I just didnt expect to be this uncomfortable. Thank you for the great blog. Far less pain than traditional bunionectomy. procedure. The type of surgical procedure performed depends on the severity of the bunion, your age, general health, activity level, and the condition of the bones and connective tissue. Click below to schedule your free consultation with our team. FYI Theres a silicone gel product sold under the name Kelokote (and possibly Scarcote) that works to reduce scars. Anyway, Im starting to breathe more calmly & think maybe I dont need a trip to the clinic. Once you remove the orthopedic shoe, you should keep the bandage over your wound and start with the motion range exercise. Our highly-skilled and experienced team can help individuals deal with common issues like bunions, bone spurs, hammertoes, and more. You may be Surgery usually takes up to an hour and afterwards, you will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing as well as the sensation and circulation in your foot are back to normal. In some cases, you may need to stay off of your feet for a few days. Ice 2 or 3 times a day for 20 or 30 minutes also is very helpful. Yes a big difference I found! Your email address will not be published. Cosmetically less scarring. Beat wishes for everyones continued recovery. Thats because traditional, or open-foot, bunion surgery is not a patient-friendly procedure. Not as much pain but severe discomfort from numbness and pins and needles. This can also be called a Lapidus bunionectomy or a First Metatarsal Cuneiform Fusion. Why is it Important for Diabetics to Exercise? Its the incision site that hurts the most even water dropping on it in the shower stings. You may be advised to Tell your healthcare provider if you have a history of bleeding What To Expect the Day of the Surgery Did anyone else experience this. I am miserable and wished someone else would have told me to expect a full month of very bad pain. The following exercise modes are the easiest to return to: Low impact exercise More strenuous activities, such as running or dancing, may take 10-14 weeks to return fully. An exostectomy is a little different, as your surgeon will simply remove the additional bone mass (bunion) without doing any kind of alignment. Your healthcare However, full recovery can take weeks to months. or download our free Guide to Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery! use a cane or walker following surgery. Masks are required inside all of our care facilities. So, if youre tired of dealing with bunion pain but arent sure about going under the knife then this blog is for you. In some cases, this procedure is either combined with or replaced by the removal of part of the bone in the joint. Week 1: The most important week:The first week afterbunion surgeryyou should expect to spend most of the time resting with her foot elevated. So then my partner used it on his major surgical scar (about 10 inches long) and its almost invisible now. You will find that if you have your foot down for too long, it will start to throb, swell and become more painful. Before surgery is considered, your healthcare provider may recommend first wearing comfortable, well-fitting footwear (particularly shoes that conform to the shape of the foot and do not cause pressure areas). This is the most common type of bunionectomy performed on older patients with severe deformities and less than optimal bone stock. The worst time is 24-48 hours after surgery when the local anesthesia that was used to numb up your foot completely wears off. It is really important to stick to your exercise programme after bunion surgery, otherwise you are at risk of developing stiffness in the toe. The incisions may not be entirely healed. Read on for details about this surgery. foot-pain-explored.com 2013-2023Updated 1st March 2023, Foot-Pain-Explored.com is a trading name of Wilson Health Ltd. All rights reserved. Sadly, I couldnt walk without pain! This is to allow the wound to heal properly and the toes to heal in the correct position. The only problems I have are almost slipping, my ankle gets weak and starts hurting from carrying the boot all day at school and work, and when I do stand without my boot and walk it feels very weird and I almost fall because it has been so long since I have walked without it. Most bunion surgery is performed under ankle block anesthesia, in which If you want to know more about bunions, aka hallux valgus, including the causes, symptoms and treatment options, visit thebunions overviewsection. after surgery. Its 15 months since I had bunion surgery involving pinning my big toe. We had a family 80th birthday out of town yesterday. Intense exercise like playing a sport, for instance. Swelling reduces slowly from 2 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3-4 months, and 6 months. 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During the surgery, the surgeon will make a large incision along the side of the foot, remove the bunion, and place metal screws, metal plates, or other devices to hold the foots new alignment in place. They are: osteotomy, exostectomy, and arthrodesis. intended for educational information purposes only for the general public. discharged from the hospital wearing a special surgical shoe or cast to The rest of the time Ive been Ubering around when I have to go out and no one is around to help. One of the best things I used during my recovery was a bean bag filled footstool it works so much better than a stack of pillows to keep my foot elevated and in comfort as the beans mould around your foot. Pads, splints, cushions, and other devices may provide short-term relief. 4. discover how your body variations can best be dressed. or 2 pillows to help reduce pain and swelling. Also 4 weeks post op bunion surgery and hammer toe surgery. Make a list and ask your surgeon about the specifics of your post-operative course. Eat a healthful, well-balanced diet to aid in your recovery. site, Swelling in lower leg of the affected foot. We can help you get back to living life free from foot pain ASAP. An alternative is to take a sponge bath. To prevent a recurrence, you'll need to wear proper shoes after recovery. I NEVER thought that stretching my calf would relieve the excruciating pain at the top of my foot. Often patients experience very little pain during this period if they keep the swelling to a minimum by elevation. You should definitely book a consultation with a doctor at the Luxe Foot Surgery clinic just to make sure your toe is healing properly and that you can remove the orthopedic shoe and start increasing your activities. A few days before the bunion procedure, you may need to stop taking certain medications including blood thinners. My foot is constantly swollen. Afterbunion surgeryrecovery usually takes around three to six months. Some shoes don't fit because the foot shape has changed. We can help you get back to living life free from foot pain ASAP. Do You Have Hammertoes? Bunion surgery usually hurts for the first 48 hours after surgery then calms down. You want to keep it elevated higher than your groin to allow the excess fluid to drain away. The first three weeks are the most important in the recovery process. of bleeding. Im going to remember the bean bag vs pillows for elevation. Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery and foot swelling Did you have pain on your foot pad, the part where your toes end? Im so ready to be well! It will depend on the type of surgery and what sort of car you drive as to when you can start driving again following a bunion operation. However, they will not act to reduce or remove the bunion. You can. My foot is very swollen and I cant fully feel the surface of the skin on my big toe which Im guessing is due to swelling. Indeed, it takes . will be taken to your hospital room or discharged to your home. For most people, this pain is temporary and goes away after you heal from the surgery. Its done, Platelets and stem cells work in unison together, they heal diseases and injuries in our bodies. Unfortunately, theres no magical cream that you can rub on a bunion or hammertoe to make them go away. week or more after surgery. to learn more about minimally invasive surgery or to schedule a consultation today. Today Im 4 weeks post op. In order to get the best results from bunion surgery, it really helps to understand what happens during surgery and what to expect during the following days, weeks and months. The growth is called a "bunion" or hallux valgus , and it forces the toe inward. "Retha, US, "Your info took me straight to the problem. During this healing period, you won't be able to put all of your weight on your foot. The Unstoppable FAANT Elite - A Free Pediatric Digital Coloring Book! My toes are very stiff still (particularly my 2nd toe with arthritis) so Im trying to wiggle them a few times a day to make them more mobile. Once the dressing are removed you can start to wear normal shoes. Surgery for a bunion can involve cutting and realigning bone, repositioning muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the foot; and fusing or replacing a joint. You might want to ask your doctor about it. How long is the recovery process? Week 6:Generally return to normal activities of daily living and light exercise. Exercises are a really important part of bunion surgery recovery. This surgery has affected every part of my life. Pain ok. portions of bone, ligaments, and tendons of the affected foot based Surgery at South Texas Regional Medical Center (STRMC), Take Care of Your Bunions with Minimally Invasive Surgery, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: Un-Pinching Nerves, Tear and Repair: Achilles Rupture and Surgery, The "Gold Standard" of Diabetic Wound Care, The Five-Step Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention (LEAP) Program, The Negative Effects of Smoking on Your Body, The Next Step Difference: Adult Flat Foot, The Next Step Difference: For a Second Opinion, The Next Step Difference: Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery, The Next Step Difference: 2nd Opinions Video, The Next Step Difference: Achilles Tendinitis Video, The Next Step Difference: Arthritis Video, The Next Step Difference: Corns & Calluses Video, The Next Step Difference: Diabetic Foot Ulcers, The Next Step Difference: Flat Feet in Children Video, The Next Step Difference: Foot Pain Video, The Next Step Difference: Heel Spurs Video, The Next Step Difference: Morton's Neuroma Video, The Next Step Difference: Numbness in Feet Video, The Next Step Difference: Plantar Fasciitis Video, Tingling and Numbness in Your Feet Making it Difficult to Sleep Video, Tips for Fixing an Ingrown Toenail at Home, Tips to Eliminate Heel Pain without Surgery Video, Treating Painful Diabetic Wounds and Ulcers, Treatment and Recovery Time for Minor Bunion Surgery, Treatment for Foot Nerve Entrapment Video, Using Ultrasound to Diagnose and Treat Heel Pain Video, Vascular and Nerve Problems with the Feet. All told, full recovery may take 1-5 weeks with the help of a protective shoe, but you will be able to walk out of surgery. Some medical teams have the option of offering, Having hallux rigidus, also known as a stiff big toe, can make standing or walking difficult because of the pain. sure to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider before the 85% of bunion operations are successful with minimal side effects. . After all, choosing to undergo surgery can be a big decision. It is not unusual for you to feel pain or notice swelling in this area during the first couple of days. Im not moving until I have a job on Thursday. If a local anesthetic is used, you will feel a needle stick when In most cases, dressings are removed two to three weeks after the surgery, but in case of any complication, this can last longer. Minimally invasive foot surgeries are generally much less painful, produce less scarring, and allow patients to walk out of the operating room to drive home. It was much worse than I expected. Full bunion surgery recovery often takes around six months but mild pain and swelling can last for up to a year. ), Northwest Surgery Center is a leading organization in the field of minimally invasive foot surgery. In terms of the actual procedure, minimally invasive surgery involves much smaller incisions than traditional open-foot surgery. The circulation and sensation of the foot will be monitored. If you are with the right surgeon, you should be able to go home on the same day that you had the operation. You will be asked to sign a consent form that gives your permission Your physical therapist will give youexercisesto do to help improve the movement, flexibility and strength of your foot and toes. stay in a hospital. The dressing is often left on during this time as well. A well-informed patient is usually a compliant patient. After your surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room for observation. Lean protein, fruit and vegetables are particularly important to include in your diet in the weeks following your surgery. Bunions may be inherited as a family trait. Bunion surgery recovery takes about six to eight weekssix weeks to return to work and eight weeks to return to playing sports. Its now just over 4 weeks since I had my bones realigned in my right foot to remove my bunion and fix my foot. So, if youre tired of dealing with bunion pain but arent sure about going under the knife then this blog is for you. Lezlee, UK, "Very interesting! That is the skinny on what to expect after a bunionectomy. Minimally invasive bunion surgery is as its name suggests much less taxing on patients. Northwest Surgery Center 2022 Minimally invasive foot surgery for bunions, hammer toes, and heel spurs. Your doctor will prescribed you with appropriate medications to help with your bunion surgery recovery. My progression from pain and finally decision for surgery mirrors a lot of the authors. I had Mortons neuroma removed at the same time. Supplements you may want to check out to help lower your blood sugar. Your biggest question is what to expect after surgery? In some cases, you may need to stay off of your feet for a few days. Because the sedative may make you drowsy, you will need to arrange If you notice some of the negative symptoms easier, feel free to contact us right away and book an immediate appointment. Time to cut back again. During the first couple of days after the surgery, you should keep your foot elevated and apply ice following your doctors recommendations. solution. crutches or a stick to help you get around your physical therapist After the consultation with your doctor at the end of this period, you might be able to remove it and start increasing your food activity. Ive got a small coffee table under my desk with a cushion on it that I use when Im working to keep it elevated. Physical therapy should be continued during this time to decrease swelling and preserve range of motion. During the first couple of weeks, the most important parts of bunion surgery recovery are to keep your foot elevated, the wound and dressing dry and to keep walking to a minimum. Occasionally, general or spinal You can see my right foot is fatter and swollen in comparison to my left. In many cases, patients are weight-bearing within a few days of their surgery instead of bearing no weight for 7 - 9 weeks that comes with traditional bunion surgery. It should not delay or I have a good trainer with a wide fitting from a Danish company called Woden Usually the patient feels very good and wants to start doing things. Tried a few stretches, already feels good. ", A Key Difference: Therapeutic Local Block Injections, A Red, Swollen Foot Doesn't Always Mean an Infection, Achilles Problems: Trouble with Your Power Tendon, Achilles Tendonitis: More than a Greek Weakness, Advanced Foot Pain Treatments from Our Caring Staff, AmnioFix Injections for Plantar Fasciitis & Achilles Tendinitis, Anodyne Women's Casual Diabetic Shoe Line. Like you I work in fashion & theatre. I found that I had to keep my foot up for a long time to keep swelling down! Interested in Becoming a Personal Stylist or Colour Consultant? your healthcare providers practices. You'll also need to visit your . Toe bends Find a thick book and sit in the way that you keep your toes resting on the edge of the book, then bend your toes downward. I had my dressing changed today. for 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. Your healthcare provider may However, you can often begin putting a little weight on the affected foot within 24 hours. You will need to wear these for several months. Usually, the pain and swelling will last for about six weeks after the surgery, but it should slowly improve over time. "Cindy, US, "3 days ago I thought I was going to need foot surgery. Im sure this has helped with the pain free recovery so far having foot I panicked, because it hasnt been this swollen for weeks & found this blog. You should cover the elevated most of the time. Choose Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic! If a doctor performs exostectomy without osteotomy, however, the bunion deformity often returns. You can now gradually increase your activity levels and most people return to sports between 3-6 months after bunion surgery. Right now I have been able to stand without the boot and walk around fine in the boot but he wants me to put a sock and shoe on every morning the second I wake up to keep down the swelling throughout the day but if it starts hurting after 30 minutes to put the Ace bandage and boot back on for the rest of the day. I have really related to everything you have said. Ive stopped taking painkillers during the day, and only sometimes take them overnight. Icing your foot and toe can reduce inflammation and you might remain slightly swollen for a few weeks. apply a sterile bandage or dressing. However, you can often begin putting a little weight on the affected foot within 24 hours. I have to say the same! Thankfully, minimally invasive techniques now allow surgeons to operate using only local anesthesia. I have been in pain every single day since the surgery, just different degrees of pain. Thanks for sharing your journey. Got Heel Pain? It is necessary that you keep your foot elevated and the wound dry and clean. quit smoking at least 4 weeks . Bunions and hammertoes are uncomfortable and unsightly conditions that most people would prefer to go without. Be sure to take only recommended medicines. What to Expect 3 Weeks After Bunion Surgery - You May Come Out of Walking Boots The first couple of weeks after the surgery will be the most challenging ones. Complete healing may take as long as 1 year. Heres what to expect with bunion surgery: Its important to note here that once a bunion forms, the only way to get rid of it is through surgery. You've talked to your doctor about having surgery to fix your bunions that have been killing you in all of your shoes. Follow the doctor's instructions to avoid complications or delays in your surgery. is as its name suggests much less taxing on patients. Because bunions tend to only get worse over time, the sooner you seek treatment for one, the better off youll be in the long run. problem, in which the big toe extends away from the other toes. Traditional, or open-foot surgeries for conditions like hammertoes and bunions can be very painful and force an individual to spend at least a day in the hospital. request other specific preparation. allergic to any medicines, latex, tape, and anesthetic agents My husband has nicknamed me Clompy as when I walk around the house you can hear me coming (there is definitely no sneaking up on people). Hope your ankle is all good again! Swimming or any activity that will get your bandages wet. I didn't feel as prepared for how long and hard this process of recovery is. Your website is a fountain of information! Twice a day Im rubbing in a moisturiser both Vitamin E cream and some bio oil to help the scars heal nicely and to minimise scar tissue. Therapy such as ice, range of motion exercises, compression devices are all recommended during this time. generally after midnight. Dressings & Wound Care I can see how a bean bag footstool would have worked perfectly. They said it's either too. I will be keeping my bunions on the other foot. Walking should be kept to a minimum in the early stages of bunion surgery recovery as foot swelling increases when the foot is down. Learn more: Vaccines, Boosters & Additional Doses | Testing | Patient Care | Visitor Guidelines | Coronavirus. Toe pushes Imitating the ballerina position, point your ankle and toes down and push your toe down with your hand to discomfort. Hope this is healpful to someone. Stitches and dressings are usually removed after two weeks and after this it is ok to get the foot wet. You can contact us here to learn more about minimally invasive surgery or to schedule a consultation today.