Yes, the black family camping out in a tent in their back yard and cooking Smores together gave me a laugh, too. Go to virtually any website from Ralph Lauren to Nike, to even Dale of Norway or Toyota. How dare you come after my little children like that? The report highlights the following 10 demographics that are shaping the fabric in the United States: Over the last 50 years, almost 59 million immigrants have entered the country, mostly from Asia and Latin America. I can live my life freely and am never required to participate in anyones cause, no matter how righteous its considered. History shows some of the first slaves in America were bought by other blacks, there were also white and Indian slaves, Chinese slaves, you name it we have all been slaves at one time or another, slavery was not right who ever pushed it, and it still exists around the world today. The list goes on and on, Maria this, Carlos that. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. Execs want to cover their asses when blacks take to social media to yell about how racist their ads are. You may have missed my point. are being promoted by females. They are owners and CEOs of major corporations and professors at prestigious universities. To your point, Roo91, I tried to find the latest stats for interracial marriages in the U.S. As far as I can tell, about 19 percent of newlyweds today are married to someone of a different race a number thats been ticking up year after year. Thought it was just me till I saw these posts, I noticed it also after the divider Obama was in charge, think he still is, I dont buy any of the crap they advertise. Maybe thats the case with Gain laundry detergent? I am a gay man and I am sick of the LGBTQ with their crap too! I agree that we need to tell the advertisers what we want by not purchasing their items or services. I got rid if my idiot box thirty years ago, and have not set foot in a cinema in forty two years. Where are the Asians? . If I had a DVR, I would tape the shows and fast forward right through them. Who comes up with the best inventions and breakthrough technologies? . I read that 3.9% of the US population intermarry. This is NOT the same country and society it was 60 years ago. Especially for the scumbags that are part of The Frankford School. Thank God there is a voice of reason on the net. The female chromosome is XX, the male is XY. Thank you! Has anyone or can someone post a list of ad sponsors and companies that promote fake advertising? Often he complains about how shows are too woke. Likewise, movies and TV shows should be about stories, not propaganda, and the same goes there. We have all forgotten that the fall of the Roman Empire, and every great civilization that has risen and fallen, was the result of sexual deviation and perversion. People are getting tired of BLM and lgbtq. And the alien up there in his spaceship would have to also conclude that nearly all white men are clueless bufoons, the butt of jokes from his wife and spoiled kids, and that nearly all figures of authority and respect, whether its a boss at a large company, a doctor, a judge, your local pharmacist, or anyone else that you would look up to, will be a minority. Its coercive propaganda in the background of each of these commercials repeated 1000s of times each day. You certainly can include other customer demographics in your ads to grow marketshare in those groups, but again that is with a solid marketing purpose. and planned cultural change. Thank you for calling BS on the misrepresentation and unbalanced perspective in advertising. As I say, I do appreciate authenticity in my commercials, and I dont think Im alone. Ha! You will see a lot of these cheap videos on YouTube, or like those small screen pop-up videos that plague monetized food recipe blog/channels. I can assure you, you are not a racist. I dont need to tell you that we live in a hyper-politically-correct society. Youre right, Zan. I, for one, really appreciate your post, and might suggest that in todays political climate youre not as socially far left as you think. Exactly!! Why do so few women work as coal miners? Black men in commercials are all very handsome, tall, athletic, and competent. And that the belief in a God or divine spark within is a total lie. I became republican for this reason. Now send $5 to BLM for repentance. I like my man to act like a man and not line me. Please explain what you mean by the statement the other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all? You do know that Black people are not a monolithic group. I live in Canada and its the exact same thing here as well, 73% of the population is white yet nearly all our advertising features mixed-race couples predominantly with a white female and black or now sometimes Indian spouse, and mixed children, but it gets worse. So much for being a racist country.). Married to blonde white models. It would be more realistic & more palatable if companies would use the actual or real percentages of interracial couples, races & genders instead of trying to make these things as absolutely above normal or actual numbers. Spot on Cranky! BLM will NEVER BE SATISFIED. This is not about money, or placating the woke mania. To get more information about these cookies and the processing of your personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. If a white person says white power you would im be labeled a racist mainly because hate groups have wrongly kidnapped the term. If enough people are dissatisfied with the ads they should quit purchasing that companys products and thus let them know how they feel. Not one person alive in this country today has ever been a slave, or has ever owned a slave. The findings are simply not believable. It is refreshing to see an advertisement showing an all white traditional family. The FOUNDER of BLM just purchased four homes over a million dollars FOR PERSONAL USE! What does this say about women who arent blonde white models? They are governors or lieutenant governors. Do you think they diminish celebrating Ramadan because of the Christian minority? . Take care of me and keep us, as Leo Terrell (a black man) says, on the democratic plantation. Let them know that they have lost you as a customer. As you say, if television ads did a better job of reflecting real life, there would be a lot fewer people complaining that advertisers are pushing an agenda. They dont care that Blacks are dying everyday at the hands of other Blacks. One last point. Believe it or not, the United States of America is one of the *least* racist countries on the face of the earth. In fact, you rarely see an ad without a person of colour. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. One day while in line at my S&L, the old farmer in front of me asked the teller about their stability. And theyre shown eating burgers, guzzling beer, and lying on the couch with a remote when theyre not robbing houses. There are a number of outfits I will not have anything to do with if I can avoid them Coca Cola, Nike, the NBA and NFL, to name just a few. Scratch that. Ive known people who lamented on how much time and money they had spent (especially the early morning drives to practice) to support their kid who wanted to play hockey. Even more than Limu Emu and Doug do. Now, it's an ad, and in the end it doesn't matter, however, I feel this forced diversity does impact some aspects of media. All Im saying is that occasional mixed race ads or poc ads are fine if they mirror society, but when the viewing public is being indoctrinated by depictions that far outnumber real world representation in an effort to alter perception its problematic, yes, whites need not apply = discrimination .they should file a lawsuit. Again I say, read American Marxism for an explanation of EVERYTHING that is going on. Who built this country? I do believe that their day will come sooner than they think. LIke you, Ive also heard that many black (nah, screw AP) women are absolutely NOT okay with seeing black men with white women, whether its in TV commercials or in real life. By portraying all cultures the same with people of all races talking and behaving white these ads and advertisers actually disrespect, and misrepresent, every culture. Inclusion comes naturally when your company lives it. Amen Robert! 90% of the time its one black shooting another. Thanks to the Cranky one for putting this out there. Now I cant tune out. I am amazed that the conversation of this topic has been started. I am a somewhat older fellow, and looking back, single events and changes never seemed sinister. That might seem to make sense but do you know a lot of really poor Asian people in America? Looks like I have missed nothing of importance in the last thirty years. The inclusion of this new character caused the familiar cries of 'forced diversity' to be heard yet again. This is their method of dividing and conquering the lower classes of society as they see us. About 20 minutes worth of commercials where white people are degraded. It should be noted that a new diversity index in the Census has some claiming that white people are undercounted.). I dont even knowdont they think some black people might be offended by these commercials, like theyre being white-washed, for lack of a better term? As a Communications major in college in the early 70s, Public Relations courses I took stressed the importance of quickly putting a lid on any negative news on your client company, being transparent in what happened, getting it quickly under control, and telling the public how you were correcting the situation. I also was curious if others were noticing the same phenomenon. A voice of reason on the net? I SELF-IDENTIFY as a CAT! When BLM founder purchased four homes I had just read a piece by a paid-by-democrats political consultant on CRT. What exactly do you mean? Recently, the angry white critic inside me has noticed the overused casting of in-between races.where individuals are 1/4 Black, 1/4 White, 1/4 Hispanic, 1/4 mystery race. (Another is what Disney has done with the Star Wars franchise in erasing male leads.) It is Hispandering plain and simple and it is insulting to Latinos. Thanks again for writing and good luck landing some auditions. . Do it. But almost every day, we see videos of people brazenly walking in a store or walking up to someone on a sidewalk and just taking whatever the hell they want and walking off with it. This gap is both unsettling and unacceptable to most of today's consumers. I am really tired of seeing mainly blacks featured in TV ads! (Facebook Advertising) 9. Ever notice that on the so-called mainstream TV you never see any ads with a father and son anymore. It you really want to see how lopsided the commercials are with blacks watch sporting events and musical events. Ive seen plenty of representation of women in hijab, though. Why is this? Kobi Ben-Meir, Yalber, Hire more heads of creative agencies and roles. Id like to blackball every company stuffing this crap down my throat but where would I go. movie industry, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Madison Ave, etcIs it any wonder theres a whole lot of white folks who are incredibly angry and feel threatened that their way of life is quickly disappearing? Dont allow our media to control who should or should not be placed on a pedestal. And if you take issue with that statement, look no further than the dozens of shootings that occur every weekend in Chicago, and just yesterday, the gun violence that erupted at a Juneteenth advocacy event in Washington, DC. Blacks are mayors of major cities, police chiefs, generals in the army, admirals in the navy, and generals in the air force. Subliminally the affect is that white females should be dating black males or are supposed too. They dont care about anyone else. He replied, young lady, I have plenty of assets, I just dont have any money. But anyway, regardless, pray for your country. Im not mad at they, but I have no clue what drives Lowes CEO of marketing to go along with the black female diversity officer and they in a cube that says eliminating Christmas is the right direction. Thats right we cant. Then, make sure you do it. If I had to sum up the answer in three words, I would have to say fear, guilt, and social justice.. Im a lush so this will be perfect! I would assume Deltas passenger mix is about 40% white male today. My blood pressure increases every time I (try to) shop online (Target, Marks & Spencer, etc.). But then, were seeing a lot of men get to compete in womens-only sports these days, so I can only assume that the people behind all of this are terribly confused. lol. And lets be succinct here- it isnt the northern border that is the problem. I see youve done your research. This just goes along with whites are bad, blacks are good and Hispanics and Asians are non existent. The moment I see one, I immediately switch to a different channel. Exactly, Dave. I was starting to believe that it was I who was exaggerating the amount of blacks in commercials. Now theres an idea, Jay. This trend is NOT about money. As with the Universe, there is a great mass of different forces here. I totally agree with everything youve written here . They are a very loud and sometimes violent minority. Thanks again! But if you are willing to stick your neck out a little further and tell them exactly whats on your mind, you might consider writing them a thoughtful email. Thats why I encourage people to tell these companies what they think via email and their social media pages. Thats one of the things that bothers me most about this topic brands and advertisers and everyone else banging on endlessly about racism and diversity and inclusion, and then doing absolutely nothing fair, honest, equitable, or meaningful when they have the opportunity to actually be the change they say they want to see. Remember, brands and advertisers: its not diverse or inclusive if it doesnt include everybody. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. As you can imagine, and as we have discussed here, whites and (especially) Hispanics are grossly underrepresented while blacks are grossly overrepresented. I have been saying this for years. Diversity is not forced because it's bad; it's forced because movie studios are trying to seem "woke" and are profiting off minorities' hopes to see themselves onscreen. . No worries, SL. We respect you and are not part of this! Not to mention that the sacred cow that feeds and finances most of the media is never called out. Right after I said this the girls mom loudly said black lives matter, I kid you not. Every soldier, police officer and fireman knows this. Its not just every commercial break; its nearly every commercial now where white people are put in secondary or subordinate roles, white men are made out to be idiots and buffoons, and black people are universally portrayed as the smart, sensible, successful role models everyone else looks up to. Highly insulting. The only time I saw a woman with my body type, it was a prescription medicine ad, the actress was Black, and she was power-walking and doing healthy activities to lose weight. No doubt, interracial couples in commercials are a hot-button issue for many people of all races. . Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? Look at the movies now. First, the more brands jump on this bandwagon, the more they transmit a subconscious message of insincerity which leads to eroding trust. In reality the actual investors have no clue how their portfolios are being used. I think everyone is a little sick of that. And yet when it comes to white males we dont complain about micro aggressions because were too busy being hit with actual-in-your-face aggression which society seems to find acceptable, e.g., patriarchy, toxic masculinity, mansplaining, manspreading, all the worlds ills are the fault of the European male, etc. And their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. 3. Though I will say that Ive been seeing more Asians in commercials than whites now. I am a CAT. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); James Gilbert, CloudCherry, 13. Im proud of that, but I think the powers that be are trying to protect themselves knowing that they lead almost all white ad agencies. Who exactly are the ads trying to reach? As others have posted, advertising is but a cog in the machinery. Spot on! The black pill truth, optimism is great but the reality is here. Photos courtesy of the individual members. This reckoning has forced companies, large and small, to contend with their own diversity, and many firms have identified that they are lacking. Again money and power for the rich was behind it money and power was behind slavery and it still is hopefully we will all get past the hate and discontent but, it wont happen by trying to force it. In Europe they didnt have a problem with a blonde male lead who was strong-looking. Sad and creepy, but not surprising. You know that scene in Sleeping Beauty where Maleficent shows the prince what she has in store for him? Dont make assumptions about your audience. Garbage collectors? What happened to nominating a movie because it was just a darned good movie? I am sure you are speaking tongue in cheek, Kirk, but, the world being as it is, I have to go on record as saying that I dont condone any violence. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. Mostly white men. No wonder black fatigue is becoming a thing. Thanks, Michael. Black men have already taken over game shows; I started noticing that but it didnt bother me too much because I could tune out if I didnt like it. All of this is was clearly agenda driven coverage. Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. Finally, if a sum of money is all it takes for someone to get over something, thats called a bribe. Anyway, overseas you see more representation of the other interracial mixes. [Same goes for Indian Americans the departments led by Indians were the same: 80% Indians, a few whites, a token far East Asian, a token Hispanic, no blacks]. Sir, step away from the bandwagon, and slowly back away!, said the advertising police to the insincere advertiser. but theirs are not witty, not cute, w./ nothing endearing. The immigrants will be so happy to be free and have a chance at Western lives that they will vote for the liberals who bussed/planed/sailed them in. I also think its ridiculous to write Pregnant People. Isnt a pregnant person a WOMAN whether she is trans or not? A grain based breakfast most certainly ISNT healthy. Nice idea, Timothy, but I doubt that would solve anything. Oh and PS: I hadnt noticed how they portray the white men (Im not a white man but some have said theyre the burglars in home alarm ads) but I Have noticed that all the big dopes who dont have the right insurance or are so stupid as to shop at the wrong stores and buy the wrong products are White! Do the stories you read there measure up to the advertising portrayal?