The musical texture that consists of a single melody without accompaniment is called: Which Classical genre is represented by this example? Which of the following are present at the beginning of the middle section of the movement, heard in this excerpt? Correct label: The effect of developing the texture of the piece is to build the feel of the song in a very dramatic way: I hope that this lesson on musical texture has helped you understand the topic more and also that it helps you in your composing. The overall dynamics of this . :21, What is the name of the technique used in the following excerpt? When the choir enters again, they sing the same music they sang in their first section, but this time with different lyrics. Which of the following statements regarding Beethovens Fifth Symphony, second movement, are correct? Synonyms extract passage (PART) Compare selection More examples In this excerpt from the film, Joe celebrates the fact that his son attends a prestigious college. The melody for the third variation, heard in this excerpt, is played by the viola. The Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem is performed by chorus, four soloists, and orchestra; has a mostly homophonic texture; and consists of eight verses, each of which features different combinations of performers. Which best describes the scale on which this opening melody is built? . a short part taken from a speech, book, film, etc. The following composition is a work by: XIncorrect choiceThe music and text are the same as in the second line. Ma fin est mon commencement QUESTION 2 Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. (rigoletto), This quartet features two male voices as well as two female voices: a soprano and a: (rigoletto), Which term best describes the tempo of this excerpt? The movement is in modified song form. (:46), Which of the following excerpts has a fast tempo? My third part three times only 6. moves backward and so ends. :52. What best describes the number of notes per syllable of text on the opening word "Alleluia" in Hildegards Alleluia, O virga mediatrix? (afternoon of a The motive is played a bit slower. c. insistent and marchlike Which best describes the ensemble performing the Chorale fantasia? Which best describes the relationship between the voices (the texture)? Correct label: Which of the following is not an overture by Beethoven: Which of the following were important composers of the Classical period? Correct label: The following excerpt is an example of Renaissance a cappella choral music. __________ is an Italian term that describes moderately fast tempo. b is a lot of polyphonic imitation. Chopin's Mazurka in B-flat minor is set in _____ meter, What best describes the character of the Chopin's Mazurka? (player 2:33). a. a. What does the triplet rhythm in the piano accompaniment symbolically represent in this song? (player 4:32), The following excerpt has smooth melodies that imitate one another on entrances. Cross), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Give Me Liberty! You can hear the chordal sound produced. In yet a third variation on theme 1, the theme is broken up into smaller pieces and played by woodwinds. 0:21. Have a look/listen to this example of heterophony from J.S. 1:54, Which of the following correctly describe the eighth and final verse of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem? b. blue-schezero rocket theme Which of the following most significantly helps in creating a solemn tone in the piece? The text setting of the upper voices is melismatic. b Pierluigi da Palestrina 5? (:14) false. (:14), This piece of music is a good example of: (:20), The following music excerpt features: (:17), A mixture of polyphonic and homophonic textures, The following excerpt represents monophonic texture. For these words, Bach uses word-painting; he makes the music directly reflect the meaning of the words. The movement is in a major key. After the silence, the soloist plays the cadenza, which features bits and pieces from themes blended into virtuosic passages. In this form, whilst the accompanying parts do not follow the same rhythms as the lead melody line, their overall purpose is to provide an underlying harmony and accompaniment to the melody. Put the three parts of sonata-allegro form in the correct order. The recapitulation begins with the first theme. The secular text and overall musical style of this example suggest that it is from a/an: My end is my beginning 2. and my beginning my end 3. and true tenor. Where are tempo markings usually written in a music score? False. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. soprano Insert a question mark if the sentence is interrogative, or an exclamation point if the sentence is exclamatory. After a strong ending by the orchestra, the solo pianist begins to play. A homophonic texture consists of a central melodic line with additional voices or parts simultaneously serving as a harmonic accompaniment. d, Which statement best describes the dynamics in this excerpt? first theme-orange closing theme-blue second theme-pink. (V, Which best describes the tempo of this excerpt? The following musical excerpt represents strophic form. (player 3:22), This cello piece exemplifies __________ form. In this example, is the answer higher or lower than the subject? very large What best describes the form of the slow movement from Haydns Emperor Quartet? :33, The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. 0:16, the pizzicato section from the third movement. 1. Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony? Listen to the excerpt. What best describes the ensemble playing this work? In this first movement from Bachs Cantata No. The harmony changes to a major key when the Elfking sings. Which best describes the melodic movement at the beginning of the closing theme? Imitative texture: Imitation is a special type of polyphonic texture produced whenever a musical idea is ECHOED from "voice" to "voice". Which best describes the texture of the first movement? The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. There are several false entries in the middle section including at least one instance of overlapping statements of the fugue subject and answer, a compositional technique known as stretto. The themes from the first section return. The role of Leporello is written for a tenor. Which best describes this closing section? Which of the following is true in regard to this excerpt? Try to determine whether the beats are grouped "strong-weak-strong-weak" (duple meter) or "strong-weak-weak-strong-weak-weak" (triple). Which best describes the second section of the trio? Although imitation can be used in monophonic styles, it is more prevalent in polyphonic art-music especially from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The singer in this excerpt is best described as having a soprano vocal range. It is in triple meter, Which best describes the music in the next section of the third movement? 00:53. The short-short-short-long rhythm appears in theme 2, the development, and the coda. It features a single melody with accompaniment. The instrumental section that returns throughout this excerpt is called a(n): CH 23 LISTENING QUIZ Handel: Messiah, "Rejoic, Chapter 25 - Listening Guide Quiz 15: Billing. After 38 seconds, the other vocalists join in singing various different vocal and percussive parts the texture has become more complex, but it is still broadly homophonic. 1:54, performed by chorus with orchestral accompaniment in a slow tempo and at a loud dynamic (forte). Pavane is duple and Galliard is triple. The first voices you hear are sopranos. The same instrument continues into a cadenza, a short solo passage played freely. The rhythm may be described as having a: When all four voices enter in succession, this constitutes the exposition. Se retrograde et einsi fin. How do the altos, tenors, and basses sing the text "Steht auf!"? Put the following musical events in the correct order in which they occur in Act I, scene 2, of Mozarts Don Giovanni. Which of the following were important composers in the Medieval period? a. debunking (:59), Which excerpt suggests a weak beat? The new music begins on higher pitches than the opening music. Which describes this section? Which best describes the texture of the first section of Ma fin est mon commencement (My end is my beginning)? Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. If others in the the crowd join in then this is still a monophonic texture they are all singing the same tune in unison. What is the meter heard in this section of the work? Which of the following is NOT a Baroque composer? The solo instrument heard in this excerpt from Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra is a clarinet. Identify whether each of the statements about the first movement of Beethovens Fifth Symphony is true or false. Which best describes the third movement of Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik? It is played by different combinations of instruments. Example A (Player :20) It is for four-part chorus (SATB) and orchestra. Which of the following correctly describe the first movement of Bachs Cantata No. In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. People often struggle to find the right words to describe musical texture and so you will often hear people describing the texture of a piece of music as being thin if there are not very many instruments playing and thick if there are lots of instruments playing. From the Classical period onwards, sonata-allegro form was replaced by other forms as the basis for most instrumental music. :26, chord accompaniment and clear, strong cadences, The texture of the following example from the Classical period can best be described as: (player 12:15). Theme 1 (recapitulation) Renaissance artists didnt really care very much if their works appealed to the public at large; they were more concerned about the "purity" of their music. 0:41. To todays listeners, Moonlight Sonata may sound mysterious, dreamy, pretty, or relaxing. The form follows that of the original chorale tune: A-A-B, which is known as bar form. According to the text, composers of the Romantic period were reluctant to stray from the seven tones of the traditional scale (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, F, G). In the Baroque period, music for keyboard, Was created mainly for use in instrumental genres such as sonatas, suites, and concertos, The following excerpt is most likely from a/an: a cappella The slow and melancholy triple meter expresses Didos lamentation at Aeneass departure. This is an excerpt from a: There may be other movements, some of which may introduce soloists. The number of voices changes throughout the movement. rough song of an untrained congregation. Here is a diagram showing all 4 of the textures we have looked at. ONE VIOLIN PLAYS THE MELODY WHILE THE OTHERS PROVIDE ACCOMP. (V, forte to fortissimo, followed by a decrescend, Which term best describes the overall tonality of this work? (player 1:30). (Play :32, . Verismo is a style of opera that used emotionally charged melodies and harmonies to depict everyday people in melodramatic situations. . Which of the following examples features melismatic singing? The first movement of Bachs Cantata No. Do you think the new global economy has helped or hurt the United States? "blue note". According to the text, art of the Romantic period valued emotional restraint and clarity of form. Basso continuo; The Doctrine of Affections, The following excerpt is an example for which style of recitative? During the Classical period, opera buffa (comic opera) plots were based on myths and historical figures. Identify this composer. (:42), The predominant meter of this example is: (2:53), The tempo in this example could be described as: (:30), This example illustrates the use of: (:30), The tempo of this example could be described as: (:20), Which of these statements best describes the unique rhythmic feature in this example? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Listen to the following excerpts of the A and B sections at the beginning of Ma fin est mon commencement. __________ We were shocked by the stream of _________ she let loose on the referee. The notes of the melody are played in a detached manner. (:19), Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? You also get things like the warranty card, certificate of authenticity, an excerpt from a short story themed around the Stellar Horizon, and a trading card. Which of the following excerpts is most likely a composition by Paganini? 0:34. allegro What other instruments are playing when you hear the theme in this excerpt? According to the text, the Traditionalists were composers of the Romantic era who: Held reverence for the music of the masters. :20, One characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it might be from the Baroque Period is: 7. The overall texture of this excerpt is: polyphonic Which of the following best describes the meter in the Choral fantasia? A-B-a-A-a-b-A-B. What is the contour of the melody heard in this excerpt? The first movement of Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik includes sudden dynamic changes and three distinct sections in sonata-allegro form. (Play :15), The composer of this excerpt is Latin Which statement best describes the dynamics in this excerpt. Create three research questions that would be appropriate for a historical analysis essay, keeping in mind the characteristics of a critical r, Carbon Cycle Simulation and Exploration Virtual Gizmos - 3208158, 1.1 Functions and Continuity full solutions. 7. The fugue enters four times, each in a different "voice." Et mon commencement ma fin 3. d possible answers. What music does the soloist play at the beginning of the exposition? Which of the following statements about the first movement of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata are correct? Which of the following best describes the excerpt heard here? Group II NAWM 64a, Victoria, O magnum mysterium Wednesday, October 28. Have a look at this visual diagram of a monophonic texture (the blue line is the solo melody): Monophony is the oldest type of music (it was the only type of music performed in Ancient Greece) and was the form of music used in early church plainchant and Gregorian Chant music. From the following composers, select the one that best understood the intrinsic nature and potential of the piano as an expressive instrument: The following choral work, based on the German Bible, was written by: Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Palestrinas Pope Marcellus Mass reflects the Catholic Churchs belief that heavenly the horse's hooves (requiem), Which best describes the scale on which this opening melody is built? This next excerpt, the closing section, occurs immediately after the choir finishes singing their third section of music. Which of the following examples features melismatic singing? Which best describes the performers in the first two verses in the opening of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem, heard in this excerpt? _____ 17 in G Major, K. 453, is in first-movement concerto form and has four major themes.