She doesnt easily share her emotions with others but when she does, shes honest and open through and through. A Cancer sun/Capricorn moon person is ambitious and disciplined, sometimes even obsessed, with a need for order and control. There is opposition in her signs. She was indeed born in 1990 and in her birth chart, which we have already analyzed in this blog; we see that generational Capricorn note. They accept the restrictions and, although they are little conflictive, the moment comes when a simple drop overflows the glass. Because they are sweet, they will attract many opposite sex representatives. Another example is the case of Carlos Kleinberg, the great conductor, who had his natal Saturn domiciled and retrograde in Capricorn, as opposed to his Sun in Cancer. What a powerful Full Moon we have tonight. They are loners who need to work a little bit on their social skills. They are popular and have lots of friends. During this time, we experience an emotional restriction, a limitation of affective resources. If you're one of those rare Virgo sun Capricorn moon sign people, this blog post is for YOU. He may also be cool and aloof with a considerable degree of self-control. She may seem shy or insecure on the outside but she can also be quite vain and extremely sensitive to others opinion of herself. She will keep her emotions under control, rarely allowing them to get out of hand and when she strikes, it will probably be in a subtle way. Although she is used for the Moon and he is used for the Sun sign, these pronouns are only used for convenience. While this may suit some couples, its worth remembering that the extreme expression of each signs energy is where their Shadows live. Cancer is one of the zodiacs most fascinating signs because of its characteristics of duality. It can be very easy to control these Cancers. The lady with this combination is modest and not too keen to make many friends. You know how to cooperate, have a generous regard for the rights of others just as you expect them to have a regard for your rights and this quality makes human relationships, in private or public life, easy and satisfactory. And she will either retreat inside her castle or will go out in the world and face it boldly. Having a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, In romance, that dual nature of yours may cause considerable problems. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. They will go out of their way to help someone. They are extremely powerful and talented businesswomen who know how to make money work for them. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon people are purposeful but also intuitive and emotional. Its like hes always waiting for others to make the first step towards getting him. She never loses touch with reality though; she knows who she is and what she can offer the world, all while remaining level-headed about it all too. Instead she tells her parents, or another close family member, or perhaps a very good friend. She can be depressed and down one minute, happy and relaxed the other. It's not that they need attention; they just want to feel valued by their partner. Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon combination in a nutshell: TheCancer Sun Capricorn Moon woman will gain a lot of insight and understanding through her life experiences. Aries: March 21 . Emotional security is essential for them. Caps tend to go. She wants to be loved for who she is and what she contributes. This individual is very responsible, conscientious, and practical. You may have been raised to achieve, whether by family or others in your life. They illustrate their complex natures through a subtle blend of practicality and spontaneity. These combination of traits actually distinguish them from other Sun and Moon Signs, showing that they are on a whole different level than other people. As many people dont have the time to have a look and to get to understand others, he will often feel rejected or not understood. She's not discrete and she wants to lead in bed. Moon in Capricorn needs control. Intuition and inspiration are the sources that feed your world of imagination and fantasy. A worrier, yet a great problem solver, this Cancer-born person will be more risk taking in his financial life than he might be willing to admit. She does not want to be seen as pushy or demanding in her efforts to achieve recognition. It manifests itself in a tender, sensitive and maternal way, through the home, the children, the family, but sometimes it behaves in an unstable way. You are capable and practical, yet compassionate and sensitive. You are a good executive, your sensitive nature knowing how to reach out into the world and draw to itself the recognition that is so precious to you. Their downsides as lovers are all about them being needy and protective, especially when they are feeling neglected. And what does it all mean? Cancer Sun men seek after identity through relationships. Not to mention how well they can feel others emotions and thoughts. Theres nothing more important than family for double Cancers. The Cancer sun Capricorn moon woman is great at managing the details of life. Insecurity often characterizes them. Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon men are prudent, patient, they are not in a hurry to rush into any action. He may seem cynical at the start but has a heart of gold. Cancers sensitive and emotional nature provides insight into people who are highly analytical, studious, and detail oriented. What does this placement say about your personality? The Moon in Cancer person is highly emotional. According to me, this combination is not compatible for relation. They have an internal need for love and cherish family values. It doesnt matter the situation, double Cancers will always react instinctively and emotionally. So they are not just sentimental but are also sympathetic, kind, caring and sympathetic. He likes compliments and will respond to them with warmth and friendliness. The symbolism of the Moon is manifested in correlation with that of the Sun. Saturn delays, hinders and centers us with a reality check that is often characterized by its harshness. Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon is quiet, thoughtful and practical. If they feel that things are not going their way or that somebody or something is trying to thwart their efforts they may become combative and aggressive in sabotaging the opposition. Cancer Sun With Capricorn Moon. Its phases -which have served since ancient times to compute time- synchronize with the female cycle and symbolize everything that has a character of mobility, fluidity, transience, change. He doesnt have to be the center of attention, but he will nevertheless demand the right to be heard. The tendency would be to hold things in. He cherishes old friendships and always rejoices in childhood, school period, and many of his friends . She has all the makings of a good wife: a great listener, supportive and caring to her husbands needs while still maintaining an independent identity of her own. The words embarrassment and shame have no meaning for them. She is essentially a deep person who cares so much for family, friends and other close people in her life that their emotions can easily be transmitted to her. Were you born on a Capricorn Full Moon? The Cancer personality is shy, emotional, and sympathetic, while the Capricorn inner nature is ruggedly ambitious, aloof, and calculating. At home she is the boss, but in public she likes to play a role of compliance, even submission. When life is tough, all that these natives want is to retreat in their home and never come out. They are terrified of seeming vulnerable, so they will always fight to appear strong. It represents mother, home, family life and all things domestic. This is his defense system. They are beautifully sensitive people though they may not seem as such on the outside. These two signs can actually be quite compatible, as they both value stability and security. These opposite signs will respond to the pull of family-based tradition in each other. Without realizing it, she starts taking responsibility for the emotional needs of just about anyone who will. The archetypes of Mother and Child are strong, and she can shift from smothering to needy depending on the circumstances and her maturity level. They will be aware of the negative thoughts that he or she is having about others. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Conversation, companionship, togetherness, and being half of a tight couple are very important to Libra. Their main purpose is to find someone perfect and to have children together. The best way for his partner to manage is by appreciating and returning the care that he gives. They have very little tolerance for the weak or infirm, nor for those who get in their way or undermine their plans. Everything is about protecting herself oftentimes. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Capricorn moon has a conservative heart. This man is also attached to the values and traditions of the society he belongs to. Nurturers at heart, these natives will want to engage and to care for everyone. they were 7 years together. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This tendency towards a calculated materialism makes us neglect the lunar nature, whose needs are emotional. Tinged with the vulnerability of childhood and adolescence, you are an old soul cleaving to tradition for protection. A Capricorn moon woman needs your respect. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. She is born leader, and those who follow her will be richly rewarded with her excellent organizational skills. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. He has a strong sixth sense and could be a psychic. With your Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, you have a mixture of personalities. She loves to be with friends and family. Cancer-born with this Sun-Moon combination will often be very ambitious but at the same time very down to earth. This man is nurturing, friendly and loyal, yet very private. She has the sensitivity of a Pisces, but in a Capricorn world. You can look at a mans Moon and a womans Sun, or the Moon and Sun placements for the partners in a same-sex couple. Together, these traditional signs can build a secure, comforting home life. The Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon man is ambitious and determined, he works hard to make his dreams come true. While this astrological combination may lead the average Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon woman on a climb to the top, she may leave a trail of broken hearts behind her as she focuses all of her energy and attention on meeting her goals. It is also a good time for creative expression or to appreciate the art of others through visits to concerts or museums.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astromajesty_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_17',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Capricorn, Aries and Libra are influenced by Venus from an unfavorable angle, so they can live times of emotional instability, bad mood and lack of consistency in emotional expressions. Tensions can arise when Moon in Capricorn feels overwhelmed by Cancers fussing, and Sun in Cancer will stamp his feet to get Capricorns attention. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. You have a gift for keeping things together, and you make the most of it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. i know a woman with this combo she until few months ago was dating a Cancer sun! Its time to listen to your emotions about which way to go. Deeply intuitive, your greatest accomplishments come when you have become adept at knowing how to compose opportunities. Being Cancers, they will always be romantic and giving with their love. Thus, he became the god of depression and melancholy, an old character who endlessly admonishes us with the reminder of death. Experience has given you keen insights into your fellow men and women, but just as your dual combination gives you special perceptions, it also gives painful inner struggles and inhibitions. He adores traditional values and is more comfortable with a routine in his life. The government of the Moon extends to motherhood, pregnancy, childbirth, maternal love, family, women, home, country, waters, rivers, emotions, home, family and everything concerning food. They are not overly social and therefore do not like to go out of their comfort zone. The Sun in Capricorn woman is rather ambitious, belonging to the category of those who are focused on professional growth. The signs of Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo will have to take care of this aspect especially, although the latter can receive support from their partner or relationships. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. With the Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer, you have endless vision and an uncanny ability to achieve. He is closely linked with the energy of expansion. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon: Taurus Capricorn Sun Leo Moon: Cancer Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon: Pisces Capricorn Sun Libra Moon: Leo . Sun in Capricorn needs a lover who balances out his authority with a softer touch. Therefore, the sign of Cancer is related to nutrition. This reserved sign will thrive on building an orderly home life with her partner, while carving out her own, private space. This makes them sometimes difficult to live or work with, under tremendous stress especially because of being overly organized and rigid. They can often appear aloof to others around them, but this is simply because they believe that they dont need anyone to help them reach their dreams. A partner that is constant and sensitive would be perfect for them. Gentle disciplinarian; capable and caring; tenacious; shrewd; responsible; considerate; patient; introvert; reflective; authoritative; maternal; a sense of humor; dutiful. The Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon individual is reserved and only very careful about who is let into their inner circle. People with a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon are very sensitive and caring. Learn to give them room and provide a lot of emotional support, or they may become withdrawn and resentful. Cancer and Capricorn natives more often choose a career in politics or as an actor, songwriter, or historian. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. They may also like to keep up with whats happening in the world around him through reading newspapers or watching television programs on current events. Moon in Cancer feels safest when she is needed by her lover, which means she will take care of him with food, hugs and empathetic attention to his problems. Your moods might change from a moment to the next, or day to day. This income is called solstice (sun-titan or still sun) which is the moment when the two most important changes take place: long days and short nights (in the North) and, conversely, short days and long nights (In the south). Pluto continues retrograde until September 26 and will transit in this period between the 16th and 15th degree of Capricorn (half of the second decant) affecting those born in the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). However, this transit will only last a few days and will not have major consequences. Sensitive, this guy can take thinks personally and feel hurt each time someone says a wrong word. Here is a classic pairing of opposites. Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. It can be an indicator of transfers, removals or even economic benefits when its influence is received in a harmonious way, as happens with the second deans of Taurus, Virgo and to a lesser extent with Scorpio, Pisces. They are strong on the outside but sensitive in nature. Pisces: February 19 - March 20. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon individuals are famous for not knowing how to accept defeat and for getting defensive. As an individual with a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, you have a tendency to seek seclusion. Sun in Cancer will focus on the nurturing, while Moon in Capricorn provides the background stability. He has a high standard that he demands from others, but also expects it of himself. That is why classical astrology considers the Moon in Capricorn as an exile: it is in its opposite sign. With a Cancer Sun Capricorn Moon, once you have learned to work in harmony with your inner nature, there is little you cannot accomplish. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. very creative caring artistic individuals but without any or much fixed placements they're flaky. He possesses the creativity of an artist, and has great people skills. Nadia Gilchrist offers over 19 years of experience in astrology. They are attracted to imagery which portrays the symbol of the sea. The planet of changes makes a complete return to the Zodiac in 256 years, therefore, its journey over a certain point can even last several years. His patience with others is his number one strength. But Moon in Capricorn will be happiest with a partner who allows her some emotional solitude. As for the parts of the body governed by Cancer and the Moon, there are the chest, breasts, stomach and all digestive processes. If you start a business while Saturn is retrograde, it is very likely that this business will change or end sooner rather than later. Tell her the truth. Sun in Sign. They have the ability to foresee future consequences of their actions. While this Cancer woman has a soft heart, she is also very careful with her money and how it is spent, and will make sure that you use yours judiciously. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts. Loved ones mean so much to you, but this is a deep well that often goes unplumbed. Its easy to think all these nurturing tendencies of theirs are a need for intimacy. Theyre supportive and very good at giving advice. Both are phenomena associated with light and darkness, as well as with the two phases in which nature offers or denies its fruits. Hes broadminded, practical and level-headed and he expects that same attitude in return. During this time, we experience an emotional restriction, a limitation of affective resources. Motivated by the desire to look attractive for others, she enjoys being able to wear flattering clothing.