I used to have integrations with IFTTT and Samsung Smart things. Below is the Docker Compose file I setup. Finally, I will show how I reconfigured my Home Assistant from SSL-only to a hybrid setup using Nginx. Open up a port on your router, forwarding traffic to the Nginx instance. Add-on security should be a matter of pride. Download and install per the instructions online and get a certificate using the following command. No need to forward port 8123. It becomes exponentially harder to manage all security vulnerabilities that might arise from old versions, etc. Port 443 is the HTTPS port, so that makes sense. But I don't manage to get the ESPHOME add-on websocket interface to be reachable from outside. swag | [services.d] starting services Again, mostly related to point #2, but even if you only ran Home Assistant as the only web service, the only thing someone can find out about my exposed port is that Im running NGINX. It gives me the warning that the ssl certificate is not good (because the cert is setup for my external url), but it works. and boom! Chances are, you have a dynamic IP address (your ISP changes your address periodically). NGINX makes sure the subdomain goes to the right place. Leave everything else the same as above. I am leaving this here if other people need an answer to this problem. BTW there is no need to expose 80 port since you use VALIDATION=duckdns. After the container is running you'll need to go modify the configuration for the DNSimple plugin and put your token in there. For folks like me, having instructions for using a port other than 443 would be great. Ill call out the key changes that I made. Aren't we using port 8123 for HTTP connections? I have a duckdns account and i know a bit about the docker configuration, how to start and so on, but that is it (beyond the usual router stuff). All these are set up user Docker-compose. Creating a DuckDNS is free and easy. Let's break it down and try to make sense of what Nginx is doing here Let's zoom in on the server block above. Enable the "Start on boot" and "Watchdog" options and click "Start". Step 1 - Create the volume. My subdomain (for example, homeassistant.mydomain.com) would never load from an external IP after hours of trying everything. Youll see this with the default one that comes installed. Proceed to click 'Create the volume'. Thanks. Adjust for your local lan network and duckdns info. Follow, Im into: Smart Home, Home Automation, IoT & #Bitcoin, Human presence sensor DIY. Set up of Google Assistant as per the official guide and minding the set up above. If you purchased your own domain, you can use https://letsencrypt.org to obtain a free, publicly trusted SSL certificate. I am a noob to homelab and just trying to get a few things working. As a fair warning, this file will take a while to generate. Then under API Tokens youll click the new button, give it a name, and copy the token. Under /etc/periodic/15min you can drop any scripts you want run and cron will kick them off. Begin by choosing 'Volumes' in the sidebar, then choose 'new volume'. set $upstream_app 192.168.X.XXX; This is the homeassistant.subdomain.conf file (with all #comments removed for clarity). I have Ubuntu 20.04. swag | [services.d] done. This explains why port 80 is configured on the HA add-on config screen we are setting up the listening port so that nginx can redirect in case you omit the https protocol in your web request! Start with setting up your nginx reverse proxy. Both containers in same network, Have access to main page but cant login with message. OS/ARCH. But yes it looks as if you can easily add in lots of stuff. Still working to try and get nginx working properly for local lan. In the "Home Assistant Community Add-ons" section, click on "Nginx Proxy Manager". Home Assistant is a free and open-source software for home automation that is designed to be the central control system for smart home devices with focus on local control and privacy. Change your duckdns info. Hello, this article will be a step-by-step tutorial of how to setup secure Home Assistant remote access using NGINX reverse proxy & DuckDNS. I created the Dockerfile from alpine:3.11. The third part fixes the docker network so it can be trusted by HA. Thanks, I will have a dabble over the next week. Once youve saved that file you can then restart the container with docker-compose restart At this point you should now be able to navigate to your url and will be presented with the default page. I thought it had something to do with HassOS having upstream https:// and that I was setting up the reverse proxy wrong (Adding Websocket support didnt work). So, this is obviously where we are telling Nginx to listen for HTTPS connections. This guide has been migrated from our website and might be outdated. Now, you can install the Nginx add-on and follow the included documentation to set it up. The RECORD_ID I found by clicking on edit for a DNS record, and then pulling the ID from the URL. So how is this secure? Yes, I am using this docker image in Ubuntu which already contains the database compared to the official one: Docker container for Nginx Proxy Manager. Your email address will not be published. One other thing is that to overcome the root file permission issue and avoid needing to run a chown, you can set the PUID and PGID environment variables to the non-root user of the machine, which will be generally 1000. They all vary in complexity and at times get a bit confusing. The best way to run Home Assistant is on a dedicated device, which . SOLVED: After typing this post, I tried one more thing, and enabled Websockets Support in Nginx Proxy Manager, that solved the issue. If you're using the default configuration, you will find them under sensor.docker_ [container_name] and switch.docker_ [container_name]. While VPN and reverse proxy together would be very secure, I think most people go with one or the other. Also, we need to keep our ip address in duckdns uptodate. The configuration is minimal so you can get the test system working very quickly. I have a relatively simple system ( Smartthings and MQTT integrations plus some mijia_bt Bluetooth sensors). 172.30..3), but this is IMHO a bad idea. 1. The next lines (last two lines below) are optional, but highly recommended. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Home Assistant is running on docker with host network mode. It defines the different services included in the design(HA and satellites). Scanned Leaving this here for future reference. Once youve saved that file you can then restart the container with docker-compose restart At this point you should now be able to navigate to your url and will be presented with the default page. The command is $ id dockeruser. Its pretty straight-forward: Note, youll need to make sure your DNS directs appropriately. All IPs show correctly whether I am inside my network (internal IP) or outside (public IP I have assigned from whatever device or location I am accessing from). It turns out there is an absolutely beautiful container linuxserver/letsencrypt that does everything I needed. Right now, with the below setup, I can access Home Assistant thru local url via https. Next thing I did was configure a subdomain to point to my Home Assistant install. Eclipse Mosquitto is a lightweight and an open-source message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. It depends on what you want to do, but generally, yes. Once I started to understand Docker and had everything running locally at home it seemed like it would be a much easier to maintain there. Then, use your browser to logon from your local network 192.168.X.XXX:8123 and you should get your normal home assistant login. The reverse proxy is a wrapper around home assistant that accepts web requests and routes them according to your configuration. Nevermind, solved it. I followed the instructions above and appear to have NGINX working with my Duck DNS URL. Do not forward port 8123. I am using docker-compose, and the following is in my compose file (I left out some not-usefull information for readability). Forwarding 443 is enough. Can I run this in CRON task, say, once a month, so that it auto renews? For this tutorial you will need a working Home Assistant with Supervisor & Add-ons store. Create a file named docker-compose.yml, open it in your favourite terminal-based text editor like Vim or Nano. The main goal in what i want access HA outside my network via domain url, I have DIY home server. The RECORD_ID I found by clicking on edit for a DNS record, and then pulling the ID from the URL. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Once you are up and running, test out some different URLs: Finally, if you are migrating from an all-SSL setup, you will need to update any config settings that use URLs like #2 above. Hopefully you can get it working and let us know how it went. Home assistant runs in host networking mode, and you cant reference a container running in host networking mode by its container name in an nginx config. To my understanding this was due to renewed certificate (by DuckDNS/Lets Encrypt add-on), but it looks like NGINX did not notice that and continued serving the old one. Required fields are marked *. Vulnerabilities. I fully agree. By mounting the ssl/letsencrypt folder from the nginx proxy manager into a named volume, I managed to load the ssl files into home-assistant so it can read them. For that, I'll open my File Editor add-on and I'll open the configuration.yaml file (of course, you . GitHub. Forward port 443 (external) to your Home Assistant local IP port 443 in order to access via https. Create a new file /etc/nginx/sites-available/hass and copy the configuration file (which you will need to edit) at the bottom of the page into it. Requests from reverse proxies will be blocked if these options are not set. I was setting up my Konnected alarm panel to integrate my house's window and door sensors into home assistant. Then under API Tokens youll click the new button, give it a name, and copy the token. Anything that connected locally using HTTPS will need to be updated to use http now. LABEL io.hass.version=2.1 I never had to play with the use_x_forwarded_for or trusted_proxies for the public IPs to show correctly, so I can actually see the IPs that have logged to my HA. Your home IP is most likely dynamic and could change at anytime. Some quick googling confirmed my suspicion encrypting and decrypting every packet can be very taxing for low-powered hardware like Konnected's NodeMcu boards. Then copy somewhere safe the generated token. but I am still unsure what installation you are running cause you had called it hass. Going into this project, I had the following requirements: After some research and many POCs, I finally came with the following design. The utilimate goal is to have an automated free SSL certificate generation and renewal process. Join the Reddit subreddit in /r/homeassistant; You could also open an issue here GitHub. But, I was constantly fighting insomnia when I try to find who has access to my home data! Scanned Node-RED is a web editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single click. Those go straight through to Home Assistant. Click on the "Add-on Store" button. Is there something I need to set in the config to get them passing correctly? The first thing I did was getting a domain name from duckdns.org and pointed it to my home public IP address. e.g. Proudly present you another DIY smart sensor named XKC Y25 that is working with Home Assistant. That way any files created by the swag container will have the same permissions as the non-root user. If you dont know how to get your public IP, you can find it right here: https://whatismyipaddress.com/. It is time for NGINX reverse proxy. This is important for local devices that dont support SSL for whatever reason. We also see references to the variables %FULLCHAIN% and %PRIVKEY% which point to our SSL certificate files. 19. Once this is all setup the final thing left to do is run docker-compose restart and you should be up and running. I opted for creating a Docker container with this being its sole responsibility. This is in addition to what the directions show above which is to include set $upstream_app homeassistant; The best of all it is all totally free. In a first draft, I started my write up with this observation, but removed it to keep things brief. If I wanted, I could do a minecraft server too and if you wanted to connect, you would just do myaddress.duckdns.org/minecraft, or however I configure it. I am seeing a handful of errors in the Home Assistant log for the NGINX SSL Proxy. added trusted networks to hassio conf, when i open url i can log in. The great thing about pi is you can easily switch out the SD card instead of a test directory and give it a try; it shouldnt take long. This part is easy, but the exact steps depends of your router brand and model. instance from outside of my network. But from outside of your network, this is all masked behind the proxy. It's a lot to wrap your brain around if you are unfamiliar with web server architecture, but it is well worth the effort to eliminate the overhead of encryption, especially if you are using Raspberry Pis or ESP devices. This will vary depending on your OS. I have setup the subdomain and when I try to access it via a web browser I get a 400 error, when I try to connect the iOS app it says 400 error Shared.WebhookError 2. Obviously this could just be a cron job you ran on the machine, but what fun would that be? In summary, this block is telling Nginx to accept HTTPS connections, and proxy those requests in an unencrypted fashion to Home Assistant running on port 8123. Get a domain . ; nodered, a browser-based flow editor to write your automations. OS/ARCH. Naturally I thought it was just a mistake on my end but I finally read something about iOS causing issues way back in 16 and instead used my hotspot to try from my mac and voila, everything worked fine. We utilise the docker manifest for multi-platform awareness. Otherwise, incoming requests will always come from and not the real IP address. Nginx is a wrapper around Home Assistant that intercepts web requests coming in on ports 80 and 443. It will be used to enable machine-to-machine communication within my IoT network. A basic understanding of Docker is presumed and Docker-Compose is installed on your machine. Delete the container: docker rm homeassistant. At this point, it is worth understanding how the reverse proxy works so that you can properly configure it and troubleshoot any issues. I opted for creating a Docker container with this being its sole responsibility. In this video I will show you step by step everything you need to know to get remote access working on your Home Assistant, from setting up a free domain nam. Things seem to be working despite the errors: 1) connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: , server: .duckdns.org, request: GET /api/websocket HTTP/1.1, upstream:, host: .duckdns.org, 2) connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: , server: .duckdns.org, request: POST /api/webhook/ HTTP/2.0, upstream:, host: .duckdns.org, 3) SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:141CF06C:SSL routines:tls_parse_ctos_key_share:bad key share) while SSL handshaking, client:, server: Click "Install" to install NPM. I am having similar issue although, even the fonts are 404d. 0.110: Is internal_url useless when https enabled? The Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server for add-on support and feature requests. However, I believe this might as well be complete for someone whos looking out to get themselves into home automation with Home Assistant in a secure Docker-based environment. Ive gone down this path before without Docker setting up an Ubuntu instance on Digital Ocean and installing everything from scratch. For those of us who cant ( or dont want to) run the supervised system, getting remote access to Home Assistant without the add-ons seemed to be a nightmare. https://home.tommass.tk/lovelace?auth_callbackk=1&code=896261d383c3474bk=1&code=896261d383c3474bxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, it cant open web socket for callback cause my nginx work on docker internal network with 172.xxx.xx.xx ip. The next and final requirement is: access to your router interface as we will do one quick port forward rule, but more on that later, because now we will continue with DuckDNS domain creation. I think its important to be able to control your devices from outside. Here you go! There was one requirement, which was I need a container that supported the DNSimple DNS plugin since I host my sites through DNSimple. If I do it from my wifi on my iPhone, no problem. Go to the Configuration tab of the add-on and add your DuckDNS domain next to the domain section and Save the changes. Digest. At the very end, notice the location block. After scouring the net, I found some information about adding proxy_hide_header Upgrade; in the nginx config which still didnt work. Hi, thank you for this guide. Importantly, I will explain in simple terms what a reverse proxy is, and what it is doing under the hood. When you choose "Home Assistant", the service definition added to your docker-compose.yml includes the following: and see new token with success auth in logs. inner vlan routing, Remote access doesn't work with nginx reverse proxy, Router Port Forwarding XXXXX (custom port) to server running Nginx, Nginx collects custom port and redirects to HTTP 8123 on HASS running in Docker. I used the default example that they provide in the documentation for the container and also this post with a few minor changes/additions. Under this configuration, all connections must be https or they will be rejected by the web server. So the instructions vary depending on your router, but essentially you want to tell it to listen on a particular port, like https://:8443 and divert (route) those to the local IP address of your Home Assistant device, like: Yes, I have a dynamic IP addess and I refuse to pay some additional $$ to get a static IP from my ISP. docker pull homeassistant/amd64-addon-nginx_proxy:latest. Note that the ports statment in the docker-compose file is unnecessary since home assistant is running in host network mode. If this is true, you can use a Dynamic DNS service (like duckdns) to obtain a domain and set it up to update with you IP. After the DuckDNS Home Assistant add-on installation is completed. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under /config/log/letsencrypt to see why the renewals have been failing. Your home IP is most likely dynamic and could change at anytime. The second I disconnect my WiFi, to see if my reverse proxy is working externally, the pages stop working. How to install NGINX Home Assistant Add-on? This block tells Nginx to listen on port 80, the standard port for HTTP, for any requests to the %DOMAIN% variable (note that we configured this variable in Home Assistant to match our DuckDNS domain name). I have a basic Pi OS4 running / updating and when I could not get the HA to run under PI OS4 cause there was a pyhton ssl error nightmare on a fresh setup I went for the docker way just to be sure that I can use my Pi 4 for something else cause HA is not doing that much the whole day if I look at the cpu running at 8% incl. The main goal in what i want access HA outside my network via domain url I have DIY home server. It provides a web UI to control all my connected devices. My domain is pointed to my local ISP address via CloudFlare (CloudFlare integration is setup to automatically update the records). You run home assistant and NGINX on docker? In this post, I will show how I set up VS Code to streamline Laravel development on Windows. Note that the proxy does not intercept requests on port 8123. Scanned Using NGINX as a proxy for Home Assistant allows you to serve Home Assistant securely over standard ports. I use Linux SWAG (Secure Web Application Gateway) from linuxserver.io as a reverse proxy. Does this automatically renew the certificate and restart everything that need to be restarted, or does it require any manual handling? NordVPN is my friend here. At the end your Home Assistant DuckDNS Add-on configuration should look similar to the one below: Save the changes and start the Home Assistant DuckDNS Add-on from the, After the NGINX Home Assistant add-on installation is completed. What is Assist in first place?Assist is a built in functionality in Home Assistant that supports over 50 different languagesand counting. I hope someone can help me with this. If you later purchase your own domain name, you will be able to easily get a trusted SSL certificate later. Next thing I did is to configure the reverse proxy to handle different requests and verify/apply different security rules. Next, we are telling Nginx to return a 301 redirect to the same URL, but we are changing the protocol to https. This same config needs to be in this directory to be enabled. You can find it here: https://mydomain.duckdns.org/nodered/. Im pretty sure you can use the same one generated previously, but I chose to generate a new one. i.e. If some of the abbreviations and acronyms that Im using are not so clear for you, download my free Smart Home Glossary which is available at https://automatelike.pro/glossary. It was a complete nightmare, but after many many hours or days I was able to get it working. That doesnt seem possible with hass.io, and anyone trying to install any of the other supervised versions on linux always seems to have problems.