Light complexion and light hair. The lake was about 2 miles (3.2km) long, about 1 mile (1.6km) wide, and 60 feet (18m) deep near the dam. No shoes. Son of Mrs Thomas Howe. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Age twenty. Female About thirteen years. Two pair of stockings, one black and the other blue. Bodies as far as Cincinnati- more than 350 miles away. Brown dress with red plaited front and cuffs. Dark brown hair. How many victims were never identified in the Johnstown flood? Buttoned shoes. Key and one cent. Fair complexion. With a population of 30,000, it was a growing industrial community known for the quality of its steel.[7]. Age eighteen. 1911 was the year the final body was found. Black stockings. Spring heel button, shoes, half soles, heels repaired. Boy. A female. Age six months. Light brown hair. Age about fourteen. Cash $2 16. Age sixteen to eighteen. Female. Rubber eraser. Polka-dot necktie. Grand View, June 15th. Light complexion. Age about sixty-five. Age twelve years. White cotton stockings. Age seventy. Male. Breast-pin shape of star. Plaid dress, belt with two buckles. Age forty-five. No shoes nor stockings. Buried at Grand View. Ruby ear-rings. Button shoes. Female. Son of Godfrey Hoffman. Light complexion. Papers found on body. Adding to these factors, slag from the iron furnaces of the steel mills was dumped along the river to create more land for building. Dark dress with blue waist. Female. Small gold ear-rings. Button gaiters. Brown corkscrew coat. Gold ring, octagon shape. Wore about No. Blue striped calico dress Gray striped flannel underwear. Light brown hair. Medium size. Male. White handle pocket-knife. Dark hair. Blue calico dress. Black vest. Height 5 feet. Black woolen stockings, home knit Buttoned shoes. Main street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold watch and chain with charm. Age about twenty-five. Female. Home-knit hose. Electric wire keys Plug of tobacco. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Sandy Vale, by friends, June 15th. Female. Eyes burned out. Catholic. Light gray hair. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. White drawers. Height 5 feet 7 1/2 inches. Height 3 feet 9 inches. Door key. Eleven years old. Black coat and vest. Female. A young lady about twenty. Female. 6. Blue calico overskirt. Female. Light brown hair. [3] Lowering the dam by as much as 3 feet (0.91m) and failing to replace the discharge pipes at its base cut the dam's safe discharge capacity in half. $13.30 in change Open-faced silver watch. Supposed to belong to the Salvation Army. Male. 15 cents. The Johnstown Flood Museum (fee), 304 Washington Street, has information and exhibits. Large. Age eight. Valuables in hands of John H. Scott. Blue black ribbed stockings. Double chain with square slide and square locket, charm black stone set on one side and blue stone set on the other. Receipt to Robert Bossett, from Geo. Male. Brown bib. B. or J. Daughter of Godred Hoofman, Washington street, Johnstown, Pa. Red sacque with blue trimming. Large carved gold ring on third finger of left hand. The committee was led by the esteemed James B. Francis, a hydraulic engineer best known for his work related to canals, flood control, turbine design, dam construction, and hydraulic calculations. Female. Height 5 feet 10 inches. 165 pounds. Black hair. Height 5 feet 6 inches. IED New Advertisements. Collar buttons. Small child. Heavy head of hair. Calico dress. Gaiter shoes. Male child, two years old. Male. Thomas J. Jones. Two rows of buttons, one on each side. Buttoned shoes with spring heels. High heeled button shoes. Gray woolen drawers. Red flannel dress. Age about four years. Medium stature Bunch of keys Prospect June 11, 1889. Age about twelve years. Age forty-three. Female. Bunch of keys. Gray eyes. New buttoned shoes No. Received the above valuables: Charles Brixner. Age six years. Male. Height 5 feet 6 inches Black and white striped skirt. Female. Son of Howell Powell. Body removed by her son, Warren W. Cope. 3 1/2 to 4 buttoned shoes. Green purse. Collar-button. They were accused of failing to maintain the dam properly, so that it was unable to contain the additional water of the unusually heavy rainfall. Gold pocket rim spectacles. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Gray and black striped knee pants. Black hair. Pocket knife. Age thirty-eight Weight 145. Female. Buttoned shoes Knee pants. Dark brown hair. Brown waist. Passenger on the day express Given to R. B. Bates, Racine, Mich. Two breast-pins. Red flannel underskirt striped up and down Left lower jaw deformed. Black hair slightly gray. Long black hose Red bandana handkerchief. White underclothing. Age about twelve. Kaktins, Uldis, Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., Coleman, N.M. (2013). White and black barred flannel skirt. Hulbert house, Johnstown, Pa. One plain gold ring, one onyx set ring. Button shoes. Full suit of clothes of brown and red and black checkers. Light complexion. Gaiter shoes. Front teeth wide apart and protruding. Weight 135. Package of Japanese headache cure. Female. Removed to Catholic Cemetery. Two pocket-knives. Female. $32.36. Black jersey, large buttons. About eight years. Was lost in the Hulbert House. 5 shoes Diamond ring carved, one crescent pin, set with brilliants, with star in centre. Age forty-five. Female Age seven or eight years. Dark hair. who'd learned of the Johnstown flood growing up in Pennsylvania. Black hair mixed with gray. Female. Female. Small coin purse, 20 cents. Crooked legs. Brown ribbed stockings. Two dollar and a half gold breast-pin. Found in front of Cambria Iron Co.'s office. Market street, Johnstown, Pa. Open faced gold watch. Height 4 feet 6 inches. Valuables taken by her sister, Mrs. Ella Mulhern. Male. Unidentified containers of cremated remains and decomposing bodies were found in a Johnstown, New York funeral home after police executed a search warrant Friday. Gum rubbers, No. Light barred knee pants. One band ring on finger of right hand. On May 30, 1889 the South Fork Dam, which maintained a pleasure lake for wealthy Pittsburgh industrialists and their families, failed due to very heavy rains and poor maintenance by the dam's owners. Supposed to be Miss Zimmerman. Gold filling upper jaw front teeth, gold filling in lower jar, back teeth filled with silver, two front teeth lap over. Worsted coat. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Light hair. Brown hair. Gingham apron. Wart on left ear. Body sent to Greensburgh. One body was even recovered 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio (Coleman 2019). Identified by the husband, Mark Drew. Dark knee pants. Black hair. Identified and removed by her mother. Clerk at the Hulbert House. Gold ring with white setting on second finger of right hand. Breast-pin. Chemise with red border. Debris was recovered as far away as Pittsburgh, about 75 miles to the west. Bones of a human body brought from vicinity of Cambria works. Age about fifty. Black and bronze barred wool basque. Black coat. Supposed to be Maggie Hipp. Auburn hair. Age about six. Bible. White canton flannel drawers. Red short basque with red buttons on it. 15 Walnut street. Gingham apron. Editorial: J.W. Lace shoes nearly new. Height about 3 feet 9 inches. About thirty families lived on the village's single street. Red undershirt. Hair long and brown. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female. Small key. Button shoes. Conemaugh Borough, Pa. Black pants. Black comb and five cents. Inside of locket a star with S. H, words trademark alone a star. "Rool" with W.H. Receipt from Charles S. Ruth to party named Schuner or Shuor. Barred calico dress. Stucke, of Sewickley. Guardar para ms tarde. Child. Black and white skirt. Weight about 140. Sandy mustache and goatee. . Blue and white flowered sateen basque. Pair of spectacles and tin case. Claimed. Gold breast pin with brilliant setting. The Johnstown flood was a horrible disaster and this written account is well done and harrowing. Heavy black coat. Female. Valuables, A male. Black jersey coat. Valuables. Penknife. Male. Female Height 4 feet 9 inches. Leather belt Piece tar rope around waist. Blue and white barred gingham apron. Flannel skirt and red woolen stockings. Dark brown hair plaited and tied with ribbon. Female. Such was the price that was paid for fish! Red and white striped skirt. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. Collar attached. No coat nor vest. Three watch chains. Age forty five. $75 in money. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Weight 100 to 120. Height 3 feet. Female. Eagle on arm. Male. Short nose. Worked with H. Martin, Wire Mills. Red and black striped skirt, wine colored skirt. Sandy hair. Woolen dress. Dark colored shoes. Height 5 feet. Barred cotton dress pleating in front, buttoned behind. Fair complexion Long black hair. Light brown hair. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report", Sid Perkins, "Johnstown Flood matched volume of Mississippi River", "Johnstown Flood National Memorial (U.S. National Park Service)", "The South Fork Fishing & Hunting Club and the South Fork Dam", Johnstown Flood Museum, "Johnstown Flood Museum: Pennsylvania Railroad Interview Transcripts". Pocket-knife. Female. It was featured as a main attraction at the Stockholm Exhibition of 1909, where it was seen by 100,000 and presented as "our time's greatest electromechanical spectacle", Willis Fletcher Johnson wrote in 1889 a book called, Gertrude Quinn Slattery, who survived the flood as a six-year-old girl, published a memoir entitled. Died after flood. High and round forehead. People who . Striped pants. Age not known. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. Age about twelve. $2,500 in bills, $600 in gold, $4.23 in silver and coppers. Valuables. Many people were crushed by pieces of debris, and others became caught in barbed wire from the wire factory upstream and/or drowned. Female. Shoes and one gum shoe. Male. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Presbyterian Church Morgue No. Male. Leaf pattern. Chinaman. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Age sixty-five. Three band rings, one with initials "F. M." Earring in left ear. Height 5 feet. Height 5 feet. Black hair. White cotton hose, foot mixed with blue. Male. Age about 30. Height 4 feet. One thimble. Female. No coat or vest. Height about 5 ft. 5 in. Female. Silver open faced watch. Pocket-knife. The Wagner-Ritter House is closed for winter until April 19, 2023. Age fifty. But it is the missing - such as little Michelle with her sweet smile - that Rudy Keck, now 70, thinks and wonders about. Very heavy brown hair tied with blue ribbon. Female. Red and white waist. Pocket-knife Bone tooth-pick $6.31. The United States Army Signal Corps estimated that 6 to 10 inches (150 to 250mm) of rain fell in 24 hours over the region. Short black pants. White handkerchief, red stripe border. Brown hair Gray eyes. Blue eyes. Valuables given to Sallie McKeen. Female. Winter opening hours have begun for the Johnstown Flood Museum and Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Childrens Museum: we are CLOSED Tuesdays and Wednesdays; OPEN Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 10:00 am-5:00 pm; and OPEN Sundays from noon-5:00 pm. Identified by her husband, Mr. Henry Viering, formerly reported from Nineveh, was incorrect. Brilliant ear-drops. Weight 185. Reese. Dress alternate black and red with black flowers. June 15th. Very long dark hair, plait in back. Black cloth wrapper, buttoned in front to knees. Encyclopdia Britannica. Weight about 110. Silver watch and chain. [15] From his idle locomotive in the town's railyard, the engineer John Hess heard and felt the rumbling of the approaching flood. Small button shoes. White. Brown hair. Female. At Johnstown, the Stone Bridge, which was a substantial arched structure, carried the Pennsylvania Railroad across the Conemaugh River. Female. Banged hair. Dark hair. Catholic. Ring on right hand. Bunch of keys. Light hair partly gray. Earring-drop. Initial on one ring, "W H.". p.475. Papers, etc. Weight 110. Red shirt with white stripes Dark striped stockings. Black alpaca clothing. Female. Female. Weight 135 Blue calico dress with figure on it. Plated gold ear-ring with pendent amethyst set. Age about eight. Striped skirt. Light muslin dress. 8. One very small key. Height 5 feet 7 inches Weight 145. 2 1/2. Black ribbed stockings. Red dress, trimmed with lace. Silver watch. Female. Auburn hair. Light complexion. Dark brown hair. Pocket-knife. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Short sack coat. Female. Also blue mother hubbard wrapper with white spots. Weight 130. Blue drill overalls. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Large. Weight 130. Some patches of quilt on body. Gold earrings. Middle finger of left hand stiff from some former injury. Bald in front, with large wart on right side of head. Blue dress. Height 5 feet. The . Ear-drop in left ear round gold ball. Black cheviot coat, knee pants, coat pleated in front White waist figured with dog's head and red collar. Lisle thread mitts. Buttoned shoes. Age four years. Police and Johnstown firefighters were dispatched at 1:40 p.m. Saturday as the result of a welfare check call made by family members of the . shoes. Collar-button. Dark blue dress, blue and gray striped. Wart on left hand front finger. $1 29 silver. Between twenty and thirty houses were destroyed or washed away, and four people were killed. Black hose. Clater, 534 9th Ave. Two pocket-knives. Plaid skirt, red and black. Female. Female Age eighteen months. Nearly 12 inches (300 millimetres) of rain fell in 24 hours when . When the flooding began, the area's telegraph lines were down, preventing anyone. Height 5 feet 3 inches Badly burned. He had just sat down to eat his supper when the crash came, and the whole family, consisting of wife and eight children, were . Knee pants. Age about 55. Dark blue suit. Black stockings. Female. Light hair. Button shoes. Female. Male. Eighty. Plain ear-rings. It began to prosper with the building of the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal in 1836 and the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Cambria Iron Works in the 1850s. Dark dress. Male. Watch. Brown hair. Age twenty-five or thirty years. Age thirteen. Male. Bunch of keys. Auburn hair. Little jug charm in pocket. Valuables placed on body. Papers, etc. Female. . Sent to New Florence. Supposed to be Annie Fitzner, but very doubtful. Brown hair. 1528. Buried at St. John's Cemetery. Weight 115. Plain gold ring, received by her mother, Ellen O'Connor. Female. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Age three months. Letters, etc., etc. Most remained on top of the dam, some plowing earth to raise it, while others tried to pile mud and rock on the face to save the eroding wall. Height 5 feet 8 inches Black hair Gray eyes. GC-PP: Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends GCS: German Catholic Cemetery (Sandyvale) LYC: Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery No teeth above. Age about ten. Identified by A. Kerfline. Two plain hoop rings on third finger of left hand. Height 5 feet 6 inches. White dress. On May 31, 1889, the Johnstown Flood killed 2,209 people in southwest Pennsylvania when the South Fork Dam failed after days of heavy rain. Female. Dark brown hair. W. K. Endsley's bank book. Light hair, plaited, tied near middle. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.. More than ninety-nine families had been completely killed. Little boy. Dark gray pants with small black stripes. Black stockings. Empty purse Buried at Prospect, June 9th. station. Age twenty to twenty-five Brown hair. Male. Male. The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on Friday, . Eyes unknown. Long shaggy eyebrows. Coat of brown cloth, same as dress waist, with large, white pearl buttons. Valuables placed in hand of Mr. Ossenburg, brother-in-law. Blue waist. 11 shoe. Woolen shirt, has evidently been blue. 145 pounds. 5 large keys. White handkerchief with blue polka dot border. Lead-pencil. Female. Cord braid at waist. R.R. Loesch. Blue and white striped dress Red undershirt Two plain gold rings on second finger of left hand. [3] With a volumetric flow rate that temporarily equaled the average flow rate of the Mississippi River,[4] the flood killed 2,209 people[5] and accounted for US$17,000,000 (equivalent to $512,707,407 in 2021) in damage. 7. Watch chain and two lockets. Long gold breast-pin. Sent to Prospect. About fifteen years. Blue eyes. Male. Female. One large set ring. John Parke, an engineer for the South Fork Club, briefly considered cutting through the dam's end, where the pressure would be less to create another spillway, but eventually decided against it as that would have quickly ensured the failure of the dam. Small earrings. Blue cloth knee pants. White. Age fourteen years. Light hair. Heavy woolen coat with rubber buttons. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Light brown hair. Ring in possession of J. W. Young, clerk of County Commissioners, of Westmoreland county, Pa. Blue stockings. Supposed to be the daughter of Daniel Convery, of Greensburg, Pa. Child. Could not be removed. Dark hair. Two photographs. $25 00 in paper $1.68 in silver. Muslin drawers. Red and white striped skirt Buttoned shoes. Valuables given to James H. Green, brother-in-law. Chain with cross attached. Recognized by his father. Four years. Weight 160. With blue merino stockings. Upper teeth false. Female. Black hair. Coleman, Neil M., Wojno, Stephanie, and Kaktins, Uldis. A female. Pocket-book and buckeye. Sponsored. Brown and red stripe bosom, puffed at shoulders. Brilliant ear drops Blue chintz dress, with yellow and white flowers, Adult Only two charred feet A bunch of keys found with the above three pairs of feet, Short and stout build Weight 110. Valuables. Male. Auburn hair. [1] Barton arrived on June 5, 1889, to lead the group's first major disaster relief effort; she did not leave for more than five months. Padlock, key and 15 cts. Weight 110. Dark dress Black stockings. Light complexion. Brown eyes. Button shoes. Weight 150. Age fifty to fifty-five. Butchered husbands, slaughtered wives Height 5 feet 2 inches. Saloonkeeper on Washington street. Pen and pencil $13 in bills 87 cts. Black stockings. Supposed to be the daughter of Jacob Babb. Short nose. (?) Height 5 feet. Gold watch Elgin No. Blank book bought of Irwin Rutlege, Jr. Small amount of money. Washington street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold watch and chain. Height 4 ft. Buttoned shoes. $30 in greenbacks. Age about nine months. Iron gray whiskers and mustache. Black jersey. Height 5 feet 6 inches Auburn hair. High buttoned spring heel shoes. Height 5 feet. Laced shoes. Female. Female. Walter, Jennie and Edith also drowned. Large. Large very light mustache. Age thirty. Female. Taken to Cambria City. Aged. Greatly decomposed. Valuables given to his son-in-law. Kernville Some valuables. Age two months. 150 pounds. Dark wool pants. Figured waist and white underclothing. Age about ten years. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Gold watch. Light brown hair. Slippers tied with black bow. Weight 130. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Weight 30. Black pants Toy pistol. Knife. 178-5. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Black stocking. White underskirt. Heavy cotton socks. Bunch of keys Sent to Prospect. Blue and white apron. Dark hair. Valuables. Debris at the Stone Bridge covered thirty acres,[18] and clean-up operations were to continue for years. JOHNSTOWN For lots of people, the Johnstown Flood of 1977 was the kind of disaster that defines a career.For other people, it started theirs.John Barron, now a district judge, was in his early 20 . Gingham apron. Age twenty-five. Female. White flannel skirt. Prospect, June 14th. The body entirely nude, excepting two small pieces of skirt or petticoat Found at Ten Acre in the river, July 3d.