Why hasn't it gone away. Clinical approach to the patient with bleeding or bruising. You don't recall bumping into anything, but lately you seem to be bruising frequently. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history, previous conditions and can best advise you. Accessed March 14, 2022. Please Guide, We recommend that you contact your provider to discuss symptoms. It took weeks to disappear. Arrange furniture and electrical cords so that they're not in your way when you walk. Due to the self-limiting nature of Achenbach syndrome, there is no set treatment for it. Most bruises eventually disappear as the body reabsorbs the blood, although healing might take longer as you age. I was diagnosed with tonsilitis and Scarlett fever. We suggest you call your doctor or the lab where you received your blood work. I still have a bruise on my wrist where it hit the metal counter it's been a year is that normal to still have the bruise for that long? We will have a link trade contract among us! Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? WebBruising after receiving a BOTOX treatment is rare, but it can happen to some. Usually, bruises or hematomas appear after a blow or injury in a particular area. Hi, Laurie. My brother is 18 and he developed a bruise on his face (cheekbone). The muscle began to spasm and O started to see skin turning red. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. -Kirstie. I shared your question with Candy. Mayo Clinic Minute: Is tinnitus causing that ringing in your ear? and this has been showing up when i wake up in the morning even from the night before for about 3 months now. Steroids (Prednisone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone) Painkillers That are about 2 inches apart and they dont hurt when I touch them They are just there What could that mean, Hi, Faith. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can contact your provider through messaging via My Marshfield Clinic: marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. About 3 or 4 months ago I noticed a round red patch on the back of my right lower leg, it's flat and it doesn't itch. If you are concerned about your bruises, we suggest connecting with your doctor who is more familiar with your conditions and medical history. Lumps or swellings. I have a swollen lymph node on my right side. As a Marshfield Clinic patient, you also could call Care My Way at 1-844-227-3929 to discuss your symptoms and receive direction on next steps. I started waking up with bruises on my arm after one night of sleep. Hi my name is Kyle, and frequently as every 2 3 days i get bruises that show up on either my left or right arm in random areas never below the elbow though. COVID toes, which is characterized by swelling, discoloration or painful bumps on the toes. Best wishes. I know for a fact that I havent bumped them but starting to get a bit concerned that they have only started happening in the last couple of weeks. Thank you for your question. -https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/. Plus purple dots are appearing on the skin.low grade fever. Mine showed up on my thighs as well. Then one day it literally hit me, when I was rushing from the babys room to the kitchen & ran right into the dining room table. Thank you. I am a 39yo female with Crohn's disease and bad urine since January when I also had bad liver count. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I am experiencing unexplained bruises everyday on my legs. Is this natural? Unexplained Bruising Treatment 1. Just wondering. I am 5'11'' and weigh about 140 lbs. This allows them to provide you with the most accurate answers. Hi, Andy. Your primary care provider knows your medical history the best; if you are concerned, you should bring this question to your next appointment. No diagnosis so far, my doc is kind of puzzled by the whole thing. Thank you for sharing your feedback. thank you, they scheduled a scan for this week. There was mild pain (like a golf ball), burning pain and an aching feeling which have all subsided just a week ago but the light plum colored bruising which goes all the way back to the buttocks and 1/2 down thighs is still there. -Kirstie. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your care team about your bruise through My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Gave me ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer and some stretches to do. They are best able to answer your questions according to your medical history and current conditions. Good luck to you & I hope you're feeling better. Hi I was wondering if you think I should be concerned. About A month and a half or two months ago I sprained my ankle really bad and the bruising is gone from it but my ankle is still swollen. I dont want to look like a drama queen but should I be asking my Dr about this & maybe get a few blood tests done? Thanks for reaching out Jake. Skin care and aging. I ended up on this website because I woke up this morning with bruising on my abdomen. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you or your parent/guardian can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. It was extremely painful for the first two days and looked worse each day. Thanks x Im 21, I tend to bruise a lot for no explainable reason and I assume that might be because Im on anti depressants but this is different? As bruises (contusions) heal, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. If you guys cant answer questions with anything other than see your doctor why answer at all, Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. An abundance of people probably come to sites like this because they dont have access to healthcare. It's best to call a nurse line or your doctor. If you do not have a medical provider, but are looking for one, you can find our list of doctors and their contact information here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/doctors. any insight to this would be helpful. I got no other symptoms. -Kirstie. Examples of trauma are a cut or a blow to an area of the body. It is pain when touched and have a slight bump. Thought My husband did it while im sleeping but he swore he didnt do ot now im very concern. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. Some steroids Hi, Tasha. Aided me a lot, just what I was searching for : D. Hi, could you help me with this ? i wish us the best! If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can ask your provider about your bruise through secure messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, Additionally, you might check out sites like WebMD for more insight: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm. For me, it is naturally on my legs and on my feet. It is great you set up an appointment with your dermatologist as he/she will be most familiar with or have access to your medical history and current conditions. Have you contacted your doctor? Unexplained bruising usually isnt something to worry about. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. WebPurpura may resemble a bruise or look like a spot of blood under your skin. When I push on it, it still hurts like a bruise but get numb. If you do not have a primary care provider, you can find one who best fits your needs here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/Specialties/primary-care. As far as I can tell its spontaneous ecchymoses. I meant that they are half blue and half yellow. We recommend reaching out to your provider regarding your bruises. It would start with a red line rather my hand are arms then would eventually turn into a dark bruise. They feel like bruises and are clear around the edges. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. Alsouse patchouli oil and bergamot oilthese 2 essential oils in particular are antifungal and when applied topically to the skin (just several drops a day) will kill the internal candida albicans bacteria. Recently i have had bad nose bleeds, but last week they finally stopped after having one, 3 or 4 times a day. Hi, Destiny If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911. Accessed March 14, 2022. Bruises are getting larger with time. They can advise you best since they are most aware of your medical history and past conditions. Even if we could, we wouldn't have enough information about your medical history, current conditions or medications to do so responsibly. Left a large bruise on the top of my foot.purple looking. We understand it can be frustrating not to have an exact answer when you just dont feel well. Additionally, some prescription and over-the-counter medications and nutrition supplements can make you bruise more easily; those medications are noted in the story. Its also possible that unexplained bruises, or blood spots under the skin that look like bruises, can point to more serious concerns, including: Effects of medications or supplements, such as aspirin, anticoagulants (blood thinners), corticosteroids, and dietary supplements, including fish oil, ginkgo, ginger, and garlic I have a large and small bruise appeared on my inner thigh do t how I got it I noticed it about 3 days ago and now a small One has appeared on my elbow But I havent knocked myself what could it be. Theres no pain. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. It is about as big as a 2 coin and it is dark almost black now. Here are some of the medication forms that could prompt easy bruising. The condition seems to occur more often in middle-aged women than in any other age group. They are not that big, less than an inch in diameter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. They do not want to hear "see your doctor" as that is a given. We strongly recommend talking to your health care provider because they know your medical history and can best advise you. So, maybe pay attention if your mattress or chairs are too firm? figured asking someone w a similar issue may yield better results. She had very wide-leg dress pants and when she raised the material I was shocked. If you'd like to start the appointment process, you can request an appointment here: https://marshfieldclinic.org/appointments. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. Since they know your medical history, they can best advise you. My 15 year old daughter has been getting unexplained bruises on her stems, legs, and torso for 2 months. My last urinalysis four weeks ago showed my liver count is normal but I still have kidney disease. Call your doctor. All i know, is that i was itching my leg and then the best day i get this nasty bruise from it. They can ask you questions about your conditions, medications and medical history, which helps them give you the most accurate help and guidance. Hey, Im 12 years old and have been getting some bruises for no reason.. Im a huge hypochondriac and Im having anxiety attacks Im scared.. what could this be they are not very small and blackish purple the smallest one I have is a little bigger than a pencil eraser Im really scared.. what could this be. I'll let you know as soon as I know more. Its the second time it happens. Any thoughts on what this might be? I have several small spots that look like bruises around my tailbone that have been there for several months now. They tend to appear so far just above the knees on each leg. This content does not have an English version. Hi, Kim. Bruises may be sore or painful to the touch as they heal. I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. You notice a lot more bruises than normal or bruises in unusual places. Thanks! hi , I have random bruises on my thighs and Ive noticed that theyve spread and they have little white tiny dots inside of the bruise . ", We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum and do suggest your husband ask his primary care provider about his bruising at his next regular appointment. They test ur blood. Hi I'm a teenage girl. However, in the last week, bruising keep appearing on his leg and after a couple of days, they go down and more appear. I could just look it up but hearing it from an a second actual doctor gives me a second opinion and that will set my mind at ease. We recommend talking to your primary care doctor first so that they can learn more and since they know your medical history. Based off of the symptoms, we strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. We appreciate you reaching out to us and reading Shine365. Seniors experience physical changes as they age. Idk if the two or related some how but this bruise on my thigh wasn't there yesterday and this morning it's awful. Hi, Hannah. When questions arent related to individual treatment or diagnosis, were happy to provide more information. It sometimes takes a couple of days for the blood to rise close to the surface of the skin, which may not even make you know what caused the bruises. please get in touch if you figure things out. Hi my name is Kylee and Im 21. Should I be worried. He also suffers from really bad head-aches. My legs get really hot and feel very heavy accompanied with extreme pain. Based on what we know, this sounds like she needs to be seen very soon. I take a blood thinner and lately I have been taking Motrin. Thanks for reaching out. you better get it checked out. privacy practices. We talk about this more in our comment policy: "Content produced on this website by Marshfield Clinic is only for educational purposes and should not be used for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions." What could be some causes of this sensation? I'm a woman the age of 41 and the same thing has started happening to me. In the mean time, you might check out sites like WebMD for insight: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm. Shortness of breath (breathlessness) Drenching night sweats. My aunt could barely walk because of swelling ankles, etc. If so, you can actually message your doctor through My Marshfield Clinic; no appointment needed: https://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Good luck to u! It caused such bright multicolored bruising : purple, blue, yellow, red, just a mess looked like I was in a car accident or something. Well, hope it helps maybe anyway or helps some others. I feel like it would get in people's way or look like I'm thinking "your chairs aren't good enough for me, hmph! There is a bruise and the knee is now popping with every step. i'm confused too. Don't even know how it happened. Elsevier; 2020. https://www.clinicalkey.com. My thought as well look like somebody has kicked the crap out of me. Should i be concerned that the vien may still be leaking? -Kirstie, I have bruising on my upper thigh close to groin area and also lower stomach area i have been abit crook on off lately bruises have been there iver a week now i told my doctor all she did was asked if i bumped myself there also told me i had a viral infection but yet afew weeks later im still the same. Hi i just noticed 2 bruises on my tummy just like Joan, 2 Days ago, NO pain, NO discomfort, I am 61 years old. The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. The tops of my thighs are itchy and bruised. And there was no rough playing before we saw what happened. I was just curious I have been getting these red hickey like bruises on my right breast. Generally, harder blows cause larger bruises. Went for blood test regards these bruising. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. I've noticed that I have these red spots on my arm and idk what theyre from and I also found a bruise on the back of my arm. Hi Alyssa, For starters. i have about 14 yellow bruises on my right leg and several on the rest of my body. Thank you for reaching out. If not, we suggest expressing your concerns at your next primary care appointment with your provider. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. He keeps massaging the area where the bruise is as it's hurting. We cannot give individualized medical advice on this forum. And do u even parent haha sometimes once in a blue moon its needed, now I was on here asking about bruising that concerned me, not asking for parenting advice. Unfortunately it's difficult for us to know why your bruises might have developed without knowing your current medications, medical history or conditions, and we cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Please go see a doctor about that, reoccurring bruises with no known cause could be of concern. We recommend seeing a doctor about your bruise as soon as you can. He suffered 3 open compound fractures to the tibia and fibula which were communicated and segmented. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your provider through My Marshfield Clinic at the following link: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic Thank you for reading Shine365. We recommend you talk to your doctor about specific bruise-related questions. A combination of sun damage and aging causes our skin to thin over time. Can you give me an answer to what is going on. before my medicine, every once in a while I'd have a few unexplained bruises, but never this many. Both great ties have what looks like bruising under the inside portion of nail, I have what looked like pink patches on my upper leg above the knee that get bigger and turn to buries but haven't bled my self x. I'm dying to know if you've figured out what it is. -Kirstie. What can this be? Small, pinhead-sized red spots on the skin (called petechiae) may be a sign of leukaemia. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. If the abortion was planned, the question may be whether the bruising is related to any positioning she had during the procedure. 4. "Content produced on this website by Marshfield Clinic is only for educational purposes and should not be used for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions or in a case of medical emergency. I had it on both but the left side went away. The bruise is multicolored, with purple, blue, green, gray and yellow areas as if its trying to heal but somehow the bleeding that causes it keeps happening. Especially on your spine. Currently in touch with a doc they think blood disorder. Have you shared that diary with your primary care provider? I had a bad dream and when I woke up from that dream my chest was burning like it got scratched. Much appreciated. Hi, Mikayla. If your mother is a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message her provider directly through My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Bruising occurs along with other bleeding. Hi, I have a bruises that suddenly appear on my legs and I noticed I have 2 more bruises on my stomach which is weird cause i have no recollection how they got there ,should I be concerned about this? If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can message your care team via My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, If not, you might try online resources like WebMD until you can see your doctor: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm. But a couple days ago, I woke up and had like 4 big bruises and 1 small one on my arm the arm one feels normal but the ones on my legs feel like balls), they have decrease a bit, but now Today Ive noticed 2 more little balls on my legs, I have bruises all up and down my legs and arms that look like someone took there finger tips and poked me all over and they keep popping up and I don't know where they are coming from any suggestions. I woke up with a bruise the size of a silver dollar. Is this normal? Muscle is still sore with bruise getting darker. I'm always slightly anemic, I'm a bit overweight, and I have trigeminal neuralgia. This is exactly what I have been experiencing. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. No pain or discomfort. Thank you for reaching out. If your coworker friend is a Marshfield Clinic patient, she could directly message her provider on My Marshfield Clinic to ask again about her bruises: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Most bruises form when small blood vessels (capillaries) near the skin's surface are broken by the impact of a blow or injury often on the arms or legs. They are best able to answer your questions according to your medical history and current conditions. Thanks Jake, I have one on my forearm too. They dont hurt at all just dark spots which Im assuming theyre bruises because it wasnt there a couple days ago. Bruises look like big purple spots with clear edges, and youre younger than 65. Whenever I reached in a drawer and grabbed something I'd lightly hit the top portions of my hands and arms and then all of a sudden, without feeling like anything hit me I'd notice a purple spot or bright red spot underneath my skin. I'll contact a couple providers and see if they have any general information to provide you. Thank you for reaching out. Thank you for reaching out. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. We recommend reaching out directly to your provider about your bruising. (My age is 49.). Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? The data, analyzed by the International League of Dermatological Societies and the American Academy of Dermatology, reveal that patients experience skin symptoms for an average of 12 days, but some can last as long as 150 days. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing as soon as you can. He/she knows you best and will be most helpful to your specific questions. Are you doing everything you can to stay healthy? Even small changes in sight or hearing can cause you to fall. This should be evaluated by someone who can visualize the marks. My mom was recently visiting me and was horrified when she saw my legs. Thank you for reaching out. Hi, Giselle. Weve updated the story to reflect this. We send best wishes to your grandson and hope his pediatrician can help provide answers. Bruising or bleeding that is unexplained. Also will they go away? Should I be concerned. Unfortunately, we can not offer medical advice on this platform. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. I eat mainly vegetables but also eat some cookies and chips as a snack. I dont really know what to do cause they are on both of my forearms, and like round. I asked Candy about your concerns and symptoms. I would associate this with an event where the area is damaged repeatedly ie: frequent or repetitive employment duties, athletes who use equipment, or if the tissue is friable and not able to fully heal due to poor wound healing or some medication use (such as aspirin or blood thinner use or steroids that can thin the skin). We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. What could have caused it? Its patchy and darker red like a normal bruise but it appeared randomly, has never hurt or itched, its not dry or bumpy, it has not changed in size or color and its been a few days. Senile purpura. Any idea what it would be and why ? Additionally, you might check out sites like WebMD for more insight, as we're not able to provide individualized medical advice on this forum: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm. I have an unexplained bruise about the size of a lemon on my outer thigh that aches. To find the cause of your bruising, your health care provider will likely do a physical exam and ask questions about your symptoms and medical history. WebAchenbach syndrome refers to sudden, unexplained bruising of one or more fingers. Same type of bruises appear on legs and arms of my 21 year old daughter. It must be very frustrating for some people who do not have insurance or a primary care provider to keep hearing, 'Go see your doctor,' but truthfully, these skin areas need to be visualized and a full health history needs to be taken. We strongly recommend contacting your doctor who knows your medical history. Sue I apologize; we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. I have several on my upper thighs (both legs) I just ended my monthly and started taking liquid b12 supplement for energy.within the same amount of timeframe Ive noticed a lump on the outer wall of my private area.Im worried and will be seeking advice from a doctor tomorrow.. Hi i have small purple spots on my fore arm they appear often and take a while to go away, no pain no soreness just appear, they look like small raisins , should i worry? I am not a doctor or anything, but have several health issues and wanted to offer my personal opinion based on my own experiences. Your thoughts please? Unfortunately, we are unable to provide too individualized of medical advice on this platform. You notice a lot more bruises than normal, bruises in unusual places or bruises not healing after about two weeks. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Hello Heather We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. I am a 31yo female that has bruises on my lower back. However, there could be underlying reasons too. There's no pain, it didn't bleed and it is not swollen. We recommend reaching out to your provider as soon as you can about your bruise. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. I went to the doctor almost 2 months ago for severe lower pack pain after a fall and they said it was a back sprang. WebAchenbach syndrome refers to sudden, unexplained bruising of one or more fingers. In many instances, they are nothing to be of worry. i do sleep on my left side but in the past few days couldn't help accidentally hitting some new (not huge) boot heels against a hard bed frame. Have your vision and hearing tested. Steroids: Corticosteroids can cause the skin to become thinner, and as a result, blood vessels lie nearer to the surface. Did you find out about your bruises? So also allergic reactions to certain medicines could be the cause of easy bruising. Fall-proofing your home. But a few days ago I woke up and there are bruises around where the incisions are and my hip has started hurting A LOT. And its happening regularly now and is pretty painful. Kayla You're exactly right. If so, you can message your doctor via My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, If you don't have a My Marshfield Clinic account, you can find your doctors contact information here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/, Im not one to get random bruises. Hi, Im a 28 year old male who isnt on any medication but is currently getting bruises on my legs. Please, in your opinion, answer my question! I'm a 34 yr old female. Hi, I have had 2 or 3 bruises on the inside if my arm for about a month. I think you should go see your doctor. I just noticed the very same thing on my right thigh. Me to. Aspirin, certain prescribed medications and even some over the counter s Read More These occur because there is a rupture of the blood vessels after a crash of a certain intensity. It caused me cancer, hypertension, a clot, & stroke. I have two bruises one on my arm but I didn't do anything to my arm to get a bruise and the second one is on my hand and it just got on my hand today while I was playing a game with my dog and he didn't bite my hand. The main symptom is spontaneous bruising on one or more of the fingers. It started about size and shape of an sideways almond, and now about a small egg. Prescription and over-the-counter medications and nutrition supplements can make you bruise more easily. Had out happen in the middle of the bottom of my foot with my shoe On. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can contact your provider through messaging via My Marshfield Clinic: https://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Also, they have been getting bigger and smaller overtime. Also, take one teaspoon of coconut oil dailyonly unrefined and cold pressed (do not buy anything else because it will contain chemicals and do not buy MCT oil because the lauric acid has been removed). These characteristically blue bruises appear for no known reason, such as trauma to the finger. This also applies to your sheets and your towels; we don't realize the contact we have with these, and rinsing out every speck of detergent helped me immensely. im relatively young (17) and i continously kept waking up with little bruisies all over my arms, most of them the size of dots.