Dixie Youth Officials will approve the assignment procedures for all the practice facilities. Tournament Information Packet
The host will prepare an information packet for the tournament. 4. ARTICLE XI District Tournaments:
The District Directors shall meet with representatives of each league within their District to determine requirements for the Sub-District and District Tournaments. No one except players, coaches, and officials will be allowed on the field of play during the playing of the games, the Host must make available a secured area for press, media, and professional photographers for their coverage of the games. Kirby Michaels, District 3 Director 1574 Green Circle Northport. (F) At the discretion of the District Director, a district may offer Rookie Tournament play at the district level. Bylaws. Contact. Play will begin on the evening of Day 1. The Deputy State Directors expenses will be paid, per the current National Board Policy for the State Director, to allow him/her to attend the annual Dixie Youth World Series, contingent on the availability of funds. advance to Dixie World Series. If an Assistant State Director has not been appointed, then the Senior National Director will fill the position until a special election is held. (B) Tournament Team Managers/Coaches removed by the Umpire from Sub-district, District, Area or State Tournaments for un-sportsmanlike actions, excluding rules situations where the Manager/Coach does not commit un-sportsmanlike actions (such as the squaring to bunt and then hitting away, bat wind-milling , player not showing up for tournament game rules) are automatically removed from their next tournament game and that Manager/Coach cannot be replaced during this one-game suspension. Managers Meeting
A mandatory Managers and Credentials Meeting will be held the morning of the first day of the tournament. Franchise League; Practice field assignments will not be made until the Credentials Meeting. "We are excited to host the event in Bowers Park Sports Complex to further the game and provide families a . Seven Dixie Boys teams will try to win State and represent Alabama in the World Series in Sterlington La. The Host League shall plan and promote a non-denominational church service on Sunday morning for all the people in the tournament who choose to attend. The selected Host(s) may be required by the State Director to have representatives remain at the prior year State Tournament and attend all activities through the third day of play. Such meetings shall be called by the incumbent director and each league entitled to vote shall be notified of the election meeting at least ten (10) days before the scheduled day of the meeting. The Host League shall furnish medallions for all coaches and players, individual team trophies for the champion and runner-up team(s), and a sportsmanship team trophy. Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball will supply Dixie Youth flag(s) to be flown under the American flag at the playing field(s) for the entirety of the tournament(s). All fields must conform to the specifications of the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Official Rules and Regulations. ARTICLE VIII Amendments:
(A) The Constitution may be amended at any meeting by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the votes cast, provided the proposed change shall have been sent in writing or by electronic submittal to the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Board of Directors, and proper notification given of the time, place, and date of the meeting at least ten (10) days before the meeting takes place. It also includes parts of Jackson and . Youth League. Click here for a detailed coverage . The Board of Directors shall consist of State Director, Assistant State Director (if appointed), Deputy State Director(s) (if appointed), Secretary (if appointed), eleven (11) District Directors, Assistant District Directors, and three (3) National Directors. (B) The Division I AA Coach Pitch State Tournament will consist of 16 teams minimum that is split into 2 eight-team brackets, with the bracket winners playing a best of 3 series for the state championship; the Division I AAA & O-Zone State Tournaments will consist of 12 teams minimum (11 district champions + 1 host team and any runner-ups needed to complete the bracket). Each Alabama umpire that officiates in the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series shall receive up to $300.00 from the UTP account to help defray his/her expenses, contingent on the availability of funds as determined by the Administrator. Adequate field tarps, equipment, and experienced field crews shall be available throughout the games. Those not Bidding will forfeit their money to the State Board Treasury. The Inspection Team will be appointed by the State Director. After consultation with the respective Tournament Directors, the State Director must complete the review and final selection processes by June 1st of each season. The size of this group is expected to be approximately 60-75 people at each tournament. Regular price $0 50 $0.50. External links are provided for reference purposes.Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the State Director or by a majority of the voting members of the Board. You can take advantage of great discounts on items that you are going to need for the upcoming . The Host League(s) may publish a State Tournament program with a special tournament Logo on the cover that is designed by the Host(s) to specifically represent the tournament(s). {Jack Fillingham elected in 2019, Charlie Bell elected in 2020}
Effective 2006, District Director elections will be held for three (3) year terms as follows: [Year 2020- Districts 5, 6 & 7] ; [Year 2021- Districts 1, 2, 8 & 11] ; [Year 2022- Districts 3, 4, 9 & 10]. The Administrator will maintain the finances of the program and will submit an annual financial report to the State Board. The Manager from each team participating in the tournament is required to attend this meeting. Dugouts, sideline fencing, and a scoreboard must be provided. 15Y - Dixie Youth Caps. A Tournament Director shall be present at all games. The Host shall provide medical and security personnel at the fields throughout the games and shall have immediate access to nearby ambulance and hospital emergency services. for travel associated with their task will be paid out of the UTP treasury. The same Logo will work well for the tournament souvenir tee shirts, caps, baseballs, and so forth. These are the "flagships" of tournaments for the state and all activities and facilities must be planned and prepared to be a most pleasant memorable experience for the teams participating. Box 242015, Montgomery, Alabama 36124. The Host shall provide medical and security personnel at the fields throughout the games and shall have immediate access to nearby ambulance and hospital emergency services. No individual umpire shall be scheduled to officiate behind the plate for two (2) or more games in the same day and, whenever possible, umpires will not be scheduled to umpire a game in which their District is playing. The Host League shall provide an Opening Ceremony. 3) Multi-league franchises cannot field a Rookie Tournament team using players from different leagues. There will be an invocation and a national anthem performed. Dick's Sporting Goods is a proud partner of AUM Dixie Youth Softball we would like to invite you to join your fellow AUM Dixie Youth Softball coaches and parents at the Montgomery Dick's Sporting Goods on February 2 nd-3 rd and 9 th - 10 th for a special AUM Dixie Youth Softball shop day. Admission charge is $7 daily for ages 13 and older . system shall be available. An official in violation will be dismissed by an affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. The Coordinator(s) will work under the direction of the State Director, or his/her designee, and the Tournament Director. Excluding the introduction of the players, other speakers and introductions should be kept to a minimum. The election and term shall be under the current edition of the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. Expenses incurred by the State Representative(s) discharging their assigned duties, when properly receipted and approved by the State Director, will be reimbursed per state policy from the state treasury. Umpires must look professional and be professional. Suitable approved music shall be provided for the tournament(s). The announcing of the game and the accuracy of the scoreboard will be heard and viewed by more people than anything else associated with the tournament(s). Sports Registration Software powered by ACTIVE Network. The Administrator will work with the State Board Umpire Committee and the State Umpire in Chief to develop the curriculum for the UTP. See more of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball on Facebook. The Dadeville 12U Baseball All-Stars took the Dixie Youth Baseball Alabama state championship Sunday, . $41.15. Appendix G contains the bid procedures and the minimum requirements for hosting the Rookie State Tournaments. Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball
Board Of Directors
State Director: Ricky Phaturos
National Directors: Vann Saltz
Jack Fillingham
Charlie Bell
Deputy State Director: Dale Phillips
Deputy State Director: Vacant
District 1 Director: Ken Boster
District 2 Director: Marcus Wood
District 3 Director: Kirby Michaels
District 4 Director: Robert Douglass
District 5 Director: Randy Phaturos
District 6 Director: Jeff Speed
District 7 Director: Scott Patrick
District 8 Director: Tony Keith
District 9 Director: Hal Carrington
District 10 Director: James Simmons
District 11 Director: Gary Hicks
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3 4 5 6 A B C D E R d J M P Q rfrbb[TPbrKbC h h1C \ h1C \h4 hQe h4 hQe h1C h1C h1C CJ OJ QJ ^J h;7: h1C 6CJ OJ QJ ^J The Host must furnish plastic trophy ball containers for these special baseballs. Adequate restrooms for the anticipated number of people shall be available near the playing fields and suitable ongoing cleaning and maintenance of the restroom facilities during the tournament(s) must be provided. system for each game field. Season registration typically begins in January (there are a limited number of spots available for each age group). We accept players of all skill levels for Dixie Youth League Play. Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball . Agendas & Minutes. The Host shall provide for adequate concession facilities, workers, and a good menu of food and drinks at reasonable prices to suit the needs of the expected fans, workers, players, and officials, and these facilities shall remain in operation from thirty (30) minutes before to thirty (30) minutes following play each day. The Assistant State Directors expenses will be paid, per the current National Board Policy for the State Director, to allow him/her to attend the annual Dixie Youth World Series, contingent on the availability of funds. The Host may also fly the Alabama State Flag and /or other flags with the approval of the Tournament Director. The host should have a contingency plan in place should an additional set of runner-up trophies be needed. ARTICLE XII - State Tournaments:
Alabama will conclude its baseball program each year with the A, AA, AAA, Majors, and O-Zone Dixie Youth State Tournaments. A National Director will serve as Tournament Director or the State Director can appoint another active member of the Alabama State Board to serve as Tournament Director. The State Director will notify the potential bidders if they are approved to bid. The procedure for handling two (2) or more bids in the same year for each of the 6U North. Other than the above-mentioned fees all other monies collected by the host (gate, concessions, etc.) The duration of this meeting is expected to be less than one and one half (1 ) hours. Two of their coaches were kicked out of the tournament following a fight Monday. If the highest bid is the same for two (2) or more bidders for the same Division, the tied high bidder's names will be placed in a cap and randomly drawn to determine the winner. Rookie AA - Each district may send up to two (2) teams 8 and under in addition to two host teams. The area should be located at, or reasonably near, the ballpark, and, if requested by DYB, golf cart-type transportation should be provided to and from the park and facility. If no bid is received by October 1st then the State Director is authorized to take any steps necessary to secure a host for the tournament. Pay Bills. The State Director, or designee, will establish distances via computer using the shortest distance from the umpires home address to the state tournament playing fields. 21YS - Dixie Youth Square Logo Flag 4' x 4' Regular price $60 00 $60.00. This function and the level of participation are the choices of the Host; however, any group invited by the Host to participate in such hospitality shall include their significant other. Skills Contest for teams)
Note: It is recommended that the AA State Tournament Opening Ceremony will be held at the game fields approximately one hour before Game #1 unless the host is providing team meals and/or skills contests. (G) At any State Tournament that advances more than one team to the next level of sanctioned tournament play the State Director, at his/her discretion, may split the bracket into two brackets. Managers Meeting
A mandatory Managers and Credentials Meeting will be held the morning of the first day of the tournament. 32B - Dixie Boys & Majors Pins. This includes any motorized vehicle used to transport participants, officials, or spectators, such as golf carts or other similar type motorized vehicles. All rules and regulations of Dixie Youth Baseball Inc. shall apply except as noted
1) At the discretion of the District Director, a district may offer tournament play at the district level in the A, AA, AAA, Majors/O-Zone divisions for players that did not make their leagues tournament team. Each member entitled to a vote shall be notified by certified mail or email at least seven (7) days before the date of such special meetings. ARTICLE XVII - Amendments:
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball at any meeting, or at any special called meeting, when the proposed amendment, place, and time of the meeting are announced in writing or by electronic submittal at least ten days before the date of said meeting. There will be no charge to the State Board for any of these materials being in the program. Phone: Cell (334) 207-3181, Email: [email protected] DISTRICT 5 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - DANNY MARTIN , 1078 Autumn Ridge Road, Montgomery, Alabama 36117. News. AUM Spring Softball League. Motel expenses for the teams, parents, and Dixie Youth Officials at the tournament, excluding umpires and the Umpire Coordinator, will not be the responsibility of the Host. All tournament play is subject to doubling up when possible. ARTICLE XIV - Alabama Dixie Youth Tournament Umpires:
To be eligible to umpire in sanctioned Alabama AA, AAA, Majors, or O-Zone Dixie Youth Tournaments at any level, the umpire must pass the online Alabama Dixie Youth Umpire Training Program (UTP) each year, complete the online CDC Concussion Awareness Training each year and attend the district umpire workshop each year. 2022 State Tournament Sites and Dates. {Senior National Director is Vann Saltz, elected in 2014}
If the Senior National Director is unable or unwilling to serve, the position will be filled by the remaining National Directors. Each District Director may, upon the approval of the leagues, select a person to serve as District Secretary, with the duties of the Secretary to be assigned by the District Director. Rookie AAA and O-Zone a maximum 16 team tournament will be scheduled. APPENDIX D
(Trophies to Be Furnished by Host League)
Majors (12 & under)
Quantity Description Size
190 Dixie Youth Medallions W/Red, White & Blue Neck Ribbons 2 Diameter
1 Sportsmanship Trophy (Team) 26" Height
1 Championship Trophy (Team) 24" Height
15 Championship Trophies or Plaques (Team) 10" Height
1 (or 2) Runner Up Trophy (Team) 20" Height
15 (or 30) Runner Up Trophies or Plaques (Individual) 8 Height
Trophy Inscriptions
Front of Medallion - Dixie Youth Logo
The rear of Medallion - (Host Choice of Engraving)
Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball
Majors State Tournament
(Host City), Alabama
July, (Year)
Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball
Majors State Tournament
(Host City), Alabama
July, (Year)
Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball
Majors State Tournament
(Host City), Alabama
July, (Year)
NOTE: In any Alabama DYB State Tournament if three teams remain with one loss and all have played the same number of games there will be two runner-ups in that tournament. Individual stand-alone port-a-lets may be accepted with the approval of the tournament director. The following also applies. No team will be allowed to participate in the tournament if their insurance does not meet the prescribed limits. Field 4 Tournament Director DISTRICT 3 RUNNER-UP; Game 16 Winner 16 Hal Carrington Team D 6:00 PM (334) 379-0639 . Vacancies on the bracket will be filled by a draw of 2nd place teams from competing districts if necessary. DBB Board Directory; Risk Management. The recommendation of the State Director must be approved by a majority vote of the SBUC.