The three musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, in the homonymous novel by Alexandre Dumas. The only mortal sister out of the three gorgons, Medusa, had snakes growing on her head instead of hair! Their music is considered among the most influential in the genre of American folk music. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 29. ", Formed in 1994, Muse is an English rock band consisting of Matt Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholme, and Dominic Howard. Like the Holy Trinity of Christianity they are thought of as aspects of the same deity. The harp the story behind our national symbol 2. Legolas, an elf archer, has a bit of a rivalry with Gimli, a warrior. 19. 3 Ninjas - A name of a popular children's movie. 28. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. The trio comprising of Matt Skiba, Mark Hoppus, and Travis Barker originally went by Duct Tape before settling on Blink. Scrumptious facts about soju, sake, and more. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades- These are names of god's gotten from Greek mythology. He is the 15 of the most famous music producers of the current decade with the biggest jams in 2023. See her entry for the full story. As they say, good things come in threes, and perhaps this applies to trios very well. The group officially disbanded in 2006, with Beyonc especially enjoying huge success as a solo artist. Odin, Vili, and Ve also created the first two humans from two logs. Luke is the protagonist of the first three films, Leia is his twin sister, and Han Solo is their rogue but charming companion. The Three Tenors The witches eventually lead Macbeth to his demise, and hold a striking resemblance to the three Fates of classical mythology. These characters are Alvin and his two brothers, Simon and Theodore. Tinkerbell is probably the most well know and famous fairy in the world. The Magi, or three wise men, are popular mythological trios in history and among Christians. Norse mythology proves this was true. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup are three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers. A trio can be in the reference of absolutely anything which exists in the number three, and has to be a group of identical or similar objects. - The Three Bears made their first appearance in the 19th century as characters in the British fairy tale 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The three spirits in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. While some derided his actions for degrading opera music, his performances helped popularize opera outside its usual clientele. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. 20. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Not bad for a series based on a childrens picture book. Ash, Misty, and Brock - Friends from 'Pokmon'. TMI: these celebrities are chronic oversharers. This trio is a direct continuation of the ancient belief in goddesses that only travel in threes. These trios have identities of their own, but are better identified when they are associated with each other. Below are a few of them: The Bee Gees are one of history's best iconic British trios and renowned music stars. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. 12. English rock band the Police are another one of music's best-selling groups. If you know the famous maxim "all for one and one for all," then you must know that part of the greatest characters of literary history includes Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. The Three Musketeers Fenrir was kept in Asgard and raised up by the gods. One of the best-selling and most influential bands in rock music history, Nirvana led the grunge movement of the mid-1980s. It is always fun to give your group of friends a name! We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! Cosmo, the dumb one, and his smart wife Wanda serve as the vehicles for many of Timmys misadventures. Both Norse mythology and Viking Age make me come to the belief that: if you pillage, do it with your gang. Together, Plcido Domingo (left), Jos Carreras (center), and Luciano Pavarotti were known as the Three Tenors, a popular operatic singing group that performed all over the globe during the 1990s and early 2000s. The animated television series (19982005) saw the sassy, big-eyed trio see off monsters, criminals, and other would-be conquerors. A demigod by nature, Perseus was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman Danae. Persian Mythology. 'Duck Soup' (1933), 'A Night at the Opera' (1935), 'A Day at the Races' (1937) Groucho, Chico, and Harpo were responsible for some of the funniest movies to come out of Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s. Their expertise in creating YouTube content has led to them landing major parts in various film and television productions. Goldilocks wanders into their home and sits in papa bears chair, eats baby bears porridge, and sleeps in the bed, before being discovered by the bears. The classic lineup of Fayette Pinkney, Valerie Holiday, and Sheila Ferguson from 1967 to 1976 would see the Three Degrees release some of their biggest hits. Or how about memeable moments like Patrick screaming, My names not Rick!? As a child, you may have read or been read the Three Little Pigs. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Shakespeares Weird Sisters are a Although the trio ended following Marys death in 2009, Peter and Paul have continued to perform. Barry Gibb and twins Robin and Maurice formed themselves as the Bee Gees in 1958. Three Little Pigs - From the bedtime story for kids. They protect the princess from evil maleficent with their band of magic, and since their appearance, children see them as real. These famous trios have been influencing style, culture, and sound for decades. The most iconic video game character of all time, as also one of the oldest, Mario, his brother Luigi, and their arch nemesis Bowser, deserve a special mention on this list. Even Odin the Allfather could not persuade them to act as the way Odin wanted. They are basic tenets of the Buddhist faith, namely Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for, 100 Huntress Names From Fiction And Mythology, 150 Batman Names From The Comics, TV Shows & Films, All Of The 'Shadow Of The Colossus' Names Including Every Colossi. Three is not a crowd - and you need a name to prove that! Who can ever forget moments like the sweet victory of the Bikini Bottom characters in the episode Band Geeks? The movies have done extremely well too, popularizing them further. 3. Greek Mythology. They made their debut in 1937. Indeed, the Bible does not even specify that there were three of them, merely that Jesus received three gifts from wise men. Most people believe it was a real story in the 1600s; however, these trios have been adapted into cartoons, films, and other media forms. other sources cite the early sea deities Phorcys and Ceto as the parents of the trio of Gorgons. The first of these--the Olympian gods, Titan gods, and primordial gods--represent the three generations of deities to rule the cosmos. Faith, Hope, and Charity were three martyred saints of Christianity during the 2nd century AD. Active from 1977 to 1982, the trio were known for their social protest and cultural authenticity, exemplified in songs like 'That's Entertainment' and 'Eton Rifles. 2. Through the history of mankind, some of these famous trios have become well-known, and are used only with each others context. The trio are pictured in a chilly scene from 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' (2009). Who needs monogamous partnership when there's hard-hitting talent and entertainment to be explored within a threesome? Three's Company- From the popular American sitcom of the same name. A trio of brothers formed one of the most successful music groups ever The Bee Gees. Their act owed much to the American vaudeville style of comedy entertainment. Mythology is the study Originally a quartet, the act became a threesome in 1962 consisting of Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard. One of their most iconic songs is Saturday Night Fever, the theme song to the 1977 film of the same name. They team up with the protagonist dArtagnan, and set off on several exciting adventures. Walt Disney is one of the most famous animated productions in the movie industry. See how they run. 83. There are few other trios which are not exactly people or fictitious characters. Their music group made waves in the music industry, with over 60 million albums sold. Birds Of A Feather- A name for a group of mischievous friends. - Pianist Nat King Cole (seated), guitarist Oscar Moore, and Johnny Miller (who replaced Wesley Prince) on double bass formed the trio that became the model for jazz ensembles everywhere. Knowing that he is destined to be king, yet also destined to a tragic fate, Macbeth sets off to shape his destiny. 21. The show, which originally ran from 1976 to 1981, enjoyed huge popularity with audiences for its first two seasons. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. One is the spin-off and sequel Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, which focuses on Narutos eponymous son. And there we have Midgard or Planet Earth. The three of them are pictured leaving the studio after the taping of a show. Protons, electrons, and neutrons are the components of atoms. The trio have been described by Rolling Stone as possessing "stadium-crushing songs. Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Takes Three To Spill The Tea - It always takes the three of you to do everything together. Mike D, Ad-Rock, and MCA found fame and sold millions of records worldwide. The Moirai, or Fates, were one such trio of goddesses. The three children of Loki were also the major leaders of the giant army in the battle of Ragnarok to dethrone the gods. WebThe Bront sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne, all of them well known poets and novelists. The 1935 production of 'The Three Musketeers' was the first English-language talking picture version of Alexandre Dumas's 1844 novel. Sergio Leones greatest masterpiece is undoubtedly this 1966 story of three gunmen on a treasure hunt during the American Civil War. Minnie, Mickey, and Pluto - Cartoon characters from 'Mickey Mouse Club House'. They have sold over 220 million records and are Rock and Roll Hall of Fame members. The three brothers were the sons of Borr and Bestla. A premier act of Motown Records during the 1960s, the Supremes were one of music's most successful female singing groups. The Bold Type- For your group of bold friends who love the 2017 series of the same name.