Redfield kept a low profile during his first two years in office after being appointed by the Trump administration in 2018. And so as we see reentry into respiratory viruses and as areas around the country are turning from green to yellow to orange, we have said - orange really does indicate that there is a lot of infection in the community, that there's a lot of severe disease coming into the hospital and that many of the beds in the hospitals are really now occupied by people with COVID-19. In the past, the position has generally been unfilled until a new secretary of health and human services is confirmed, and that official names a CDC director. [1] (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright 2021, Her father, Edward Bersoff, was a mathematician and engineer at NASA; her mother, Carol Bersoff-Bernstein, was an executive at a technology company. Every American 12 and older, no matter where they live, has vaccines readily available to them. Her targets have included the uneven transmission-prevention measures that were in place last summer and a prominent Trump advisers endorsement of a herd immunity approach that would let the virus run free. She was brought up in Potomac, Maryland. COVID cases have been on the rise after Thanksgiving. At Massachusetts General Hospital, where Walensky was the chief of infectious diseases, some of her many admirers now have T-shirts that read "Answer the Code" with her initials, RPW, beneath. So the news had special meaning for her and the many jubilant colleagues tweeting their joy. Rochelle is married to Loren Walensky, a pediatric oncologist, cancer chemical biologist and director of the Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program. They have been credited with being the brain behind her success as they gave her everything she needed to develop into the very smart and successful woman she now is. It allowed people who intentionally spread misinformation what we call disinformation to have extraordinary reach.In this advisory, were telling technology companies that we expect more. She was born in 1969 in Peabody, Massachusetts, U.S. She received an AB summa cum laude in biochemistry and molecular biology from Washington University in St. Louis. Her openness signaled her genuine anguish about the state of the pandemic, he added. The CDC also lost its standing as the nations go-to source for case counts and other measures of the epidemic after university researchers and others developed better systems for tracking infections. The camp guidance is intended to get our kids to camp and allow them to stay there," she continued. And she likens the call she got from the Biden administration to a hospital alarm that goes off when a patient is in cardiac arrest. The vaccines work. Last week, Biden said he would ask for $160 billion for vaccinations and other public health programs, including an effort to expand the public health workforce by 100,000 jobs. And then finally and really important is that - and my family knows this. The task falls to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, 51, an infectious-diseases specialist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, who is expected to become CDC director this week a time when the viruss U.S. death toll has eclipsed 400,000 and continues to accelerate. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. The agency also dropped guidance advising that anyone who came into close contact with an infected person should get tested then re-adopted it after criticism from health experts. Maybe - I will say another really important one - and I'm going to guess you're going to get to this - is vaccination. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. She served on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic and conducted research on vaccine delivery and strategies to reach underserved communities. The day of her urgent plea, she appeared on MSNBCs The Rachel Maddow Show, where she said vaccinated people do not carry the virus an overly optimistic statement that the C.D.C. But in a recent interview, she was unapologetic about the rapid shifts in C.D.C. Is the rate of younger people being hospitalized by coronavirus now any different than what we were seeing at other during other surges in the pandemic? His hands are cold to the touch. Walensky brought a plaque from her desk in Boston to CDC headquarters in Atlanta. Washington, DC 20500, MR. ZIENTS: Good morning, and thanks for joining us. So, literally, in real time, we talk about this literally on a daily basis, and evidence is being accumulated on a daily and weekly basis. Like, are we past the peak at this point? Were asking people to raise their bar for sharing health information by checking sources before they share information to ensure its backed by credible, scientific sources. But I have another question before I get to vaccination. "I would lie down in traffic for her," says Elizabeth Barks, the infectious disease division's administrative director at Mass General. Not completing the series puts those partially vaccinated at risk of illness. He calls Rochelle his "Wonder Woman" and still remembers when he first saw her 30 years ago, in the cafeteria of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where they were both students. WALENSKY: The messaging that we're using in terms of protecting older people from COVID but also from other respiratory pathogens - and including influenza and RSV, both of which impact older. Do we believe that they will maintain some protection against infection? But C.D.C. Health misinformation is false, inaccurate, or misleading information about health according to the best evidence at the time. And what do we do now?' is a large and lumbering agency, bogged down by bureaucracy and hampered by what some experts describe as an overly cautious approach. It was Dr. Fauci, who had known and admired her work on H.I.V., who recommended her. Over time we will be able to maybe one day not be in our masks anymore, but I have told my family I anticipate theyll be wearing a mask for the better part of 21, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, said in a video produced by her hospital last month. The speed at which she is assuming the job is unusual. She is also a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and President-elect Biden has announced that she will be the director of the new CDC. Is That Enough? However, we know that the vaccines that are listed on the lefthand part of this slide that are being used in this country namely the Pfizer, Moderna, and the J&J both in lab studies and in clinical effectiveness studies show the effectiveness of these vaccines against the Delta variant, particularly, and importantly, against hospitalization. I saw professionals doing their jobs. We only have about 33% of people over the age of 65 who've gotten that bivalent vaccine this season. Q Hi. At Vanderbilt, weve been doing Covid Vaccine 101, 102, 103, 104, said Schaffner, a professor in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She is married to Loren D. Walensky and they have 3 children. It will take all of us. Surgeon General Advisories are reserved for urgent public health threats. And if you look at the far right of the slide, as of just a couple of days ago, they are very low. That includes 11 million delayed pediatric vaccinations; widespread mental health problems; an uptick in opioid overdoses; and lapses in control of high blood pressure, cancer and H.I.V. Id like to continue it along the lines that Dr. Walensky had mentioned, but now maybe take a look at it from a global standpoint, if I could have the first slide. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said more than 4.1 million adolescents 12 to 17 have been vaccinated so far, including over half a million 12-15-year-olds who have lined up to get a shot since the Pfizer vaccine was authorized for adolescents earlier this month. Dr. Walensky and the C.D.C. They married in 1995 and have three sons. MR. ZIENTS: So, lastly, on international travel, you know, weve made, as we talked about today, important progress on the pandemic. Technology companies have enabled misinformation to poison our information environment with little accountability to their users. The truth is that, across our nation, the voices of doctors, nurses, scientists, and public health experts are too often being drowned out by the false sirens of misinformation. Each COVID-19 death is tragic. She has a long history working on HIV and has, in the past year, become a tour de force in addressing COVID. Veteran CDC scientists handled crises such as a deadly national surge in hepatitis A cases among homeless people and illicit drug users, and a mysterious spike in severe illnesses in people who vaped electronic cigarettes. She joined Harvard University in 1998 as a research fellow and in 2001 she became an instructor at Harvard Medical School. MODERATOR: Thanks, Jeff. And during this pandemic, health misinformation has led people to resist wearing masks in high-risk settings; to turn down proven treatments in some cases to turn to unproven treatments and to choose not to get vaccinated. She has been selected to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Biden . COVID-19 Vaccines Don't Prevent Transmission of Virus. The Walenskys decided early on that they would not work evenings or weekends, would be home for dinner every day, and take laptop-free vacations whenever their children were off school. Rochelle holds an American nationality and belongs to the white ethnicity. Dr. Gounder, who has known Dr. Walensky since 2004 and considers her a friend, said Dr. Walensky was still the best person she could think of to lead the C.D.C. President Joe Biden and members of his COVID task force are using personal stories to persuade young people get vaccinated following up on the Food and Drug Administration authorizing the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 12 to 15 earlier this month. Walensky has also shared her familys personal plight with the virus in urging more Americans to get the shot. Rochelle Walensky is the daughter of Edward Bersoff and Carol Bersoff-Bernstein. Ive heard some commentary though, suggesting that among immunosuppressed people and the elderly, they might be needed. Rochelle Paula Walensky is an American physician-scientist who is the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. She saw many people . The longer we wait, the more lives we lose. 11:38 A.M. EDTTo view the COVID Press Briefing slides, visit You feel healthy, you know people who have had COVID and are doing all right. That was a big oversight.. Or is it mainly unvaccinated people that thats happening since this is, as Walensky phrased it, a pandemic of the unvaccinated.And secondly, Pfizer just announced that the FDA has granted a priority review designation for their application for approval of their vaccine. How to be Extra Cautious with Your Skin during Seasonal Transitions? When youre talking about young people, specifically, getting hospitalized, we are seeing younger people hospitalized right now, relatively speaking to a more extent than we were before. Some felt betrayed by agency leaders who did not speak out publicly against the political interference. Accuracy and availability may vary. They will know that she knows what its like to be at the bedside of a very sick patient, he said. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post) "You can't do everything," Freedberg says, "and even if you could, you can't do everything at once. "Every year, he comes home from camp and he writes the number of days until he returns to camp the next year. MR. ZIENTS: So, Dr. Fauci on breakthrough cases. Lets begin with an overview of the data.Yesterday, CDC reported more than 33,000 new cases of COVID-19. A Warner Bros. And across this country people are suffering. WALENSKY: And maybe MR. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW FAUCI: Well, with regard to the breakthrough infections that were seeing: So, certainly, we are seeing them, but you got to remember what the denominator of the vaccinated people are. Biden unveils health team that will lead pandemic response. Retrospectively, when you look at the negative reaction of so many people, so many organizations, you have to come to the conclusion that it could have been done better, he said. Stephenson is an infectious disease specialist and vaccine scientist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Rochelle is the daughter of Edward Bersoff and Carol Bersoff-Bernstein. The question is, how does she acknowledge those and learn from those and move forward from there?. Not necessarily. We recommend wash your hands. Yesterday I issued a Surgeon Generals Advisory on the dangers of health misinformation. But through it all, as the long months became a year, Walensky had been out front, Stephenson says, sticking to the science and telling the truth. Yes, we actually reported on that. Thank you, Zeke. He wants his life back," she told lawmakers. Who are Rochelle Walensky's Parents? In the next slide, we see the UK. Post-Workout Nutrition Advice to Make the Most of Your Sweat Session! President Biden had promised that the C.D.C. And now he could be called the "first gentleman" of the CDC. Some surveys and focus groups have shown that many health care workers are hesitant to get the vaccines. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, speaks during the COVID Federal Response Hearing on Capitol Hill on June 16, 2022 in Washington, DC. To rebuild CDC, Biden picks Rochelle Walensky The chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital will take a top role in helping the new administration curtail the . Therell be a lesson learned here.. Rochelle at baseline is an excellent communicator, but I think in a situation this fraught politically, operationally and how quickly the science moves youre going to make mistakes, said Dr. Celine Gounder, a former adviser to Mr. Bidens team on Covid-19.