However, while I appreciate the desire to have a biblically based view on alcohol, I do believe this article misses the heart behind the rule of abstaining from alcohol while being a student at Cedarville. Affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, the College built its first building, Old Main (now called Founders Hall), in 1895. Location & Hours 251 N Main St Cedarville, OH 45314 Get directions You understand, a lot of people are hunting round for this information, you could help them greatly. This, of course, means any movie above a PG-rating or below a -1 score on (though there exists the very rare acquiescing from the school). So go ahead and get offended on the internet because someone you dont even know wrote down the rules of strict colleges and made snarky comments about them. This article oversimplifies the issue, as well as interprets the motives behind the rule, both of which are misleading. 8; Gal. I was there when the movie came out, and I remember some other students calling me unspiritual because I chose not to watch the movie with them. We can have/get tattoos, we dont have to attend church at all if we dont want to. Some people feel safer if there isnt a lot of drinking and other rowdiness going on. Giving into that division will never bring peace. And if you have to miss which many do at one point or another you get 8 free chapel skips. My mothers beliefs were disliked, so when I became an orphan I was put into foster care by my family and forbidden to speak with my cousins or brother; I was a gateway for satan to taint them.. at 12 years old. Men may not grow their sideburns past their earlobes, have hair covering their ears, or keep moustaches beyond the corners of their mouths. A lot of the comments here seem to be objecting to what the author said by defending these schools. For any college that you are considering, know before you go. Ive also chosen to go back this Fall because it follows the Bible and the rules discourage wrong things so it is Much easier to make right decisions! Cedarville University is an independent Baptist school located in Cedarville, Ohio, which teaches its academics "by Christian tradition" meaning, believing that their take on religion is the only right view, that free speech is a no-no, that gays are evil, that evolution is religion and creationism is science, that the bible is a history textbook and that any TV show/movie/video game/book . There are a few on this list that are over the top in their rules, like Bob Jones and Pensacola. She worked a part time job, attended church, volunteered at a local organization, was on a school team and carried a course load of 15 to 19 hours while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. i really hope if youre not saved that this eats away at your consciene soo much that you cant live like that anymore and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus ChristJohn 3:16- For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should NOT perish, but have everlasting lifeso it doesnt matter who you are, what youve done or whatever you case is, God wants to and will save you if you only call on His name. Required fields are marked *. hahaha what a joke, and you call yourselves civilized. You were assaulted and hurt by what that person did to you, and, rightfully, you should be, but I doubt someone like that could be a true Christian, and if they were, they were not in Gods will. Oddly left out are West Point Academy, Air Force Academy and other military schools. However, the rule only worked one way. I attended Liberty from 99-01 and it was great. Because the nude human body is just as detrimental to society as a sawed-off shotgun. Other than in the residence halls, shirts should be worn everywhere on campus, including the Callan Athletic Center. Premarital sex is wrong,the bible clearly states so amongst other things. Theyre not going to hunt you down or anything. I believe the answer lies with how students (like me) were raised. Cedarville University. Eliane There are some rules that I whish didn't exist, but I understand why they are inplace, so they don't bother me all that much. Unfortunately, that will probably never happen for one simple reason: Cedarville is so concerned with their image that they are more willing to treat their students like children than follow actual Biblical principles. Welcome to a nation who makes each individual feel entitled to make his own god based on his opinion. You are loved. Cashiers Office. Yay secularism! But most, if not all, of these schools require their faculty to live up to the same or stricter standards standards that the faculty and the school believe are right. But its greatly changed now. As for chapel, yeah, its mandatory. The official Honor Code of BYU strictly outlaws camping trips with members of the opposite sex, though instances with separate accommodations for males and females will at least receive a modicum of consideration and reduced discipline if unauthorized. She did meet some students who were unhappy with Asbury for various reasons, like any students at any college. He let a known to be unclean woman wash his feet with perfume. Isnt that what freedom means: choosing what you want to do and suffering the consequences for your actions. He transferred to public school where he had no friends and even less support and encouragement from faculty/students, and two months later he shot himself. I attended Asbury for my first 2 years of college and met my wife there. The Cedarville Experience, our student handbook, is designed to help you be successful at Cedarville University. Religion is a choice not a punishment and certainly it is not a requirement if I am not mistaken by my own logic as well as using the bible as a reference would God really want you to be FORCED and REQUIRED to worship him in the ways others want you too? And its true men may not wear makeup. You willingly agree to their rules when you come here and they arent a secret. They understandably discourage illegal and discourteous behaviors such as excessive drunkenness, but generally harmless actions like possessing legal pornography, moderate drinking, disciplined gambling, dancing, sensuality, premarital sex, and homosexuality all remain condemned and held up as just as harmful to young, educated minds. However, as a Cedarville student, you represent the University. Case in point: I had been dating the same guy for over three years. Just my humble, unbiased opinion; take it or leave it. All men and women are expected to dress modestly, stay well-groomed, and avoid tattoos and body piercings. 3:34). She said, as a Christian thats how I live my life anyway. Some may seem that way to those who dont adhere to a particular faith. I went to Asbury college and for a Christian college I have never had such a bad taste in my mouth for a group of people. Of those admitted 972 enrolled in the . you know, just as there are Christians who behave badly, there are secular women who have higher standards. 4:3. It is NOT frowned upon if you do not attend other Christian things like church simply suggested. Only God can do that. What rules are they not so strict on? All of which are traditional dances and (in my opinion) in no way put the dancers morality and purity at risk. Here are two rules that are across the board on campus (that your RA will be giving you more detail about once you arrive on campus) . Also, Dami, Sodom and Gamorah was only said to be evil because they tried to A) rape two visitor (angels mind you) 2) they were gluttonous in their behavior 3) I am pretty darn sure that a gay man was NOT on the committee for writing the Bible 4) the bible also condemns women for having a period.. (I did study the Bible), strict rules can actually push one from God. She ate me out the first week I was there and gifted me with my first strap on fucking a few weeks latter. Twitter. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); These days, college is expensive and not the best choice for everyone. I went to PCC in the early 80s. Cedarvilles policy on alcohol is simply another notch in the post of treating students like children rather than adults. But people need to remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and casting people out of a school because they dont meet excessive regulations arent bringing them any closer to God. When so-called Christians give up murder & pork; & they begin smoting doves, I might start believing them. I was kicked out of BJU twice and finally asked to not come back to finish my JR semester. Are they genuinely pushing their students towards the path of Christ? The school even governs how students are to go about their off-campus employment as well. Some of the dating offenses include displays of affection beyond hand-holding both on- and off-campus, seeing one another in swimming or sunbathing attire, not exiting a car at the same time immediately upon turning off the engine, being caught alone together while at school, and going on single dates while a freshman. And in your rush to condemn schools that ban stuff that the book theyre led by tells them is wrong and sinful, you left out the worse stuff. According to the student handbook, "Nearly 70% of our undergraduates are under the legal drinking age. Most of my serious infractions involved demerits for not emptying the trash, not having two feet on the floor at morning light bell, hair touching my eyebrows and humming along to my roommate playing Dust in the Wind on his guitar. Will students at uber-Chritstian universities have this? While this is a nice general principle, it is not full proof. We call our student handbook The Cedarville Experience because it includes many of the guidelines and principles that will shape your time at Cedarville. You might want to take a closer look at everything that was going on at the time. Extremely vulgar!!! Articles are submitted and written anonymously in order to protect the identities of students and non-students alike who could face backlash or punishment for expressing their viewpoints that differ in any way from Cedarville University. Quite honestly, speaking as a Christian myself, attending a private Christian college is not always the best choice depending on your career path. But people can dance randomly if they want at any time of course as long as youre not grinding your boyfriend or getting down low, youre good. All women are required to keep their skirts at knee-length or longer and receive no piercings beyond one in the earlobe. Its not as strict as its portrayed here. Cedarville University should be on this list its more strict than Liberty. Cedarville police were called to the Stevens Student Center Tuesday morning after a 911 caller reported that a male student had been stabbed. 1st of all we agree to go to these strict schools. Those of you who are saying Oh SOMEBODY has to set standards for the youth. Guess what? Stay up the great paintings! Save for the dress code and media violations, most of these infractions can lead to disciplinary actions or even outright dismissal from the school. Incidentally, the D.A.R.E. Finally she taught me how to take a hard anal fucking so I would be ready for a fundie husband some day. If you EVER want to be in a highly sexually-charged atmosphere, these are the places to be. You arent writing truth, you are writing opinion. All mixed groups of men and women both on and off campus require the presence of a chaperone to intercede on any behaviors they deem offensive to their conservative sensibilities. Outright banning everything that can be dangerous to someones health and character leaves much less room for students to learn moderation. Since Asbury, I dont believe that she has read one new such book. If a student applies and is admitted to one of the educational institutions it is safe to assume that theyve read and have agreed to the guidelines. Because some might say that the strict rules only serve to lead people away. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 3,540 undergraduate students. And we can definitely dance. The specific guidelines included below are shaped by biblical principles, community preferences, and cultural expectations in terms of propriety and professionalism. As part of this I had to see the Dean of Men and he told me of a couple who rubbed against each other until bad things happened apparently he was expecting me to admit the same (4) One time in a private setting in a social area for couples to spend time she sat on my lap we were told by a person representing the college this was inappropriate behavior; (5) chapel attendance was required and attendance taken and I believe 2 misses meant disciplinary action (6) guys and girls were not allowed to swim together although I believe this has changed (7) Very little help was provided if you needed help in academics, although one of the college missions is to provide help to those in KY who had inferior high school experiences (6) It was extremely rule oriented it was about following the rules and not about development and transformation as a responsible ethical who loved God and Christ. Would you consider keeping Cedarville dry but not trying to control students during breaks a reasonable middle ground, or is it more of a all-or-nothing for you? So even if we (younger generation) are unholy, damned, and reckless WE have the right to be and i am proud to be invoking my first amendment rights, at this moment by stating my very valid oppinion because I CAN. I got to Oral and they dont follow you around but they are strict, I have piercings and Ive been told to put clear retainers in during class and school events. Certainly they are more strict and arbitrary in their rules than some of the schools here. Either way, check your facts before you publish. If Jesus were alive, why wouldnt he want people to volunteer in nursing homes? So sorry for everyone you had contact with. And of course, students can meet ANYWHERE else on or off campus whenever they want. -Having or Supporting Abortions, similar to the last one. Sure, we get frustrated with the rules, but the vast majority of the time, we are too busy to really notice or care. The decision to use alcohol and tobacco kills nearly 500,000 Americans a year, the porn industry destroys millions, and how many die from abortion. Third, many of these rules ban things that arent dangerous (eg dancing, scary or violent movies, and sex so long as the people involved know what they are doing and all proper precautions are used) and that are a lot of fun. So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. It always has been, and always will be. I obtain an Associate degree of Theology, and have done subjects to obtain my bachelor They help stem the tide of STDs, date rape, the dangers of substance abuse, etc., Oh, Im sorry, you must know so much more than the current students and those who have graduated and are leading great lives. Welcome to America, what a statement! As discussed in the article on Cedarville's alcohol rules, when you make something illegal, it doesn't stop people who want to do it. However, these organizations listed in this article are forcing students to live by ridiculously strict rules and I dont see how anyone can think this is the right way to live. Manifestation of modesty includes seeking to adorn the Gospel by placing emphasis on the condition of ones heart expressed by living with humility in attitude, behavior, and dress (Prov. ( While I do not agree with every aspect of Carsons analysis, he does raise some key truths about disputable matters.. Homosexuality is also wrong,because it upset God to the extent of destroying sodom and gomorah. IT IS WRONG. I respect your opinion and where its coming from. Use of alcohol was simply pushed underground out of regulatory bounds and resulted in the creation of a black market. Students are not permitted to attend parties where alcohol is being used in a manner that violates University standards. Use of food and drink is listed by Paul in a discussion of disputable matters. We are advised to be careful not to place stumbling blocks in a brothers way.
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