Consideringevidencefor combat-related disabilities, see, A non-combat Veterans statements, Click to Read, Evaluating service treatement records, see, The accuracy or clarity of the individuals memory, Usinglayevidenceto support a claim, Click to Read. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. thank you for letting me vent. Edit your sample va nexus letter for sleep apnea online. The tricky part is to do this without going on for so long that they get bored to death while reading your statement. As my boy mind is clearing up I see other issues that will raise his ratings. I am sickened, sad, and angry after reading these posts. PTSD can turn a friendly, outgoing person into a withdrawn loner. If you want some serious help and information from a veteran who has 30 years of experience helping veterans across America and beyond. Well I was killing people in the South Mekong River Valley area with a group of ARVN Rangers and a small Spec ops team. The thought of the VA letting vets die before they decide a claim makes me want to punch whoever is in charge. I am a military mom, my boy served on the USS EnterpriseHe came home a wreck. 03. Then start the NOD. Youll be glad you did. The VA does not care about the Vet now or never. He threw himself back into what he loved and seemed to improve. This type of sleep apnea occurs when your throat muscles intermittently relax and block your airway during sleep. Regardless of the cause of your sleep apnea, a signed and dated letter from your spouse can go a long way to assisting you in filing a winning claim for this disability. A veterans own statement, covering in sufficient detail a condition that is within his/her ability to describe, such as his/her own symptoms, may to that extent constitutecredible and competent lay evidence. Sample Sleep Apnea Nexus Letter needed.. theprimitivemind. I wish I could sue for pain and suffering. Then medical records and personnel records sent to me from St Louis and VA were totaly incomplete. According to the VA C & P experts, I was never there, if I was then Im making too big of a deal of it and deserve no compensation because it wasnt a designated Combat Zone. By the way, the QTC doctor spent maybe 3-5 minutes with me, did no examination, and asked for no health history. Allison Hickey Final Love Note To VA Employees, Veteran Shocked By Disability Rating Reduction 70 To 0 Percent, Freedom of Information Act request letter, This time, Im assuming due to clerical error, they were sending all of my paperwork to the wrong address! Competent lay evidence means any evidence not requiring that the proponent have specialized education, training, or experience. App. When my husband left the military in 2000 he was still snoring loudly until he went to the doctor to check his swollen uvula sometime in 2002. A real eye opener I will use it in the future! They also had to clean the planes. Nexus Letters For Sleep Apnea. My Brother, My heart goes out to you, as for myself, this is my third (3rd.) Ben, can i ask where you found the information on the epa reports and such for the buildings you were stationed in? From hang-nail to blindness, the veteran is very much out of luck. There is a very fine line in striking that balance. AMEN!! Any ideas. Just another vet giving out bad information. It is on this day that I went into V-tach and almost died of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Benjamin, thanks for the insight. This information is especially important if your service treatment records lack sufficient medical evidence of any in-service disability or condition. RIGHT and SHINE VETERANS CALLED YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS PASSED A VETERAN LAW HIRED AT LEAST ONE AT ANY VETERAN MEDICAL CENTER A COSMETIC DENTISTRY DENTIST THAT KNOWS HOW TO PUT IN G4 IMPLANTSPLUS TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS SHOULD PASSED A VETERAN LAW IF VETERAN NEED A PROCEDURE DONE THE MEDICAL PROVIDER SHOULD GET PAID FIRST PLUS SPREAD THE WORD.SEMPER FI. I filed immediately a (nasty) letter of disagreement and an appeal . We provide nexus letters that are: personalized to each veteran. You might want them to have it notarized. My one doctor wrote a letter but it was not sufficient. Call your VA counterpart and ask about your claim at least once a month. This is areal problem for guys that were on ops that have no paper trail. In fact, this post was written based on that experience during my first year of law school. Insider Tips: How to Schedule a Sleep Study with the VA, Top 5 Reasons for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Claim Denials. All that is on top of a diagnosis of Sleep Apnea requiring a CPAP machine and back pain, from my spinal surgery. Instead, it sounds like you are spreading the dysinfo many regional offices put out there to discourage veterans. there are Disabilities SC and CR that are not evaluated yet If you have problems sleeping go to the va and request a sleep apnea test! This is not the first time Ive heard this erroneous claim from a veteran service officer who is not educated in the law but instead shilling for the agency by spreading dysinfo myths. where do you live? I read that they can get claims decided a lot faster if you have a qualified medical professional MD, PhD etc,. He began throwing things and hiding under tables. I am now 100% and also the Post Service Officer with The American Legion Post 147 of Jasper Indiana. He was also paranoid and reactive. I will sincerely appreciate it. I have applied for military disability. In general, a VA claim requires the following: It can turn a calm, easygoing person into a powder keg. VA Disability: $23k PTSD Medical Nexus Letter. OSA is a common denial veterans receive when Episodes where you do not breath when you are asleep. Everytime I deal with a VA shrink all they care to ask me about is my past. Amen my sister. 2. I am also going through the compensation process for my issues related to service. As I understand it, there are only a few places in the world that the VA is allowing presumptive service-connection for conditions resulting from Agent Orange. That was my only proof of an accident and it was accepted. U>S Army 1971-74. If you are considered service-connected, you will receive a VA disability rating for Sleep Apnea 0%, 30%, 50%, or 100%. My name is Vincent Collins I was in South Da Nang Vietnam Province in1970 at the time Agent Orange was administered I aquired hepatitis as well as high blood pressure during that time. and these disabilities ratings are affecting my CRSC Payments from the DFAS (the other MF) which is now at the 20% . The claims adjudicator also completely ignored all my treatments for sinusitis. The value accorded to other types oflayevidencedepends on such factors as. Youll learn about the Forgotton ones and how the veterans have been screwed by the system. Along that same time frame, VA did not have money to pay claims. I do not want something for nothing. Buddy Letters (Buddy Statements), also known as Lay Statements, can serve as valuable pieces of evidence for VA claims. Getting a spousal letter supporting sleep apnea is a great way to get this lay evidence. In 2009, I was awarded service connection for the COPD, and because I was on oxygen I was granted 100%. Maybe an email from you with subject: Dont Tread on Me may encourage me: kelleykents (at)(gee)mail(dot)com Thanks for caring. connected because it not documented in my record but I was granted 50% for my PTSD I, Know that theres a connection somewhere can anybody help me with this or give some advice, And if you need to do an appeal here is the link for the questionnaires you will need : They range from 85 years old to 21 years. I distinctly remember him snoring louder than anyone that Id ever heard in my life. Have the doctor do a test for everything you are complaining about. Its very discouring to see that applications are routinely denied and delayed, sometimes until the time that the applicant is deceased. I and someone with legal status added up my percentage through Federal Code of Regulations 38 and came up with percentage of 86. Another claim maybe fairly simple, but carry a lot points weight wisethat is the one that I am going to work. When you need Ptsd Buddy Letter From Wife, don't accept anything less than the USlegal brand. I am thinking about filing a claim, I have been diagnosed by the VA, with PTSD! Sample Letter To VA For . I hereby certify that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. since several compensation claims were filed,to cover assignments, ranging from , two years (24 months) in South Korea DMZ line next day after the 24th INF Division pushed the NK, back up north. For example, buddy letters describing an in-service injury will be of little use in a claim for an increased rating or entitlement to TDIU. mode to head Tag nexus letter for sleep apnea Showing 1 1 of 1 Items With hundreds of chapters across the globe ASIS is. If you want to learn how to implement these strategies to get the VA benefits you deserve, click here to speak with a VA claim expert for free. I was knocked off a rope in the Marine Corps. I did the Notice of Disagreement and was turned down. A 100% rating yields $3332.06 per month. hi my name is anthony brown and i served in the united states navy from 1987 to 1995 which the military has lost my medical records serveral times. One thing your evidence should have is a Nexus letter (hopefully from a doctor or your in your SMRs) explaining how the evidence in your file is relevant to the condition you have now . VA Buddy Letter Example. 163. theprimitivemind. Hope its over soon . It provides the step by step process of researching your claim. Take a look at the website above. what a joke. Well, things got rolling with my new advocate and talking with someone at the Regional Office, I ended up getting 70%, because in 2005 I should of received 50% and then 70%, so of course I received a good amount of back pay. From 1986 thru 2007 I kept my claim of sinusits alive by new material evidence, appeals, de novo reviews and anything else I could think of. It is so true that the people sitting behind the desks and making these decisions about our livelihood do not have a clue. Tell them about your vet affliations. Alternatively, service connection may be established under 38 C.F.R. The VA claims it never was reported prior to my being released. I am hiring a Lawyer and I will see someone from the Comp & Pen meeting in front of a Judge. i cant sleep at night, i wait up sweating, having night mares, and out burst. A large percentage of denied VA disability claims are later overturned on appeal. In order to ensure the VA accepts the statement as being from someone credible and competent, the person giving the statement should have first-hand knowledge of the veteran or the veterans service. Click to Read Shedden v. Principi, 381 F.3d 1163, 1167 (Fed. I have done all of the work and an attorney would never have done what I have done. I would rather die which I will do as a result of malpractice at the hands of an incompetent foreign doctor in the VA emergency room, than to go thru this arduous and torturous dog and horse show and reems of paperwork to add to my misery before I die and then wait an enormous amount of time which I do not now have thanks to the VA uncaring attitude. I have been asked to write a letter in support of Williams R's claim. Actually I started gathering evidence when he was in because I started seeing symptoms, not quite PSTD but more Bipolar, he saw psych at least three separate time on the ship during the time of other shipmates committing suicide. Hey my brothers our true salvation is waiting for us beyond this earth. How do I obtain a DBQ and a Medical Nexus Opinion? Far too many of the VA claims people act like the money is coming from their own pockets. The doctor ordered a sleep study and he was granted to use a CPAP device. 50 percent disability rating: $1,041.82 per month. I received 90%. ANYONE OUT THERE KNOW HOW I COULD GET ON FOX? How does his opinion over rule a board certified immunologist? I put in a claim was denied any suggestions. While a sleep study must be conducted and submitted as medical evidence, a spouse can provide insight into how the sleep disorder impacts the veteran's daily life. In 2004 I was granted 10%. [emailprotected] If you have ever seen the movie Office Space, then you have an accurate depiction of what the Philadelphia PMC is. I filed for my disability upon discharge was was rated at 0% service connection on three issues. I would like to see the criteria for agent orange. i am disheartened reading many of your stories.. All I can add to the conversation is that I am service connected 100%+ for multiple gunshot wounds and PTSD, The VA has been very good to me over the course of my life and I domt have many complaints outside of the times I have seen people who I thought were deserving of compensation and unable to recieve the benefits they earned, often times in blood.. Good Luck to all of you and God Bless. In your letter, you point out many references to daytime somnolence but there is no mention of OSA being observed by health care professionals. 2009). A spousal letter for sleep apnea, which documents what your spouse has witnessed over the years, and the approximate dates he/she noticed your sleep apnea symptoms began in-service IS lay evidence. Since PTSD often manifests many years after a traumatic event, spouses may be a more reliable lay witness than former servicemembers in situations where VA has already conceded the in-service stressor, as the spouse can more accurately testify about the veterans symptoms over time and their impact on his daily life. Do you think I have a chance of getting a good rating? Although we all have an advocate that Will stand in the gap for each and every one of us. Now, through researching and this awesome website I have learned I need a letter from my doc to tie in my service connected conditions to SA. Those from Iraq seem to come first. SD, Thank you Ben ! The Veteran served from 1980 to 1984, and had NO diagnosis of Sleep Apnea during his military service - in fact, he wasn't diagnosed until 16 years after service. About six months ago, I was searching the Web where somehow I found a prepared Sworn Declaration Statement letter. I have rad this whole article by mistake whille searching info for a fellow veteran. KEEP GOING!!! When we request some types of evidence, claimants get 60 days to respond-other types of evidence we only give 30 days. I served on active duty in the Navy aboard an aircraft carrier from November 1979 to November 1983. A good man. Being denied (or delayed) takes the fight out of many but no Veteran should ever stop fighting. Cir. A lot of what are now compensated conditions were not known when many veterans were in-service. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. Fmf so you. I had a sleep study done at Willford Hall, Lackland AFB. As a couple, we often took our dogs hiking on the weekends and spent our weeknights watching stand-up comedy after work or cooking dinner together. My retirement physical stated in the doctors own had writing COPD secondary to long standing chronic Asthma. FYI. I would go now if asked to defend her. Then the appeal process then more years. VA court Sleep apnea now a rated disability Roswell Daily. It seems that family letters are used by the VA for or against the vet. Contact us today to discuss your VA disability appeal or your first application. He deserve to file a claim. IN .MD and no luck so far ,pardon my spelling,thanks for reply ! Fax: 336-714-5999 I was honorably discharged from USMC for chronic back problems after a fall while in training. There are some key things I want to stress in the letter and give good examples like it says to do but do not want to end up with a book. Depression, for example, may have been the cause for the daytime sleep patterns, not OSA. A spousal letter can help you if you were married during your service and your wife observed the change in you after you developed sleep apnea. A spousal letter for sleep apnea, which documents what your spouse has witnessed over the years, and the approximate dates he/she noticed your sleep apnea symptoms began in-service IS lay evidence. Va for sleep apnea in the main symptoms have forged their disability to promote one. So you tell Me what is a man to do to get the right benfits or the right records. The NEXUS letter is a written medical opinion by a qualified medical provider specifically regarding the veteran's injury/disability in question. I was so excited John was feeling social again, and that he seemed to be returning to the man Id married. A congressman is great, but the senator is even better. In addition, all these job programs for veterans is also a bunch of BS. Thanks, I have filed a claim with the VA Feb 8th 2009. Click to Read Jandreau v. Nicholson, 492 F.3d 1372, 1377 (Fed. As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and Im on a mission to change it. I am in need of assistance. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. 01. So just be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the Lord. Conditions are automatically considered service-connected . Even if it does feel like a hot needle being moved back and forth.
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