Try Now! Haunching material may be Class 1 and must be placed and compacted in 6 inch loose/4 inch compacted maximum lifts, compacted to 95 percent standard proctor density. 57 stone is not required; seat stone in trench. 4) What is the maximum size a rock to be placed within 12 inches of a pipe? ]6)[mesog)!df{9IsRC cS /%INL Web Policy / Privacy Statement / WAI Compliance / Email Safety / Site Map, Click here to access guidelines for the VDOT Materials Certification Schools Program (Section 114, Manual of Instructions), ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Program Schedule, Nuclear Radiation Certifications can now be obtained online through third party vendors, Pavement Marking (only available as an online course), Asphalt Plant Level 1 - Physical demonstration of proficiency -scheduled byGermanna CC, Asphalt Plant Level 2 - Physical demonstration of proficiency - scheduled by Germanna CC, Asphalt Plant Mix Design - Physical demonstration of proficiency - scheduled by Germanna CC, Concrete Field - Current ACI must be submitted to, Soils and Aggregate Compaction - Physical demonstration of proficiency - scheduled by CCWA. The middle of the bedding, should be loosely placed and not exceed 8 inches. Please click on the course title to see the full course description. All new construction involves a study and analysis of the on-site soils. 200 sieve (75 micrometers). Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, CHAPTER 9 SEWER / STORM DRAIN / IRRIGATION LINES SECTION 9.01 GENERAL This section covers the requirements for piping materials and installation of Lehi City sewer, storm drainage and irrigation collection. or structures. Upstream or down stream? VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction 2016v1.0 Chapter 1 | 1 JnqYj A"@. This item shall consist of the construction of both sanitary and storm sewer precast concrete manholes in accordance with, Specification Guidelines: Allan Block Modular Retaining Wall Systems The following specifications provide Allan Block Corporation's typical requirements and recommendations. A. Construct subdrains, subdrain cleanouts and outlets, and footing drain collectors. SUBDRAINS AND FOOTING DRAIN COLLECTORS. The requirements for pipe material and installation in sewer and drainage collection systems. Construction loads often exceed design loads. Rock more than 2 inches in its greatest dimension shall not be placed within 12 inches of pipe. Description. Grades and certifications are issued within 15-30 business days after the testing date. Dense graded aggregates are used in pavement to give the structure more strength. If you have questions, please provide us with the course title and number when e-mailing or calling. 17) What is the minimum amount of cover over pipe allowed for design loads? 6) Line the trench with the non woven drainage fabric. 4 in.) (Make a Mark on Outside of Pipe) Moving pipe around after joining may cause pipe joint to work apart. To prevent sloping soils from becoming. AASHTO T180 The Moisture Density Relations of Soils using a 10-pound Rammer and an 18-inch drop. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ENGINEERING DIVISION Wastewater Capital Projects Management Standard Construction Specification 10.1 Precast Concrete Pipe 10.1.1 General This section covers material requirements, DIVISION 4300 STORM DRAINAGE SECTION 4305 STORM SEWER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE This section covers the construction of storm sewers for the collection and transport of stormwater runoff. 18) What is the minimum amount of cover over pipe to prevent damage from construction loads? Lane provides the complete product line to meet all your HDPE drainage needs -, Chapter 3 CULVERTS Description A culvert is a closed conduit used to convey water from one area to another, usually from one side of a road to the other side. Pipe openings in precast drainage units shall not exceed the outside cross sectional dimensions of the pipes by more than a total of 8 inches regardless of the placement of the pipe, their angles of intersection, or shapes of the pipes. A trench at the edge of the pavement provides a cavity with the least resistance for water to flow and accommodate pavement drainage. 1.02 REFERENCES, PART 1 - GENERAL Section 02702 SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION AND TESTING 1-1. CATCH BASINS 7-3 7.4. This type joint gasket combination provides a leak resistant joint. Suggested participants would include contractor and supplier quality control personnel, consultants, testing firms and agency . San Antonio Water System Standard Specifications for Construction ITEM NO. This section covers excavation and trenching work and shall include the necessary clearing, grubbing, and preparation, BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet Protection Purpose To prevent coarse sediment from entering drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. ACI Concrete. %%EOF
2016v1.0 Chapter 4 6, 7 TRENCH FUNDAMENTALS Trench Terminology The bedding is typically 4 8 thick. STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS 7-4 7.6. Provide, SUBDRAINS AND FOOTING DRAIN COLLECTORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Subdrains B. Subdrain Cleanouts and Outlets C. Footing Drain Collectors D. Storm Sewer Service and Connections 1.02 DESCRIPTION, Page 1 of 7 STONE STRONG SYSTEMS SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRECAST MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL SYSTEM (revised ) PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 Description A. At the engineer of record's. Install Pipe The grade of the pipe should always be monitored during installation. 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 11, 12 Types of Joints for Concrete Pipe Tongue & Groove: A bell & spigot type joint with straight walls (flush bell). For written and proficiency exams, contact the community colleges to schedule either an in-person or remote exam. Your one-stop source for VDOT maps, data and project info. PurRoses 1.
`*r[anyv Importance to Maintenance & Water Quality. endstream
Verifying that the correct pipe has been delivered for the applications on your project. False. If performed improperly, soil density settlement of the soil could occur and result in unnecessary maintenance costs or structure failure. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRECAST MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL SYSTEM (revised 11/5/13), Stormwater/Wetland Pond Construction Inspection Checklist. Similarly, VDOT will recognize NICET Construction Materials Testing Level II Certification in Concrete. The goal shall be to collect, C PROJECT ESTIMATE ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS In support of the alternatives development process, preliminary cost estimates were prepared for each of the three Candidate Build Alternatives. The moisture content at which a soil begins to behave like a liquid is called the liquid limit. 7) What is the maximum height of cover for a 48 inch pipe diameter Class IV concrete pipe culvert? If your certification expires this year, you must successfully complete all requirements for the certification by completing an instructor-led or self-study course and any proficiency in the same calendar year. ;5&6+Hv:#'Wg}]V.0;'|[c
|v(0|pemRS=v1VNc`j SOILS COMPACTION AND TESTING 2015 Technical Training & Certification Program . Copyright 2023, VDOT. The foundation is to be explored below the bottom of the excavation to determine the type and condition of the foundation. Dense graded means that the particles in the mixture are sized do that they fill most of the voids; there is very little space between the soil or stone particles. The CCWA is hosting the following courses, which are available in a traditional (instructor-led) format or as a self-study option, allowing the students to challenge the Materials Certification exams: For more information on CCWA courses and registration click hereor contact CCWA at 804-523-2290 or 804-523-2292. Fully insert pipe. Inspection is performed in accordance with VTM v1.0 Chapter 4 18, 19 1) What should be located before starting to dig? Repair of service laterals located, Storm Sewer Trenchless Upgrade Alternatives and Recommendations Background Approximately 1,930 feet of the 40-inch and 42-inch CMP storm sewer pipe from manhole M22 to manhole M12 will be evaluated for, SECTION 32 14 13.19 PERMEABLE INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (1995 MasterFormat Section 02795) Note: This guide specification for U.S. applications describes construction of permeable interlocking concrete, REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PRE INSTALLATION INSPECTION & REPAIR MANUAL Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Kentucky Department of Highways Division of Materials 1227 Wilkinson Boulevard Frankfort, KY 40601 (502), Design Guide Basis of Design This section applies to the design and installation of earthwork and backfill. There is a variety of pavement under/edge drains in the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards Volume 1 ( ) with each addressing a specific geometric condition and groundwater condition. Screen the sample over a 3/4-inch sieve and replace the aggregate retained with an equal weight of No. Drainage Manual. The exploration should extend to a depth equal to per foot of fill height or 8, whichever is greater. 1. 3. Traffic information for existing VDOT maintained roadways can be obtained at the following internet Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting: 02223, DRAINAGE MATS For Vertical: Flow 15-P For Horizontal: Flow 18-H, City of West Linn Public Works Standard Construction Specifications. If you are currently participating in VDOT's Materials Certification Schools, you can access your Materials CertificationReports via the VDOT University Virtual Campus: VDOT University Virtual Campus Users connect at: . Conducts and/or observe and document test on soils, asphalt, concrete, aggregates, bituminous products, metal products and industrial coatings. N7R;No7^Y Excavate Trench Proper trench widths will allow for proper compaction alongside the pipe. How many blows does each layer require? -z`a0y Often, shaped beddings are used to insure proper placement and compaction of materials under the pipe haunch. For positive projection embankment installations, the embankment material should be placed and compacted to a minimum of one foot above the pipe and the trench excavated into the embankment. VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction 2016v1.0 Appendix E | 9 SCOPE Pipe subsoil drains shall be constructed in accordance with this specification and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown, 402.02 Section 402. 4 to 3/4 in. When you learn and master soils inspection, your market value shoots up. BOX 27032 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23273 PERMIT NO. 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 19, APPENDIX K PIPE INSPECTION **Virginia Test Method 123** Post Installation Inspection of Buried Storm Drain Pipe and Pipe Culverts June 25, 2010 SCOPE For all roadway projects that are constructed by private, SECTION 55 PIPE FOR STORM DRAINS AND CULVERTS (FAA D-701) 55-1 GENERAL The Contractor shall perform all work required by the plans for construction of pipe for storm drains, precast polymer trench drains, State of Illinois Department Of Transportation CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR S CHECKLIST FOR STORM SEWERS While its use is not required, this checklist has been prepared to provide the field inspector a summary, SECTION 724 PIPE CULVERTS 724.1 Description. Section Includes: Furnishing and installing nonreinforced concrete sewer pipe. As a reminder, all certification courses are available either online or through a self-study option at the respective community colleges. 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 2, 3 Structural System Structural System Figure 4.2a: Reinforced Concrete Figure 4.2b: Flexible Pipe Culverts are generally designed for the loads they must carry after construction is completed. <>
VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 3. The video tape/dvd/digital photographs should be of such clarity, detail and resolution as to clearly show the conditions of the interior of the pipe/culvert and detect any defects within the pipe or culvert as specified herein. 57 stone MUST be capped with a minimum of 4 crusher run prior to placement of pipe or box culvert. Proper installation is essential to pavement performance as it increases bearing capacity, increases service life and lowers maintenance costs. The components of an underdrain system are: 1) Trench 2) Non woven geotextile drainage fabric 3) Perforated longitudinal pipe (min. Repair of sanitary sewer lines by replacing short lengths of failed pipe with new pipe. What are those two functions? Single Offset: This joint first appeared in the early 1990 s. This style of spigot is much easier to manufacture. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, You have been successfully registered in pdfFiller, VDOTSoilsandAggregateCompaction 3 CONSTRUCTIONANDACCEPTANCETESTING OFSUBGRADEMATERIAL LEARNINGOUTCOMES Understandtheimportanceofsubgradeandthedifferenttypesofsubgradematerial Understandthevarioustypesandmethodsofmechanicalandchemicalstabilization, VisitingProfessorofLaw,StanfordLawSchool(Winter;Spring2013);InezMilhol. <> VDOT uses AASHTO and Unified Soil Classification Systems to classify soils. Soils will not need to obtain a VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction Certification. = 15 lifts 5) 15 ifts 2 (one test every other lift) = 7.5, round up to 8 tests in the top 5 ft. of backfill 6) Total tests required = (Number of test below 5 ft.) + (Number of test above 5 ft.) 7) = 11 tests required (minimum) NOTE: Compaction Tests are required on stone backfill (Class I backfill and bedding material); consult the District Materials Division for Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content targets for the specific material being used. = 12 lifts 3) 12 lifts 1 lift (skip first lift) = 11 lifts 4) 11lifts 4 (test every fourth compacted lift) = 2.75, round up to 3 tests in bottom 4 ft. of backfill Top 5 ft. of backfill x 3 lifts/ft. If vibratory rollers are used in the backfill operations, vibratory motors shall not be activated until at least 3 feet of backfill has been placed and compacted over the pipe. 5) Open only as much trench as can be safely maintained by available equipment. A copy of the Storm Sewer/Culvert Inspection Report (inspection report)including any video tape/digital Video Recording (DVD)/digital photographs shall be provided to the VDOT Inspector within two business days of the completion of the inspection and made part of the project records. 7) Install the longitudinal perforated pipe at the bottom of the trench without bedding material. Pipe Culverts 600-1 A. Endwalls, Inlets, Manholes, and Spring Boxes 600-5 2. 200 sieve. All of the MCS Certifications arevalid for five years and must be retaken every five years to maintain the certification. in the field: the soil moisture is near the liquid limit. Links may open in a new window. Testing is no longer mandatory on the last day of class. How far should the hammer fall?, What are the moisture and density content corresponding to the peak of the curve . Geotechnical Design Parameters for Retaining Walls, Sound Barrier Walls and Non-Critical Slopes. 309 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8C7926BE3CE0893EFFE3D4D04181CA9C><5F163F4C9BEAEE4B999AF08BC3EDB7FD>]/Index[296 27]/Info 295 0 R/Length 74/Prev 443524/Root 297 0 R/Size 323/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream
Milo Wade; 3 years ago ; Views: Transcription. SECTION 9.02 BUILDING SUBSURFACE DRAINS (PERIMETER, ETC. This website includes hyperlinks to sites neither controlled nor sponsored by VDOT or the Commonwealth of Virginia. 800.242.WICK (9425). 57 stone be used? Road and Bridge Standards. 308 0 obj
SECTION 9. There are many types of compaction equipment available. xZKs2>Ip P7[Sq9FoLLmJgl~K"5JtB2+!765nt-8\Gf._o{}E bored but can't be bothered to do anything. Download Free PDF. When joining pipe: Begin at the downstream end (Bell faces upstream) Ensure spigot and bell are clean and free of debris Properly lubricate spigot and bell with pipe lubricant Is Contractor aware of the maximum insertion angle? All materials, Ohio Department of Transportation Division of Production Management Office of Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical Bulletin GB 1 PLAN SUBGRADES Geotechnical Bulletin GB1 was jointly developed by the Offices, CHAPTER 6 - SANITARY SEWER 6.1 GENERAL This section covers the requirements for PVC plastic sewer pipe materials and installation in sanitary sewer construction. SECTION LS 2530 SANITARY SEWERS. protection. VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 2. Shop drawings, 6.01 SCOPE The work covered by this section of the specifications consists of the furnishing of all plant, labor, materials, equipment and supervision and performing all operations involved in the construction, SECTION 02720 SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This work consists of constructing storm sewers of the size and class required, including excavation, bedding, and backfill. SECTION 7- STORM SEWER 7.1. For larger diameter pipe, >30 inches, embedment materials should be worked under the haunches by hand. SCOPE. For questions or concerns regarding MCS grades or certification status, contactus at Proper haunching provides support to ensure the pipe s strength is achieved. Larry Ritchie, SECTION 6000 - EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING (Pipeline Construction), Table 4.9 Storm Drain Inlet Protetion Applicable for, INSTALLATION GUIDE. From this we can highlight the following requirements: Visual/ Video Inspection is required on: All Storm Sewer Pipes (100%) Selected Number of Pipe Culverts (>10%) 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 15, 16 Must be done with VDOT Rep Present Conducted no sooner than 30 days after completion of Installation and placement of final cover (except pavement). Trench widths may be varied, based on the competency of the in situ soil, backfill materials, compaction levels and loads. Provide concrete sewer pipe less than 12 inches in diameter, and in other sizes, Note: The text must be edited to suit specific project requirements. Bell and Spigot: A pipe with a flared bell has the outside diameter of the bell larger than the outside diameter of the pipe. Public Involvement Manual. TThe Construction Materials Testing Soils exam is delivered on a computer at Pearson Vue Testing Centers. SOILS AND AGGREGATE COMPACTION FIELD CERTIFICATION STUDY GUIDE 2016 Prepared By: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Materials Division Note: The information included in this manual is generally compatible with current VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications; however, it should not be considered or used as a primary reference for VDOT False.
Use units conforming to the dimensions, SECTION 33 05 16.13 PRECAST CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Access to test grades will be first done on GCC and CCWA and certification credentials will ONLY be available throughVDOT University Virtual Campus, so ALL students must have a valid account on VDOT University. For flexible pipe this begins 12 over top of pipe for smaller pipe and 18 for pipe 54 and larger. 2. Exams are offered at various locations in Virginia. 8 in. Figure 4.3: Minimum Cover to Allow Construction Traffic over Pipe 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 3, 4 The following tables give VDOT specifications for maximum height of cover for some types of pipe. %PDF-1.5
hbbd``b`$CC`q@ &H" 55 terms. Web Policy / Privacy Statement / WAI Compliance / Email Safety / Site Map, APD Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Minimum Requirements for Quality Assurance and Quality Control on Design Build and P3 Projects, AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction (AWP-P) Manual, Construction Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Alternative Intersection Informational Design Guides, LD Instructional and Informational Memoranda, PMO Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Pollution Prevention Field Guide for Construction Activities, Roadside Development Report Excel spreadsheet tool, Nutrient Management Plan for Construction Projects, Nutrient Management Plan for Roadside Management, VDOT BMP Maintenance Manual Appendix C - Plant Palette Tables, Materials Certification School Information, Guide to the Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations, Land Development Inspection Documentation Best Practices Manual, OD Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Guide Manual for Causes and Repair of Cracks in Bridge Deck, Traffic Calming Guide for Neighborhood Streets, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), TED Instructional and Informational Memoranda, VDOT Traffic Operations and Safety Analysis Manual (TOSAM), Instructional and informational memoranda, Manual for the Procurement and Management of Professional Services. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplemental Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, 551.01 550 PIPE CULVERTS, SEWERS AND DRAINS 551 GENERAL 551.01 Description 551.02 Materials 551.03 Excavation 551.04 Protection of Excavation 551.05(a) Bedding for Rigid Pipe 551.05(b) Bedding for Non-Rigid, How To Retaining Wall Guide Before you start: Consents and Engineering Building Consent Retaining walls over 1.5m high will require a building consent from the Local Body Council. Cracks shall be digitally scanned to allow for accurate measurement. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. (test every other 4 in. If it is a routine entrance, or crossover pipe 12 to 30 in diameter, that is to be installed under fills 15 feet or less in height, no exploration is needed. 282 0 obj
Work includes furnishing and installing precast modular blocks, : Construction Inspection ChecklistsTools Stormwater/Wetland Pond Construction Inspection Checklist Project: Location: Site Status: Date: Time: Inspector: SATISFACTORY/ UNSATISFACTORY COMMENTS Pre-Construction/Materials. AASHTO M 145 The Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes. Senior Transportation Construction Inspector to join us in VDOT's Northern Virginia to inspect all phases of construction on highway construction and maintenance projects.To oversee, monitors . What is the behavior of a material where the material deforms under load and does not return to its original shape called? 4 0 obj
Trench excavation, backfill, and compaction; Section 02250. Responds to data requests. MP-1 MP-2 MP-3 MP-4 MP-4.01 MP-4.02 MP-4.03 MP-5 MP-5.01 MP-5.02 MP-5.03 MP-5.04 MP-5.05 MP-5.06 MP-5.07 MP-5.08 MP-5.11 MP-5.12 MP-5.13 MP-5.14 MP-5.15 MP-5.16 MP-5.18 MP-5.19 MP-5.20, RIPRAP From Massachusetts Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Urban and Suburban Areas Definition: A permanent, erosion-resistant ground cover, SECTION 33 41 03 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. %
Description This section describes the installation of gravity sewer pipelines fabricated of vitrified, DRAINAGE MATS For Vertical: Flow 15-P For Horizontal: Flow 18-H Soil Drainage Mat with Built-In Protection Layer POLYGUARD DRAINAGE MATS are three-part prefabricated geocomposite drain consisting of a, City of West Linn Public Works Standard Construction Specifications Table of Contents DIVISION SIX STORM DRAIN TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1 601 PIPE AND FITTINGS 1 601.01 Description1 601.02 Materials1, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE BUILDING SEWER LINES IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Approved and adopted as Official Document Number 800576 this 10th day of December, 1980 Donald R. Boyd, P.E., Director Water, 1.0 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1.1 This document provides basic safety guidelines related to excavation and trenching in pipeline construction activities. Prepared by Risi Stone Systems Used by permission. Section includes specifications for storm drainage systems including modifications and connections to existing storm drainage systems. %PDF-1.5
Grade Adjustment of Existing Miscellaneous Structures 600-8 3. 500 grams is the minimum sample required for soils and for aggregate the sample size depends on the Nominal Maximum Size Aggregate. What term describes that the particles in a mixture are sized so that they fill most of the voids and there is very little space in between soil or stone particles? 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 12, 13 Typical Pipe and Box Culvert Backfill: BACKFILL TESTING FREQUENCIES Test Location 4 Compacted Lift Foundation One test per lift on alternating sides of the pipe for each 300 feet of pipe or portion thereof. If the inspection is conducted by video: The video camera must have fully articulated lenses (360 degree inspection). Lime is used with soil to add strength to the mixture, to raise the pH of the mixture, to assist in drying out soils, and to reduce soil plasticity. FOUNDATIONS STEPS TO CONSTRUCTING A MOISTURE-RESISTANT FOUNDATION Build a Better Home Details are critical when constructing a sound building foundation that will withstand water and control dampness. All cracks shall be digitally scanned to allow for accurate measurement. Description 200-2 201 GENERAL 200-2 201.1 SPECIFICATIONS 200-2 201.2 CONNECTION TO EXISTING FACILITIES 200-3 202 MATERIALS 200-3 202.1 PIPES 200-4, VIDEO INSPECTION AND LASER DEFLECTION TESTING FOR POST CONSTRUCTION QC/QA SPECIFICATIONS AND MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS BY JOHN FLECKENSTEIN PIPELINE AND DRAINAGE CONSULTANTS INTRODUCTION History Of Post, 601.1 601.2(a) SECTION 600 INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 601 PIPE CULVERTS 601.1 DESCRIPTION This work is construction or reconstruction, inspection, and cleaning of pipe culverts; including subsurface, Model Specification 509 DRISCOPLEX 4200 and DRISCOPLEX 4300 Gravity Flow Sanitary Sewer The user may choose to adopt part or all of this Model Specification; however, the user should ensure that all parts, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02701 INSTALLATION OF GRAVITY SEWER PIPELINES PART 1 - GENERAL A. All rights reserved. 0
Consistency refers to the texture and firmness of a soil. - 2000, Related Features VDOT states 75 years for higher functional classification roads and 50 years for lower functional classification roads. The contractor shall be responsible for repairing any damages, Specifications for Residential Property Owners Connection to New Public Sewer Spalding Tract property owners are required to connect to the community sewer system when construction is complete and the, SECTION INCLUDES Domestic Water Fire Water Service Water Well Sanitary Sewer Storm Drains Foundation Drainage RELATED SECTIONS 03 30 00 Concrete 21 00 00 Fire Suppression - Sprinklers 22 00 00 Plumbing, SECTION 200: STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Page No. SECTION IV - TESTS AND INSPECTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Testing - General Testing shall be of the type and frequency described in each section and summarized in Item 1 of this section. Furnish and install culvert pipe, entrance pipe, and storm sewer pipe. VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 2, VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 3, VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 4, VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 5, VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 8, VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction: Chapter 6. hV[oH+hz3HJ If the mandrel test is to be performed to mechanically measure deformations/deflections of the pipe/culvert, the mandrel used shall be a nine (or greater odd number) arm mandrel, and shall be sized and inspected by the Engineer prior to testing.