Extremely winter hardy. An excellent choice for a free-standing, disease-resistant tree of M.7 size.. Also known as Geneva 969. A virus-free clone of M9, EMLA 9, like other M9 clones, induces early cropping with large fruit size. All rootstocks are roughly 1/4" diameter, approximately pencil-size. We also grow several deciduous ornamental seedlings and cuttings which include maple, oak, beech, Planetree and serviceberry You can also inquire about custom trees. Macs on Geneva 65 survived the severe winters in Quebec. [35-40% size of standard tree] Slightly more vigorous than NAKB 9 337 dwarf rootstock. Grafting Care. 2 sizes- 160mm x 6mm and 140mm x 3.5mm. Produces a tree similar to or slightly larger in size to M9-337. 588 in stock Quantity Added! See Grafted Trees. You may make payment immediately without confirmation only if you provide a list of alternates as some varieties are very limited-but most wood is available through July. Resistant to WAA,replant disease, phytophthora, fire blight and its very winter hardy.GENEVA 30 NAFrom Cornell-at-Geneva. EMLA 26 is not as vigorous as EMLA 7, but is much easier to manage in the orchard.Supporter 4, 3/16 (55%) 100 available: Trees on Supporter 4 are more uniform than those on M-26 with little burr knotting and overgrowth, also it is more collar rot resistant. Geneva 210 [60% size of standard tree] This rootstock is precocious, fire blight and woolly apple aphid resistant and cold hardy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We post the rootstock inventory in September. This stock is free standing, but will require a trellis to support heavy early crops. Cold hardy and highly resistant to fire blight and crown rot. It is a winter hardy rootstock with low suckering. Rootstocks not only determine the overall size, vigor, and precociousness of a tree but also what soil types it can grow in, its drought tolerance and how well anchored your tree will be. Order Your Rootstocks $4.35 ea. Very resistant to collar rot and moderate resistance to mildew and scab. Add to Cart Best Pricing ; add $1 per variety >40, Shipping is $8 up to 10 scions, $0.20 each additional. Resistant to collar rot, but susceptible to fire blight and woolly aphids. ; add $1 per variety >20, 500-999 $1.25 ea. 140mm =100/1 oz. Rootstock are listed in order of vigor (size compared to a standard seedling tree). We ship the rootstocks starting in March until the end of May. A virus-indexed clone of Malling 26, EMLA 26 is more vigorous than EMLA 9, but less vigorous than EMLA 7. It is also cold hardy and self-supporting. This rootstock requires support. Size: 75% of standard. MUST BE ORDERED BY JULY 1ST. Compact Fruit Tree 37(3): 91-94. It is precocious, resistant to fire blight, crown rot, and woolly apple aphid, replant tolerant, and propagates well in the stool bed. Susceptible to fire blight and wooly apple aphid. I always sharpen to chisel with no bevel, thinning the stainless steel. Virus: N
Anchorage is fair; however, it does not perform well on light sandy soils. Okulette budding bands $0.05 each, also decompose in light. Only slightly less vigorous than M9, The Vineland series of apple rootstocks originated as open-. It is resistant to collar rot and adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions, though not light, sandy soils. Moderate vigor, about 70% the size of trees on seedling, EMLA 106 is heavy cropping and resistant to wooly apple aphid. at the best online prices at eBay! determines which plants will thrive at a location. And if you want to start a commercial-size planting please inquiry during summer! G.890 is tolerant to replant disease, and resistant to fire blight, crown rot, and wooly apple aphid. Click here for additional information on the Geneva series. G890(Geneva 890)Freestanding (support recommended in early years) precocious and productive. Geneva 41 Dwarf Apple Rootstock Malus rootstock 'Geneva 890 clonal rootstock' Geneva 890 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock Malus rootstock 'EMLA 111 clonal rootstock' Malling 111 Semi-Standard Apple Rootstock Malus rootstock 'EMLA 7 clonal rootstock' Malling 7 Semi-Dwarf Apple Rootstock Back To Top Grafting Kit $12: Includes Rubber ties 5-160mm x6mm, 10-140mm x3.5mm, 3ft. Full standard vigor. Geneva 214 roots well with a few side shoots or spines that need to be removed. Probably most suitable as patio plants and for the intense backyard hobbyist.GENEVA 935 (G.935) Dwarfing-slightly larger than M.26 ~50% From the Ottawa 3 x Robusta 5 cross. Tolerant to crown rot(collar rot/phytophthora). Geneva 214 grows well in layer beds producing adequate sellable rootstocks per liner foot. Trees on Geneva 935 begin bearing early but staking is recommended as it is a shallow rooted rootstock. We offer a variety of rootstocks for sale including disease resistant and traditional so that experienced and new growers can create their own orchards. It can be used for T budding because of the rounded nose where you roll the blade over the scion. [45-50% size of standard tree] Vigor between EMLA 26 and EMLA 7. Your email address will not be published. Inventory Size: 1/8" 4-5mm Amount: 47 Size: 3/16" 5-7mm Amount: 7422 Size: 1/4" 7-9mm Amount: 19469 Size: 3/8" 9-12mm Amount: 0 Size: 1/2" 12+mm Amount: 0 Counts: Actual Resistant to collar rot and apple scab. You can graft and bud this high quality rootstocks with about 1/4 diameter. One of the most widely planted rootstocks in the USA. Requires support. Geneva11 is similar to, or slightly less vigorous than, M9-337 in size. It is similar to EMLA 7, but has better anchorage, higher production and fewer burr knots. From the Ottawa 3 x Robusta 5 cross. [40-50% size of standard tree] Precocious. Please send along address and preferred shipping date, and preferred diameter-default is 3/16-1/4 with 1/8 often the case. $49 for 5 rootstocks with priority mail included for free. This rootstock requires support. P.18 A Malling 4 x Common Antonovka hybrid from the great Polish rootstock breeding program at Skierniewice. It is good rootstock to consider for replant sites. You can get these rootstocks for as low as $2.95 each - see Volume Pricing above. Years of experience will show us which scions will do better on which rootstocks . 2023 Cummins Nursery | 1408 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 | (607) 269-7664 | Terms & Conditions. Mature tree size may differ in other climates and growing conditions. Very precocious, M9-NIC 29 promotes large fruit size and early cropping. (Login)Shop Now Menu Bench grafted BUDDED trees are $15 each, shipping is $20 up to 8 trees. It also has the reverse ear for splitting cleft graft wood. Performance of the new Genevaapple rootstocks in trials in the US, NZ and Europe. Geneva11 is resistant to collar rot, is very winter hardy, and has a high yield efficiency and large fruit size. Trees on G.65 are sturdy, well-anchored, thrifty little trees but they do require irrigation. Reported to enhance fruit size on Asian pears.OHXF 97 These OHXF stocks originated from the Old Home x Farmingdale cross; both parents are very resistant to fire blight. . Slightly more vigorous than M9, this rootstock requires support and irrigation is recommended. Geneva 30 (G 30) This rootstock was developed at the Cornell University breeding program by Dr. Jim Cummings. Geneva Rootstocks Comparison Chart; Cornell-Geneva Apple Rootstocks for Weak Growing Scion Cultivars (2015 Fruit Quarterly v. 23-1) Apple Rootstocks Influence Mineral Nutrient Concentration of Leaves and Fruit (2015 Fruit Quarterly v. 23-2) MALLING-MERTON 111 Close to 80% of full standard vigor, MM.111 is more tolerant of difficult soil conditions than the other English rootstocks. Resistant to collar rot, scab, mildew, and gall; intermediate tolerance to fireblight. Resistant to fire blight, crown rot and woolly apple aphid. Some suckering; nearly no burrknots. [35-40% size of standard tree] Has good precocity and yield efficiency. Rootstock as a key component to high . Productivity efficiency like m9s; Resistant to crown rot and fire blight, WAA, tolerant of replant disease.GENEVA969 (G.969) about 50-55% Producing a self-supporting tree, similar properties as G.935GENEVA 890 (G.890) Produces a semi-dwarf tree that is 60% of seedling vigor in New York conditions, 40-50% in Washington state. Widely used as interstem in Poland.Mark, 3/16(30-40%) Mark has been a good performer for us-especially in pots. Interested in purchasing 6 of your G-210 regrade rootstocks. If 2 trees or less in column K = not for sale. Zone 4-8. Phone: 1-877-353-4028 The standard rootstock against which all semi-dwarf stocks are measured, An extremely hardy and vigorous rootstock from Russia, A full-vigor, extremely cold-hardy rootstock, A semi-dwarf, fireblight-resistant pear rootstock, A full-vigor pear rootstock that is resistant to fireblight, precocious, and productive, A dwarfing plum rootstock that is compatible with peach and nectarine, A semi-dwarf, disease-resistant rootstock for apricot and plum, A semi-standard cherry rootstock that is similar in vigor to Mahaleb. Learn more about apple rootstocks in this article. 20-39=$2.50 ea., 40-99+=$2.25 each, 100-499=$2 ea.,500+=$1.75 ea. It is also susceptible to fire blight and should not be used in combination with fire blight susceptible varieties. This really must be done for your cutlery skills. A terrible nursery subject fairly difficult to root; many spines. Our Address259 Seven Mile Dr,Ithaca, New York14850 USA. In Snohomish, Washington we cut scionwood in December and January through April and hold chilled through June, then fresh wood is cut and leaves stripped for summer budding in July-August. grafting putty/sealer. Log in to your account to access the best pricing based on your past purchases; also see wholesale information. $5; one size only: $8/2oz. Most precocious and productive of the semi-dwarfing rootstock. Extremely winter-hardy, as well as tolerant of wet feet. They have been planted on large scales and information exists on potential challenges. Geneva 41 is highly resistant to fire blight and Phytophthora with no known tree death from this disease in field trials. It is fire blight resistant and moderately resistant to collar rot, though suckering can be a problem. Resembles Malling 9 in growth with numerous lateral branches. All rootstocks are roughly 1/4" diameter, approximately pencil-size. Woolly Apple Aphid: Very Resistant. We will ship or offer trees for pickup starting in March when trees are still dormant and when it's the optimal time for planting in your zone. Geneva 41 (G.41) Geneva 41 resulted from a cross between M.27 and Robusta Include sharpend black,$29 or orange Knife below $27. Resistance to collar rot and fireblight. A virus-indexed clone of M7a. Resistant to collar rot and adaptable to a wide range of soils, the exception being light, sandy soils, M9-337 induces early cropping with large fruit size. Shipping rootstock>1to4=$10;5to9=$15;10 to19 =$20; 20 to 39=$24; 40 to 99= $23;>100=$23+$.021 each. [50-60% size of standard tree] One of the most popular rootstocks in the commercial industry. Decompose in UV, not oxygen as in the older red rubbers. Requires support. Trees on M.7 are quite cold hardy. 1 year seedling $4.00 1 year seedling - bundle of 10 $35.00. Size is similar to, or slightly smaller than, M26. It is very resistant to collar rot and moderately resistant to apple scab and powdery mildew. M7 (EMLA 7) Well anchored and good winter hardiness. Geneva41 is very cold hardy and precocious. A dwarfing apple rootstock in the Emla 9 class that is disease resistant and free standing. From the Ottawa 3 x Robusta 5 cross, 1976. Geneva 41 Apple Rootstock Small dwarf rootstock. Smallest to largest rootstock types, repeated at column AA with newer (to me) rootstock G11 to P18 and on to double grafts beginning with 106/M27. [40-50% size of standard tree] Semi-dwarfing stock similar in size to M.26. Text also works but Ill need your email if you want an invoice. In fact these rootstocks for sale can be used to grow dwarf to standard sized trees. Horticultural Value Geneva 935 rootstock could be a good replacement for M-26 because its fruit production and its ability to deal with some of the problems of M-26 rootstock such as fire blight. Horticultural Value Geneva 214 has high yield efficient and productive with yields of 100 to 125 percent of M.9 in most U.S. trials. Now you can propagate your own fruit trees for . Traits Sufficient for 15 whip &tongue grafts, 30-40 buds. Staking is recommended along with supplemental irrigation. If regrade rootstocks are available, they are sold at 20% less list price. I have G935, G214, Mark (MAC9) and EMLA7 available this year. (No, the P doesnt stand for Polish or Poland, but for the Polish word for rootstock.) May be more tolerant to fire blight than M-9. Flexiband Grafting Rubbers: Blue rubbers from the Netherlands, these are perfect for 1/4 whip and tongue, splice, side and cleft grafts up to 3/4. Our stock is Dormant, oct-March. Ease of Grafting: Y, Fireblight: Very Resistant
20-39=$2.50 ea., 40-99+=$2.25 each, 100-499=$2 ea.,500+=$1.75 ea. Sold Out Quantity Added! Good for wildlife planting? Bud 9/10 is common in high-density plantings, planted 2 to 4 feet apart in the row. M.26 is very, very susceptible to fire blight, burrknots, woolly apple aphids and crown rot. Requires support. Also used as interstem on Bud 118 and EMLA111EMLA 9 T-337(2020) Like Bud 9, EMLA 9 is a full dwarf withg high precocity, heavy soil tolerant, phyththora resistant, wooley apple aphid resistant and to its credit, not quite as brittle as Bud 9. Cameron nursery grades roots into 3 grades and 6 sizes from 1/8" to 7/16". TRECO has large acreage of premium quality Oregon rootstock planted and offers close to 30 varieties including Budagovski, EMLA, and Geneva. Moderately resistant to powdery mildew. History>2019>we had increased variety, many Genevas, a few EMLAs and a few Budagovskys and 2 Polish stock-Smallest to largest as percent of standard tree(25 to 40 feet): M27(20%), P2(25%), Bud 10(35%), T337(35%) G11,214(35-40%),G210(40%),G202(45%),G935(50%), Freestanding>Supporter 4(50%), G969(55%), EMLA111 75%, Bud118(80%) and P18(95%); Mark and P2 have performed very well for me with good early vigor and strong rooting, Bench grafted trees are $15 each, these are fresh grafted or budded in prior year. For example, selecting Dwarf will show dwarf and semi-dwarf results. Geneva 969 will produce trees that are 40% to 50% of seedling. Same great taste and crunch as the original. Can be used as a rootstock for grafting persimmon trees. Geneva 214 produces trees that are 35% to 40% of seedling. ; Geneva Stock add $0.75 to each stock. No burrknot tendencies!ANTONOVKA This seedling rootstock is grown from seeds imported from Poland. In fact these rootstocks for sale can be used to grow dwarf to standard sized trees. Requires support. Recently released by Cornell University, Geneva214 is resistant to fire blight, crown rot and wooly apple aphid. This rootstock requires support and irrigation is recommended. A good replacement for G30 without the graft union brittleness. Vigorous and well anchored.BUDAVGOSKY 9 (Red-Leaved Paradise) (Bud.9) Same level of dwarfing as Malling 9, but about 5 degrees more winter hardy. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. A widely-planted rootstock in high-density orchards. B10(Budagovski 10)Support required. More about Pricing & Grading. We try to use rootstocks that have good disease resistance and cold hardiness for northern climates. In some tests, Bud.9 has not been quite as productive as Malling 9. Now you can propagate your own fruit trees for very low costs or preserve rare and heirloom varieties by grafting them onto to resilient rootstocks. G.969, G.935, and G.814 all appear to reduce biennialism in Honeycrisp and are considered the best stocks for such weak-growing cultivars. On-farm trials of the Cornell-Geneva apple rootstocks in New York. Use Geneva stock for apple replant disease-where you need to plant in an old apple tree site.PAJAM-2, 40%) ~zero available-When considering a high density orchard the M-9 Pajam 2 rootstock would be a good choice if youre looking for a vigorous M-9.EMLA26, (45%), some older Available Recommended for use on all but badly drained soils. A good choice for weaker growing varieties, shows more vigor in the nursery than B.9. Size: 60% or standard. Order Your Rootstocks $4.35 ea. Tasty this year, good size. Rootstock. Any available? This rootstock requires support and supplemental irrigation is recommended. 10-19 $3 EA. Size: 85% of standard. [35-40% size of standard tree] Fully-dwarfing rootstock similar in size to M.9 with precocity and productivity surpassing M.9 in trials. Resistant to collar rot and fire blight. It is very cold hardy and tolerant to replant disease, but susceptible to wooly apple aphid. Mature tree size may differ in other climates and growing conditions. Preferred- paypal (add2%) Pay Here Once Confirmed; larger orders I will produce a paypal invoice. Geneva 41 rootstock could be a good replacement for M-9 because its fruit production is as good or better and the added protection against fire blight and replant disease. We try to use rootstocks that have good disease resistance and cold hardiness for northern climates. Historically, most of the clonal apple rootstocks that we use in the United States traditionally originated in Europe. G.65 is precocious, very productive, resistant to crown rot and almost immune to fire blight. When budded with spur-type scions, EMLA 26 should be planted on soils of higher fertility. The very expensive Tina knives always are sharpened with no bevel edge. Fazio said 220,000 trees have been planted on the rootstock so far. Direct Rootstock Sales Our fruit and nut rootstock propagation facility, Feather River Plants, utilizes plant tissue culture techniques to clone today's top selections of highly sought-after rootstocks. May require support. G11(Geneva 11)Requires support. Staple built in. Tree spacing: See details
Malling 9 Produces a fully dwarfed tree with good fruit size and color. Geneva 969 was a planned cross between 'Ottawa 3 x Robusta 5' in 1976 by Cornell University and Geneva Apple Rootstock Breeding Program. A cross between M 8 and Red Standard, a hardy rootstock of, A vigorous, semi-dwarf rootstock that produces trees that is, is considered to be smaller than a half size tree.
Could you direct me to the spreadsheet of available scionwood varieties please and thank u, will also consider rootstocks for them as well. Very fast method to tie off buds. Irrigate your ground prior to planting your rootstock. In the mid-1800s horticulturists began referring to rootstocks by name. www.ctl.cornell.edu . Not precocious which is one reason we dont put Northern Spy on it!! 1. If the rootstock have been in cold storage bring them up to room temperature by placing them in a warmer area before planting. Its precocity and productivity have shown to be equal to or better than M-9. The replant tolerant Geneva rootstocks (G.41, G.214, G.935, G.210, G.969, G.890) are much better than the available standards of Bud 9, Mark, M.9 clones, M.26 and the semidwarf rootstocks. This rootstock requires support and supplemental irrigation is recommended. It is good rootstock to consider for replant sites. We are a local family-run nursery in Ithaca, New York growing many varieties of fruit trees at affordable prices. Geneva 41 produces a few side shoots in the stool bed but the biggest challenge is poor root development--leading to a lower. Difficult to root in the stoolbed. [35-40% size of standard tree] Very cold hardy. They are sold at a little over cost and I have 100. EMLA 9 A virus-free clone of M9, EMLA 9, like other M9 clones, induces early cropping with large fruit size. The Geneva 935 is a nursery friendly rootstock. Confirmed for 2022 delivery late February: Rootstock Prices are $4 for 1 or 2 3-9=$3.50ea. 10-19 $3 EA. Among the other insights Auvil offered to growers on the tour: It will produce a tree that is about 50-70% of standard. OHXF 97 is full standard vigor; fire blight resistant. Poland.P2,(25-35%) Podladki 2 is very similar to P22 disease resistance and hardiness. . Susceptible to nematodes, woolly apple aphid, and fire blight. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -. Moderate resistance to both fireblight and woolly apple aphid and replant tolerant. Cheap Folding Grafting Knifes: They come pre-sharpened with a 60 degree bevel. Honeycrisp on Geneva G11 dwarf rootstock. We offer many kinds of disease-resistant and traditional rootstocks. Resistant to fire blight, phytopthora and woolly apple aphid.
Resistant to fire blight and collar rot. Geneva210 is tolerant to apple replant disease and resistant to fire blight, collar rot and wooly apple aphid. Rootstock - Mike and Brian's Nursery A Wholesale Tree Fruit Nursery All rootstock listed is available for tree-growing contracts. Would like multiple varieties of scions for this spring, looking for specifics in plum category but also need a few types of peach and 3 types of apple! Recommended for dry, sandy sites. Slightly more dwarfing than Malling 9. Excellent choice for high density plantings. No burrknots.PEAR ROOTSTOCKS:Pyrus betulifolia Standard vigor. It is tolerant to replant disease. Numbers under 5 should always have backup of alternates and are limited to 1 per person/order I do my best to spread genetic material around. 1-877-353-4028Call Us Today! It is well anchored and does not require staking. We are moving to Mark as a great dwarf to semi-dwarf tree without trellis. Superior rooting compared to other 9 clones. Climate zipcode lookup T. Over 85 and under 28 can cause damage. Resistant to crown and root rots. Interstem rootstock is available same prices as bench grafted varietals. Not compatible with Honeycrisp. If using both rubber and parafilm, be sure rubber is outside the parafilm or be sure to cut away if decomposition hasnt taken place. Premiums are included in the following prices if applicable. Very winter hardy, Bud 118 produces a well-anchored tree similar in size to EMLA 111 or larger. Adapts well to a wide range of soil types and climates. Red leaves, red wood, red blossoms, red fruit. Freestanding, but has tendency to lean if not support in early years. The cheapy folding scissors work great! Moderately resistant to crown rot and to fire blight. Disease Resistance. $4.49. We offer many kinds of disease-resistant and traditional rootstocks. It is moderately resistant to fire blight and woolly apple aphid but not tolerant to replant disease. Click here for additional information on the Geneva series. We now recommend that most varieties on G.30 be given support, especially during the early fruiting years.GENEVA 41(G.41) A little more dwarfing than Malling 9. The excel file has tabs on apple scion and stone fruit -plums Cherries, peach (Frost only), About 300 varieties available through April, Rootstock is listed in apples at the top. Produces a tree approximately 75% the size of trees on seedling. We think G.41 is the best replacement for Malling 9 in high density plantings; GENEVA 65 Little Beauty The first introduction from the breeding program at Geneva, NY under the direction of Dr. James N. Cummins and Dr. Herb Aldwinckle. Slightly more vigorous and productive than M9-337, M9-Pajam 2 is precocious and promotes large fruit size. [60% size of standard tree]This rootstock is precocious, fire blight and woolly apple aphid resistant and cold hardy. Below are the rootstocks we normally work with, if you are looking for a rootstock you do not see listed, please contact us and we may be able to source it for you. [40-45% size of standard tree] Good precocity. It is slightly larger than Emla 26. G.969 is resistant to fireblight, collar rot, and woolly apple aphid. Good resistance to crown rot and fire blight, this rootstock produces trees about 11-16' tall. More about Pricing & Grading. FRUIT TREE SCIONWOOD: is the 1 year old wood stick variety used for grafting.