The reason why is that it is a deeply catholic tradition. However, experiencing the true local vibe at these festivals is quite something in itself. The procession ends at the Hacienda Zuleta where they thank and share this climactic moment. You can take a, Staying safe in Quito City A Guide for your Visit and Quito Safety Tips. chelsea players 1960s. N de Registro Turstico: 1791994876001.001.9000310. Ecuador Festivals are probably of the most colorful and culture filled traditions of South America when it comes to holidays and festivities. Carnival in Ecuador is celebrated in its own way. It is held to celebrate the founding of the city in 1960 and it is done in full fervour by spirited flamenco performances, bullfighting, opera shows, theatre performances, exhibitions, games, and lots of other activities. Dear Angie, thank you so much for your warm words, I really appreciate your passion for the Latin America Culture, and in special for sharing your heart with us, its wonderful when the traditions and the ancestrality arrives to the other side of the continent with the happyness of the Inti Raymi celebration, We are together on the learning way, and of course Ecuador offers a huge cultural treasure to be discovered! Eating from the ground is a means to receive energy from mother earth. The three main characters are the devil, guaricha and capariche. Inti Raymi, or the Festival of the Sun, lasts several weeks from the end of June to the beginning of July, centering around the June solstice. A deeply Andean tradition, the Sun Festival begins with the sunset of the longest night of the year. There are several rituals with which the Inti Raymi is celebrated. Battle of Pichincha - May 24: This national holiday commemorates the victory of the liberation forces during a determinant battle of 1822, and that signified the independence from the Spanish The town of Cotacachi and nearby villages come alive with week-long festivities that include street parades, song recitations, dance performances, and whatnot. No matter the ages, everyone participates! Sip carefully! On January 6th of There are no holidays today for the holiday type you chose. A Yamor Festival Queen is crowned, and she oversees many of the weeks festivities. You can take part in the celebrations anywhere in the country, but those in the towns of Pujil and Cuenca are the most popular ones. Photo credit: Chimu Advventures Bordeaux Wine Festival or Bordeaux Fte le Vin, is an annual event that takes place in Bordeaux, France every summer from mid to late June. The indigenous communities live with joy and in a committed way all their ancestry, they prepare in time, they choose a year in advance the hosts who will organize the party next year, always with the support of the community. request a donation from passing cars. As Ecuador's high-altitude capital, Carnival celebrations in Quito do not disappoint. Carnival in Ecuador, known as Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday in the United States, is celebrated as a Christian tradition to indulge in life, before the liturgical season of Lent in remembrance of Jesus' suffering on the cross. It takes place every on June 21 when the sun passes through the Tropic of Cancer. to ride on, given the different soils and the deep gorges. Because Corpus Christi is tied to Holy Week and its lunar calendar, it will not fall before May 21 or after June 24. Furthermore, everyone wears their best and most traditional finery with colorful details hoping to outshine one another. celebrated in many locations, including Chillogallo (Quito), Lican, Gatazo Grande, Chimborazo, Montecristi (Manabi), Cuenca (Azuay), Calpi, Tisaleo, Ambato (Tungurahua) and many other cities. In bodies of water such as Cuicocha lagoon and Peguche waterfall, communities park take in ritual cleansings to dispose of negative energy, renew positive energy, and reinforce their bond with mother nature. Fireworks light up the sky at midnight. Galapagos Islands Location Ecuadorians typically celebrate with parades, public dances, and loud music. They gather to celebrate and pray to the Virgin Mary of Monserrat and indigenous goddess Pachamama for the fertility of the soil and a good harvest. Thank you, mi querida Jacquie, for teaching me even more about the wonderful Inti Raymi celebrations that take place near your home! La Mama Negra is one of the oldest in the city and it is a display of the varied cultural influences from its Spanish, Aymaran, Incan, Mayan, and African ancestors. Aya Uma is a relevant character throughout the festivities. The leader of each community wears the Aya Uma mask, which is composed of two faces to represent the dualities of this world: sun and moon, night and day, south and north, and past and future. What is an important holiday in Ecuador? and mysteries. Payment Center (You can unsubscribe anytime), By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Gulliver Expeditions, Mariscal Foch y Reina Victoria, Quito, 170143, 12. Ecuadorians enjoy a day off and participate in typical parades and festivals to honor the laborers of the country. Created by Peru's earliest civilization to celebrate the most venerated god in the Inca religion, Inti Raymi, or the Festival of the Sun, is still observed in indigenous populations throughout the Andes on June 24th. The burning symbolizes the start of new experiences and better things to come. A largely theatrical display, Holy Week in Quito fervently demonstrates penitence and sorrow. December 24: Christmas. It is also conventional for these festivals to include the drinking of brandy and liquor. Carnival is a Catholic holiday that has blended with Andean traditions to become a huge festival. A colorful and joyful event, symbolizing new beginnings. Semana Santa, Inti Raymi, Carnival, you name it! Whoever catches the cape of the Fox gest a price and also gets to be the Fox in the following year. their faces, leaving two holes for the eyes for the person to see. A vibrant festival celebrated twice a year in September and November, Mama Negra is Latacungas biggest event of the year. Another Inti Raymi-style celebration occurs in Tabacundo on the night of June 28, the Feast Day of San Pedro (St. Peter). Lollapalooza Chile - one of three Lollapalooza South America music festivals (source: Facebook) Where: Hipdromo de San Isidro, Argentina / Autdromo de Interlagos, Brazil / Parque Cerrillos, Chile. The week is celebrated with various events and religious ceremonies with rich cultural traditions. Ecuadors Pllaro city (near Baos city) rings in the new year in a rather unique manner by hosting La Diablada de Pllaro that takes place from January 1 until January 6. In Ecuador, Inti Raymi (or the Fiesta del Sol ), was declared a festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage on June 29, 2016. It is typically non-alcoholic, although those that are fermented longer contain alcohol. Though the name may conjure up solemn images, don't worry, festivals throughout the Peruvian highlands include music, dancing, and even events such as bullfighting as part of the celebrations. Other activities include fireworks, bullfighting (the bull is not killed), and one popular event in which swimmers compete in a swimming competition across the icy waters of San Pablo lake. Festivals in Ecuador are some of the most interesting and enjoyable events found throughout the world. This will allow to welcome their own and visitors who will come from many parts of the country and the rest of the world, it will be the opportunity to meet, thank for the food that Pacha Mama or Mother Nature offers them, as well as generously share the energy and vitality of its traditions. This wooden statue is a symbol of hope and faith for many who live in Quito. ending year and is usual that the dolls represent a personality of the country (a president or another known personality). The Cucurucho tradition began in the colonial times, where repentant and devoted Christians would wear the pointy hats (called cucurucho) and wait outside of the churches, enduring the elements and the In Ecuador, this is a harvest festival that takes places in the highland regions of the country. It entails various traditions, but the most notorious one is the burning of Ao Viejo (old year) doll. . Epiphanys Day - January 6th: Epiphanys Day is marked with Christmas carols, masses, music performances, traditional dances, processions, and even fireworks. Colorful, noisy markets populate the town square manned by the indigenous people of Ecuador just as it was long before the Spanish conquest. Thus, the exact date will depend on Easter's date. 37 kilometers. Contact us today to start planning your trip! Before burning the doll, it is traditional to read the final will of the year, where it is usual to hear jokes and promises for the coming year. Additional characters include the Veronicas, women with their faces covered in veils who walk alongside Jesus. This bizarre celebration is held in Pllaro (north of Tungurahua Province, near Baos City) between the 1st and the 6th of January of each year. crowd in Esmeraldas. FAQs, Ecuador Festivals: A guide to the Top 7 Ecuadorian Holidays and Festivals, Nature Galapagos & Ecuador 2022 All Rights Reserved, This bizarre celebration is held in Pllaro (north of Tungurahua Province, near, A deeply theatrical tradition, Holly Week in Ecuador gathers iconic characters in a procession recreating Christs journey to the cross. Summer Festivals In Ecuador. Dont forget to take caution though. Requirements to enter Galapagos The doll represents the Blog Post region. The cultural programs change every year and are coordinated by the municipality and local artists. While popular culture associations take us to dancing, drinking, watching fireworks, and partying, Ecuador has its very own way of celebrating New Years Day. The celebration of Ecuadorian Mardi Gras celebrations finds its roots in Christianity as attendees remember, honour, and celebrate Jesus Christ. You can also explore quaint little villages or luxuriate along shimmery beaches.