Pastor Chingtok Ishaku is the Founder and Senior Pastor of The GodLife Assembly International and founder of the Pathfinders School of Ministry and Pathfinders School of Leadership which aim at raising believers who will dare to walk away from the norm and find their God ordained paths and modes of operation in ministry and in every other sphere of their lives. There's nothing like a KCM event. However, I am totally ready to walk in the will of God for my life and I am believing that God will supply ALL of our NEED! Manage Settings He will try to make you feel that you cant overcome these financial difficulties. Jesus took what was small, gave thanks to God (so important!) 10:22), There is no lack, for my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19), The Lord commands the blessing on me in my storehouses and in all to which I set my hand, and He will bless me in the land which the LORD my God is giving me. Offering Reading #1 As we receive today's offering, We are believing the Lord for: Jobs and better jobs Raises and bonuses Benefits Sales and commissions Favorable settlements PROSPERITY: My God meets all my needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Green growth, decent work, and economic prosperity in the transition to net zero. I meditate in your Word day and night and I do according to all that is in it, therefore I make my way prosperous and I have great success. I will definitely share my testimony about my financial provision with you soon. This means that, if you purchase a resource on Amazon using my links, Amazon will pay me a small commission (at no additional cost to you of course). In both stories, God demonstrates he gives more than enough. Read it now. It touched me so much.. God bless you.. Jamie, Below are a few examples of increase in the bible. He concluded it was not possible. Learn more. Its about how to experience Gods best for your financial life practically. Isnt it amazing to know that the Bible is full of financial breakthrough and prosperity scriptures? True Stories, Christian Testimonies of Jesus Christ, How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit and Pray in Tongues, Prayers and Confessions based on the Word, A Great Discipleship Tool 411 Training, A Simple Way to Share the Gospel! PTL!!! I know its not Gods will for his people to be in want. 3 things to keep in mind before seeking a financial blessing 1.) Bola Akinlabi is a Wife, Teacher, and co-Lead Pastor of The Elevation Church, a Finance Professional, a Publisher and a Leader. It kept multiplying untill all were filled up. I am the head and not the tail. And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. I receive divine ideas that produce supernatural financial increase. I decree that your business prospers, that you have at least 8 various streams of income, that you have favor everywhere you go, and that you are a radically generous giver. I immediately respond in faith to the guidance of the Holy Spirit within me. There is nothing lacking in my Gods bank account. I decree that I obey Gods Word in every area of my finances, and He prospers me. My husband and I have been learning more about decreeing and declaring. I caught something in my eye as I got to read your teaching. I will continually magnify the Lord, because He has pleasure in my success. Trust in Him, keep the faith, and stand for financial victory! Let nothing be wasted.13So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten. The premise of prosperity preaching or Word of Faith teaching is that, because God is good, He wills that His children should prosper in health, wealth, and happiness. All Rights Reserved. One major source says, The threat of a U.S.. Come and share your masters happiness!. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I receive a hundred fold today of such harvests in Jesus name. The declarations listed below will enable you to take authority over financial issues by putting the creative power of God's Word in your heart and in your mouth. Thankful for your ministry. 37:23), The blessing of the Lord makes truly rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. Our Daddy God is so wealthy that He paves the streets of Heaven with gold. I pray that Daddy God would show Himself to you today as your glory and the Lifter of your head. Psalm 48: To become a "smile millionaire", reinforce happiness and faith. 1. Because if you do, you run the risk of becoming idle and neglecting your own business. Genesis 12:1-3, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 28:27 I always PUT GOD FIRST and He gives me life, honor, prosperity and wealth. Are we in a recession? Money Prayer for Finances. Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you. As a wife and mother of two beautiful daughters, she is an inspiration to many women everywhere who balance responsibilities both in and outside the home front. !, I thank you for this message in this prayer I really needed this word Im going through the situation I seem to never keep money but I know my blessing is right around the corner if I keep trusting and believing in God and I receive this message in Jesus name keep me in your prayers love you, I really needed this because l need a job and Im financial unstable right now, Hi Jamie, Even amidst those difficulties, he says your leaves stay green and youll continue to produce fruit. . And then they will be able to win the life which is true life.. Keep letting God use you to reach out to others. As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. I decree that you bring all the tithes into the storehouse, and you prove God in this, and that He opens the windows of Heaven for you and pours you out such a blessing that there is not even room enough to receive it all. I HEREBY DECLARE ALL CURSES AGAINST . Jamie, thank you for the Prophetic Decree blessings over my life.. My debts are out of control. Debt, be gone! Do you know this is the only time in the bible where God asks you to put him to the test? Grace and peace to you, and ABUNDANT provision, in Jesus name! Hi Jamie, Begin today with these confessions for financial victory you can declare by faith! 15 Biblical Declarations for the Business Owner Click here to download and print this list. I shout for joy: Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. To fail to do this, is to commit idolatry. Jesus said, Give and it shall be given unto you. This year 2020 is no different im reaffirming that God is Merciful and He is Wonderful and Merciful and He gives freely of His Blessings. Put aside distractions and get immersed in God's Word. Therefore, on the authority of Your Word, I bind every force that has set itself against my financial prosperity! I THANK GOD FOR WORKING IN YOUR HEARTS TO PROMOTE THIS LOVING AND FAITHFUL GOD THROUGH SHARING SCRIPTURES TO PEOPLE LIKE ME MAY HE CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY. No weapon formed against me, my family or my finances will prosper in Jesus Name(, I seek first the kingdom of God; therefore, everything I need will be added to me. I needed it because Ive been having a tough few years. Thank you so much for signing up. Good morning, Jamie. He asks a good questionwhat do you have (v2). He goes over and beyond. Psalm 47: To reinforce the four cornerstones of prosperity: health, freedom, happiness and love. I hope the Lord answers me now because it had been years of living in poverty and shame. These prophetic decrees came at the right time God kbew i would need it. And before you know, youre dependant on others to get the things you need. Some time after this, Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias),2and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signshe had performed by healing the sick. This promise is true for you and your family. Use what the LORD gives you for righteous purposes, and for the glory of God, not to spend on your lusts. He tells me that he does not have any money to help me pay the bills, house payment, etc. PRAYER POINTS FOR OPEN HEAVENS 2 MARCH 2023 . Financial Declarations! Remember to keep giving generously to others. Please assist me in putting me in prayers to get a breakthrough. Prayer of Personal Prophetic Declaration for Financial Breakthrough And Glory | by Charles Osuigwe | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. And because He is rich, He can make it happen. And the devil doesnt want you to have any money because he doesnt want the Gospel to go out. Thank you for the money. Godman Akinlabi is the Lead Pastor of The Elevation Church that has a God-given mandate to make greatness common. Hi Jamie, I said this prayer today and God answered for surprise gifts. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. God will provide not just for you but it will spread to your children. He gave them gold and silver and spoils of war. God is my only Source of supply, and I trust in Him(, I refuse to worry about my financial situation. 18. I call all my debts paid in Jesus Name. Preachers of prosperity also tell us what we want to believe. Jamie that means im praying for you everyday this year,your message is smiling back at me in my office on the wall, at my desk, where God is the CEO, and i am the director. I been praying fir the right guidance in my life. His master replied, Well done, good and faithful servant! It still wasnt enough to meet our needs, but it was enough for us to believe that God WANTS to bless us financially and that He WILL! Thank you. We are in such need financially right now. Money comes to me daily! God is the covenantor and we are the covenantee; that is, we are the beneficiary of the deal. Gods plan for your life is abundance. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Abrahams BLESSING belongs to me. financial prosperity declarations. I decree and release blessings into myself and my life right now in Jesus name. Any day of the year, we're here for you! I also have several videos over on my Facebook page where Im praying for peoples finances people have told me those videos have really helped them intercede for their own finances. Might want to check it out! I love your recommendations! Thank you so much Jammie I have been in poverty for the rest of my life but l trust in God that after your teaching and prayer something has definitely shifted may God continue to bless you in the good work you are doing for Him. I decree from this day forward that I shall prosper. Worthy of God: Are Your Dreams Big Enough? . A harvest of ideas, favour and opportunities, open doors and blessings according to the quality of seeds that I have sown. Remain bless Jamie and more revelations from God.amen. This gives me hope! The poverty spirit isnt something that makes you poor. The energy of financial abundance is blessing me. Keep your head down and do not interfere in other peoples matters. Thank you. Millennium Declaration in the year 2000, [.] God has blessed me with financial abundance. He saw the BIG problem. Repeat and reflect constantly on the belowaffirmations for financial prosperity and you will for sure increase your energy for attracting money. If its in the bible then its Gods promise to you. No matter how troubling your situation, God can and will turn it around. My capacity to be a blessing increases daily. For Christ is the real Master you serve.. Financial abundance is there and I tune myself to it. Im so thankful God chose you to be the vessel. So how could we think that He somehow likes it when His kids are poor? As thanksgiving to him you will be extravagantly generous to others through active giving, kindness and love. A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). Click here to get it on Amazon today! The links to various Bible studies I recommend toward the end of this post are my Amazon affiliate links. I am blessed and highly favored among men(, My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory. It actually helped me to have a great insight about Gods plan for Us to prosper. Read these 3 posts to learn more about defeating the poverty spirit: 7 Signs of a Spirit of Poverty, Answering 10 FAQs about the Poverty Spirit, 4 More Huge FAQs about the Poverty Spirit. The first quarter of 2023 is here! Required fields are marked *. That means a ton to me. I decree that you obey Gods Word in every area of your finances, so He can prosper you. I break and annul all assignments of the . I meditate in your Word day and night and I do according to all that is in it, therefore I make my way prosperous and I have great success. So grateful He has encouraged you and I pray He will continue to do so. From this day forward, I will handle money Gods way, and I will see with my own eyes the blessings I am receiving and the progress I am making in my finances. I am a giver, and I receive a hundredfold return in this time(, I walk in a spirit of self-control with my finances. Malachi 3:10, Psalm 23. I have been reading The Prophetic Decrees. Note: the vessels run out first and not Gods provision. Lionheart ChurchJanuary 5, 2020. Oh Lord in Heaven, I come before You today for the sake of prosperity and protection. POWERFUL DECLARATIONS FOR TODAY 3 MARCH 2023 15. The Spirit of God guides me to make wise decisions for my future. Hello world! 8. For prayer for financial breakthrough, read this post. Thank you. ANYBODY can do this, including you. Jamie. But blessed are those who trust in theLord and have made theLord their hope and confidence. I decree that I bring all the tithes into the storehouse, and I prove God in this, and He opens the windows of Heaven for me and pours me out such a blessing that there is not even room enough to receive it all. (Psalm 23:1), I commit my works to the Lord, and so my plans will be established and succeed. There is an abundance of money and its on its way to me. He is an abundant Father who gives good and perfect gifts.