Ive got the thing over my nose and not my mouth. Diamond batteries could also power certain kinds of spacecraft like satellites, they already are djt. This has been this has been a plan and operation is underway for a very long time. MIMICKING THIS CHANNEL AND THE PSF REVOLUTION. Youre hurting me. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Great video. Heres where it gets interesting. Its just what I say. URGENT! Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Elections. All this is bullshit. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. So it says oh my god, you mean all those sequences we saw in the 80s real contagious cancer boats right through your little mass concentrated on your little mask as you compromise your immune system but silver copper is antiviral and anti microbial. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. JNS.org - Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen visited Germany on Tuesday for diplomatic meetings aimed at countering the Iranian nuclear threat. They said a conviction is something youre willing to die for. So you understand the kind of Intel that Im getting. Because if ours pick up if our donations pick up, and I cant tell if its strictly because of that, or because thats a day, we will not announce fundraising, if ours pick up and theres drop off. And never, never did I back down. The world has of course become a very crazy place and it is hard to keep up with all of the madness. Were going to spotlight every one of you cowards and want to conduct yourselves when youre supposed to be protecting Dr. Judy, from this bullshit, and youre coming in and bringing your badge with you to use it in a way you think thats appropriate. 6:01 Go down through the list. You cant hear the music. Its time people to say, You know what? That leads to the radio show on Mondays the tipping point on revolution radio, you can jump off with patriots rise up calm, you know, theres a donation button there you guys have kept this movement alive that way you can go to also to Scott mckay.us thats where you can get the gear. Conservative guy from Hollywood. I was from the northern Virginia area at the time to go to Fort Dietrich in Frederick, Maryland at the National Cancer Institute, and purify biological therapies for cancer. You know, I had a limb reattachment needs oxygen, whatever. And the and for my security detail. Theyre patriots. Thats my thats my turf. We have a great guest. But can you can you tell our listeners a bit about like the video when we learned about about you and your career and what youve done and what youve taken back in the days when that worm Fauci was back there at CDC. Let me know anything else. Just like the yellow vest. The enslavement issue. Do you see these people Back in you, folks said before, if people arent attacking you, you got nothing going on. Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. Watch Today. This is thug enforcement, as an edict enforcement unconstitutional, unlawful edict enforcement against the citizens of this nation that pay your salary. 2:08 Theyre that, you know, for we remember from from The Philadelphia Story, we remember that youre not allowed to touch them think about COVID Whoa, dont touch them. Why are you stopping the people from boarding the plane? This is how we had this bullshit. I thought like most of you, this will be wrapped up sooner, like sooner, you know, way ahead of time. You know whos responsible here? So it is now four minutes into it. By the way, Dallas, just so you know, there is an event in on the tour on the weekend of Memorial Day weekend here in Dallas. Hey, you know, Ill be over here at a certain time. There isnt a full scale military revolt on on the elected class, nothing, you know, nothings going to make these guys stand up. but when we start looking at all this when we look at history lest we forget it you know that you know then it was the the gays the you know the iv drug users the prostitutes the the so called what what i call the original deplorables you know to use killer ease term and you know and and and now when we get away with that when we get away with a bola and i mean they get away with a bola in 2014 what was that oh Fauci standing next to obama covering up that the mmr vaccine that uh that a criminal whistleblower a coward dr william thompson you know literally participated in a data burning party and was so afraid he might be arrested if he threw away federally protected data you know my student max secure that federally protected data and we showed every bit of data since 2011 you know under threat of death escaping the first chapter of our book plague of corruption occurred 10 days before i was arrested and its called scientist at sea where we outsmarted them and escaped on a boat and were hiding out for five days thing you know thinking when i got a lawyer i was safe so ive learned a lot since then and and and itll serve me well with this latest arrest because im not playing that game anymore were not playing that game anymore you know i will not be silent i will not let them do you know whatever they want and hold me and keep me from traveling and keep me from telling the truth i was headed to the medical academy of pediatrics special needs to give a talk where on my computer i show the dangers of electron micrograph showing nano carbon fibers showing as best as light fibers showing the toxic fluoride the toxic organophosphates the things that here in california are illegal via prop 65 and this is the mask the flight attendant attempted to have be put she said i dont care if you wear it over your mask but youre gonna say, 29:18 This website uses cookies to improve your experience. And its like I think it would remain movie again. Its these worm bureaucrats. Theres more than just that. Most of you know that we lost three channels over the weekend, some of you who dont know, I have a solution for everybody when this happens now. Im staying on this issue. Im think Im getting on a plane. Why are these people any different, you have every opportunity in this world to do what Ive done to say, Hmm, this is suspicious. Security is the most significant cost, the level I being advised to have. If, if you dont hit the home run bonus life, folks, it isnt your only chance. You send them. Because I cannot breathe out of my nose. I sat here for an hour. Were on this path. So I got an awful lot of it on tape. And if we have a strike coming our way Believe me This is the lady that could deliver one very fast because YouTube does not give her any quarter at all because she is certainly dangerous to them. You dont do that. I had a chance. mics and out of shadows, the brilliant film about Hollywood pedophilia. And if you listen, if youve listened to Sheriff Mack, if you havent seen a sheriff Mack video on on rumble when I interviewed him, your responsibility that you took an oath for is that constitution and these people, not these scumbag bureaucrat political worms, who cant survive out there in the real world where theres ethics and honor and integrity, integrity and conviction of what what America stands for. And and last time I use silver copper. But the vaccine, the things were finding out about the vaccine, the deaths that theyre covering up all of it. 42:15 I have setup a telegram channel and chat group, setup telegram (https://telegram.org/) on your device, and follow my updates here:https://t.me/patriotstreetfighter for the BROADCAST CHANNEL https://t.me/patriotstreetfighters for GROUP CHAT CHANNEL Connect with all my social media by going to: http://patriotsriseup.com where you can also access patriotstreetfighter.com for fun Patriot Streetfighter gear Rumble (PRIMARY) https://rumble.com/c/PatriotStreetfig Brighteon https://bit.ly/31gR5jI Bitchute https://bit.ly/3tPQOAx \"The Tipping Point\" LIVE radio show: Mondays 8-10pm EST http://revolution.radio/ in STUDIO B (Mobile device tilt sideways to landscape view for STUDIO B) Call-in listeners 641-793-7038Tunein Radio is a good option if the web servers or phones are jammedhttps://bit.ly/3lKgyM1Or use the app for Android or AppleSearch for Revolution Radio and select Studio B The Plan To Save The World by Joe M https://bit.ly/3rqKJctThe video that launched Patriot Streetfighterhttps://tinyurl.com/jfmunvkz animals like fowl gr and and you know keep us clued in to whats going on well certainly have you back again down the road and thanks for all of your time and thanks for your warrior spirit, 1:15:11 So the idiots call this bystander effects are really scientific term. Nope. So Im looking at two men there in the biological response modifiers CRO program and translational research program have MDS, PhDs technicians like myself, and we were just looking at the patients all that mattered was the patients and, and for us doing the right thing. This is this is how the old boys network works. Want to share news with us? Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! Its a weekend of June, I gotta fly to Gettysburg. "This is the time to take steps, this is the time to take action to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," said Cohen during a press conference with his German counterpart, Annalena Baerbock. movie theater where we were seeing Tim Cook diesels film with them. So and then it looks like Ill be working for the next four months for free again. Its like a horse race with these folks. 26:57 Please consider donating to our page. And as we we told many of these, we build many of these events in our book plague of corruption, and well tell a lot more when Frank resetti talks for the first time in our upcoming book, ending play. And this is kind of a this is my narcissistic t shirt actually. So youre going to want to hear this because this is going to be a powerful message from law enforcement tonight and I and theres a number of you other good people in the blue, that are gonna want to listen to this yourself because I believe that you people were in that blue were in that shield, the rank and file warrior warriors out there in the street trying to keep the world safe America safe, other countries safe. If I see something I push a lot of people to other channels, I bring them on this show. So anyways, you guys are great. They know Im right. I just poor guys. Itll last up to 20 28,000 years. This is the Patriot Street Fighter Glock 19 heavy Armored Division built this for me. And I just simply propose that there was another shooter in the immune system, and that it was the innate immune system that was compromised, and in this case, the monocyte, macrophage, you know, every single paper I published, in fact, in one paper, the so called peer reviews said. Its forgotten country accepted. Are they how they come from? The only difference was Im wearing this hat, you know, and I know they targeted me with this hat we the people. 0:20 Return Policy these are these are not George Washington, Jefferson, Adams Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, the people that built this nation, thats not who they are. I am not currently working due to health reasons. suite 110 dash 198 thats 110 dash 198 thats of course Dallas and the zip is 75201 thats where all this stuff comes in these poor guys Im like, guys sorry put on this put all this on to you. So shes laying on his lap. So I pull out my iPhone, I turn it on, and I start drying to tape whats going on on that airplane. It was an explosionlike a gigantic undersea mine. Please join us and subscribe to make it possible to continue this important work! But I want to see if we get him out of it. Thank you Have a nice day. . But I want you other police officers out there to hear this. She refused to put a mask on, and they brought the police in that King shit, Santa Barbara redekop Airport ran a cop that came in with a badge and decided he was going to use his badge. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell Scandal, Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic.