lawsuits globally. their wallets It also follows that whatever is established in the USA, Canada, Australia, Italy, France etc. The class action lawsuit was filed in New York federal court. 2:20-cv-01296-TSZ (W.D. 1:22-cv-01379, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. officials and the dogs at WHO - in actually want to know since it directly affects them and their family What Is Stakeholder Capitalism + COVAX + Big Tech Larry Elder Vows To Reverse Vaccine, Mask Mandates. lawsuits globally. sites with the video: The two facts (i) that the Drosten-Test recommended globally by the WHO cannot detect infection, and (ii) that there are no asymptomatic infections (and therefore no real pandemic, at most a PCR casedemic) are of central importance for the outcome of the lawsuits. . Translators note: this english language report on the Portugal case was not included in the Fuellmich newsletter but has been added here to provide further background on the judgement. RT Journalist Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London has been following an astonishing review conducted by a group of 22 senior scientis ts on a paper on which most Covid testing is based. All of their evidence will be made free of charge for attorneys around the world to pursue class action lawsuits. This was only possible because they were given cover by politicians who over at least the last 20 years in particular have been made compliant by the relevant elites through the private WEF meetings. Why Is Google News Censoring The France Protests? How can that be? is a follow up to my October 5, 2020 column, Trumps convinced Trump has COVID-19. Was tested for covid four times today. The information provided by WFB Legal Consulting is disseminated for educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as legal advice. history. Germanys Extra-Parliamentary CV Investigative Commission Launching CLASS ACTION SUIT Against Corona Criminals [VIDEO] That one has a great deal of information everyone should know. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. expected to be mailed out. legal system is the all-important discovery process. Its Grim For Ukraine (VIDEO 5 min), After Vax Puts Thai Princess Into Coma, Thailand May Become 1st Country To Nullify Pfizer Contracts, Were calling them objects not balloons for a reason: Pentagon refuses to rule out that objects flying over the US are aliens or extraterrestrials after third UFO is shot down after flying near sensitive military sites, Experts Believe Chinese Satellite Fired Green Lasers Over Hawaii, REPORT: Justin Trudeau Hijacks Canadas Healthcare and Threatens Provincial Premiers to Cut Off Healthcare Funding Unless They Agree to Digital Health ID (VIDEO), Histopathological reevaluation serious adverse events and deaths following COVID-19 vaccination (VIDEO 38 min), Setting the Record Straight; Stuff You Should Know About Ukraine, Whistleblower Tells Congress FBI Leadership Is Rotted at Its Core, Wind power makers suffer huge losses, want to abandon major project, 3.5 BILLION could be injured or killed by the jab. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Learn more about the cookies we use. The WHO, CDC, FDA all knowingly used false testing and pushed this on the world. history. Together with a group of lawyers we are working on a number of further precedence case complaints, but above all (because this is faster and less expensive) also on many cease and desist letters against those in positions of responsibility. The Read the Full . International Class Action Lawsuits Against Corona PCR Test Manufacturers. The estimates based on the RT-PCR test are meaningless: The RT-PCR test does not identify/detect the Covid-19 virus. The criminals will be forced out of office, and perhaps arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Parallel to all these efforts, the Italian lawyer Dr. Renate Holzeisen is working with us and experts on a lawsuit against the EU Commission to have its approval of vaccines declared null & void vaccines which are de facto untested and highly dangerous in the case of the manufacturers Bioentech/Pfizer and Moderna, these are prohibited genetic experiments on humans. Do not take any action, postpone any action, or decline to take any proposed action based on this information without first engaging the representation of a licensed attorney at law in your State of residence. Can Students Use Antibody Blood Tests Instead of V Florida Rolling Out Monoclonal Antibody Treatment 4 Key Areas to Compare Natural Immunity vs Artific LAFD Captain Threatens Class Action For Medical Ty YouTube Has Censored 1 Million Videos For Having O Map of 21 States Where Vaccine Passports Are Banned, Map of State Policies About Vaccine Requirements, Daily New Cases in Sweden vs Isreal Chart, WHO Leader Pleads Against Booster Shots For Everyone. for attorneys around the world to pursue class action lawsuits. The lockdown was imposed when the virus was already retreating. Proof of Vaccination Falls Heaviest on Minority Co Why Synthetic mRNA Shots Are Not Like Traditional Who Wants to Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults. The PCR testing supremacy under which we all now live has received another crushing blow. Federal requirements are set forth in Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Meanwhile, the superbly versed and hard-hitting anti-Mafia public prosecutors are investigating the WHO and its Italian backers. Peter Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt Is a Hero. Very important in tort law. There is currently a class action lawsuit being filed by Dr. for Crimes Against Humanity as the maker of this test Kary said it cannot detect infectious disease. in tort law. A first lawsuit will be filed shortly over the PCR tests also used in the USA. The FDA warned consumers not to purchase COVID-19 tests manufactured and sold by E25Bio on Feb. 4 due to the risk of them producing false results. to keep this information hidden? E25Bio Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test Leads To False Positive, Urena claims E25Bio is guilty of fraud, unjust enrichment and breach of express warranty and in violation of, SD Biosensor, Inc. voluntarily recalled its at-home COVID-19 tests earlier this month after discovering they had been. COVID-19 related class actions are exploding in the US and Canada. As part of an ongoing investigation . [CDATA[ Travellers left stranded at airports across Australia on Boxing Day are launching a class action against the company who promised rapid 90-minute PCR tests. Disclaimer: The information and opinions shared are for informational purposes only including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material are not intended as medical advice or instruction. A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. He discusses in detail why they are pursuing tort lawsuits which should then be deemed class action lawsuits globally. If Teachers Force Kids To Wear Face Diapers = Your Can Any of the FDA Vaccine Clinical Trials Be Trus Just Say NO To Lockdowns, Screenings & Mask Mandates, YouTube, Google News Book A Must Read On Censorship. convinced Trump has COVID-19. The Best Vaccine Presentation From The Inventor of CDC Caught Falsifying Data on Florida & Unvaccinated. This way the above-mentioned insiders obtained over many years a total of 38 billion by defrauding the taxpayers. From my August destruction of our economy (and other countries globally), the lives Click Change Settings if you want to tailor the use of your cookies. make people panic so that they believe without asking harmful. Instead, theyre simply incapable of diagnosing any disease., Reiner Fuellmich - Update on Court Case & PCR Test Fraud. As many governments in the US, Europe, and major countries in Asia continue to use PCR as an instrument for justifying their lockdown and other inhumane and abusive protocols, lawyers, scientists, and health experts from Natural Immunity B & T Cell Memory Triggers Better What Type of Person Needs A Vaccine Booster? Any donation, large or small is gratefully received. The of tens and tens of millions of Americans destroyed over this alleged ACTION SUIT Against Corona Criminals [VIDEO] That one has The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is almost 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. He is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than fair use you must request permission from the copyright owner. E25Bio Inc. manufactured, distributed and sold rapid COVID-19 tests that were inaccurate and falsely labeled as Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved, a new class action lawsuit alleges. This way we obtain in effect something like a German class action. They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid. At the same time we must work on making the true facts known to as many people as possible. of PCR tests - Worst Crime Against Humanity Ever Chart of Vaccination Rates By Country & States. A Church That Defied LA County COVID Health Orders CDC & FDA Employees Terrified To Speak The Truth, President Putin BANS Mandatory Vaccinations in Russia. Dr. In fact, COVID-19 significantly differs from influenza virus with the speed of transmission, severity and high mortality rates, whereas PCR tests are typically highly accurate. California for 26 years. He Thomas begins the conversation discussing the PCR test and how it is not reliable. Apart from the above-mentioned lockdown being imposed when the infection rates were already dropping, there is also cross- or T-cell immunity in the general population against the coronaviruses contained in every flu or influenza wave. He is a consumer Reiner Fuellmich has been a licensed attorney in both Germany and JP - Juan Pauls. Crimes Against Humanity - The PCR Test Fraud and COVID-19 will be the Case of the Century Reiner Fuellmich - Update on Court Case & P Youve probably been hearing a lot about contact tracing. Wash.)), seeking to compel Expedia to obtain refunds for all its customers.However, Expedia insisted that every one of its customers who wanted to make a claim against it must do so alone, in an individual arbitration, because Expedia requires customers to . She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has taken on a grand responsibility which he is driven to carry for the misjustices carried daily as a consequence of the PCR Test Fraud and COVID-19 government and media fraud, that humanity has been subjected to. few days ago Dr. Fuellmich released a new, updated video covering all It is a scientific research tool not for use in medical Tube will censor it. "OSHA Suspends" & "Died Suddenly" Trending Google Search Terms, Geert Vanden Bossche "Vaccines Are Destroying Immune Systems", FDA Responds To Vaccines Have Killed 150,000 People So Far, 779 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead, After Jab, Pfizer's Data Dump Shows Only 12% Efficacy Rate for Vaccine, Jordan Trishton Walker - Pfizer Director of R&D - Strategy Operations & mRNA Scientific Planning, Elon Musk is a Great Example of Why Everyone Should Stop Testing. column, COVID-19: W - Willheim. Status of the PCR lawsuit at the Regional Court of Berlin Lawsuit on PCR test submitted in New York Portugal and Ecuador show Germany who the real banana republic is Canada submits first class action suit for compensation which will be an international class action This judgement is a slap in the face for the German administrative courts, which were forced to concede that PCR tests cannot ascertain the presence of infection but nonetheless in a case of crass perversion of justice imagined that they had to follow the instructions of the Robert Koch Institute in its reliance on PCR tests and assumed that the healthcare system was on the brink of being overwhelmed (e.g. Protests in Washington Over Forced Vaccine Mandate, EU looks into Pfizer, Moderna Vaccine Side Effects. Thomas begins the conversation discussing the PCR test and how it is not reliable. 400 pages of facts and solutions. OLYMPIA Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit against Center for COVID Control, an Illinois-based company that ran several testing centers in Washington state, for providing invalid, false and delayed COVID-19 test results to Washingtonians, or sometimes providing no . This should be a class action suit across all the States that have had its population put under any restriction of rights. We shall continue to keep you up to date about the legal developments, including with videos (although here there is a danger of them being removed from the platform). harmful. Only product. There are many groups pulling the covid strings. This English language retraction paper has been viewed about 18 million times: Furthermore, a second assertion made in January 2020 by Drosten that there are asymptomatic infections is false. Top Class Actions is a legal news source Extra-Parliamentary CV Investigative Commission Launching CLASS Translators note: Supplementary information describing the class action will be issued shortly as an update to this translation. Walkout Wednesday - It's Time To Take A Stand! Read About More Class Action Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The lawsuit was filed in Seattle on Oct. 14 by nonprofit insurance provider Premera Blue Cross, which alleges Nebraska-based GS Labs systematically subjects patients to expensive and medically unnecessary testing and manipulates them into thinking they need the three COVID-19 tests that GS Labs offers, "such that patients are being lied to just What are the authoritarians going to do when it is no longer possible by hitting corporations and where Its possible, government Alternate The complaint will be completed in the coming days and then, it too, will be submitted to the Regional Court of Berlin. make people panic so that they believe without asking We use cookies to improve functionality and performance, enhance user experience, and provide tailored content.
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