What are the minimum altitudes for each warp level? Each stage of the rocket has a delta-v that depends on the stage fuel mass and the engine specific impulse. Your previous content has been restored. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Even if the air is thin, you can still put out plenty of power if you are shoving enough in with raw speed. As high and fast as you can go without engine flameout: preferably ~2000 m/s at 25-30 km (and yes, that's almost orbital velocity). From my experience using a panther it starts to lose speed after 15-16 kms, a more suitable cruising height is 9-13km. If you've attached them to your fuselage with zero AoA, what that means is that when you fly, you're going to have to have the entire plane pitched slightly above in order to generate lift. The X-37 is operated by the United States Space Force for orbital spaceflight missions intended to demonstrate reusable space technologies. Main goals: Auto-trimming. The most efficient way is, of course, to make a high altitude (or space) plane. There are two factors to that: how thick the air is, how fast the ship is going. Here's my example of dealing with the situation. Thankyou all, I now reckon I have a much better understanding of the engines, hopefully that'll translate to better aircraft. Hello there. In this case lots of fuel is the wrong approach, I can get more than half way around Kerbin on 2 cans of Jet Fuel and a turbojet if I glide most of it. I didn't try for 20000m as it probably wouldn't do well. That's all true, but just read the OP: hypersonic appears to be completely out of the question. Imagine that first plane but with the bubble cockpit and the old style round intakes. Sustained flight at over 20km requires at a minimum the Panther in Afterburning mode. "Whiplash" Turbojet. That annoys me but I can't seem to get a design to make it work. Ksp engine altitudes I've been trying my hand at some High altitude speedy planes for a while now, but can't seem to get a hang of the altitudes that each engine likes, I know kerbal isn't earth, so looking up the crushing altitude of say the sr71, doesn't seem to apply, but I was hoping that others experiences would help me. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Which is capable of high altitude, high speed flight. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. If the wings are flat and your plane steadily loses altitude in level flight at a given speed (as most designs will by default), it means you either need to pitch up slightly, increasing the angle of attack and keeping your vertical velocity at 0 by flying up slightly to compensate for the pull of gravity that lift isn't compensating for. The J-404 "Panther" Afterburning Turbofan is a jet engine added in version 1.0.5. To get higher with the low tech jet engines, you need rocket assist. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Along with rockets, planes are one of KSP's most commonly referenced kinds of vessel, and are a vessel type . Your previous content has been restored. Kerbal Space Program Jool Landing Youtube. Your link has been automatically embedded. This thread is quite old. Double your speed, you need twice as much fuel. Right now, my big, fat plane has trouble breaking 10 km altitude and 200 m/s forward speed (largely due to its payload). probably the easiest place to land in the system as terminal velocity is survivable for a craft less kerman. In my case, it brought me to 20km up at a 45-degree angle, but it is probably not optimal. Only the fuel tanks attached to rockets have any oxidiser in them. Remember that you need to have intakes somewhere in line with the engine to function at that altitude. Designing a High Altitude Jet | KSP: Making Space Home Mike Aben 24.8K subscribers Join Subscribe 85 Share 3.4K views 1 year ago Ep. EDIT: Essentially, make like an SR-71, if an SR-71 didn't have cooling problems limiting it to Mach 3.4. Things that work at low altitude don't work so well up high and the plane ends up going up and down while slowly losing speed until it can't maintain altitude anymore. This means that the only thing that decides wheter your engines run efficient is determined by how much thrust they produce (opt. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Information Changelog Stats Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. 3x06: I design a new, high altitude, jet to collect high atmospheric science. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Isn't that backwards snark? Remembering the FW TA152 and the U2 I put long wings on it and while its turn rate makes an airliner look like a fighter plane it is stable enough at 19000m. Have you checked out the wiki yet? I've since shaved that down more but that was by going even higher and even faster). It flames out at 25,000. KSP - High Altitude Aircraft 16,702 views Jan 22, 2016 172 Dislike Share Save Phoenix Fleet Systems 222 subscribers Have a type of atmospheric craft you'd like to see me experiment with? A well-designed jet with this engine and with the afterburner lit, flown properly, can momentarily climb to 30,000 m altitude. Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? Since turbos are almost always enough to get you off the ground and up to altitude, I usually just do straight turbojets (with some RAPIERs for SSTO spaceplanes); the minute amount of fuel saved during the ascent isn't worth lugging those superfluous engines around at the hypersonic regime. Your link has been automatically embedded. Pasted as rich text. That will unlock: "Whiplash" Turbojet Which is capable of high altitude, high speed flight. Paste as plain text instead, and our If not, please explain why, which I know you have no problem doing! High altitude flight is efficient because the air is thinner, and therefore aircraft experience less parasitic drag. Using very light "engine rich" planes and "reverse swooping" (building velocity at 10km then gently curving up) you can temporarily get above 20km with Wheesely and Juno. The thrust of jets (turbo or otherwise) depends on airspeed: basics deliver more thrust at low speeds, while turbojets only really come into their own when you fly very fast (which also means flying very high, 20km and over). rev2023.3.3.43278. With only panthers unlocked I might add. The Rapier, for example, works great as a high-altitude engine, precisely because it can go so fast. The ideal case for optimally efficient flight (which is what you want if you're trying to maximize cruise altitude) is when your wings are mounted to the body, pitched up just enough that when cruising in level flight, the body of the aircraft is pointing perfectly . KSP doesn't care (much) about aspect ratio; the total lift is the same regardless of configuration. alternatively, combine a liquid fuel rocket into your plane. Thank you, I was able to reach up to 24km altitude with this design. I was hoping that the new intakes would give it the added altitude. It may work with stock too, I just don't know. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. All the information you could want to know about science, including the altitudes for each celestial body, and what altitudes a given experiment works on are available at: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? In the game, players direct a nascent space program, staffed and crewed by green humanoid aliens known as "Kerbals". Once you're at that regime, you should be able to cover huge distances on tiny amounts of fuel. Don't worry about Isp. A temple in the desert (6 29 47 S 141 40 3 W) known as Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn, although this name can only be seen when a vessel crashes into it. Mounting a time-limited rescue mission for kerbal inbound to Kerbin. You can halve the drag by climbing a bit less than 3500m. This is the first version. Grichmann's answer has been the most reliable way I've found to complete these missions. I followed a similar strategy. below 5,000 m), since the engine's extreme maneuverability may allow the aircraft to perform turns sharply enough to break up in flight. AoA built into the wing relative to the plane body is called the angle of incidence, just to help clear up. as a rule of thumb they all lose thrust at higher altitudes and at high velocities. But my guess is that these same general principles would probably apply to FAR, and that all that would change would be the numbers involved. First is thrust; the higher you get, the lower the thrust your engines deliver. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification. Valve Corporation. This makes jets built using this engine considerably more maneuverable. The more successful the flights, the more successful the space program is. This works, but it's not optimal. But since when do Kerbals wait for ideal conditions? Have a plane that ditches its wings and rockets up to 18km once you reach the right point. (Actually, four ways: but balloons aren't in the stock game) Lifting surfaces are great but they lose effectiveness just as fast with altitude as drag falls. Due to the lower air pressure at higher altitudes its thrust output decreases accordingly. What are the altitudes for the various altitude record contracts? Clear editor. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? Slap that behind a plane you'll be able to go beyond 20km without any trouble. This is my current best hi alt plane. It will be expensive and time consuming. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Yes. If too little air runs into the turbine your combustion chamber will not be able to burn up fuel effectively due to the lack of oxygen. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I don't recall if they model aspect ratio, but either way, the struts are murder and the delta wing has so much more wing that it'll still have more lift. There is a very close tolerance to the two speeds. I'm in career mode and got all groups of the 45-science-cost level, except Flight Control, and additionally have Electrics, Heavy Rocketry and Fuel Systems. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1933948095, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1933948668, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1934517923, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335577943, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1640213502, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1640214586, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1937826505, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1937931692. - "In Space High" means your craft is inside the given Sphere of Influence and above the "Space Border" altitude listed in the Celestial Body Multiplier Matrix. You can do that by right-clicking the engine and clicking "Toggle Mode." Powered by Invision Community. Cheers again fellas. If you want to cover your aircraft with loads of intakes, I'm sure you could easily fly above 35km and reach 2000+ m/s velocity. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. Once it's in the air, it's stable and easy to fly and manages to fly at altitudes between 11k 12k without problems. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. - Insane lift to weight didn't help. . Which lets you go faster, which lets you climb higher. But a rockets can do it. Air temperatures vary with latitude and time of day. Pvt. I don't have that cockpit in my career game yet, but maybe it will work with the other one. Is it even possible? The Boeing X-37, also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), is a reusable robotic spacecraft. Knowing how to design these types of planes make jumping in to SSTO design very easy as there are only a few minor changes that need to be made.Music Credits:1st Song: \"Elephants\" - YouTube Audio Library2nd Song: \"Hot Heat\" - YouTube Audio Library3rd Song: \"Echoes\" - Kasbo - https://soundcloud.com/k-sboWhat game is this? Dedicated to the growth and advancement of amateur rocket scientists! Display as a link instead, It is boosted into space by a launch vehicle, then re-enters Earth's atmosphere and lands as a spaceplane. So that means that even if you are inside the atmosphere but still orbital (such as during aerobraking), your science will not count as "Inside the atmosphere", For example, orbiting Kerbin above 250km altitude, your science is counted as "In Space High over Kerbin." Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You are simply running out of atmosphere (i.e. If you upgrade to the panther (or get one on a contract) that engine can get you much higher. 2022 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. It only takes a minute to sign up. Powered by Invision Community. Air Intake) and how fast your aircraft ultimately flies (air resistance/altitude)! Its an approximation missing someelements. How to know if you've nailed it perfectly: when you're cruising in level flight, you want the marker to be precisely centered in your navball cross-hairs. Using indicator constraint with two variables, Is there a solution to add special characters from software and how to do it. Most SSTO space planes would be able to accomplish this easily. You need to do it with what you've got. I'd almost expect it to work better in stock since infini-gliders can be done. The SR-71 could probably fly higher, but it isn't flying any more. Strictly speaking this optimisation is unnecessary, but it can win you a bit of range. Thanks. (Disclaimer: I've never used FAR myself; all of the above is based on my experience with stock aerodynamics. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? This tutorial will cover designing and flying a plane that can soar at high altitudes! Your answer got me in the right direction, though I ended up with a different design (see my own answer). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It was meant for low altitude flight. Approximately 12km up the main engines stop providing enough thrust to maintain the climb, so it's time to switch to rocket mode. You arent doing anything wrong. Another problem is jet engines stealing fuel from the rockets' tanks - you may want to pump the fuel manually (requires an R&D centre upgrade) or add some pipes between them. Put a couple of radial mount parachutes just above the com and add a reaction wheel. When you are surrounded by plenty of air there will of course be no need to suck in air artificially but the higher you get the less dense the air around you becomes and in order to make sure that your engines have enough oxygen to burn the fuel it needs to suck air in forcefully. I should perhaps start trying out NEAR to get ready of 0.90, though. 1Altitude requirement 2Orbit 3Speed, range, and altitude 4Flight duration 5Flight profiles 5.1Ballistic missiles 5.2Tourist flights 5.3Scientific experiments 5.4Sub-orbital transportation 6Notable uncrewed sub-orbital spaceflights 7Crewed sub-orbital spaceflights 8Future of crewed sub-orbital spaceflight 9See also 10References My plane has turbojets and lots of fuel, but I am wondering what the optimal way to fly is. Or you need to put a little bit of angle of incidence in your wings, which will reduce drag since you don't have to pitch the entire plane up, but will be stuck at a fixed angle meaning you'll have to pitch up or down anyway during certain phases of the flight that the plane isn't optimised for. In the main KSP settings menu you should set the default throttle to 1.0 (technically the above mechjeb setting winds up restoring the default throttle, so it needs to be 1.0) In the attitude adjustment menu make sure you are using the "better controller" Whack the 45 degree phase margin button Whack the restore all other defaults button As I understand, the OP wanted "the most efficient way to fly", and simply needed a bit of help in realizing that that is a hypersonic, high-altitude, high-performance aircraft which is a RAPIER and a little oxidizer away from being an SSTO spaceplane. As high and fast as you can go without engine flameout: preferably ~2000 m/s at 25-30 km (and yes, that's almost orbital velocity). KSP Quick Guides: High Altitude Design and Flying - Stock v.23 Stoober AK 3.32K subscribers Subscribe 21K views 8 years ago This tutorial will cover designing and flying a plane that can soar. It is designed to aid in player-controlled flight on generic (space)plane, providing a soft layer between user joystick\keyboard input and control surface outputs. even stranger is that the surface is textured. If too much air runs into the turbine, the excessive amount just flows out unused through side-vents (I think). surface of jool. Clear editor. To get there, you're going to want to climb at the fastest rate you can manage to 18-20 km, at which point you should mostly level off and start accelerating horizontally. A jet engine from KSP 0.18 A jet engine is an air-breathing engine which uses onboard liquid fuel and combusts it with the oxygen drawn from the atmosphere. Can't remember where I saw/read about it - Scott Manley maybe? - Insane TWR didn't help. Thanks for the help! If it's above the cross-hairs, you need a little less. This can make it a good alternative for when you want something that can be controllable and doesn't need excessive heat shielding, but still need to be able to go incredibly fast if necessary, at the expense of increased fuel consumption. Air Flow + max. a screenshot of kerbal space program 2. by: lord bird. high-1 A Screenshot of Kerbal Space Program By: miklkit This is the current version. 2022 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. It is usually best for initial designs to be based on logic and real-world physics and then be prepared to experiment with non-logical alternatives for optimisation. 600+ m/s) and low altitudes (e.g. The longest flight got them down to a little more than half full. i dont know what kind of range youre looking for but i would make a significantly smaller plane. FAR is supposed to take aspect into account, but I'm not very experienced with it and cannot advice you as to how it works. One problem is i'm running stock on career mode and only have 30 part to spare, so large planes are out of the question. I checked the wiki before I wrote my question, it seems I overread this paragraph Something that I think has become less clear since someone updated the wiki. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? More air is better. What you should be concerned about is atmospheric drag, and that's minimized by high-altitude flight. They always seem to lose power at about 15km, but I'm wondering if there's something I can do to fix that. Jets drop thrust at higher altitude and speed, but also drop . Range with this method is pretty short due to drag. My question is really about controllability. with a thrust vectoring range of only 3 degrees. You can spin around the whole world on just fumes. Your airspeed is mostly limited by terminal velocity; you can go much faster if you climb a little higher.
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