Just sending you a quick note to let you know that youre on my mind and in my prayers. Dont let how you feel make you forget what you deserve. For example, pregnant women should eat multiple servings of fresh green vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Whether your test results are good or bad, you are going to be able to deal with it. A time when you lose connection with the higher force which has provided so much support and comfort. 89. You never know how much your words will mean to someone. 117. I listened to that inner guidance, not knowing 100% why but trusting the feeling. All of this is ready for you when you start your personal CaringBridge site, which is completely free of charge, ad-free, private and secure. Acceptance that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that can involve pain, discomfort and challenge. You can do things that bring you joy, as well as things that make you feel more productive and in control of your life. 6. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. If you are diagnosed with something, you will have options available to you going forward. The easiest way to follow your favorite blogs. 3. 62. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling. It took a few days for her to get back to me. 8. It presented itself as a low-lying background anxiety for much of my adult life. Consider what you can do which feels nurturing or uplifting. 2. I invite you to challenge your belief that you will not be able to handle it. Theres a story about an old man who shares his most precious advice with his family before he dies. It is tempting to say, "You will be fine," but you both know that you can't make that guarantee. Whether they need to talk, cry, or if they just need a hug, youre here to listen and support them. You're going to pass this, and then we are going to wonder why you were panicking. Be good to yourself. It's OK to help take your friend's mind off the situation at hand. 7. But the nurse had told me I needed someone with me after the biopsy, as well as to be with me for the results. God my Healer, as I'm awaiting the results of this lab work, I ask in the Name of Jesus that I receive a positive report. We know you will again come out with flying colors. The only real failure is to give up. Everyone in the audience is on your side. "Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!". Going to the doctor can be stressful. "Start where you are. I believe in you! If you are in pain, and you normally work out during the day, you probably should skip the workout, but try to stick to your routine as closely as possible. To let go of the worry over things we have no control over and the what ifs which can spoil our enjoyment of life. 95. Instead of resisting what is happening to you, try practicing acceptance and surrender to what is. I can handle whatever the test results show. And that might be a good thing. There is such comfort and clarity to be found from quietening the mind and allowing higher guidance in. "The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them." Theodore Roosevelt. I'm . You may even find that pain you are feeling or symptom you are having will lessen or even go away as your focus stays on your everyday life and routine and out of the future where worry about your test results lives. - Joseph Campbell. After weeks she would have to call in and make an appointment to find out what the test results showed, and those weeks were filled with painful worry that kept her sick and brought up a whole other list of symptoms. "The most effective way to do it, is to do it." It can help you recognise that we are all connected and we are all having a human experience together, with all its struggles and its pleasures. 5. No wonder you are so smart for your age." theme="style4] 3. Amelia Earhart. 8: Be alert and of sober mind. 44. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. I believe this is an important part of the process of managing your anxiety. Never doubt who you are." 23. Have a Holiday. Wasnt that enough? 18. 130. What have you got to lose in believing in them? 118. You are always on my mind and in my heart. "You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.". You can get through this. Dont live off of someone elses script. Carve some time out of your schedule to be there while your friend is waiting for test results to come in. Settling back into what is now my "new normal," I decided I would create a "Do and Don't" list for the next time I'm faced with the deafening silence of waiting on test results: Don't Sit still. 2. Instead, a more helpful thing to say would be something like "I'll be here for you, no matter what the test results reveal.". 1. Leaving the breast cancer center, I managed to hold it together until I got home. I nodded, feeling numb inside. 6. 4. "Waiting is not the problem, worry is," said Paula H. Finestone, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center. "No matter what youre going through, theres a light at the end of the tunnel." No one is you and that is your superpower. Doing nothing is a great way to change nothing! Take everything one day at a time. Get off your butt and put your body in motion. It's scary to wait. What have you got to lose in believing in them? 3. The radiologist decided she also needed a breast ultrasound. Manage Settings 16. Christine Caine. Take a deep breath; its just a bad day, not a bad life. "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." What would a good result be for you? If you ever need to talk, or just cry, you know where to find me! It can help you recognise that we are all connected and we are all having a human experience together, with all its struggles and its pleasures. Words of Encouragement for Someone Waiting for Test Results: Sometimes waiting for exam results can bring unnecessary anxiety. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement." They cleared the fog of uncertainty and a feeling of calm stole over me. I'm Sticking To My Routine As I Wait For My Test Results. Waiting for food in the microwave. Ill hold your umbrella. I hope they release you . 7. Believe everything is possible and you will change the results! When we are truly mindful, we can connect with our inner self and with the peace that is available to as at all times. I thought I knew everything about my situation based on very limited conversations with two medical professionals. I was already battling glaucoma. 39. 33. Waiting for imaging test results can be a significant and stressful experience. Instead, offer precise ways that you can be of assistance. When I received her reply, I believeit proved Gods timing is truly perfect. Here, youll find their ideas to help you encourage your loved one. Dreams don't work unless you do. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 38. Know that even when I'm not physically with you, I'm still there.". Demi Lovato. Resourcing When limitations force you to choose, and even ration. So many of my clients report a therapeutic benefit to showing up to a regular journaling practice. To become even more present and to put my physical health first. I am now making a new commitment to my physical wellbeing. Benjamin Spock. You are searching about Words Of Encouragement For Someone Waiting For Medical Test Results, today we will share with you article about Words Of Encouragement For Someone Waiting For Medical Test Results was compiled and edited by our team from many sources on the internet.Hope this article on the topic Words Of Encouragement For Someone Waiting For Medical Test Results is useful to you. She had to wait a few weeks for the ultrasound, and while the technician was scanning her, it was obvious that something had been found by the way she was marking up the imaging with circles and writing. 106. Or you may be upset with yourself for being so stressed as you wait for your test results and making yourself sicker than you need to be. 34. We feel like we should be able to know them. Encouragement Words for A Test. By commenting you accept the CaringBridge, 7 Ways to Console Someone Going Through a Hard Time, Thinking of you all the time. Especially if we are in pain or experiencing unnerving symptoms. 74. Don't assume the worst. I believe this is an important part of the process of managing your anxiety. It allows us to deal with situations out of our control with more grace and less stress, which is good for our mental health as well as our physical health. I know there is a deeper message for me or something I need to acknowledge and release. And I have wine. If you are in pain, and you normally work out during the day, you probably should skip the workout, but try to stick to your routine as closely as possible. Build the person's confidence explaining how great you know they'll do. We have included some encouraging quotes, inspiring words of courage, and funny messages about being brave that you can share with your family and friends. Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way. Its important to recognize symptoms and potential causes so that you can get yourself to a doctor and clearly explain whats going on and what possible tests you would like done to help ease your mind. If a friend or family member reaches out to you while they wait, you may find yourself at a loss for words. You can access your records and more by logging in or signing up with Dignity Health. Bible Verses about Waiting on the Lord. "And you ask, 'What if I fall?' I sent her a heartfelt thank you message. And we can come up with some pretty good diagnoses in our minds as we are waiting for health test results. People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them. I will never forget them or the kindness you gave me in my time of need. Inspirational words: "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." Pablo Picasso. But there are ways to cope. For now, deal with today just as you will deal with the today after your test results. I felt like I had almost been given a second chance at life. 107. Or you may want to book an appointment with a massage therapist, acupuncturist, or even a Reiki practitioner to help you feel as though you are doing something about your symptoms rather than just waiting to see what your test results say and where to go from there. But what happens a few months later when you have to go back to work? 125. Dont forget to take notice of how far you have come! "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." ~Eleanor Roosevelt. Put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee, and handle it. This is a real game-changer. You have my full support, no matter what you do. To lean into them for support. Im still curiously searching for answers as to why as it serves no real purpose, other than to maybe protect us from the disappointment of the best-case scenario not occurring (or so we think). Recognise that you also have your Higher Self to call on. Winston Churchill. God's still, small voice breathes healing over all. It always seems impossible until its done. Rather than trying to put a brave face on or pretending that you are strong and brave, give this part of you an outlet. But, if you do what you normally do, as best you can, you will keep your mind occupied and your body as relaxed as possible as you focus on what needs to be done and what you enjoy. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. No matter the results you get, as long as you did your best, there is nothing to worry about. Or, use a self-hypnosis session that could help you be more patient or dissolve worry and anxiety. Or, if they don't feel like . You are in charge of your own happiness. I entered a state of panic, the likes of which I had (thankfully) never experienced previously. For instance, you may want to eat better or go for daily walks to help you feel as if you are doing healthy things for yourself. And you are going to look back on this period in your life and be so glad that you never gave up. Exams only test a very small percentage of what you know. I want to thank you, Janet Varney, for giving me the precious gift of hope and faith through your words. 2. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Stephanie Lahart, Overcoming Lifes Obstacles. "Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait . Recognise that you also have your Higher Self to call on. Practice acceptance and surrender Instead of resisting what is happening to you, try practicing acceptance and surrender to what is. Rather than trying to put a brave face on or pretending that you are strong and brave, give this part of you an outlet. "For example, you may find it helpful to talk with your partner, your . Be positive, patient, and persistent. I'm strong and I have a good family who will stand by me. Words of encouragement are also frequently seen on social media websites, for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. . 2). Japanese Proverb. Wishing you all the best for your upcoming exams. I can't wait to hear all about it.". My heart goes out to you. KANO, I know its hard not to lose you faith. 1. Write your fears down on paper and see what shifts for you. I know these exams mean a lot to you, so I've lit a candle and said a small prayer just for you asking for luck to be by your side. 75. Here are some apps that can help you practice being present. 135 Likes. I end this story with some wisdom of my own. Practice being present For me, this represents the biggest opportunity from waiting for test results, and also the most instant form of relief to help manage your anxiety. Would you like your kids to join us? You can freeze it if you don't want it tonight. 97. Fight Club. 1. Funny Quotes. Try focusing on what you can do right now. No wonder you are so smart for your age." quote="You are such a good listener! In your mind, run through the scenario of being given your results and feel the feelings you wish to feel before, during and after. You can go into emergency and get tests and test results much quicker than you can with your doctor. 143. "Nobody cares if you cant dance well. Take it from me. Keep fighting! They might even become the light they need to guide them safely through the unexpected storms of life. You could say, "I'm taking my kids to the park this afternoon. 98. Try to focus his/her attention on the importance of perseverance. Exams are important but they never determine your worth. 1. . Nothing comes as a surprise to You, Creator God of all things. To check in with ourselves and notice what our thoughts are focused on and what tension we may be holding in our bodies. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. And as I prayed the day of the results, I again heard the four words that eventually restored my faith and helped me find my inner strength: "You are a warrior." I want to thank you, Janet Varney, for giving me the precious gift of hope and faith through your . When your loved one is going through a health journey, its normal to feel the need to drop everything to hold and comfort them. Personal Branding Photography by Cassandra Lane Photography. - Ed Cole. I dont know what to say, except that I care about you, and Im here for you. 111. This word came up for me several times as I was waiting which I took as a sign to believe in them. Wasnt that enough? I am allowing that to emerge in its own time. From riven rocks and fern-clad chasms deep, Flow living waters as from hearts that weep, There in the afterglow soft dews distill, And angels tend God's plants when night falls still, And the Beloved passing by that way. Let them know that you're open to talking whenever they feel like it. Try taking a walk. And, with the tools I have shared with you, I feel equipped to maintain the equanimity which I have been so fascinated by this year. Don't stop until you're proud. God has a plan for each and everyones life and its up to us to be faithful. Instead of getting anxious about test results. Waiting to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. "Believe you can and youre halfway there." Dont trade your authenticity for approval. 4. Congratulate yourself for waiting a day, two days, or longer. I know you will succeed in life regardless of your exam results. 86. Mary Engelbreit. The secret to happiness at work I discovered in India, Career Inspiration: How Rebecca Found Her Purpose, Making a Career Change at 40: Taking a Spiritual Approach, The traps to avoid when you follow your purpose. Whether thats meditation, yoga, prayer, mindfulness or walks in nature. The word itself says "I'm possible!". And yes, there really is an end to the worst times, no matter how endless they feel. Know that the more you practice patience now, the more capable you will be of handling lifes roadblocks and bumps as you move forward and there will be many roadblocks and bumps along the way. Following my scan and reading into every little nuance of what the radiographer said (and didnt say), I hit rock bottom. Funny Minion Memes. It matters what you are doing. A little sympathy and a compliment are almost always welcome. 28. 2. And then consciously choosing to change and release them. We can find out certain information within minutes, and it becomes addicting to know what we want to know right now. "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Make it inspiring." Be afraid not to try. Waiting to hear back about a biopsy. Coronavirus (COVID-19):latest updates and how to get care. 81. You are valuable. So many of my clients report a therapeutic benefit to showing up to a regular journaling practice. Take steps to feel more in control. I Can Deal With Whatever The Test Results Show, Some Other Affirmations That Might Help As You Wait For Your Test Results, 16 Cool Ways to Get Close to Your Brother, 11 Effective Ways to Get Close to Your Sister, 19 Unfortunate Signs Your Parents Dont Care About You, 16 Incredible Signs Your Boss Sees You As A Leader, 12 Obvious Signs A Coworker Is Competing With You, 18 Overwhelming Signs There Is Someone Else, 17 Evident Signs You Are Being Set Up To Fail. I thought I knew everything about my situation based on very limited conversations with two medical professionals. If your loved one is able, offer to help keep them distracted by taking them for lunch or going for a walk together. When she decided that she was going to switch doctors during one long wait for her test results, she immediately felt better knowing that in the future, she would inform new doctors that her one requirement was a timely follow-up after test results. If you sit around all day and stew in your worry, then your mind and body are going to react poorly to that. I spent the weekend on the couch, contemplating my own mortality. I am now entering a period of healing. 137. Concentrate on your speech, not your nerves. "Limit your "always" and your "nevers.". Well, at least not for myself! And where does our mind tend to go? I focused on the 10% chance of what could be as opposed to the 90% chance. This word came up for me several times as I was waiting which I took as a sign to believe in them. Encouraging someone costs nothing but it yields out enormous positive results. Words of Encouragement for Someone Waiting for Exam Results. Email address (will not be displayed in comment). How you talk to yourself matters as you wait for your test results. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 57. your darkest fears a voice. Your exams are nearing, so study with dedication and you will succeed in your exams. The next few days were a blur. Or use the virtual assistant below right to check symptoms. 147. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. When talking with someone who has cancer, the most important thing is to listen. It presented itself as a low-lying background anxiety for much of my adult life.