I have changed the hammer spring to a D spring and recently added Buffer Technologies recoil spring guide rod. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. The Beretta 92FS is a short-recoil based semi-automatic pistol, with DA/SA firing modes. 3,000 rounds throug it. Outstanding. If you want a high-quality magazine with the OEM price, the Mec Gar options give you 10, 15, 18, and 20 rounders for less price of factory magazines. Yes, it is reliable. and the Cheaper Than Dirt symbol are registered trademarks of Direct Investments LTD. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Mec-Gar Beretta 92FS/M9 9mm Magazine 18 Rounds Blued Steel MGPB9218AFC. Would I feel improperly armed in a gun fight? While its not as customizable as a Glck or 1911, there is plenty you can do to make the Beretta yours. 3. In some close gunfights, fingers are traumatically amputated. Mec-Gar Beretta 92FS/M9 Extended Magazine 9mm Luger 20 Rounds Steel Black MGPB92 Mec-Gar Beretta 92FS/M9 Extended Magazine 9mm Luge Beretta 92FS/M9 Magazine 9mm Luger 17 Rounds Polymer Base Plate Steel Body PVD F Beretta 92FS/M9 Magazine 9mm Luger 17 Rounds Polym Galco Underwraps Elite Belly Band Ambi Holster Medium. A 6.5 rifle bullet will drop less than one inch. The storied gunmakers getting ready to celebrate its twenty-fifthAnniversary as the U.S. Armed Forces supplier of the M9 Combat Pistol. I love Berettas and the 92 is at the top. The TLR 1 is available in numerous different lumen models, and for home defense, the 800-lumen model is more than enough. The US Army wanted a Safety (having been raised on 1911s). Stay safe and shoot straight! Its not all snappy or challenging to control. * Which is code speak meaning that the US Army at least is after something that will offer a significant leap ahead in terminal ballistic performance. My M9A3, Kahr, and PX4 eat them, also. Sure, Firm Grip: The front and backstraps of the frame are checkered to ensure a firm grip in both wet or dry shooting conditions. The M9A1 has the classic Beretta trigger guard, albeit a touch thinner. Wilson Combat can do it, but it aint cheap. Then put a $7 D hammer spring in it to drastically reduce the double action trigger pull weight. I went to the range today and took the 92fs 9mm, 1911 .45acp and a inexpensive cz999 in .40S&W. as so equipped. Features: 3-Dot Sight System: Like the 92FS, the M9A1 features a white '3-dot' sight pattern for quick acquisition of the target. I carried one that was likely older than I was when I was in the service, and it functioned flawlessly. I might eventually get an M9A1 just to have it but Im very pleased with the 92A1. The reset is short, not 1911 short, but almost SIG SRT short. The only thing I dont like about the 92A1 is the dammed safety/decocking lever. When I first started shooting pistols some time ago, I had a big problem with the slide-mounted safety. JavaScript is not enabled on your browser - our site will not work for you as intended. And there is some side play as well between the slide and the frame. It is also a pistol with which I happen to have a fairly deep history. Beretta has revamped the 92 with their 92x- variants. The Beretta and Sig both passed testing well ahead of the competition, but the Sig scored higher in standard reliability and was cheaper than the Beretta. Those combat support and combat service and support, tankers, MPs, command staff, etc., folks carrying pistols now-a-days will be carrying the MP7 or similar such weapon in the future. This is absolutely one of the most reliable guns on the market. But the core pistol is dead-on reliable and proven on the battlefield in humid jungles, on snow-covered mountains, and scorching deserts. The MP7 has none of those qualities. If so Id appreciate an explanation . I have a feeling that this will happen again and the time between the change will be lessened. Thats been rectified, and as long as you stick with OEM magazines or Mec Gar mags, youll be good to go. There is also a simple reduction in how heavy the weapon feels when aimed or carried, of course. I liked the m9 i carried in iraq while in the Marine Corps. My hands measure a large so I found the grip of the 92 acceptable, but I prefer the slimmer feel of the Vertec. Quoted delivery times on your order summary page are estimates and cannot be guaranteed(7 DAYS MAX). When reloading, I just find the max powder weight, deduct 2/10ths of a grain, and its perfect. In the beautiful state of California, however, it only comes with two 10 round magazines. The quality of the 92fs is greatly diminished, the lock swinging sometimes breaks every 5000 shots. My personal G17 was my duty weapon in law enforcement and I loved it. Beretta M9-22 & M9A1-22 . We had two of our pistols shooting about 20 inches low at 10 feet from the target. They offer an upgrade that allows it to spring back to fire mode after decocking. $195.30. The accuracy and durability helped especially when our medical personnel corpsmen were trying to take care of troops. I know I do, and have always loved the Beretta series. will be rewritten. Bernadette beretta began to report a small, . A BERETTA M9A1 pistol is currently worth an average price of $681.03 new and $611.42 used . I have worked coulp gun ranges 92F seem be one few 9mm that worked ever time you shoot it. It is based on the elements of 92FS and 90Two the 90Two being an enhanced version of the original 92FS. Love the feel and the lack of recoil. The 92A1s trigger is my only gripI mean gripe with the 92A1. I recall when this occurred during the testing. im getting a 92x compact and i found some 108 grain rounds and im unsure if they will work? While I certainly see his point, I have large hands and fat fingers, and thus prefer to use the slide stop to release the slide. To whine that you'll lose your gunfight because of a safety, though, tells me that you either don't know your weapon well enough or don't train with it often enough. The reason the safety sucks is because it essentially takes a long reach to deactivate. Sand-Resistant Magazine: Developed for the sandy environments of Iraq and Afghanistan, this unique magazine comes standard only on the M9A1. At least that is what SIGs factory rep told me back when this was undergoing competition. The barrel is a replacement for the 92, 90-Two, M9, M9A1, & M9A3 series. Beretta 92FS 4.9 Full Size Inox Barrel Brand New 92 W/ Locking Block, Beretta 92FS 92 FS 9mm Complete Slide Barrel Assembly Recoil Spring Guide-rod, Beretta 92FS 92 FS 9mm Complete Slide Barrel Assembly Parts Lot, Beretta 92FS 92 FS Centurion 9mm Complete Slide Barrel Assembly Parts Lot, RARE BERETTA 92FS SLIDE BARREL BUSHING WEIGAND 9MM NOSE PIECE ONLY US BIDDERS, Beretta 92 92FS 96 custom 3d engraved imitation ivory scrimshaw grips Scroll, Beretta 92 92FS 96 custom 3d engraved walnut wood grips Trident Checkered, Beretta 92FS INOX OEM Slide Assembly 9mm USA Upper SS - SLIDE ONLY, OEM Slide Assembly Beretta 92FS INOX 9mm USA Upper SS - SLIDE ONLY, Mirror Polished 24K Gold Plated Beretta 92 fs 92fs 96 M9 M9a1 Accents Kit, Beretta M92 FS M9 Stainless Inox Slide Made in USA (New), Beretta 92 Grips Beretta 96 Grips Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9 96 Walnut Trident Logo, Beretta M9 hammer Trigger 92fs 92 fs Fit 92FS/96FS/98/A1 24K Real Gold plated, Custom Beretta 92/96 Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models Gold Plated Trigger, Beretta 92/96 Grips Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models MEDUSA Gold Plated, for Beretta 92 92FS 96 96FS M9 INOX Stainless Steel Recoil Guide Rod NDZ, Beretta 92 92FS 96 96FS M9 Titanium Recoil Guide Rod, Beretta 92F Metal Grips Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models MEDUSA Gold Plated, for Beretta 92 96 M9 FS Stainless Steel Guide Rod Assembly ISMI Spring 12.5lb, - for Beretta 92 96 M9 FS Stainless Steel Guide Rod Assembly ISMI Spring 12.5lb, OEM Beretta 92X FULL 9mm 4.7" Barrel Assembly Black Block Pin Plunger Recoil, New Beretta 92FS 96F SP 92 FS Plastic Grips Full Size Factory Panels JG92FSP, - New Beretta 92FS 96F SP 92 FS Plastic Grips Full Size Factory Panels JG92FSP, Beretta 92F 92 F 9mm Complete Slide Assembly Parts Lot, beretta 92 96 92fs Grip hogue Checkered Aluminum Brushed Gloss Clear Anodized, - beretta 92 96 92fs Grip hogue Checkered Aluminum Brushed Gloss Clear Anodized, Beretta 92/96 Grips Beretta Trigger, Hammer 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models Gold Plated, Beretta 92 fs d g M9 92fs 96 nickel disassembly lever & Button, BERETTA OEM Factory Plastic Grips 92/96 Series Pistols 92F 92FS M9 JG92FSP NEW, - BERETTA OEM Factory Plastic Grips 92/96 Series Pistols 92F 92FS M9 JG92FSP NEW, Beretta 92/96 Grips Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models MEDUSA Black Gold Plated, Combo Beretta Trigger 92F Metal Grips Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models 24K Gold, Beretta 92 92FS 96 custom 3D engraved faux ivory grips Cross Psalm 23:4 Scroll, BERETTA 92,96 Quick Release Gun Holster 92/96 Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9 Black Screw, Beretta 9m 92fs premium narcos gun pistol grips Cachas plata alemana gold plated, Beretta 92FS Parts 9mm Blued Full Size Trigger, Hammer, Slide Stop, Grips 25 Pc, Rosewood Wood Beretta 92 Grips with Medallion - 92fs - 96 - 92A1 - M9 - M9A NEW, mexican eagle beretta 92fs gun grips 24k gold Plated cachas handmade engraved, Beretta 92fs premium narcos gun pistol grips Cachas plata alemana black and gold, for Beretta 92 96 M9 FS Stainless Steel Guide Rod Assembly ISMI 11lb NDZ, Beretta 92 92FS 96 custom 3D engraved wood grips Scroll Trident Checkered, Tony montana narco style Cachas custom grips pietro Beretta 92fs 24k gold plated, Beretta 92F 92FS USMC U.S. MARINES Rosewood Pistol Grips Checkered Logo+Text, Rooster gallos Beretta 92fs mexican style cachas grips aluminium 24k gold plated, Beretta 92F 9mm, Pistol Parts, Slide, Barrel, Recoil Spring, NEW Beretta 92F Grips Beretta 92F, 92FS, M9, 96 Models Virgin Mary Smooth Grips. Perfect handgun for tactical training External hammer Ambidextrous decocker Reversible magazine release It is a highly rated Police and defensive round. Classic, one of a kind look. The 92FS has an open slide top, and curvy lines. Sellers on ebay have plenty of 92/M9 steel guide rods for sale. The Army and Marines agree and adopted a Safariland holster with the new M17 handgun. Impossible to conceal. Why? Since then, whenever I have a problem shooter with an M9, we always check to make sure the pistol sights are set up correctly. Psa 5.7 Rock Pistol Optics Ready W/ Threaded Beretta M9A4 G Full Size Fde 9Mm Pistol American Tactical Imports Omni Hybrid Maxx For Sale Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 10Mm Pistol Tac Eaa Girsan Mc1911 S Hunter 10Mm Auto (Acp) Kimber 1911 Stainless Lw Night Guard 45 Acp Century Draco 7.62X39Mm 12.25" 30+1 Black Pistol. View Deal . Beretta 92FS 9mm Barrel, Black. The only drawback is the stocky feeling grips which I replaced with Pachmayr combat style grips which i thought looked good but seemed to compound the problem. M9A1 and 92A1 both have the standard 92 grip frame, both being able to utilize any 92 grip panel. But using +P or +P+ ammo in a modern pistol should not be an issue. The Beretta site says their OEM steel rods will not fit the 92A1, so where did you get the steel rod for $15? What I mean is that unless you remember to reset the decocking lever after decocking the weapon, you are holding an expensive paper weight that will get you killed. Anywho, beautiful gun, great article. I am a dedicated Glock user as they are more compact, lighter weight and simpler in use. The advantage of the 92A1 over the M9A1 is that owners can choose to replace the sights if they so desire. btwthis review helped my decision to buy this gun!! Guns.com is dedicated to helping you choose the perfect fit for your concealed carry needs by providing a selection of guns that are ready for the task. Beretta M9A1 22 Long Rifle Pistol Specifications: Action: Double / Single Action Finish: Blue Grips: Black Plastic Weight: 26.08 oz. GREAT ANALOGY! I don't think many people have them but if the px4 were more well known. Cheers! Is that when the initial 92s first came out they had a spring loaded de-cocker. Ive fed this pistol everything I could find never had an FTF or FTE. If your looking for a full size 9mm, give the 92 some real consideration. This gun however is a mess. In other words they did nothing and when I called them asking ing what the deal was they gave me the run around and called it normal wear. The Beretta 92FS has an eye-catching design that sets it apart from nearly every other handgun out there. What is it about the Beretta 92 series of pistols that make them so damn popular? You almost certainly have seen the Beretta 92FS. I have the 92fs and a 1911 RIA .45acp. My first Beretta was a pre WW II bring back in .32 APC and found it to be accurate and reliable. I agree review on 92f 9mm well done right about strength and weakness. The M9A1 is an evolution of the legendary Beretta M9 military semiauto pistol, developed with the advice of several law-enforcement and military agencies around the world. Capacity: 17+1 Its about the same size as a pocket size .380 and I selected this for a very specific reason: I can carry it every day! I came from being an avid rifle and shotgun shooter, and expected safeties to be quite and easy to get to. They have a great marketing system but Glocks SUCK. I own the 2013 beretta M9 and after 150rds the coating on the slide bubbled up and cracked off. The rear of the grip accommodates a small beavertail which keeps the hammer from striking your hand and provides a good measure of control over the gun. It's a big fella, and if you are trying to carry IWB, then it might be an issue. The safety/decocker is often a common complaint, and its one weakness I see with the gun. Afterall, theres gotta be at least 1 or 2 people out there who are better than me HA! Went to my local gun shop, traded FS for a 92 Compact. Other than changing to a lighter trigger spring and installing a Beretta adjustable rear sight, nothing has been done other than an occasional cleaning. Furthermore, the M9 utilizes a fixed barrel design, in contrast to the tilting barrel like we see on most pistols today. Therefore, I agree that it is indeed a training and experience issuejust like the safety on my beloved 1911. Soft-Shooting, Accurate and Easy to Maintain At the range, the M9A1 will impress you for its low recoil, as well as its accuracy. I was able to train Marines who had never fired a handgun in their lives and get them to qualify in just a couple of days with hardly any live fire practice. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms. This issue is always covered in depth during classroom instruction but nothing teaches like drawing your weapon only to find yourself holding a $500 paper weight. So I asked some gun folks in an online chat, and the only thing they could conclude is that you are actually referring to Moment of Inertia. Another complaint Ive heard is the combination of a wide grip, and a long trigger reach makes the gun hard for those with small hands to use. Its outdated just like our education system.. Internally, the 92FS features an enlarged hammer pin, extending all the way into a groove in the slide. There are other weak parts in the frame that can and do break. You could argue that they became popular because they were one of the first wonder 9s.. That seems a little expensive to me. The trigger is a love it or hate it affair. While I have issue with the DA trigger, I can easily overlook them. And THICK. (By child I mean my kid he's 23 so stop what your thinking). The Glock, not so much. Much too heavy. Update..after 3 years the white dot sights have peeled off and faded. The Beretta 92FS is also an awesomely accurate gun. I still have my old retired 92fs & a like new M9. Reliability * * * * * I love the finish BTW it has shown no sign of wear and cleans up very nicely. The military models did have reliability problems that soured a lot of troops on the gun, and this was mostly related to poorly made magazines. So, Beretta removed the spring, and called it a safety. The first advantage is the reduction in weight. Beretta 92 4.25" Compact, Beretta 92 4.6" Full Size, Beretta 92 4.9" Full Size. Beretta dating . I love the M9. Beretta 92FS INOX 9mm Centerfire Pistol Made in USA, Beretta 92FS Type M9A1 9mm Centerfire Pistol with Rail, Beretta 92 FS 9mm 15 Round Magazine Made in Italy, Beretta 92FS Compact 9mm Brunition Centerfire with Rail, Beretta 92FS Brigadier 9mm Centerfire Pistol with Black Finish, Beretta 92FS Brigadier Inox 9mm Centerfire Pistol, Beretta 92FS 9mm 15-Round Factory Magazine, Beretta 92FS Centennial 9mm Limited Edition Pistol, Beretta 92 Compact 9mm Luger Centerfire Pistol, Beretta 92FS Inox DA/SA 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol (Made in Italy), Beretta 92FS Brigadier Inox 9mm (Made in Italy). . If you like the 92 series check out the px4 storm. The gun weighs a mighty 34.2 ounces empty. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! The weight, which tips the scales at 34.4oz unloaded, may be a bit heavy for some to carry all day. Taurus PT 59 . Would I carry it everyday? The Beretta 92 series have tons of different models out there, and the line up is still expanding with the new X series. This is no different. Its built well and shoots OK. Its out dated..NOT made for combat in the sand, has an annoying sight system, a very crappy finish that wears and peels easily, and is huge to carry. DAMN YOU!! I think the US Army is after the H&K MP7, *BUT* with upgrades to its ammo that will copy the technology of the M855A1 round. Beretta Stainless Allen-Hex Grip Screw Kit Fits Beretta 92/96/80 Series Pistols Beretta Stainless Allen-Hex Grip Screw Kit Fits Be Rock Island Armory 9mm Beretta 92 Magazine 17 Rounds. I would prefer something tritium-lamped, but the Berettas are easy to see and pick up, even in bright daylight. Barrel Length: 5 Bore condition: Excellent. Parts listed here are specific to Beretta M9, M9A1 or M9A3 9mm pistol models unless otherwise noted. Beretta 92FS Type M9A1 Compact Inox 9mm Pistol . The Beretta is a chunky full-sized pistol designed for duty. The 92A1 has a rounded trigger guard, almost reminiscent of the 1911. Style * * * * Beretta Threaded Barrel for Pistol model M9 .22 and M9A1 .22. . SKU: V2-F4-NV Categories: Handguns, Used. Thats a lot of popping off to do. Ignore the 15rnd mag capacity (same as the wildly popular G19). But the 92 compact will stay with me. This page was last updated: 04-Mar 00:49. I agree not gone use 92f 9mm as consled care gun just to big for that. If major changes had been made, it would have made millions of dollars worth of replacement parts, frames and training obsolete. Today its a Glock & its just not the same. According to Wikipedia: In 1984, the trials started again with updated entries from Smith & Wesson, Beretta, SIG Sauer, Heckler & Koch, Walther, Steyr, and Fabrique Nationale. Is the Beretta-style better? Dismiss, Original Beretta (Italy) 92 series 1/228 threaded barrel with locking lug. We train Soldiers to use the blade of the non firing hand to rack the slide by catching the front of the rear sight (ala 10-8 forums rear sight) on the top of the slide and apply sharp rearward pressure while pushing forward with the grip hand. The black oxide-finished carbon steel barrel, 7075 hard anodized aluminum slide, and polymer frame offer lasting corrosion resistance and durability, while the tool-free takedown lever makes for easy field stripping and maintenance. Since JavaScript is disabled, you will not be able to properly navigate, add items to your cart, or place an order. Its a cheap and essential upgrade to the famed Beretta. Fits my hands perfectly and all the controls are perfectly positioned, yes even the safety levers. And I can't agree more about the Barreta ! But in the end, the Beretta 92FS is outdated. I very much like this gun, but I will admit its dated for the price sometimes. One of the most significant downsides to this gun is the front sight. purchase helps support my work in bringing you more awesome gun and gear articles. This pistol feels like it is going to last forever. The M9A1 and M9A3 systems were massive improvements over the original, and the presence of a rail for a light is nearly mandatory for modern guns. Look at this guy. Serial Number: BER797497 . The rest of the world is barely aware SAAMI exists. Perhaps an M9A3 Compact? THREADED BARREL $ 139.00 - $ 169.00; All pistol suppressors require a threaded pistol barrel. For a quality duty holster, Id suggest the Safariland 7360. I will take the 45 for home defense, the Yugo for carry and the Beretta for accuracy. Beretta 92FS/M9/96 Locking Block Kit OEM Replaceme Mec-Gar Beretta 92 FS Magazine 9mm Luger 15 Rounds Steel Blued MGPB9215B. My brother had the same problem, but again, I dont know if he pulled either. It allows you to assume a nice, high grip without worrying about hammer or slide bite, and if youve ever experienced either, youll know how valuable this nub is. If you own a Tavor buy the flex ejection port cover.. makes a huge difference. I dont quite remember if I pulled or not, but I did shoot low and quite left. Do you believe he will EVER be in a gun fight? we have the market here. After reading your review, I couldnt resist the urge to check one out. compare. Many new 92 shooters complain that the gun shoots low & the sights are off when they dont realize this, ESPECIALLY if they dont have long-slender fingers. The breakdown lever returns back to its locked position automatically, so there is no need to rotate the lever again. I've had my 92fs for 10 years now and have loved it grin first touch. The triggers rated at a 12-pound pull. Just back from the range and we ran a 92FS US Model and 92FS Italian.. Now these should shoot the same the Italian model was considerably more accurate.. not sure why. SilencerCo noticed a market need for high quality pistol barrels and we stepped in to offer them. Best trade I ever made. I use mine strictly for target practice and matches at the range, having shot at least 3k rounds through it. People should remember, you are buying an item that your life may depend on, are you worth it? I say this because I have come across quite a few threads and posts in which other M9 owners have the same exact low and left issue with a few also using a gun stands to check their gun Does it really matter? I switched back to the stock grips. We'll send you an email when new handguns are added. While many clay bird and upland game hunters hold the Silver Pigeon in high regard, Berettas bread-and-butter is the well known 92FS semi-automatic pistol. Even those old Inglis HP35s can digest it. Original STD handgun barrels and Treaded barrels are guaranteed to work with your Beretta handgun! I see that Beretta has adopted the improvements Taurus made to their original design. Take and load 5 to 7 rounds in a full size magazine, then try that trick. Rock Island Armory 9mm Beretta 92 Magazine 17 Roun Wilson Combat Beretta 92/96 G10 Grips ULTRA THIN with WC Logo Black Cherry. MSRP: $775. The TLR 1 is one of the few lights Id trust for duty use, and its a proven performer. JavaScript is not enabled on your browser - our site will not work for you as intended. The used value of a BERETTA 92FS INOX pistol has fallen ($81.13) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $862.72 . Remember that scene where Riggs shoots a smiley face into his target? 1911 is still my choice. I love my Beretta. It's the 1911 of 9mms. I have an S&W Performance Center M&P 2.0 5" for that. The accuracy is great as is. Easy to use, absolutely safe and delivering impressive firepower, the Beretta 92FS remains the sidearm of the US military and of allied forces the world over, as well as of countless police and law-enforcement agencies. With a striker fired pistiol there is no cocking, and no need for a sefety..so there is no need to de-cock. Ratings Snapshot 5. out of 5. I was in the marines and during a tour in Afghanistan I saw the m9 used shockingly quite a bit. However.the Glock 17 did not come out years earlier then the 92. As for concealed carry I do use a 9mm however it is not a full or compact frame,it is a sub compact or micro 9 (Sig P938). There is an advantage of the Beretta-style decocker over a SIG-style decocker . My reasoning is this. Observe Gunslingers technique on Wilson Custom 92 promo! Most 92FS pistols come with Berettas sturdy and well-checkered plastic grips. I have a 92FS inox and its a fine weapon, though a bit to big for my hands. Practice TECHNIQUE FIRST!! The demand of new BERETTA 92FS INOX pistol's has not changed over the past 12 months. 1101 Mason Circle Drive
Pevely, MO 63070
Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm CST, 2023 Midwest Gun Works, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. The TLR 1 is a great light and is only outshined by the much more expensive Surefire X300 series. That brings overall dimensions to 5.51 inches tall, 7.68 inches long and 1.42 inches wide. I have a 92FS Inox that I purchased in 1994. just bought the gunlove itfollowed up by getting a cx4 stormmy question is about the guide rod..I keep running into not for 92 a1.can you give me an idea where to find one? I find this hard to believe, because in the 400+ rounds pushed downrange I had zero jams to clear (more on this later). I agree with James that a safety it's a training issue.