You treasured up all the words spoken by the holy angels concerning your divine Son, as well as those pronounced by the prophetess Anna and by holy Simeon when you presented your Son in the temple, and you prudently pondered them in your heart. Our Lady of Compassion Our Lady of Compassion (Nuestra Senora de la Piedad) The convent of Our Lady of La Piedad dates back to the year 1595. As Mother of God you surpass, in an immeasurable degree, all other creatures, angels and men. Hence with Holy Church I repeat, "You are all fair, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in you. The divine maternity itself, more than any particular privilege, is a mark of God's unequalled love for you. Mary, Mother of God, I believe that divine grace is absolutely necessary for the performing of any act that is meritorious for eternal life. You were soon really to see the Face of God the created image of divine perfection, the sight of which rejoices heaven and earth, from which all beings derive life and joy; the Face whose features enraptured God from all eternity, the Face for which all ages had expectantly yearned. Jesus exhausted His love for man also. The divine light, received from Him, led you deeper into the mystery of the Redemption and its effects in the past and in the future. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce " Since you were enlightened by the Scriptures, you realized that your Child would be contradicted and utterly rejected by the Jews, who had, for forty centuries, unceasingly sighed for Him as a Savior. You are the woman, the new Eve; the wood of the Cross is the new tree of life, the death of Jesus, the new Adam, takes away the sting of the death of Adam. Mary, My Mother, your name means Star of the Sea. No other saint exerts such universal influence in the affair of our salvation as you do. I believe, according to the inspired teaching of St. Paul, that there is but one Mediator between God and manyour Son Jesus. Your offering of the bloody sacrifice of Calvary is the perfect model for my offering Holy Mass. Your blessedness was due to your unexcelled sanctity. Your fear arose entirely from your humility, which was disturbed at the sound of praises so far exceeding your own lowly estimate of yourself. I believe the teaching of the Church concerning the union of the human and divine natures in Christ: that Jesus Christ is God and man, perfect God and perfect man and that this divinity and humanity are united in only one person so that the actions of the divine nature or the human nature are the actions of one person, the divine Person. Mary, My Mother, I am happy to be your child. He is your child and you are His Mother. 2. In His infancy Jesus depended upon your loving care, and in death when He was abandoned by all, even by His Father, He still had your heart. All your privileges increased your power to love God. The husband whom God has destined for you was a man of faith of character, of purity, "a just man." 2. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary show my gratitude to Jesus for having redeemed me on the cross and for having given you to me as my spiritual Mother. How great must have been that longing! At the marriage feast of Cana He worked His first miracle because you asked Him for this favor. As you are powerful to obtain and provide, you are merciful to pardon. You resigned yourself to the care of God, in the fullest confidence that He would guard your innocence and reputation. Mary, Mother of God, you are our spiritual Mother. We obtain everything for our peace of soul in time and eternity from the Father through the Heart of Jesus and everything from Jesus through your Heart. Through your prayers all graces have come to the apostle and to the souls converted or sanctified. Unceasingly praying for sinners, you stand before your Son. May each pain and disappointment of my life become a perfect act of love of God because I offer all to God through your immaculate hands. 2. Bishop Robert J. McClory. As the seed of the serpent includes all those descendants of the first man and woman who by their sinful lives bear within them the traits of the devil, so, too, the seed of the Woman includes all who in the course of ages will take their stand with your Son, Jesus Christ, in His ceaseless conflict with the enemy of God. To the Church suffering you bring consolation, relief, deliverance, to the Church militant you offer aid, confidence, victory. At that moment God began to have an Adorer who was infinite, and the world a Mediator who was all-powerful. To the Holy Spirit you offer the possibility of giving a new existence to the Son and of making this Son live in the hearts of the faithful through the power of His grace. Your apostolic workto snatch souls from Satan and from sin to make them live the supernatural lifeis the very reason for your motherhood. When the Holy Spirit descended, you received the richest outpouring of His graces. People became the poor banished children of Eve. Grant that following your good counsel, I may avoid sin, practise virtue, save my soul and attain eternal life. It commemorates the profound union of heart that existed between the Mother of the Redeemer and the Savior, through which she experienced many interior sorrows as a consequence of His Mission, but particularly during His Passion and Death. Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for me! You presented Him in sacrifice to the Father as your God and the Son of Man, as your offering and the offering of humanity for the redemption of the world. In the temple, you returned to Him His gift by consecrating your Child to His honor and glory. In this time of crisis there is need that we hasten to you for aid, strength and direction. Help me to bear in mind that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, and that the secrets of divine wisdom are imparted only to the humble of heart, while they are hidden from the worldly-wise. Yet Jesus was active in your womb adoring and praising God. By this title I understand: (1) upon your mediation and intercession depends the distribution of the riches of the treasury which Jesus acquired for the salvation of men; (2) consequently, no grace comes to all of us as a body or to any of us in particular which you have not asked for in our behalf; (3) according to the order of things established by God, you have become, under Jesus Christ, after Jesus Christ, and through Jesus Christfrom whom you can never be separatedthe source and principle for us of all supernatural life. read more. Immaculate Virgin, you are that human being. At the Crib, you were the first ostensorium of your Son, showing Him to the shepherds, to the Magi and to the world. On Calvary our redemption was accomplished, by His death, Jesus merited for us the grace to live His life. I cannot advance in the path of sanctity without humility, which is the heart and soul of virtue. When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. You humbled yourself so deeply because you knew that of and by yourself you were nothing and had nothing. Bless our prayers and labors for the conversion of the world and support them by your powerful intercession with your Son, Jesus, that His Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace Justice. The angels saw a soul which had never been touched by original sin. And yet, Refuge of Sinners, you are my refuge, if I but have recourse to you, and you will extend your loving hands to receive me, to shelter me from the divine anger I so justly deserve. I can easily picture Saint John, the Apostle of love, saying Mass each day in his own home and daily giving you the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist. I am in need of forgiveness of sin, of strength in temptation. Mary, My Mother, you are mother in a higher degree because of the kind of life which you have imparted to me. Aid me through your influence with your Divine Son, to be a true child of yours and to grow daily into your likeness. 16, 26). I became a child of God. Mary, Mother of God, your death was entirely free from whatever might make death bitter: attachment to the world, remorse for sins and the uncertainty of salvation. Since you bore a much heavier one together with your innocent Son, should not I, a sinner deserving of eternal punishments, carry mine patiently? You come nearest to the holiness of God. You were indeed two of one heart and one soul. 3. Queen of the Holy Rosary, in times past, when the enemies of the Church sought to break its unity, you came to the aid of your suffering children. 12, 1). You are ever imploring favors for the just, as well as for sinners. To the working of this great mystery you also were chosen to cooperate by your free consent. To you I entrust the preparation of my soul for the coming of my Savior on Christmas Day. Your slightest wish carries with it a powerful appeal. Christ is universal King because He rules all creatures by His personal union with the divinity. Mary, My Mother, you were not obliged by the Law of Moses to present and ransom your firstborn Son. How wondrous you are in your humility. I have loved and followed Jesus to the end. This posture is not the one usually describing a mourner who is affected with only human grief. In your six apparitions at Fatima you made repeated demands for penance and reparation. On October 12, 1945, Pope Pius XII, decreed Our Lady of Guadalupe to be "Patroness of all the Americas." . When I say "Hail, Mary!" Their children also belong to God, for they are His gift. The title "Our Lady of Sorrows" focuses on Mary's intense suffering during the passion and death of Christ. Merit and glory attend your name. In the same way you, who freely delivered your son to a cruel death, parted with your Son. With joy you must have foreseen the millions of souls who by your presence in their lives would cast off the bonds of sin. Save me, a poor sinner who confidently invokes your intercession, through the graces merited for me on the cross by the precious Blood of your Son. A blessed feast of OUR LADY of the MIRACULOUS MEDAL to you. You embrace the universe in the realm of your love and enrich it through your unfailing intercession. Since you have had such an intimate share in my redemption, I entrust my soul to your loving care. All that I am or have. This humility was richly rewarded. Sanctify them first, so that they may then more effectively sanctify others. God sent Gabriel, one of His glorious archangels, to deliver the most important message in the history of mankind, announcing the coming of the Savior of the world and the selection of you to be His Mother. For He was everything to you, and all else was nothing without Him. I can picture you alone with your God, following with devotion the life led in common by the virgins of God's house. Mary, Mother of God, how sacred was the life of Jesus in your womb while you awaited His coming! 1. Mary, My Mother, your power as Mother of Divine Providence is indeed as great as your compassion and willingness to help. Since with Christ you had helped to merit all graces, it is fitting that you also should help to distribute all graces with Him. When your cousin Saint Elizabeth greeted you as blessed among women, you answered, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid" (Luke 1, 46). And yet, in the whole work of the redemption, your Son wanted to associate you with Himself. He was obedient and immediately arranged with you the celebration of your chaste nuptials. Mary is the mother of mankind - she watches . Mary, My Mother, I wish to offer myself as a sacrifice to God in union with Jesus and through your hands. His Holiness St. John Paul II visited her Sanctuary four times: on his first apostolic trip outside Rome as Pope in 1979, and. If Jesus is Our Lord, so you are Our Lady. Turin Our Lady of Consolation, Turin This icon was presented to the city of Turin. Augustine.). You are the Glory of Jerusalem; you are the Joy of Israel; you are the Honor of our people. You are kind and loving for you have a mother's heart, full of pity for the erring. You were born into the world in the humble city of Nazareth. Your Heart is a refuge for sinners, for you are the Mother of Mercy, who has never been known to turn away any one who came to seek your aid. Who can describe the anguish of your generous soul when with your Divine Babe in your arms you were willing to sign His death warrant with your own hands? "And, therefore, the Holy One to be born shall be called the Son of God." Mary, My Mother, the divine Motherhood meant for you deepest suffering. The Expectation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast, December 18 (Triduum, December 15-17 or until Christmas). Appeared to St. Jerome Emiliani, 1530 5. Not only were you full of grace, but you also bore the Author of grace. Mother Teresa once laid out a simple path for everyone, leading from silence to peace. Apparition Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate (Our Lady of Lourdes), Feast, February 11 (Novena, February 2-10). The effects of the presence of Jesus and you are still the same. I declare that I undertake them only that I may better promote the honor of God and devotion to you. You were willing to offer Him at this tender age, for the salvation of the world. Holy Cards will continue to be added as our collections align with Feast Days of the Saints in our collection. He was with you in a manner more intimate, more perfect, and more divine than He ever was or will be with any other creature. You knew nothing but God and His love you wished for nothing but Him and His holy will; you sought nothing but His greater honor. No one could have had a closer approach to God than you, for it is impossible for any creature to be closer to God's Son than His own Mother. In your humility you refused praise, giving all the praise and glory to God. And so it is even now in heaven. As our immaculate Mediatrix before your Son you have appeared at Lourdes to encourage us to amend our lives and to make sacrifices and offer prayers for sinners. Through love you consecrated yourself with all your powers to God as the highest form of beauty and goodness. It is Mary's selfless act of letting her son be sacrificed for our salvation that makes her the Queen of martyrs. Amen! 2. Your soul filled with love and sorrow, you embraced your Son now pale in death, a victim for the sins of mankind. The Son takes pleasure in it as the Heart of His Mother, the source from which He drew the blood that ransomed us. Bless the work of those who spend themselves to bring souls to your loving Son. Mary, Blessed Virgin, full of grace, Queen of all Saints, how consoling it is for me to venerate you under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! Sanctifying grace likened you to God as it did no other pure creature. Attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, you diligently gathered up all His lessons, preserving them in your soul with zealous care. In return for the natural strength that you gave Him, He gave you His divine strength. He has reconciled us to God. 2. He also found joy in His Divine Sonship and glorious human nature, joy in His intellect, with its immeasurable knowledge and the contemplation of God; joy in His will, with its freedom, sinlessness, holiness and unbounded power joy in His destiny as our Redeemer; joy in the future kingdom of His Church, which was to arise from His life and death. No one has found or received such grace as you. Be merciful to us. The early Christians, all lovers of the Eucharist, who visited you frequently during your hidden life of adoration, must have taken away with them the spirit of your Eucharistic devotion. Feast, February 2 (Novena, Jan. 24-Feb. 1). He could not make you divine by nature, but He has made you inseparable from Jesus in the salvation of souls through the grace which He has so abundantly poured out upon you because of the Divine Motherhood. Though receiving all you obtain through Jesus Christ, because you pray and ask for it in the Name of Jesus, yet whatever graces we receive, come to us through your intercession. IMPRIMI POTEST Raymond Weisenberger, Provincial, Girard, Pa. NIHIL OBSTAT A. H. Wiersbinski, LL.D. Yours is a queenship of dominion. Joseph was a virgin for your sake, that a Virgin Son might be born of a virginal marriage. By consenting to give natural life to Jesus, you consented to give us supernatural life. Mary, Mother of God, I choose you as my model of Eucharistic devotion. Filled with grief, you saw how the disciples removed the nails from the Redeemer's hands and feet, extracted the thorns from His head, and took Him down from the cross. The divine maternity explains everything in you; without this maternity nothing in you can be explained. Mary, My Mother, you associated yourself with the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus in order that you might share in His glorification. God could not have created a more beautiful throne for Himself than you; His Mother! You were not bound by the Law, because you were a virgin as well as a mother. You are the throne of divine mercy in whom we find solace of mercy. When He had finished the work of our Redemption by His labors, suffering and death, the Eternal Word, clothed in our nature, entered into His glory and was seated on the right hand of the Eternal Father. 2. Led by divine inspiration to His house, you prepared yourself for your sublime dignity of Divine Motherhood in silence and solitude with God. Through your prayers may they and their children honor God by a virtuous life so as to be worthy of a heavenly reward. St. Joan of Arc Feast Day May 30. Even when I forget you and begin to complain in my sufferings and crosses, you try to console me. Corruption is a consequence of sin, but you were sinless. Mary, Mother of God, at Pentecost you were with the Apostles, preparing for the Holy Spirit the promised Gift of your Son. Mary, My Mother, I thank you for having suffered and wept for love of me that you might become my consolation in affliction. This is your role of universal Dispenser of all graces. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Jesus caused the wonderful effects of grace in the soul of John the Baptist, but at the sound of your voice his sanctification was effected, and both he and his mother Elizabeth were filled with the Holy Spirit. This was your spiritual Motherhood. The power of your intercession has no such limits, for the saints teach me that our Savior can refuse nothing to His Mother. Note: This prayer was approved and enriched with an indulgence of five hundred days by Pope Pius X at all audience held on August 18, 1908, and was included in the official edition of approved indulgenced prayers (1950). But Jesus was constantly sanctifying you, His loving Mother, transforming you ever more and more into Himself by wondrous graces of knowledge of the mystery of the Incarnation, and by graces of love which united you to Him. Mary, My Mother, your little life held a mystery immeasurably deeper than that of any other human life, since no mind could measure the distance that lay between the chosen Maiden who was not only the servant of the Lord but also His true Mother, and the rest of mankind who were His servants and no more. Being the new Eve who was to be the Mother of the new Adam you were, by the eternal decree of God and by the merits of Christ, withdrawn from the general law of original sin. The Feast of Our Lady of Palestine was established in 1927 by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, . You thought only of the good you could do in Elizabeth's home. You show your compassion toward all so that there is no one in this world who does not, if he seeks it, share in the kindness and mercy of your motherly Heart. 3. You suffered with Jesus and experienced in your soul what He underwent in His body. Let me feel some of the sentiments of loving expectation that you felt while waiting for the birth of your Child, so that I may prepare myself for His coming and the graces of the mystery of His Nativity may bear fruit in my soul. Processions and Penitence In Malta, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, and the Philippines the Friday of Passion Weekthe Friday of Sorrows or Viernes de Dolores is celebrated with. I may address myself to the saints for favors of various kinds, but my prayer must always pass through your hands if it is to reach the throne of grace and draw down the divine blessing. Your aid at the hour of my death will be for me a guarantee of salvation if through life I have sought to imitate the beautiful example of your life. With your heart breaking with sorrow, you had to die a spiritual death in order to become my spiritual Mother. In union with you may my heart yield itself up to childlike confidence in Jesus so that the graces of His Nativity may be brought to my soul in abundance, and He may be born anew within my heart. You are the most beautiful of creatures, the one in whom there is no spot, God's masterpiece. You are truly my model in offering Holy Mass. From the first instant of your existence your mind was filled by the supernatural light of faith and your soul with love of God. Forgetting yourself completely, you were most intimately united with God. Wicked lust, the source and occasion of sin, flowing directly from original Sill and inclining to evil, drags me along in spite of myselfalthough always voluntarilyto personal sins, sins that I know only too well are my own. Mary, My Mother, I turn to you rather for health of soul than of body. He died out of love for us; this was His final proof of love. The degree of childlike humility I have attained in life will be the degree of my greatness in heaven. For the first time after four thousand years God in His Wisdom and power and love, created again a human being in that state in which He had created our first parents. May I derive all the beneficial results the holy sacraments are to produce in my soul. You are pure and sinless. Mary, Mother of God, you are called Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament because you are associated in a special way with the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It was a life of closest union with Jesusa union of body as well as of soul. Grant that we all may heed your warning, for only through penance and reparation can we blot out sin and the insult it afflicts on God. 2. Mary, Mother of God, you are so filled with compassion that you deserve to be called not only merciful but even mercy itself. You became the Mother of God without ceasing to be a virgin, and your happy fruitfulness only consecrated and increased your purity. Filled with motherly compassion, you appealed to Jesus in behalf of your friends. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the Immaculate Conception. Mary, My Mother, help me to imitate your holiness to some degree. He was with you not only by a special protection guiding you in His ways and leading you securely to salvation. As the dawn precedes and announces the coming of the sun, makes the darkness of the night disappear, consoles the sick and rejoices all nature, so you went before and announced Jesus, "The Sun of Justice," who made the darkness of the world disappear by the light of His Gospel, consoled and cured the sick in soul and body and brought an abundance of graces and blessings to the whole world. But I want to be loved by you even more; hence, give me an ever growing love for you. On the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, 28 First Holy Communion students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. 2. From the cross Jesus gave you to me to be my Mother, and I was entrusted to your care as your child. In 1913, Pope Pius X fixed the date on September 15. 2. (1) The seven founders of the Servite Order, in 1239, five years after they established themselves on Monte Senario, took up the sorrows of Mary, standing under the Cross, as the principal devotion of their order. It was indeed a divine life that Jesus led in Your womb, a life most active, and yet one of unbroken calm. Everyday, somewhere in the world, local, regional or universal feast of Our Lady is celebrated. Mary, My Mother, you always lived under the divine influence of the Holy Spirit and in the closest possible union with Him. You used most perfectly every actual grace given you by God in acts and virtue. Teach me to utter your name with deep respect because, after the name of Jesus, it is most sacred and revered above all others. Behold I come to you to show you the wounds sin has inflicted on me. By His almighty power He would form the body of the Savior of the world, and the Divine Son would unite it to Himself forever. Having deigned to come down to you, He wished to raise you up to Himself in order that you might enter into glory. Mary, Mother of God, the results of your visit to Elizabeth were wonderful. Your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom, but on Good Friday that crucifixion reached its climax.
Bucktrout Funeral Home Williamsburg, Va Obituaries, 1528 Avenue D, Marrero, La, Frances De La Tour Wheelchair, Articles O
Bucktrout Funeral Home Williamsburg, Va Obituaries, 1528 Avenue D, Marrero, La, Frances De La Tour Wheelchair, Articles O