Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases - Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness 3 Ingredient Cake With Condensed Milk, - 375 MDG/GPM pick f/1st-ever Flt/CC crs X2; voiced SNCO/1sgt Sgt perspective--honed ldrship roles for 40 officers. But let's not underestimate the importance of this task it is important. Funny Names To Call Your Friends, EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. Serves as a First Sergeant of a Basic Combat Training Company that consists of 25 cadre and an average annual training load of over 1,100 Initial Entry Training (IET) Soldiers; overall responsible for the enforcement and execution of TRADOC Program of Instruction (POI) and Training Support Package (TSP); provides mentorship to all personnel on FIRST SERGEANT Air Force Reserve. - Initiated Diamond Sharp Award in the Operations Group, recognizing and highlighting our sharpest Airmen quarterly During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Chief Martha A. Miller resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of Air Force Operations. - Ferried CC thru 4 court-martials/6 separations/7 Article 15s/1 sensitive civ complaint--upheld good order/discipline, - Finished 21 credit hrs for BS in Project Management; sustained 4.0 GPA--set example/invigorated 49 wg enrollments Back to EPR Bullets. - PME champion! - Restructured Key Spouse prgm; created 3 AORs for major metropolis coverage--produced instant supt for 1.1K fams - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas Examples of Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) EPR Bullets. Led Red Cross/USO community initiatives; donated $14.5K/521 hrs to Osan--built next gen ldrs EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. First Sergeant EPR Bullets; epr bullet generator 2020; Legal Office EPR Bullets; Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC and Additional Duty. - Guid'd unit thru spouse drug OD/death; cntrl'd rumors/coord'd remains dispo/dependent adoption--sped healing f/mbr/sq, - Hand-picked as alt 1st Sgt; monitored health/welfare for 146 mbr sq f/6 days--relayed essential pandemic info to sq CC --instilled pos image to 70 airmen JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard chief master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out annually on May 31, are now accomplished on the new Air Force Form 912, Enlisted Performance Report (CMSgt). * Do not include the GPA unless it's at least a 3.5 * SEJPME completion is a good bullet for TSgts as well - Do not bury awards on the front of the EPR. - Represents the 174 OSS/CC at Wing meetings and multiple base-level councils; a recognized group advocate for unit - Selected 1st Sgt f/63 days; guid'd 3 NJP/2 domestic violence/1 UIF--pivotal to good order/discipline & UCMJ system Furthermore, as a critical mentor to installation military personnel and families, he was selected to guide and advise over 450 Airmen at 13 Wing panels and 70 new commanders at the Headquarters Pacific Command's Commanders' Course. - CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. Consider Dress & Appearance, Personal/Professional Conduct On/Off Duty - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset - Bridged the gap between the ranks as acting First Sergeant They are the Airmen that come to work early and leave late. Thanks! - Chaired 36 Wg's largest CCAF grad in 3yrs; 122 grads honored/$1.2k scholarships awd'd--5 star event for 355 guests - Deployed First Sergeant ISO 2x BAAD msns; served 300+ AF members, ensured positive morale with zero incidents "I'll just send an email to JBER diamonds or JBER first sergeants, or my chief because he was a first sergeant, if I don't know about something, and, in seconds sometimes, there will be 10 or 15 examples of what to do. --instilled pos image to 70 airmen - Motivated, provides tools and encouragement to Amn having difficulty with PT; monitored decreased fitness failures. - Trusted agent-trained and critical to urinalysis program integrity--guaranteed drug-free AF, enforced standards Best Tips for Writing EPR Bullets. - Active in Schriever/Buckley/Peterson/Holloman CCF councils; 450K sq mi AOR--service before self example - 21 Space Wg servant; got local restaurants to support deployed families dinner--250+ member families served - Guided 2 1st Sgt Symposiums; facilitated 5 discussions/24 lessons--educated 110 attendees/pushed DSD initiatives, - Hand selected for 1st Sgt Symposium; soak'd up 32+ hr curriculum--honed ldrshp/mentoring abiltites/fill-in ready Additionally, as the commander's top advisor, he successfully exploited organizational talent in support of the world's largest international maritime warfare exercise, providing shore power to 200 aircraft and 49 ships, facilitating the Squadron's first ever Verne Orr Award. - Cultivated high stds; accomplished 110 ABU/Blues uniform inspections--instilled professional military image, - Defused 4 suicide warnings; coord'd 2 CC's w/med spt/coached thru recovery/welfare #1 priority--all prsnl RTD - Led health & wellness inspection; positively impacted 600 Amn--ensured 100% compliance w/ AF regulations Thanks! Represents the commander at base meetings and councils, and when conducting tours through unit areas. - Awd winner f/51FW's largest sq; served 492 in 12 AFSCs with PACAFs most robust FHP--earn'd Spirit of Bob Hope - Honed physical and mental readiness by example--provided AF an FSR capable force for world wide requirements, - Increased shop visits & recognition on holidays--ensured unity, eliminated conflict & increased team cohesion - Instituted Key Spouse pgm; revived vital networkset continuity <3 wks--assured real-time SA/spt f/ 52 mil families, - Lectured at local FTAC class; guided discussion "What is a First Sergeant?" Matthew Shannon, assigned to the 911th Force Support Squadron, takes notes during a 2018 enlisted performance report bullet writing seminar at the Pittsburgh International. - Initiat'd '19 DLA fwd stk insp; rvw'd 16K items/$2M/id'd 215 short/overage discreps--sv'd AF $32K/achv'd 99% inv rt Key Points to Writing. - Rvw'd 200 evals/decs; enforced stds/equity across Gp/ed'd 15 SNCO's on writing skills--bolstered quality force mgmt, - Sage advisor; guided sq cc thru Art 15/2 dom violence cases/2 UIFs/cntrl roster actions--upheld discipline/standards The first sergeant and superintendent keep each other informed on matters that could affect an Airman's ability to execute the mission. epr bullet examples for afsc 3s2x1, education and training., During the Additional Duty First Sergeant Seminar last week, noncommissioned officers and senior NCOs learned the role of a first sergeant is to serve as both a leader to enlisted Airmen and an advisor to his unit's commander. - Developed formal "in-person" BTZ review; sharpened Amn skills & led NCO board--propelled 6 Amn to BTZ stripes - Cared f/Hurricane Michael evacuees; coord'd w/spt agencies/sec'd financial aid/home--nailed Wg/CC's pri/Amn/fams - Synchronized/conducted SAPR training 80+ geographically separated amn; CSAF policy cemented 0 incidents, - Taught 6 first term amn classes; revamped crse, discussed career progression/responsibility--developed 270 new amn Most of the time, we don't need help identifying our accomplishments. - Awarded DoD Mediation Certification; endorsed/trained to employ conflict resolution--skills utilized ISO SMC Amn The intent of the award is to recognize individuals that demonstrate outstanding performance and professionalism on a daily basis. Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. As Wing Yellow Ribbon nanager, she briefed Wing leadership during 88 Wing meetings, over 170 deployers during processing, and supported over 3,000 Wing members during all phases of deployment. - Scheduled recurring, emergency maintenance on work center equip--foresight produced data on target at 99% rate! JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Senior master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which closed out July 31, will be accomplished on the newly published Air Force Form 911, the EPR for master sergeant through senior master sergeant, which was made available July 31 on the e-Publishing website. - FSgt Council's PDS tm lead; sched 35 FTAC/ALS/NCOPES instrs/curriculum--enhanced 322 mbr's ldrshp aptitude, - Go to 1st Sgt; mentored 6 base MSgts for 8F duty/key to Commandant Awd win--force multiplier/right SNCOs sel'd - Profound impact! - Mature, respectful, and conscientious; exhibits positive attitudes towards superiors, co-workers, squadron customers - Led IT tm f/3-day 1st Sgt Seminar; config'd audio/vis kit, virtual spt capes--equip'd qual arena f/87 U-A addt'l-duty shirts, - Led IT tm f/3-day Shirt Seminar; config'd audio/vis kit, virtual spt capes--dlvr'd mentorship f/87 U-A addt'l duty 1st Sgts Use this form for contributions and comments. - Community minded; led 14-mbr shirt tm/21 units f/SAFB "HERO's Care"--harvested 3K toys/clothes for AF families, - Community minded; organized Shirt team for "Ring-the-Bell"/harvested $13K in Warmheart funds--aided 9 families - Quickly reacted to mental health/homicide threat--mbr rcv'd crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty, - Recognized 2 NCOs at local council for Diamond Sharp awd; selected as 372 RCG Tuskegee Archer nominee - Cultivated stellar CC/1st Sgt relationship; obliterated AF 90% metric w/ outstanding100% attorney consult rate, - Cut discharges 79%/NJP actions 32% in 6 mos; processed 21 NJPs,32 UIFs,2 demotes--refocused Amn on stnds/msn, - Deftly intervened in 4 domestic incidents; expedited protective orders/mbrs counseling--ensured 6 dependents' safety What Is An On Call Banquet Server, - Personifies diligence, consistency, loyalty, and professionalism, earning the respect of his peers and supervisors alike - Voluntarily attended Additional Duty 1st Sgt Trainer course, developing the enlisted force building a better Air Force - Coordinates with and encourages the use of referral agencies available--provide airmen info on resources available Back to EPR Bullets. o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. - Service Before Self! Once in a while, even after being asked several times, an Airman will not provide any inputs at all. - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents - Hand selected as Yellow Ribbon Sr Mentor; guided sup sessions for mbrs/family--2k+ recvd invaluable info - Attended 5-day 1st Sgt Symposium; gained admin/disciplinary/resource knowledge--armed to assume additional duty - Provides readiness, health, welfare and morale guidance as focal point for the 81 personnel in 13 sections of the OSS - Refurbished 29 Family Care Plans; put emphasis on Amn accountability--model program/adopted by 1st Sgts council - Sourced free conveyance from regional transit auth; procured safe metro trans for mil deps--saved fams $660K yearly - Flight SAPM; monitored 220+ checklist items, closed 96% deficiencies--reinforced AF audit readiness initiatives If an NCO (noncommissioned officer) is the backbone of the U.S. Armed Forces, then the first sergeant is the heart and soul. - Filled Sq 1st Sgt duty/3 wks; advised CC/mbrs/executed 3 admin actions--inspired 74 prsnl/supported Sq camaraderie Chosen by CC; led 2 Sq/183 mbrs--resolved 28 disciplinary/admin issues--msn success! Do not include education bullets on SNCO EPRs. - Expertly advised MDG's 5 CCs/19 flts/26 AFSCs; dlvrd 375 msn-rdy force--enabled 76K pt care appts worth $3.9M! EPR Bullet examples for the Leadership and Team Building block of the AF Form 911. Enter contributions below and click Send. - Attended USAFA CGO/SNCO leadership symposium; 8hrs--enlightened unit junior NCOs on resiliency skills, - Averted 2 potential suicides; secured immediate rescue/treatment f/5 mil mbrs/1 spouse--actions preserved lives/RTD The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. - Administered awards, promotions & disciplinary actions with clarity and consistency--backed peers/supervisors - Led SoCal Retiree Expo; guided 19 mbr tm/allied retirees with federal/state org services--honorably served 600+ vets - Facilitated annual 1st Sgt Symposium; provided mentorship to attendees--prepared 60 additional duty 1st Sgts/XX% To contribute examples, use this form. . - Family Care Program maintained 100% accuracy; ensured Airmen provided current & required information per AFI - Selected interim 1st Sgt 21 days/64 mbrs; counseled six Amn/resolved four prsnl actions--enforced unit discipline - Invested in future ldrs! - Acquired $200 gift card from nat'l restaurant chain; fed recruiter fam of 6--alleviated Thanksgiving meal costs - Multi-tasked/balanced 4 duties/1 mo; Flt lead/Sq Super/Security Mgr/1st Sgt--leadership/mgmt ability proven, - Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores, - Op WARMHEART champion; org'd 11 fund-raisers/dlvrd $15K f/hardship & tragedy spt--cared f/120 Jt svc families Since nominees are representatives of the Air Force, they must also stand the test of a "whole life/whole career" scrutiny. Needs Improvement Bullet Comments - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters - Cert'd SAPR vol; dedicated 168 hrs on-call, 11 hrs CT/gave 22 brfs--enhanced spt f/2 wgs, helped est wg SAPR bldg - Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment, - Maintained real-time status of training reports via AF-IT; utilized by the Wing--heightened mission readiness, - Qual'd LRS QA evaluator; comp'd LOGMOD 32 & HQ/AFRC Logistics Enterprise Course; increased sq effectiveness www.eprbulletsafsc.com. - Provided guidance/mentorship for mbr/family after diagnosis/treatment for thyroid cancer-morale/spirits lifted! - Wg Top III Treas/AAHC mentor; mng'd fundraising/led 17 committees/44 psnl--generated $23K toward QoL events First Sergeant = Personnel Manager Squad Leader = Team Leader or Team Chief Supply Sergeant = Supply Manager or Logistics Manager Operations NCO= Operations Supervisor General Terms AI=. - Advised two wg CCMs; led 22 pers/8 vectored 8Fs--slashed court martial by 4/NJPs by 59/decreased Art 15 by 55% The Air Force has released its new enlisted performance report form for master sergeants and senior master sergeants. - Combat lethality up from 72% to 94%; focused ldrs on Individual Med Readiness--maintained SECDEF's top priority - Managed 20-man geographically remote workcenter in support of Air Mobility Command--exceeded all assigned goals! - Harmonized 36 Wg POW/MIA 24 hr run; synced 571 mbrs/honored tradition--$4K raised for community give backs - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty Your PFW comments will likely help you to write the EPR bullets more effectively. As acting First Sergeant, she sustained operations and bridged the gap in unit continuity while preparing for the inbound commander. Sergeant Foster is a team player who contributed to our unit earning the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence. During this period, Sergeant LeMay's outstanding leadership and expertise were vital to leading 900 joint engineers in sustaining 3,700 facilities at the Air Force's largest airfield resulting in the completion of 210 projects valued at more than 200 million dollars. - Mitigated fam hardships; secured $1.3K AF aid/expedited emergency lv/plane tkts--4 Amn focus back on OCO msn Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . - Mentored JROTC Drill tm; trained 25 cadets/3 weeks--captured overall Gold score; key'd Gp's 4th straight AFOUA, - Meshed initiatives for CAF funding; 2.5K awarded for sq improvement--100 Amn afforded historic PME WWII tour - Hosted South CA Honor Flight prgm; transported 56 WWII veterans to NCR ISO memorial visit--honored US heroes -- First Sergeants stood watch for 5 of 24 hrs.covered hard-to-fill mid-night hours.paid full honors - Non-stop performer.created, developed and organized first-ever <BASE> AFB Goofy Golf Tourney -- Encouraged participation from local personalities.raised $300+ for personnel.enhanced morale - Acquired free mental health counseling for civ suicide attemptee--member returned to family/flt within 2 weeks Additional Duties EPR Bullets . - Synchronized/conducted SAPR training 80+ geographically separated amn; CSAF policy cemented 0 incidents, - Team leader for dorm morale inspection--ensured the safety and well-being of 600+ non-prior-service students myEval brings automation and a new level of digital capability to the feedback and evaluation experience for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.All Raters and Ratees of Airman and Guardians will access feedback and evaluations through the myEval dashboard. - Ferried 3 CC's thru 4 Art 15's; 4 admin seps/24 disciplinary actions thru Ops Gp--crit f/msn readiness & welfare - Overhauled unit out-processing; linked MPS/est'd electronic docs tracker--elim d DEROS exp/100% timely departure, - Partnered w/Campbell University to host 2 college crses on flightline; 32 attended/6 sem hrs--7 CCAF degrees awd'd EPR Bullet examples for the Standards Enforcement and Personal Adherence block of the AF Form 911. - Quickly responded to sister srvc FA/CPS case; assessed abuse/relocated family--expedited srvc mbr return from AOR Deployed - Led C2 f/AFRICOM's 1st Gp CP; tracked 15K vehicles & 37.2K pax--supported DoD's #1 SIGINT sys f/3 COCOMs - Updated 52 chklsts w/contacts for Gp/Wg; reduced cmdrs notification time--awarded deployed Gp team of the month - Boosted trng prgm; generated trng/continuity for replacements--reduced trng time to spt 3K flts ISO combat First Sergeant NCOER Bullets. Why Did Sharon M Draper Write Out Of My Mind, Back to EPR Bullets. - Rising 6 mentor; Oversight of cnvrsn frm Amn Cncl to Rsng 6; gave collect v voice to >1000 jr enlstd, - Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured Thanks! Recommendation is to include education bullets on EPRs for TSgts and below. - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty - Quality of Life watchdog; arranged three mental health/one ADAPT/2 FAP consults--bridged necessity for resiliency - Prepared/delivered Christmas Day breakfast burritos; 60 137 SWS unit guardsmen--fostered Total Force spirit - Advises CC and staff on personnel issues, translates, enforces AF policies, and ensures continuity of unit operations, - Led 311 amidst 3 mo E-8/SEL absence; drove enl/ofcr ldrshp & accountability--cultivated 10 gp/6 wg/4 HHQ awards Org'd sq teams for Team Gleason Charity Tournament; 40 participants - > $2k raised & donated One of the speakers of the event, Master Sgt. The first sergeant works in concert with the superintendent to oversee the readiness, training, health, morale and quality of life of assigned personnel. - Supvd 54 Trusted Agents; notifi'd 400 staff/enforc'd DoD's "zero tolerance" policy; sustain'd $32M base assets, - Sustained AF's 2nd lrgst dorm campus; synced 32 ADLs/focused mx/rprs to met AF std--upheld QoL f/4.5K residents 1.3.2. Bird Sanctuary Ct, - Led Wg Qtr awds pgm; revised outdated script/boosted attendance--showcased 65 Amn/18 civs/SAFB Top Performers, - Led Wg's Dorm Recognition pgm; motivated 361 residents/enhanced qtrs/morale--8 Amn praised/coined by AMW/CC - 1st Sgt f/2 sq CCs/coached 16 SNCOs/62 FGOs; mng'd 4 NJPs/adverse actions/4 UIFs--rehab'd 7 Amn/saved careers More. - Member of the base First Sergeant Council-served as President & Treasurer-providing leadership and support to peers - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened Although the EPR is a record of an Airman's performance during the reporting period, there are some things we're not allowed to include in an EPR even if they did occur during the reporting period. It is a great way to save some money, knock out a few classes, and become a Hercules (or Athena) of the gym. Welcome to the first open Public Bullet Database focusing on Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and Air Force awards. - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Academic Review Board mbr; performed 3 records reviews/interviews--objectively upheld PME values/100% grad rt - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Paulson resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of the Air Force's recruiting goals. - Resolved 18 fam incidents/11 in-patient rehab; guided mbrs on domestic recovery/TBI--enabled msn ready engineers, - Revamped FCP x2 Sqs; impv'd process f/261 mbrs/digitized 29 recs/fixed 13 errors--100% execution/AFI compliant First sergeants dedicate themselves to the needs of Airmen including their health, morale, discipline and welfare. Mapping the Bullets: Overall Assessments 8 6.1 Section VI--Rater Overall Assessment (first assessment block on EPRs) 8 6.2 Section VII--(Or Senior Overall Assessment (SNCO EPRs) 9 6.3 Bullet Order Of Precedence 9 6.4 Basic Rules For Top And Bottom Lines 9 6.5 OPR Backside Bullets--Last lines 9 6.5.1. commander's call). - Exceptional leadership/mentorship instrumental in unit garnering AFRS Standard of Excellence award, FY14! So start writing your 1206 at the beginning of the quarter and if your actions warrant the win then you know how your EPR should follow. Led 700 studs thru 9K flt hrs/13.5K sim hrs--fuel'd 13 ops units, AFSOC/CCC coined, - 1st Sgt tm lead; guided Wg hlth/welfare dorm insp; rectified 6 safety hazards/3 sub-std units--fortified QoL f/336 prsnl Revised AFI 36-2911 Desertion The Form 911 was developed to complement the senior NCO feedback form: Air Force Form 932, Airman Comprehensive Assessment worksheet, which is for master sergeant through chief master sergeant. Leadership, Team Building, Followership, Mentorship. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS xxxx HAS DISTINGUISHED HERSELF BY DEMONSTRATING CLEARLY THAT SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER, DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN HER FIELD OF EXPERTISE. mary berry marmalade recipe uk, immunochromatography forensics, bridezilla marlene and jose,