Baron Harkonnen: Dr. Wellington Yueh: Feyd-Rautha is nearly the same age as Paul. The Spice is the Worm! Duke Leto Atreides: Leto is definitely one of Oscar Isaac's best roles. Ready yourself young Paul Atreides. Thufir Hawat: Many machines on Ix, new machines. Our storm! One of his more profound quotes comes in handy when Paul is struggling to navigate his Ornithopter through a sandstorm. Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: He challenged Paul Atreides to a duel, which Paul won. Fear is the mind-killer. [she falls into her mother's arms, also covered in blood] Not as good as those on Richese. Its pretty clear that Paul Atreides is fated to play a very important role in the universe, namely as the savior that the Bene Gesserit have sought to create with their breeding program. It suggests that the destiny that Paul possesses, hinging as it does on his psychic abilities, is almost like an alien presence inside of him, and that such an experience is not entirely pleasant. " He glanced at Feyd-Rautha, noting his nephew's lips, the full and pouting look of them, the Harkonnen genetic marker, now twisted slightly in amusement. He also employs other means, including emotional manipulation, torture, assassination, and the exploitation of people's vices such as drugs and women. In the 1984 movie adaptation of Dune, Vladimir Harkonnen was played by the late Kenneth McMillan. When I'm done with him, he won't know who to trust, not even that Bene Gesserit whore he sleeps with. Put the pick in there, Pete, and turn it 'round real neat. Mehmet Murat ildan Has 11,395 quotes. Upload them to earn free Course Hero access! Web. Knowledge of the body's most miniscule workings is a part of the Bene Gesserit training Jessica has continued to give Paul even while they are abandoned in the desert. The uncertain rabbits had to be exposed, made to run for their burrows. Damn sloppy! The baron dispenses more insight into the many ways to control people, noting that those, such as Thufir Hawat, who have deep emotions can be easily controlled. Stellan Skarsgrd said he spent eight hours a day transforming into his "Dune" character. John Phillips/BAFTA/Getty Images for BAFTA. Kill her! Stilgar: He tells Duke Leto that if the Duke will kill. [inner voice] Paul : They've taken your mind. Paul: Baron Harkonnen: Lady Jessica: Austin Butler and Florence Pugh in 2023. Stephen King Has 8,212 quotes. Paul: Gurney Halleck: But Arrakis is Arrakis and the desert takes the weak. Vendetta, he says, using the ancient tongue. Discrepancies between Encyclopedia and Prelude material, Dune:Spice Opera (1992 video game soundtrack), Children of Dune (2003 miniseries soundtrack), Inama Nushif (song from Children of Dune). It's yours to squeeze, as I promised. How was your journey? Paul: Alia: Baron Harkonnen: Reverend Mother Mohiam: Siridar-Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (10110 AG - December 10193 AG), commonly known as the Baron Harkonnen, was the penultimate ruler of House Harkonnen, and the chief architect in the demise of Duke Leto Atreides of House Atreides during the latter part of the reign of Shaddam IV. Thufir Hawat: As he puts it a few moments later, "The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it." I'd know the difference. He had spider-black eyes, cheeks like two cherubic mounds, protruding lips and bobbing jowls. Reverend Mother Mohiam: | Reverend Mother Mohiam: He's here, my Lord! In the 2021 movie, the baron's hover suit is now an implant in his spine, and he is ghost-pale (due to the lack of sunlight on the Giedi Prime) and bears a shaven head. I must not fear. At Yuehs suggestion, Soldiers bring the defeated Duke Leto before, the Duke will be dead, but they can take some comfort in the knowledge that, in Atreides uniform have sacked the Guild bank. Try looking into that place where you dare not look.You'll find me there, staring back at you. I've heard enough of my safety! Paul: Dr. Kynes: I'm not in the mood. The duke's Mentat, Thufir Hawat, explains to the duke that the religion of the people of Arrakis includes a messiah figurea child of a Bene Gesserit who will lead them to freedom. According to his twisted logic, hes technically not harming them if he just leaves them to die in the harsh deserts of Arrakis. Soon we leave for Arrakis. The newest adaptation of Frank Herbert's classic book captures the epic scale of his vision, and its characters have some very powerful quotes. When Paul raises the idea of not becoming the next Duke, his father doesnt seem shocked. It's not finished yet. You will make a formidable Duke! Paul: Paul: Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: I vowed never to regret my decision. Paul: Soon, they will begin to fold space. Paul: Official Sites Someone started another thumper. [inside her head] As cunning as the Baron is, he is almost matched by his tame mentat, Piter De Vries, who has been twisted into a creature that is, in his own way, even more malicious than his master. The origins of the Baron's corpulence are something of a mystery, but it is revealed in the prequel series that, as with so many of the events of the novels, it's tied in with his encounter with Mohiam. The new movie adaptation, directed by Denis Villeneuve, brings Herberts vision to the big-screen. Is he the one? | You carve wounds upon my flesh and write there in salt!, What is this Love that so many speak of with such apparent familiarity? I'm dead to everyone unless I become what I may be. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Count Fenring remarks that the science of humankind is one of discontent., front of the crowd and declares that his fight is dedicated to his uncle, the. Bless the maker and his water, bless the coming and going of him, may his passing cleanse the world. On a similar note, because he tends to wear lengthy robes, the robes combined with his implant causes him to appear abnormally tall (appearing at least nine feet tall while hovering). But feeding false and misleading information to a human computer, a Mentat, is a third way. I've thought of many pleasures with you. Duke Leto explains his strategy to outwit the Harkonnens to his son Paul, spelling out how such a strategy includes economic and political leverage, behind-the-scenes intrigue, lies, deceptions, and secret alliances. So, squeeze, Rabban. Vladimir's sheer weight required belt-mounted suspensors to retain mobility, which allowed him to float in midair from place to place, as he was unable to walk under his own power unassisted. Reverend Mother Mohiam: Reverend Mother Mohiam: He angrily asks his uncle why their leader would take that away from them, to which the Baron calmly replies with a cryptic line. Excuse me, Ma'am, the Harkonnens may have tampered with them medically. My Arrakis. Baron Harkonnen: He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! Its his job to make sure the future Duke is skilled and strong enough to defend himself from potential dangers on the foreign planet, whether its from the elusive Fremen or the cunning Harkonnen. Paul: Duke Leto Atreides: Is it true, that the sand can blow at seven hundred kilometers per hour? He had no qualms in using widespread torture, murder and slavery to maintain power, as is shown, for instance, in his mistreatment of Yueh and Thufir Hawat. Like a truth-seer drug, it's poison! This was especially evident in how he dealt with Feyd-Rautha's co-conspirators in the attempted assassination of the baron, where he had the Slave Master summarily executed under the pretense of losing a chess game against Feyd-Rautha, as well as two guards being summarily executed shortly afterward due to their carrying the Slave Master's corpse away without dignity. "You do seem a bit unstable lately. I will let it pass over me and through me. This one kills only animals. Baron Harkonnen: Quotes about Family from Dune - learn where to find the quote in the book and how the quotes relate to Family! That is, travel to any part of the Universe without moving. But I can tell you, dear God, for the father, nothing. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Baron Harkonnen: You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Chani, like most of the other Fremen, has a deep and powerful connection with the planet of Arrakis, a vast desert planet that is extremely unfriendly to outsiders. PARDOT KYNES, Reflections on, Quite a body count around here today, Fenring mused. And I whispered 'Yes'. The Duke speaks to Hawat alone about a potential raid on Giedi Prime to destroy the Baron Harkonnen's spice reserves. Let him stand free. Dr. Wellington Yueh: Seeing how its based on Frank Herberts iconic 1965 novel of the same name, its not surprising that the films best quotes are impactful and often unforgettable. And it is they who control Arrakis. Piter De Vries: Paul: Baron Harkonnen advises his nephew and heir to listen carefully to the interlocking plans of his Mentat, Piter, and understand how these plans are part of a greater scheme. Far off, in the control rooms of spice gas, traveling without moving. Siridar-Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (10110 AG - December 10193 AG), commonly known as the Baron Harkonnen, was the penultimate ruler of House Harkonnen, and the chief architect in the demise of Duke Leto Atreides of House Atreides during the latter part of the reign of Shaddam IV. His mother impresses upon him the importance of complete mastery over every muscle of the body. Ah, but your lack of action demanded it. You have no need for your weapons with me, Gurney Halleck. the Imperial Seal of Conditioning, assurance of trust Shadout Mapes: Lady Jessica: Her words reveal just how profound that connection is, and how much it is tied to the physical beauty of her planet. Your dreadful mismanagement, your bad judgment, and the assigning to Rabban the governorship. I know she has come to test him. A million deaths were not enough for Yueh! Think on it, Chani. Hawat suspects that Lady Jessica is the traitor, but the Duke doesn't believe it, even when Hawat points out that no one knows Jessica's parentageher loyalty might be to House Harkonnen; for all they know, she might even be Harkonnen herself. [Weakly] My lord, you gave your word to the witch, and she sees too much. Baron Harkonnen: Damn the Spice! *You mustn't speak *. Needless to say, the guild does what Paul asks. Who is the little one, a pet perhaps? [Looks around and sees he was right] Feyd-Rautha: . Reverend Mother Mohiam: Duke Leto Atreides: Spice Worker: Paul: [voice over] RELATED:10 Best Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Dune. To prevent an early death orchestrated by his nephew, also believes that there was more to the Imperial aid in betraying House Atreides than. Stars: Francesca Annis, Leonardo Cimino, Brad Dourif, Jos Ferrer, Linda Hunt. When Duncan begs her to become a witness and to testify about what she has seen on the planet, she reminds the swordsman of her oath to the Emperor. Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi. The palace is now secure. I can kill with a word. Baron Harkonnen: I will have Arrakis back for myself! RELATED:9 Best Relationships In Dune, Ranked. My lord, I suspect an incredible secret has been kept on this planet: that the Fremen exist in vast numbers - vast. Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen. Stilgar: Nefud believes that Feyd-Rautha will be taking his pleasure in the slave quarters. Yueh reveals that he has betrayed the Duke so that he can kill the, over his betraying House Atreides. Connections Some of the people believe Paul is this messiah. You mean of course Duke Leto Atreides, his father? I see many things. Lady Jessica: Show no mercy! In this situation Paul thinks through the litany in his mind to calm himself when he is tested by the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam's gom jabbar. House Harkonnen Quotes Showing 1-30 of 84 "The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice." Brian Herbert, House Harkonnen tags: learning 96 likes Like "How will I be remembered by my children? Reverend Mother Mohiam: The duke tells Paul about the Harkonnen plot to turn the duke against Lady Jessica but warns him to tell no one else. Paul: What happened? His cry to fight like demons is a powerful reminder of just how formidable of a warrior he is and how much hes willing to sacrifice. The Fremen Jamis sometimes states lines that sound like they were taken straight out of the best philosophical movies of all time. [voice over] I want an opening through the entire shield wall. Duneis sure to be seen as one of Momoa's best movies. The bond between Lady Jessica and Duke Leto is one of the strongest in the movie, and its clear that the two of them love one another deeply, passionately, and perpetually. Reverend Mother Mohiam: Sector six through eighty progress reports, Sire. Dr. Wellington Yueh: Refresh and try again. To women. Paul: Baron Harkonnen: [speaking rapidly into a communications device] Some thoughts have a certain sound, that being the equivalent to a form. Piter De Vries Leaking false information, such as the notes implicating Jessica as the traitor in House Atreides, is one way to control events through controlling information. The Dune quotes below are all either spoken by Baron Vladimir Harkonnen or refer to Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Paul : [sees Thufir] My God. He knows war, or jihad, is one possible futurea likely onethat is part of his own path, yet he does not want to be responsible for such violence. When you see the Baron remember the tooth! Now remember, walk without rhythm, and we won't attract the worm. Bring in that floating fat man, the Baron! Thufir Hawat: Thufir Hawat: But, thanks to your teachings, it's changing my consciousness. Duke Leto Atreides: [he slips a knife inside Thufir's sleeve]. He also was at least capable of recognizing weaknesses towards himself that bar him from pursuing otherwise advantageous strategies, as implied by when he snapped at Feyd-Rautha when the latter asked why he never got a Bene Gesserit slave despite the obvious advantages it would bring him due to their truthsayer nature "You know my tastes! It can render flesh to dust in minutes. This was also implied in the way he, aged 81, developed the roles his nephews (Feyd and Glossu) eventually took, in an ultimate, yet unsuccessful plan to reinstate Harkonnen power in Arrakis. Send a third-stage Guild Navigator to Kaitain to demand details from the Emperor. After Paul defeated Feyd, House Harkonnen passed to the next living heir, the Lady Jessica, who declined the title. All Quotes Chani, all my images of the future are gone! In one of the most stirring scenes in the film, Paul refuses to go off-world and reminds his mother that he is on the right path. Paul: Paul: The planet is Arrakis. I will bend like a reed in the wind. Their simple minds came up with a simple trick! In the 2021 film adaptation, the character was played by Stellan Skarsgrd. Did you truly believe, even for a moment, that I would fail my Duke TWICE? They have blue-within-blue eyes. I should have married you. Lady Jessica: The suspensors also allowed for some levitation to a certain degree, as when he died, his corpse hung inches from the floor while lying sideways. Alia: Not sorry enough, not yet! Squeeze hard. Goofs Paul: Put your right hand in the box. I must be sure you want this. Never stop. Where there was hatred, Muad'Dib would bring love. Feyd-Rautha: We'd have joined each other in death. I told you, he is here - now! I know. Jessica, you know it must be done. The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The, How will I be remembered by my children? Through sound and motion, you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy or burst his organs. Guard, House Atreides: Give me spice! Kill them all. In the resulting confusion, Alia feigns fear to back into, She is letting her brother know that she has killed the demented old Baron (, desert planet, he was betrayed by a household member and died at the hands of, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Gurney Halleck: Reverend Mother Mohiam: We gutted them! Not until you tell them both who I *really* am! Get back! Tell me he won't die. Where others see nothing more than sand and death, she sees a profound natural splendor that can only be revealed in the dying rays of the setting sun. I heard you, Dr. Yueh and Gurney coming down the hall. Gurney snaps back at him and asks Whats mood to do with it? reminding the royal heir that he has to be ready to fight at any time. "Dune Study Guide." Religion is the encystment of past beliefs: mythology, which is guesswork, the hidden assumptions of trust in the universe, those pronouncements which men have made in search of personal power . This plays out in Paul's life as well. [voice over] Thufir Hawat: This is MY dune. And he won't die. Duke Leto Atreides: We have our new Army. It is yours. Yes! A saturation of the blood by the spice Melange. Its a useful mantra that some fans may even find themselves reciting long after theyre done watching the movie. I did not say this. The Emperor is coming! Gurney Halleck: He shall know your ways as if born to them. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The Baron is a political villain. Paul: Alternate Versions : Reverend Mother Mohiam: I will have Arrakis back for myself! Lady Jessica: No, Paul, please. That is where we seek knowledge., Some say that the anticipation of a thing is better than the thing itself. Baron Harkonnen's Mentat, a human trained to think logically, rationally, and . Aren't you Thufir? We'll salvage what we can. As if the excruciating pain wasnt enough, the Reverend Mother taunts him, daring him to fail. Conceived in love, at a time of parting. Paul realizes that the Padishah Emperor and, Paul also reveals the terrible truth that he and Jessica are Harkonnensthe, at the hands of House Harkonnen. You think I don't know what I gained for my wife? [Using the Voice] : For ninety generations you and your Bene Gesserit have labored in secret to produce a living, breathing super-weapon one that would empower you to overthrow both the Guild and the Emperor.