(d) The third ionization energy of Ru is less than the third ionization energy of Fe. 74% average accuracy. Which of the following describes a fundamental difference between political parties and interest groups? (E) targeted to benefit residents of specific congressional districts, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) was a significant Supreme Court ruling because it A) an increase in income taxes B) a tax on tobacco or alcohol C) a tax on religious . (A) Newspaper endorsements The Commerce Clause has been a source for the major expansion of federal power in the last 100 years. (B) dominance of corporate power in setting the national policy agenda for economic expansion (A) the president from forcibly revealing private conversations with staff. Terms in this set (45) Which of the following are provided by government as public goods. Which of the following is argued by James Madison in The Federalist paper No. (B) Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on a few seconds ago. Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. (C) dual federalism (A) Reorganization of the federal bureaucracy -regulating bankruptcy and currency. Which system of government is being described in this quote: "But as the plan of the [Constitutional] convention aims only at a partial union or consolidation, the state governments would clearly retain all of the rights of sovereignty which they had before, and which were not, by that act, EXCLUSIVELY delegated to the United . cannot be sued and is not subject to any other legal action. APHUG Chapter 8 DRAFT. b. the President runs for reelection so it provides a boost to all of the candidates from his party running for reelection. Which of the following statements about immigration in the United States is true? The true statement about gerrymandering is c. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible.. What is gerrymandering? may be a candidate in an open primary. (E) active military officers, The role Congress plays in ensuring that executive branch agencies are carrying out their legislated responsibilities is known as dont pick random answers pls a It is unconsitutional because it interferes with the people's right to vote b redraws district lines in response to changing populations c. Can be used to manipulate votes to favor one political party d. Redistricting on racial or ethnic grounds is unconsitutional voters. The machine the company is considering costs $120,000. Political socialization is the process by which (D) Age discrimination Which of the following is NOT true of Gerrymandering? (E) They serve for life and are not subject to congressional impeachment. The advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? Article I = Congress/Legislature For each item, answer the following questions. (D) Separation of students by race, even in equally good schools, is unconstitutional. (C) An executive branch that is more powerful than the legislature Which of the following is a reason that scholars believe that the counter-majoritarian difficulty faced by courts is lessened? It occurs when the President takes no action on a bill for ten days during which Congress is adjourned. (D) Candidates get more free airtime. (B) by legislators on trips to home states to confer with constituents 0 times. created by Congress, but report directly to the president. indirectly, through the electoral college. (B) Conflicts between states (B) horizontal federalism Standing committees are called the workhorse of the legislative process because. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Establishing common currency. (A) Legal equality (A) Congress may remove the president through its impeachment and conviction powers. The number of political appointments available to the president, is constrained by the civil service system, The formal declaration by the appropriate congressional committee that a certain amount of funding may be made available to an agency is called, The Constitution gives the vice president, the job of presiding over the Senate and voting in case of a tie, When no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote, the. (E) allow sixteen year olds to vote if they have a valid driver's license. A release of classified information that may endanger American soldiers is called a leak, and a release of information that calls attention to inefficiency or illegal action is called whistleblowing. the tactic of gerrymandering has been used for racial discrimination. b. All of these methods of gerrymandering have the effect of reducing voters' influence on their representatives, which is why (D) is the best answer. AP US Government and Politics Practice Tests, Download AP US Government and Politics Practice Tests, AP United States Government and Politics Test 1, AP United States Government and Politics Test 2, AP United States Government and Politics Test 3, AP United States Government and Politics Test 4, AP United States Government and Politics Test 5, AP United States Government and Politics Test 6, AP United States Government and Politics Test 7, AP United States Government and Politics Test 8, AP United States Government and Politics Test 9, AP United States Government and Politics Test 10, AP United States Government and Politics Test 11, AP United States Government and Politics Test 12, AP United States Government and Politics Test 13, AP United States Government and Politics Test 14, AP United States Government and Politics Test 15, AP United States Government and Politics Test 16, AP United States Government and Politics Test 17, AP United States Government and Politics Test 18, AP United States Government and Politics Test 19, AP United States Government and Politics Test 20, AP United States Government and Politics Test 21, AP United States Government and Politics Test 22, AP United States Government and Politics Test 23, AP United States Government and Politics Test 24, AP United States Government and Politics Test 25, AP United States Government and Politics Test 26, AP United States Government and Politics Test 27, AP United States Government and Politics Test 28, AP United States Government and Politics Test 29, AP United States Government and Politics Test 30, AP United States Government and Politics Test 31, AP United States Government and Politics Test 32, AP United States Government and Politics Test 33, AP United States Government and Politics Test 34, AP United States Government and Politics Test 35, AP United States Government and Politics Test 36, AP United States Government and Politics Test 37, AP United States Government and Politics Test 38, AP United States Government and Politics Test 39, AP United States Government and Politics Test 40, AP United States Government and Politics Test 41, AP United States Government and Politics Test 42, AP United States Government and Politics Test 43, AP United States Government and Politics Test 44, AP United States Government and Politics Test 45, AP United States Government and Politics Test 46, AP United States Government and Politics Test 47, AP United States Government and Politics Test 48, AP United States Government and Politics Test 49, AP United States Government and Politics Test 50, AP US Government and Politics Test 51: Constitutional Foundations, AP US Government and Politics Test 52: Federalism, AP US Government and Politics Test 53: The Legislative Branch, AP US Government and Politics Test 54: The Executive Branch and the Bureaucracy, AP US Government and Politics Test 55: The National Judiciary, AP US Government and Politics Test 56: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, AP US Government and Politics Test 57: Political Socialization, Ideology, and Public Opinion, AP US Government and Politics Test 58: Campaigns, Elections, and Voting, AP US Government and Politics Test 59: Political Parties, AP US Government and Politics Test 60: Interest Groups and the Mass Media, AP US Government and Politics Test 61: Politics and Public Policymaking, A. favors incumbent candidates over challengers, B. can divide like-minded voters into several districts to reduce their influence, C. has been allowed by the Supreme Court in some instances, D. increases the control voters have over their elected officials, E. can group members of a racial minority into a single district. The largest source of federal revenue is the. (D) federalism A final possible cause for polarization is the increasing sophistication of gerrymandering, or the manipulation of legislative districts in an attempt to favor a particular candidate (Figure 9.18). (B) Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on narrow sets of issues. WANG: Note that even without gerrymandering, there is a basic cause of low competition in US politics: geographic clustering of voters, which makes it hard to draw competitive districts in most . Which of the following is a member of the White House Staff? (B) evangelical Christians 1. Write True or false _____1.Sunlight is madeup of several colors _____2. (E) Business and government can work together to more effectively accomplish shared goals. (E) low voter turnout in most elections, Both Gitlow v. New York and New York Times v. Sullivan are United States Supreme Court cases that dealt with which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution? (A) Political efficacy Which of the following is NOT a way in which the federal government regulates campaigns? Compared to the general population, delegates to presidential nomination conventions are (E) necessary and proper clause, Which of the following is a fundamental element of the United States Constitution? (C) lobbying federal agencies (E) children are trained for successful occupations. Which of the following is true regarding gerrymandering? b. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. SB 3 financial analysis - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Because the . The role in which members of Congress serve as brokers between private citizens and the federal government usually takes the form of. (C) Establishes a unitary form of government. (A) Different levels of government are involved in common policy areas. (D) It has lowered the cost of running for office. When was the last time prior to 2018 that the voter turnout rate in a non-presidential election exceeded 50 percent? (C) desire to promote trade among the states (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as . (C) Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase True or False: The Civil War permanently increased the power of the federal government. (D) By limits on individual donations to campaigns The first period included relations between the Kingdom of Hungary and the first Slovak Republic in 1939-1945. Seats in the House of Representatives are up for election every __________, while Senate seats are up for election every __________. (E) executive privilege, The Constitution states that all revenue bills must originate in (C) laws protecting voting rights for minorities When party members meet in small groups throughout the state to discuss and select the party's delegates to the national convention, this is known as, The earliest caucus of the presidential race usually takes place in. Is this conclusion consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block? must be from the majority party in the House. (A) less interested in politics In addition to reducing costs, the new machine will increase production by 6,000 boxes of chocolates per year. The party in control of the state legislature draws district boundaries in such a way as to favor its own candidates in subsequent elections. the committee member of the majority party with the longest continuous service normally becomes the committee chairperson. (D) separation of powers (D) Educational assistance programs such as student loans (E) Senate, In the process and structure of public policymaking, "iron triangles" refer to the The following statements is true: In a district-based election, gerrymandering favors whomever gets to draw the district boundaries to gain an electoral advantage. Which of the following constitutional principles most directly addresses the relationship between the national and state governments? All of the following statements about gerrymandering are true EXCEPT that it. (A) It is rarely overridden by Congress. facing voters frequently largely promotes agency representation. (D) Participatory democracy is the surest way to prevent tyranny. politics. *AP & Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this site. Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight? (D) networks of congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies, and interest groups that strongly In the history of the United States, no president has ever, All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering EXCEPT. These changes are recorded by the U.S. Census, which is conducted every 10 years. These are just the multiple choice questions from Tophat and their answers. Explain in light of the electron configuration of hydrogen. In politics, gerrymandering occurs when someone or a group of people do something to manipulate votes in a way that benefits their group or devastates the opposing person or group. (A) Recognition of the centrality of political parties in government Winning __________ electoral college votes is right to secure the presidency. Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? Gerrymandering refers to the manipulation of district lines to favor one party or class of people. Which of the following is an example of VERTICAL federalism? a. (B) They serve as long as the appointing president stays in power. . (D) Directing the Government Accountability Office (GAO) (C) federal supremacy The term "pork barrel" refers to legislation specifically designed to. d. REM sleep, Assume that Peggy Gyger, accounts payable clerk for Patmen Inc., stole $193,750 by paying fictitious invoices for goods that were never received. Save your work to complete the next Problem. You can use a glass prism to combine the colors if sunligh . d. Partisan gerrymandering has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Log in for more information. (C) broad construction (A) It has increased the importance of state party organizations. In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court established which of the following principles? (C) Men's greater political participation b. Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing district lines in such a way as to give candidates from a certain party, ethnic group, or faction an advantage. Which of the following statements about partisanship in the Texas legislature is correct? The Constitution states that all revenue bills (tax bills) must originate in. How is a president chosen when none of the candidates receives a majority of the electoral college vote ? (D) filing federal lawsuits (C) Transportation and Infrastructure The United States Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in two cases challenging the constitutionality of partisan gerrymanders in Maryland and North Carolina. was ruled nonjusticiable by the Supreme Court in 2020 Congress could regulate the growing of wheat by a farmer on his own land. it guaranteed that admission of new states would be balanced between slave and free. This is true regardless of whether it is Democrats or Republicans drawing the maps. (A) "clear and present danger" doctrine (E) affirmative action, Which of the following is the best example of a categorical grant? Federal budget entitlements refer to spending Supreme Court justices According to the video, what is executive power? Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? (C) federal supremacy gerrymandering, in U.S. politics, the practice of drawing the boundaries of electoral districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage over its rivals (political or partisan gerrymandering) or that dilutes the voting power of members of ethnic or linguistic minority groups (racial gerrymandering). Which of the following best describes the concept of political efficacy? Twin jet engines on an airplane are producing an average sound frequency of 4100 Hz with a beat frequency of 0.500 Hz. c.they were friendly to the people of the neighboring lands.d.they believed that men . -the tactic of gerrymandering has been used for racial discrimination. Gerrymandering is the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the goal of giving one party an unfair advantage. Which of the following statements about motions for cloture rule is true? (E) The Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Interest groups engage in all of the following activities EXCEPT (B) legislative oversight (b) What are the n and l quantum numbers of the electron removed on going from Fe2+^{2+}2+ to Fe3+^{3+}3+?
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