When an employee is called back while on standby duty, the employee shall not lose standby duty pay as a result of earning call back credit pursuant to section 19.11 (Call Back Time). The Counselor at the top of the list will be the Counselor who has been offered the least amount of overtime hours since the beginning of the academic school year; the list will progress down to the Counselor at the bottom of the list who has been offered the most amount of overtime hours since the beginning of the academic school year. Employees' workweeks and/or work shifts shall not be permanently changed by the State without adequate prior notice. Permanent shift assignment is defined as an assignment of thirty (30) calendar days or more. The EDD shall post vacancies on the EDDNet, consistent with current practice, for ten (10) calendar days. within their departments. On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, SEIU Local 1000met with the including the right of workers to have a coffee and water club, A PI employee will be eligible for holiday pay on a pro rata basis, based on hours worked during the pay period for observed holidays specified in Article 7 of this Contract in accordance with the following chart. BU 17 employees may sign up for voluntary overtime by adding the employee's name to the VOR. Relationship Between This Section And Related Statutes. The employee shall then have first preference on the first available bid position; or. State Safety members first employed by the State prior to January 15, 2011, are subject to the State Safety A Retirement Formula. Within 120 days of ratification, the parties shall establish a Joint Labor Management Task Force to develop a pilot Post & Bid process for Medical Assistants in CHCF Stockton. in this meeting was largely the same as we had learned in our The parties also recognize the desirability of permitting a permanent employee to transfer within the employee's department and classification to another location which the employee deems to be more desirable. needs to invest in them and the important work they do in Considering Lottery field staff work No employee in a classification assigned to WWG E shall have the employee's salary reduced (docked) for absences of less than an entire day. For the first time in 42 years, we were able to increase the ), a PI position or appointment is a position or appointment in which the employee is to work periodically or for a fluctuating portion of the full-time work schedule. about the process and potential outcomes. challenges of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Eligible employees may participate only in the employee's institution's P&B process. There shall be no inter-institution bidding on assignments. Shift Changes with No Vacancy: Post and Bid does not apply when there is no vacancy and internal permanent or temporary shift changes are initiated. Industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21 subject to social security shall contribute eight and one half percent (8.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of five hundred thirteen dollars ($513) for retirement. donating cash and hundreds of hours of catastrophic leave as this Nothing in this section shall prevent any school employee from volunteering the employee's services. Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 20 classifications to work overtime. The administration of sick leave for Seasonal Clerk employees shall be in accordance with Article 8, section 8.2, Sick Leave. A Seasonal Clerk employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on bereavement leave. The academic calendar for exempt staff in the classification of Teacher Specialist shall be one hundred ninety-four (194) workdays. Upon occurrence of such an event, the parties shall meet and confer as . A BU 17 RN may "bump" a scheduled registry nurse at any time during the month, provided the employee gives the nursing supervisor, or their designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable them to notify the Registry that the employee will not be needed for the affected position. Employees must assume the assignment within sixty (60) days of the posting of the bid results. The primary focus of the discussions was around the of proper notice to our Union about the system. The parties recognize that it may be necessary for the State to make changes in areas within the scope of negotiations. 8.3 Bereavement Leave. Seniority lists shall be developed by OHR within three (3) working days following the close of business on the final filing date and OHR will provide the seniority scores to the hiring office. State Fund plans to remove the three tier rating The State shall not incur any additional costs, including but not limited to, travel expenses, as a result of attending the meeting. Counselors will not be offered Night Attendant overtime unless the Night Attendant list has been exhausted. One (1) academic year of outside service will be considered one (1) year of State credit. Seniority Post and Bid Lists: After the close of business on the final filing date for the position(s) being advertised, the hiring office will submit a list of the bids received to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) for calculation of the seniority scores. Employees who have adverse action taken against them shall lose the right to hold a bid assignment and/or bid on any assignments for a period of up to six (6) months if such assignment or bid is meaningfully related to the cause of action. The parties recognize that when the State deems it necessary to fill a vacant position, the needs of the State must be given first priority. Subject to any other laws, rules, or regulations as pertain thereto, not devoting the employee's full-time, attention, and efforts to the employee's State office or employment during the employee's hours of duty as a State officer or employee. The Union and the County tentatively agreed on four proposals: disciplinary investigations, paycheck deductions, county offered medical plans, and remote response compensation. Thereafter, a PI employee will be eligible for annual leave credit with pay in accordance with the schedule in section 8.1(C), on the first day of the qualifying monthly pay period following completion of each period of one hundred sixty (160) hours of paid employment. Upon request of the Union each department shall submit copies of any or all personal services contracts that call for services found in bargaining unit class specifications. up for in-person service by appointment. Compensating time off shall be authorized at one and one-half (1) hours for each overtime hour worked. the transfer of the Psychiatric Programs from DSH to CDCR and It contains hundreds of articles that regulate virtually every aspect of the work we do for the state. These meetings will not exceed six (6) in total unless mutually agreed by both parties. meeting resulted in management conceding a number of items, All employees shall remain in the employee's initial successful bid for twelve (12) months from the day the post is awarded except when an employee's bid assignment is substantially modified and the employee elects not to stay in the position or as provided in section "VII" subsections "A" and "B" or if an employee is granted a bid under the provisions of section "IX." There shall be no mandatory overtime on a BU 20 LVN's RDO or pre-approved day off, (for the purposes of this section, an employee's RDO begins immediately after completion of the employee's normal shift before the RDO) except: During a state of emergency declared by the State or Federal Authorities; or, During an emergency situation declared by a Warden, Superintendent, Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer or designee; or. Said pay shall be limited to out-of-class work performed (a) during the one (1) year calendar period before the employee's grievance was filed; and (b) the time between when the grievance was filed and finally decided by an arbitrator. All exchanges must occur during the same pay period. It is understood that this training may be provided on an on-the-job basis. Employees who withdraw will be assigned at management's discretion. Employees may submit more than one application per injury/prolonged illness. Voluntary transfer, including transfer in lieu of layoff, of a tenured employee at one special school to another special school for the same type of student; full-time service for one school term, or fiscal year, as applicable, immediately following the transfer, in the special school to which the employee so transferred; and commencement of service upon reappointment for full-time service at that school for the next school term or fiscal year, as applicable. Employees applying and selected under this section waive any rights to claim moving and relocation expenses. In accordance with Government Code sections 19063 through 19063.8, priority consideration shall be given to individuals receiving public assistance under the CalWORKS program. and discuss the refocused direction of the Program Technician Both parties agree and understand that a different type of overtime payment (cash or CTO) may be provided to employees at different times and may even be different for employees in the same or similar situations. Employees on SDI, NDI, ENDI, IDL, EIDL, or Workers' Compensation for the entire monthly pay period shall be excluded from the PLP 2020 for that month. Some of the major details from the JLMC discussion In the event that an official application form may not be available during this specific thirty (30) day period, the CDE shall accept a written document from a prospective donor that includes the donor's printed name, signature, date, work location, classification, social security number, and permission to deduct one day of sick leave from the employee's accrued sick leave balance. forced to work out of class closer to resolution. It is understood that this training may be provided on an on-the-job basis. These hours shall be counted towards the maximum yearly hours, not to exceed 1,500 hours. surgeries. This article is not applicable to substitute teachers. Submission of Bid Request Form: A department's bid request form shall be completed by the eligible employee requesting to be reassigned to any eligible vacant post in the employee's current classification. full time. Since 1982, rank-and-file civil service employees in California State government have been covered by collective bargaining, a process for negotiating wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. (100%) of the time into the office an equivalent of twenty The designation of classes of members of the teaching staff of a Special School established by CCR Title 5 section 17604 applies to this article. An employee may voluntarily withdraw from participation in the twenty-four (24) month Bid Process by submitting a written request to the employee's supervisor. Local 1000 members and staff met several times over the past Except in cases of emergency, or planned program activity, employees shall not be required to: Work more than four (4) mandatory overtime shifts of at least two (2) hours of duration in a month, effective January 2, 2020, and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with section 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or, Work in excess of sixteen (16) continuously in a forty-eight (48) hour period; or. This opportunity may not extend to cases in which the employee has a past adverse action history or in which the positive test or refusal to test occurs in conjunction with a serious offense which in itself would result in dismissal. These lists will be created within five (5) working days from the date of this Agreement. This does Employees losing the right to bid or hold assignment as outlined above may be administratively transferred to the same watch without regard to RDO. Appealable disciplinary action is defined as dismissal, demotion, or suspension without pay for more than six (6) calendar days or its equivalent as a reduction in pay. The State shall make reasonable efforts to avoid involuntary transfers. Post and Bid Request Form: The written request form provided by respective DGS offices and completed by the permanent full-time status employee requesting to be reassigned to any position/assignment in the employee's current classification. Each department or designee may establish procedures with regard to how contact is to be made (e.g., electronic paging device, phone) and with regard to response time while on standby. advocate or trier of fact as opposed to carrying out both duties. The list shall be published in an accessible location in the facility or worksite. COVID-19 pandemic. particularly on the Return to Office Plan and Telework. within their departments. employees who use sick or vacation leave on an office assigned When night jury duty is required of a Seasonal Clerk employee, the employee shall be released without loss of compensation for such portion of required time that coincides with the Seasonal Clerk employee's work schedule. In order to be eligible to withdraw leave credits from this Bank, the employee must face financial hardship due to an injury or prolonged illness or the injury or prolonged illness of an eligible family member. Whenever no bids are submitted for a position opening or whenever no employee submitting a bid is eligible for appointment to the position, EDD shall select an employee to fill the position through other hiring methods. the bonus structure for its field sales representatives in Unit 1 On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, our Union met with the Franchise Tax It's negotiated by our member-led bargaining team and won through the support of the 96,000 people . 4 state workers in California. Our Fight Begins Now for a California for All! Seniority scores shall be posted annually in a prominent work location by the second week of January. Upon ten (10) workdays advance notice to the department head or designee, the department shall provide reasonable time off without loss of compensation for a permanent employee required to take the Class A and/or B commercial driver's license examination and related medical examination(s), provided: The examination is scheduled during the employee's scheduled work hours; and. These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, these assignment shall not be counted in either State's or Union's positions. The hours in excess of one hundred sixty (160) hours in a qualifying monthly pay period shall not be counted or accumulated. When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. All affected CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Vacation/Annual Leave credits accrued prior to the termination described in paragraph A. above. Vacation/Annual Leave - A Seasonal Clerk employee will be eligible for vacation/annual leave credit with pay on the first day of the following qualifying monthly pay period following completion of nine hundred sixty (960) hours of compensated work. The SEIU Local 1000 team had our first meeting with State July 28. Department of State Hospitals (DSH) to meet and confer over DSHs Employees compensated on a monthly basis shall be notified thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date of layoff. Permanent employees who wish to submit Employee Opportunity Transfer applications may do so during a thirty (30) calendar day open period, to be scheduled once every six (6) months by each department. a conversation regarding the Departments requirement that It is not the State's intent to mandate BU 17 employees to work involuntary overtime in classifications other than the employee's own. The hours in excess of one hundred sixty (160) hours in a qualifying monthly pay period shall not be counted or accumulated. The dates and times shall be mutually determined and the committee members shall not suffer loss in compensation. A Seasonal Clerk employee will be eligible for holiday pay on a pro rata basis, based on hours worked during the pay period for observed holidays specified in Article 7 of this Contract in accordance with the following chart. Time limits established in subsection B and C above can be extended by mutual agreement of both parties. Failure on the part of the employee to submit a request form by 4:00 p.m. on November 1, or failure to show up at the allotted time for a walk up bid, shall result in a no preference indicated (NPI) for the employee. These hours shall be recorded on the schedule in blue. Pro-ration shall be determined based on the employee's time base consistent with the chart in Article 7 of the MOU. Donation verification shall be provided upon request . Jury Duty - A PI employee shall only be granted jury duty leave in accordance with section 8.14 if the employee is scheduled to work on the day(s) in which the service occurs and only for the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work on the day or days. SEIU Local 1000 has a telework agreement! Upon request, post orders and duty statements will be provided for each of the positions prior to the meet and discuss. An employee alleging seniority date errors/disputes and is unable to resolve the problem with verbal communication shall submit a complaint to the first formal level of review within the normal time frames specified in the grievance process. year. Agresso unit-4 developer. An employee may be temporarily removed from the bid assignment pending a personnel/EEO investigation, but will be assigned to substantially similar start/stop time and RDO if possible. Whenever a department head or designee elects to fill a vacancy through an Employee Opportunity Transfer, a permanent full-time employee who already has an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to that location on file with the department shall be selected. The Health Care Services Division (HCSD) will endeavor to develop the training program within six (6) months. Below are the bargaining updates for the SEIU Local 1021 San Joaquin County chapter. Please dont miss out. In the event that neither of the circumstances in paragraph C occur and/or the Director of the Department of Finance does not restore, at their sole discretion, Article 11.1.A.1. Any required course which might lead to a BA, BS, MA, MS or Ph.D. in Nursing or Health Care Administration. Verifies successful completion of required units from transcripts. An employee's grievance initially shall be discussed with the employee's supervisor. New Regional Offices: When new Regional Offices are established, DGS shall advertise and accept applications from employees statewide. Staff shall only be assigned an involuntary slot once, until the entire list has been depleted. This benefit will be payable to eligible survivors of current employees who are not covered by Social Security and whose death occurs on or after the effective date of the Memorandum of Understanding for this section. exist. "The employee does not have the option to receive the employer contributed amounts paid pursuant to this Agreement directly instead of having them paid to the retirement system.". Telephone lines designated for personal use shall not be monitored. Consequently, WWG "E" applies to classes and positions with no minimum or maximum number of hours in an average workweek. Job Stewards, had a Meet and Confer with the California State 1. For purposes of this Agreement, "seniority" is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. Out-of-class pay shall not be considered as part of the employee's base pay when computing the rate due upon promotion to a higher level. Jr. in a meeting with Local 1000 stewards, to hear first-hand the Employees may transfer personal leave days in accordance with the provision of Article 8 and the other provisions contained in Article 22.
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