been covered and demonstrated in the videos. Prior to my current role I was an associate lecturer delivering BTEC National diplomas in Performing Arts and Sport and Exercise Science. The objective was to give the lecturers and staff an opportunity to experience of what it was like to study as a student using the Flipped Model of course delivery, giving them an idea of how they can use myCourse themselves to facilitate this method of teaching. At the end of most of my presentations I will often tell SSU staff to pop in to see me and bring their mugs so I can fill them with tea. This site is aimed at all staff and students with the hope that it can support them for whatever purpose. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Thank you for your interest in applying to be a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Just to flag these sessions to you - I think they will be very valuable and I have to say the sort of development many of us will appreciate and 'buy into'. By developing these guides, it has fostered more conversation within our librarian team about what accessible referencing teaching means, particularly in how we describe referencing in our classes so that it relies less on wholly visual information. Around the room I set up seven stations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. These statements are posted with the permission of the former (anonymous) AIIS fellows who wrote them. UQ is supporting academic and professional staff and HDR students to apply for an HEA Fellowship through the HEA@UQ program. Me presenting at Mahara UK in London 2010. The main difference between Associate Fellowship and Fellowship is the need to engage with all five areas of activities, as well as all six areas of core knowledge and all four professional values. For Associate Fellow, please write two 500 word case studies, For Fellow, please write four 500 word case studies For Senior Fellow, please write two 2000 word case studies. During this term, I switched to a spectrum which asks student to rate their confidence in their referencing skills and knowledge, to purposefully centre the student and their emotions without prioritising knowledge over skills or centring a deficit model of knowledge [A2, A3, K3]. In 2010 I was inspired by a presentation by Sheffield Hallams Educational DeveloperSue Beckinghamat the Future of Technology in Education conference held at Senate House, University of London. View all posts by Craig Owen. A Theoretical and Hands-on Introduction to Foucauldian DiscourseAnalysis. Book review: Laura Ellingson Embodiment in qualitativeresearch. The second is critical information literacy (Elmborg, 2006; Tewell, 2015; Tewell, 2018) which itself is drawn heavily from critical pedagogy and the writings of Freire (1985) to theorise the discernment and interrogation of power structures in information and its use [A5, K3, V1, V2, V3]. Give detail about individual contributions when working on joint projects. Some people break their HEA applications into specific points while others tell their story. 4274. It was promoted by the Higher Education Academy (HEA, now Advance HE) as a way of recognising individual university teachers' contribution to learning and teaching.The framework allows eligible staff engaged in teaching and learning to apply for four categories of . I am aware of the importance of accessibility and inclusivity and therefore try to make sure my support is available to as many people in as many ways as possible. For example, I will often ask them to think alone, do a short task, share outcomes with neighbour/peers and evaluate in groups to feedback to the rest of the class. The success of each session of learning entirely depends on how motivated the learners are and their reasons for learning. This approach also improves accessibility for a variety of students including those with processing and cognitive disabilities, and many disabled students have reflected with me that they have appreciated the availability of these to breakdown and repeat their knowledge learning [V1, V2]. I hold a PGCert in Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education & Training (Greenwich University) and a PGCert in Blended Learning (SSU). I will also include links to social media sites that are owned by key industry players. Through engaging in a practical process of research, reflection and development, culminating in the production of a reflective teaching portfolio, I was able to demonstrate my commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience. Be sure to also reference Fellowship Instructions for NIH and Other PHS Agencies PDF and "PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form" on page 26 of Annotated Form Set for NIH Grant ApplicationsFORMS-F Series PDF. The HEA Fellowship is administered by Advance HE in the UK, whose goal is to bring the higher education sector together to share teaching strategies and practice. (2020) Rebooting Inclusive Education? and Cigas, J. DInfSc thesis. Having students share their analyses in class, I was able to recognise that the ILO had been achieved (K5). As part of this effort, UNSW offers the HEA Fellowship program accredited by Advance HE. I reused the self-assessment tools developed in Case Study 2, and new communication channels added via the Questions function in Mentimeter, and by adding questions drop-boxes to Moodle, so that feedback points for students were included to submit learning questions for further development. (1978)Mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. , Dr Ismail O. Zembat and his international colleagues published an edited book entitled, "Quantitative Reasoning in . For future development, consider sharing your findings not just within academic librarianship but everyone who is engaged with developing academic thinking. New Technologies and Disabled People,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. And you do it by writing a story about your work, your values and, in the case of a Senior Fellowship, by adding two detailed case studies. During the activity I took the role of process facilitator (Nash, 2009) (K2). Fellowship brings you a range of benefits: Consolidates personal development and evidence of professional practice in your higher education career; Provides a valuable measure of success and is increasingly recognised by international institutions; Demonstrates commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience, through engagement in a . For the most part, the activity took the focus away from me, and enabled more confident students to share their knowledge and understanding of the ILOs, and thus engage in the higher order skill of teaching their fellow students. 1130. It is hoped that the three examples of ways in which I support learning (both staff and students) shows how I have carefully thought about how I deliver content and subject matter to my learners, taking into account their needs and levels of understanding. As with the first, I had a great opportunity to experience life as a student taking a MOOC (both good and bad) and felt that I was now ready to start disseminating my new knowledge of MOOCs with my colleagues. Sam is an excellent Learning Technologist and very much valued here in the Learning Technologies department of Southampton Solent University. You made appropriate reference to both the dimensions of the framework and the scholarship of learning and teaching an impressive aspect of your work that continued throughout the claim. My intention is to create training resources for teaching librarians to improve the accessibility of their teaching when it comes to visually impaired students. I have no fear in designing and building activities into my sessions that hands control over to the participants. Name:Steve Hogg My role in this is to mainly organise and facilitate these sessions along with my colleagues, giving the floor to the academics, hopefully to inspire them. It is intended as a GUIDE, and not as a template to be followed References should be personalised. A sample from Olga's HEA Fellowship application The next step was to decide on the overall style of my application. This workshop is further supported by an online guide that can be accessed by anyone at SSU ( Fr Stephen Reilly published, "Parish renewal in the image of Barnabas and Paul, sons of encouragement" in the journal "Pastoral Review" and "Catholic Schools: Catholic High School Liturgy: A Faithful Presence Within" in the journal "Catechetical Review". doi: 10.1177/1440783313504059. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Available at: (eds) Leadership and Diversity in Psychology: Moving beyond the limits. The session was titled Using Technology to Support your Graduate Associate Position and lasted two hours, meaning that I had to ensure that I was able to keep my audience engaged and allowed time for reflection, activity, interaction with their peers and opportunities for feedback (see below): ___________________________________________________________. Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy This would re-introduce the kind of knowledge construction I did on-site with peer-review exercises. Me presenting at MoodleMaharaMoot in Leipzig, Germany 2014. I have had to find ways of breaking up the workshop into smaller chunks of learning in order to keep my audience engaged. Therefore, when discussing assessments in this context Ill be describing the process in which my learners (staff or students) can prove thatthey'vemet my learning outcomes and objectives. When students looked to me for guidance, I continued to promote active learning by asking the question back to the group or asking students to recall previous classroom activities and remember what they had learned from them (K1, K2). Orthopedics. You are clearly a very reflective practitioner who puts the student experience at the heart of your work and you commitment to all of the professional values came through in abundance. My current research is investigating UK HE teaching librarians contextual and nuanced knowledges of screen-readers and screen-reader accessibility to understand the extent to which the pedagogies of information literacy are sufficiently developed with a disability lens. 2019 UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), (2018)Effective personal tutoring in higher education. Brodie, L. (2013) Problem-based learning. To my surprise, thinking about my teaching and other work in terms of HEA framework gave me an unexpected feeling of comfort. This guidance and the template have been designed to help you structure your supporting statement to provide the I like presenting at conferences too; any opportunity to get out there and show them what Solent are up to and how creative our lecturers and students are. Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (2018)Definition of information literacy. Lloyd, A. These can be done in my own time and do not affect my job, are free and often open my mind to new ideas and ways of learning. The pedagogical rationale underpinning this activity is that the students were able to engage in active learning through the means of collaborative peer dialogue, wherein each station provided the scaffolding for students existing knowledge and understanding to be activated and reviewed (Robb, 2013) (K2, K3, V3). higher education. From my examples above it is possible to see that I utilise a number of different methods for facilitating learning and the types of environments & settings used to support my training. (2019)Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. All the experience and evidence included in your application must relate to teaching and/or support for learning practice related to higher education provision such as: + level 4 or above within the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in I was also able to gain an insight to new technologies and trends in education which I have shared with my fellow Learning Technologists at SSU and have come up with a series of One hour Wonders of educational technology for my colleagues to attend. Yes, we have three National Research Service Award individual fellowship (F31) grant applications available at Sample Applications & More. I submitted my application in February 2014. Support for writing your application. Given this initial feedback, I hope to release this guidance to the wider university this year, to seek feedback from more disabled students, and also present with disabled staff and students at a conference later this year to share these developments with the sector [V4]. that I may be missing something important and that there is never enough I have also presented at the national Mahara UK Conference for the past four years, building up my reputation as someone to go to about using ePortfolios to support assessment and employability. This way, those who feel uneasy about using social media can then make up their own minds whether or not to look into building up a professional profile. Specifically, I have increasingly been called upon to comment on accessibility, and on information equity, as it pertains to the teaching and learning in those Schools. My HEA Fellowship Portfolio by Sam Taylor Details For info. Available at: 21 December 2020). Vygotsky, L.S. This whole assessment review depended on obtaining feedback from many parties; teaching staff, students and myself as a learning technology specialist. In my work with first year English Language students, students were grouped by their weekly working groups and received engagement marks for their participation and engagement with the learning tasks, receiving marks for submitting 2 finished references to the group document. Available at: > Criteria for Senior Fellowship of the HEA To be recognised as a senior fellow of the HEA, you must demonstrate that you meet Descriptor 3 (D3) of The UK Professional Standards Framework. MSc Information and Library Studies, Robert Gordon University, 2019. (LogOut/ The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is a national body that champions teaching quality and focusses on the contribution of teaching as part of the wider student learning experience. From my previous experience as a lecturer, I know that a successful session can be evidenced by whether or not learners can demonstrate that they have understood the subject matter or concept. If you work as part of a delivery team, be clear about what your role is in that team and the contribution you make to it. Therefore the approach I took was to show them why having a professional online presence now matters, suggest a few examples of sites that can be used, present case studies of students who have successfully gained employment through their online presence, and showcase some real-life examples where it goes horribly wrong. The collaborative reference lists produced as a result of the problem-based learning in Case Study 1 also provided a great opportunity to explore ways to get the students to peer-review and assess the list against the criteria set out in the referencing guidance used [A3, K2]. I am a great believer in the maxim Dont let the technological tail wag your pedagogical dog and will always consider what will be useful for the students to help them learn. The PSF sets out the professional standards for higher education. The YSJ Access and Participation plan (York St John University, 2019) outlines an above sector average proportion of disabled students (17.9% in 2017-18) with above average continuation rates but lagging attainment the disabled / non-disabled gap has increased over the last reporting period. The point at which I see the students in their learning journey is before any summative or formativeassessment, and usually the academics have no initial assessment of their referencing skills or knowledge. An additional benefit of this activity was that the classroom became energised (Robb, 2013). The application is your own. HEA Fellowship - Swansea Application Route Example Reference Features Headed paper please as appropriate Dated Signature, name and role Note: this is taken from a reference supported for a successful applicant. I chose to also create bespoke videos specifically for this unit to ensure that the students will know exactly what to include in their myPortfolio page. Bruce, C. (2020) Self-Advocacy as Precariousness in University Education,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. I am an avid user of social media and use my professional online network to stay connected with peers in similar positions in other universities to share knowledge, advice and to stay up-to-date with key trends and emerging technologies. Part of this was initially submitted through portfolio for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2020, and then was expanded for written application for Fellowship, and assessed in mid-2021. (LogOut/ Relevant to those who can demonstrate a sustained record of effectiveness and evidence of supporting others in learning and teaching. You essentially need to prove to the HEA that you already meet requirements for one of their 4 levels of fellowship. In addition to my support, its my role to ensure that the SSU rules and regs with regards to assessments are met and that the technology does support the assessment. Your email address will not be published. Whether it is a mistake you realize you have made before, or you are a victim of discriminations. Both critical information literacy and information landscapes centre the importance of lived experiences and that our experiences of information are contextually influenced by our existing knowledges and practices, and in this light, lend themselves well to the constructivist approaches to teaching I employ [V1, V3]. Harmondsworth: Penguin. MSc thesis. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is an international, non-profit organization that promotes teaching excellence in higher education. Some people break their HEA applications into specific points while others tell This does not, however, change the fact of referencing styles as exclusionary and these access methods are not full disability justice (Kumbier, A. and Starkey, 2016) [V4]. Although this sounded quite exciting, we knew it would be a challenge to ensure that the pace of the session would be suitable for all who attended. specific categories. Sam has been working with us since 2008 firstly as an e-Learning Support Officer before becoming a Learning Technologist. As a new Senior HEA Fellow, I thought Id share my personal experience of navigating HEA application and my thoughts on the process while they are fresh in my mind. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2018). Fellowship of the HEA is awarded to teaching and learning professionals who can demonstrate they meet Descriptor 2 criteria of The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). Disabled students routinely experience difficulties with university structures, bureaucracy and systems which are not designed around them this includes pedagogy and support mechanisms (Blunkett, Mitchell and Norton, 2020) [V1, V2, V4].
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