268A, 9.Corrupt gifts, offers or promises to influence official acts punished by a fine of no more than $100,000 or by imprisonment not to exceed 10 years, or both. /N 11 838.021. Ohio Rev. 1, 1020. Ann. Ann. 45-11-1. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. 53a-35a. Stat. 53a-161b. Nev. Rev. Ann. Va. Code Ann. 17-A, 1301. Public bribery penalties include a fine of not more than $100,000 or imprisoned for no more than 5 years, or both, plus restitution and forfeiture of any property offered or accepted in commission of the crime. Penalties for class D felonies include a term of imprisonment not to exceed 5 years. Code Ann. Nev. Rev. John Peters, who CNN affiliate KNOE reports was a former LSP commander, was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice. 0000001753 00000 n Acceptance of honorarium. 38-504. Alaska Stat. 4895. Malfeasance in office is punishable by up to five years in prison, or a fine of up to $5,000, or both, according to the Louisiana State Legislature, while simple battery carries a punishment of up . Stat. Penalty includes term of imprisonment for not more than 20 years or less than 2 years. 651:2. Mont. A public official or employee may forfeit retirement benefits. Code Ann. Code Ann. 39-16-404. Performance of duties before taking oath of office is a misdemeanor, punishable by maximum $500 fine and imprisonment of 1 year. 14:136.Public payroll fraud punishable by not more than $1,000, imprisonment not to exceed 2 years, or both, plus restitution. Wash. Rev. 9 G.C.A. Ann. Penalties for class A misdemeanors include a term of imprisonment not to exceed one year. Stat. 76-8-108. Ann. 2C:27-12. Ann. Stat. Stat. Giving false or misleading material information to the commission or inducing another to do so is subject to administrative sanction. Ariz. Rev. Attempt to provide a pecuniary benefit for bribery. Nev. Rev. Stat. 750.118. Stat. 2921.41. 218A.970. 33 L.P.R.A. Persons convicted of bribery also lose voting rights and the right to run for public office. All of the offenses mentioned in this paragraph are also class A misdemeanors. LSP Lt. John Clary was indicted on one count of malfeasance in office and one count of obstruction of justice. Penal Code Ann. S.D. Misuse of public funds if between $25,000 and $100,000. Ann. Intrusion into and refusal to surrender public office. Any knowing violation of the General Assembly Conflicts of Interest Act is a class 1 misdemeanor, (Va. Code Ann. 1104. Stat. Kan. Stat. Me. Ann. 9A.68.010. Or. Idaho Code Ann. Rev. 750.175. Class B misdemeanors punishable by a fine of not more than $3,000. Nearly 3 years after Ronald Greene's death, family members and some lawmakers say police have avoided accountability. Punishable by imprisonment between 3and 8years. Ariz. Rev. 18-8-307. Ann. 12.1-32-01. Alaska Stat. 1-89. Presumptive penalties include $1,000 to $100,000 and 1 to 3 years imprisonment. Ann. Ann. Stat. Imprisonment not more than 6 years. Bribery. Colo. Rev. Knowingly submitting to a governmental entity a false or duplicate claim for expenses, if $25,000 or more. Stat. Code Ann. Misuse of confidential information. Utah Code Ann. 18-1.3-401. Public servant's prohibited interest in public contracts. Or. Code Ann. 76-3-204. Demanding a kickback is a felony, punishable by no more than 3 years imprisonment and a fine of no more than $5,000. Second degree official misconduct. Ann. Knowingly using any aircraft, vehicle, or vessel under the officer's or employee's control, direction, or custody, exclusively for the private benefit. Sentence of imprisonment not to exceed 7 years. Misuse of official information. For an intentional violation of this chapter where a penalty is not otherwise specified. Wis. Stat. 11.56.100 et seq. tit. Rev. 17-A, 608. Code Ann. Ann. 3 L.P.R.A. Knowing acceptance of certain reimbursements, gifts, or hospitalities from a lobbyist. Ann. Ann. La. Ann. Class B felonies are punishable by a fine not to exceed $15,000. A Warner Bros. 12.1-12-03. 521.050. Code Ann. 2C:27-11 & N.J. Stat. Retaliation for past official action. Ky. Rev. N.M. Stat. La. Laws Ann. Corrupting the government in the first degree. Ann. The following table details the variety of consequences that correspond to different types of ethical violations, with the emphasis on statutory provisions. Kan. Stat. tit. Code. Intentional violation of the Code of Ethics for Public Officials, if the benefit derived is over $1,000 in value or the offense is bribery or the violation is a second or subsequent violation of the same provision. 33 L.P.R.A. Ann. 6-5-104. Bribery. Ala. Code 36-25-27. Va. Code Ann. The Arkansas Ethics Commission may impose fines for violations of certain disclosure rules of between $50 and $3,500 if the violation was negligent or intentional. Wis. Stat. 39-16-102 & Tenn. Code Ann. 18 Pa. Stat. Me. Improper threats to hinder legislation. Stat. Code Ann. Rev. failure to properly report expenditure of public moneys when required by law). >> 8-13-735.Violations of ethics standards all subject to restitution and reprimand by the State Ethics Commission. Ala. Code 13A-5-7. Paying a kickback. 39-16-402 & Tenn. Code Ann. 49.30. Ann. Utah Code Ann. Ann. Conn. Gen. Stat. Stat. Prohibited splitting of profits, fees or commissions punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000, imprisonment of up to 10 years, or both. Stat. Former Trooper Dakota DeMoss was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice. N.D. Code Ann. Ann. Embezzlement of public funds. Utah Code Ann. Official misconduct. 9A.68.050. 5/5-4.5-50. N.J. Stat. Conn. Gen. Stat. t | 3 Law 74. Utah Code Ann. Code Ann. N.M. Stat. Gen. Laws Ann. First degree official misconduct. W. Va. Code Ann. A south Louisiana police chief facing five counts of malfeasance in office surrendered to authorities Tuesday and was later released after posting $25,000 bond. Committees and Commissions: What's the Difference? Stat. 5-52-108. Maximum penalty of 5 year imprisonment and a fine of $10,000. 6.731. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 6 months. Bribery or receipt of a bribe. Code Ann. N.Y. 576.020. Improper influence in official and political matters. N.D. 576.050. Maximum penalties are a fine of $10,000 and 3 years 6 months imprisonment. Corruption by (actual, not the threat of) harm against a public servant. Trading in public office and political endorsement. Code Ann. 105.478. Ala. Code 36-25-27. 21-8-304. 162.405. Ann. N.J. Stat. In 2019, the Legislative Auditor released a report indicating that Foulcard had failed to complete mandatory audits for the City of Jeanerette. Me. Ky. Rev. intent to obtain a benefit or injure or deprive another of a benefit, a public servant performs an unauthorized act using the power of their office, knowing that the act is unauthorized, or refrains from performing an official duty for such purpose. 18-1.3-401. 76-8-105. Codified Laws 22-6-1. Shall result in forfeiture of office. Misuse of official information. 50 0 obj Ann. Code Ann. Stat. Fines for class C felonies of not more than $15,000, plus no more than double any gain to the defendant or loss to the victim caused by the crime. 6.731. Ann. Cent. Wash. Rev. 2929.18. Official misconduct in the second degree. 18 Pa. Stat. 11, 4206. If a state legislator violates the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, punishments may include: impeachment, removal from office, suspension from office, public censure and reprimand, forfeiture of no more than 1/3 of his or her salary for no more than 12 months, a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000, restitution. Punishable by a term of imprisonment of 9 to 36 months, (Ohio Rev. Stat. Penalty for a gross misdemeanor at maximum is 364 days and a fine of $2,000. 18-1.3-401. Code. Minn. Stat. NEW ORLEANS CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY, Elizabeth B Carpenter Law Firm 201 St Charles Ave Suite 2500, New Orleans, LA 70170. Fine of no more than $4,000. Trading in special influence. Kan. Stat. A Louisiana grand jury has accused eight police officers of using excessive force in arresting two men after a chase in January. It shall be unlawful and constitute malfeasance in office for a peace officer to tamper with evidence. 6.751. Ann. 21-6002. Term of imprisonment between 6 months and 3 years, with the advisory sentence being 1 1/2 years. Haw. 18-4703 & Idaho Code Ann. 102.03 & Ohio Rev. Purchase of public office. Ann. tit. 18-1360. Additionally, the Commission may issue an order for restitution and a fine in the amount of the economic advantage gained by the violation or $500, whichever is greater. A lengthier listing of less common possible offenses against public administration and their specific penalties is listed in Alaska statutes at Alaska Stat. Ann. Certain kinds of official misconduct, which results in removal from office. << and Cons. Knowingly filing a materially false statement or willfully concealing a material fact in filing the statement is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined no more than $1,000 and imprisoned for no more than 1 year. Penal Code Ann. Punishment for a Class D felony includes a term of imprisonment between 1 and 4 years, and a fine of not more than $5,000, or both. 39-16-105. 811, 1, eff. Bribery, which results in removal and permanent disqualification from public office. Kan. Stat. Penal Law 70.15. 13-1-196. 18-4706. Penalty includes term of imprisonment for not more than 10 years or less than 1 year and 1 day. Gov't Code Ann. It is committed when a public official or employee, in that capacity, performs an unlawful act which affects the performance of his/ her official duties. Ann. Ann. Use of official positions to secure or create privileges, exemptions, advantages, or treatment for himself or herself or others in contravention of the public interest. Stat. 76-8-105. Stat. False swearing in official matters. Stat. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 4 years. Punishable by sentence of imprisonment of up to 364 days. Trading in public office. 775.082. Ann. Penal Law 496.04. 21-6002. 33 L.P.R.A. /Prev 97816 Pattern of official misconduct, if none of the acts is a first or second degree crime. Threats to influence official or political action. Ann. Class A misdemeanors are punishable by a fine of not more than $25,000 and three times the pecuniary gain or loss caused by the crime. tit. Official misconduct, i.e. State ethics officials handle a gamut of complaints ranging from harassment and workplace discrimination to election expenditures, lobbying gifts and potential conflicts of interest. 70, 2-119. % If the ethics committee finds a violation of ethics and elections occurred, it may issue a private admonishment to a legislator, refer the matter to the Attorney General for criminal investigation and prosecution, or refer the matter to the appropriate house for action, which may include censure and expulsion. Under the campaign finance and financial disclosure act, late filing penalties are of $100 per day, not to exceed a maximum of $1,000. Embezzlement by officers. False or incomplete statement of economic interests. /Filter [/FlateDecode ] Like most issues in ethics, however, states vary widely on the details. Md. 38-510. Use of official position to obtain privileges or exemptions. N.Y. 19.58. In addition to other penalties provided by law, a fine of up to $10,000 or three times the amount failed to be reported, unlawfully contributed, expended, gave or received may be imposed upon conviction for each violation. Stat. 45-10-28.Altering, stealing, embezzling, etc. 2C:27-10. >> 39-16-104. N.Y. 720 Ill. Comp. Ark. Any knowing or willful violation of the provisions of the Code of Ethics. Stat. Wash. Rev. Code. Ariz. Rev. Unlawful compensation for official duties. Ky. Rev. Stat. Cent. 5-52-107. Unlawful gratuities. /Parent 44 0 R Violations of the Governmental Conduct Act are subject to the same range of penalties. tit. 4893. extends from Ala. Code 36-25-1 to 36-25-30. 33 L.P.R.A. Nev. Rev. Ga. Code Ann. 8-13-780. Rev. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images). Ann. Punishments correspond to how bad an instance of misconduct is viewed in the eyes of a state and in consideration of the harm a violation may cause. Malfeasance in office or official misconduct is considered a serious crime in Louisiana. N.H. Rev. Ann. Stat. Code Ann. Mo. 1-1162.21. 161.615. 522.030. 12.55.125. 2C:43-6. 18-4704. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. Stat. Stat. Second degree official misconduct. 36-14-19. 13-702. 6.666. 4694. 36.04. Fla. Stat. 12.1-12-01. Ann. Stat. 9A.20.021. 76-8-404. Punishable by term of imprisonment not to exceed 6 months. 2C:27-9. Embezzlement of public property. 2C:27-12. /Length 655 Retaliation for past official action. Stat. /Linearized 1 Mass. Stat. Regardless of classification of a crime, may fine any higher amount that the limits prescribed that does not exceed twice the pecuniary gain derived from the crime by the defendant. Mo. Stat. S.D. Ala. Code 36-25-27. Ann. Ann. Stat. 22-704.The Ethics Board may assess penalties for violations of the Code of Conduct of not more than $5,000 per violation in the form of civil penalties, in addition to other actions like public censure or the ordering of restitution. Stat. 11.56.850. Willfully filing a false complaint is a felony, punishable by fine of between $1,000 and $10,000 and a term of imprisonment of no more than 5 years. 36 R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. Idaho Code Ann. Code Ann. 18-1.3-503. Stat. N.D. Ariz. Rev. Maximum term of imprisonment of 6 months. Ann. 33 L.P.R.A. Cent. Ohio Rev. 522.020. 6-5-117. Rev. Ann. 5/33-2. Mo. Acceptance or participation in a case before the Court of Claims or the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission. Stat. Misdemeanors punishable by maximum of 90 days imprisonment, $1,000, or both. Stat. Alaska Stat. Ann. 522.050. 5-4-401. Code Ann. Code Ann. Stat. 38-503 through 38-505 (see below). Campaigning during hours of public employment. Rev. 0000004259 00000 n 1-110a. Ann. tit. ch. 21-6001 & 21-6002 & 21-6005. 9A.20.021. N.Y. Embezzlement of property received by virtue of office or employment if $100,000 or more. Violation of revolving door bribery, honorarium, travel reimbursement, organization membership, or gaming activity prohibitions. N.J. Stat. 11.56.100 & 11.56.110. Utah Code Ann. Ann. Code Ann. 0000000629 00000 n /Metadata 46 0 R tit. 31-19-1. Accepting anything of value from a legislative agent or employer. Violations of the Code of Ethics may result in fines or removal from office or employment. Wyo. Stat. Unlawful enrichment, if pursued but not obtained the benefit. 9 G.C.A. Malfeasance in Office: Foulcard was the mayor of Jeanerette from 2013 until 2019. 5/5-4.5-55. Embezzlement of public funds that exceeds $50,000. 14-91. Stat. Code Ann. Punishable by maximum 6 months imprisonment and $1,000 fine. Ann. endobj Stat. Stat. x\n?x X|FA} -\ ]$H*`}Gd:uT.COEMTO{|@[tKYR]{rmz|W| XD- S']|cTn2`bxrai/Mm}h>W Ell =E?WeYWc{vY";}'zCsS`YP_.c_xipg8BH2Q?!E3sD/,2a| ~ Not all ethics violations are treated equally. Ann. Ann. Code Ann. Official misconduct, which also results in forfeiture of office. Stat. Ann. 9 G.C.A. 18-1355. N.Y. Pub. stream Stat. Ann. Seventeen of them are for accepting about $85,000 in fines and court fees in 2018 to supplement his salary despite a Louisiana Attorney . Cell: (504) 373-4624. Ann. Penal Law 70.00. Failing to file a financial interest statement can result in a denial of any public compensation, legal action to enforce disclosure requirements, removal from office, and a fee of $10 for each day a statement is late. Ann. 5-52-101. Ann. 838.021. Stat. Code Ann. I saw it. 730 Ill. Comp. S.D. Fla. Stat. 14-90. 28-925. Ann. Ann. Miss. Stat. Mass. Restitution plus a fine of up to $10,000. 102.07 & Ohio Rev. Improper interest in public contracts. Maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and a $20,000 fine. /Pages 44 0 R Ann. N.J. Stat. Stat. Ark. Violation of the conflict of interest prohibition. First violation of the Regulation of Conflict of Interest and Lobbying statutes. 2921.42. 5-405. 21-6005. Stat. The Louisiana State Police opened an investigation. Ronald Greene's family wants officers held accountable for his death. 21, 382. Even though it was a small victory, we are still left heartbroken trying to pick up the pieces, added Alana Hardin, another sister. 14-218. Stat. Code Ann. Stat. Ann. 5 Ill. Comp. 522.040. Ann. tit. Laws Ann. Ohio Rev. 45-7-103. Rev. Neb. Minn. Stat. Me. 45-7-101. 18 Pa. Stat. 2. Ann. 33 L.P.R.A. 3 Cent. 730 Ill. Comp. N.D. Ann. Administrative rules and chamber rules, which public officials and employees may also be bound by, are not included in this table. 13-702. 21, 306. Ann. N.M. Stat. 67-16-12. 775.083. N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. Misappropriation and falsification of accounts. Ann. Bribery. Compensation for past official duty. Kan. Stat. Mich. Comp. Stat. Did you encounter any technical issues? Rev. 162.117. of Stat. 25-4-31. Code Ann. 11, 1206. No more than 12 months imprisonment or $1,000 fine, or both, no less than 3 months imprisonment or $250 fine. Also results in permanent disqualification from office. 5 Ill. Comp. Wash. Rev. 532.090. 38-503 through 38-505 (see below). Stat. 2929.18. certified full-time, part-time, or reserve peace officer, the P.O.S.T certification of that peace officer shall be immediately revoked pursuant to R.S. Code Ann. Corrupting the government in the second degree. York and DeMoss were both shown in the violent arrest video, along with Trooper Chris Hollingsworth, who died in a car crash in September 2020, according to the Ouachita Parish Coroners Office. Acceptance of additional compensation for performance of legislative duties. Maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Ala. Code 13A-5-11. N.D. Bribery in the first degree (if bribery would result in arrest or prosecution, or value of the bribe is over $100,000.) Iowa Code Ann. Me. Ga. Code Ann. 6.761. Code Ann. 28-106. Del. Ann. Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree (if the benefit is for violating a duty relating to investigation, arrest, detention, prosecution, or incarceration of any person for a class A felony). N.H. Rev. 161.635. The family has filed a wrongful-death civil lawsuit against the troopers involved in the incident and their superiors. He has been placed on administrative leave following his indictment. << Fraudulent alteration of an enrolled copy of any bill or resolution. 4 G.C.A. Stat. Fine of no more than $100,000. N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. Violations of conflict of interest provisions are punishable by 2/3 vote of the legislature in a manner determined thereby. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 6 months. Ky. Rev. Ann. Ann. tit. Maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment and a $4,000 fine. 9 G.C.A. Code Ann. Ann. Colo. Rev. Wis. Stat. Code Ann. Fine of no more than $500. Ohio Rev. 17-A, 605. N.M. Stat. Punishable by maximum 2 years imprisonment and $10,000 fine. 2023 by National Conference of State Legislatures. 571.173. 11, 1201. Wash. Rev. Punishableby sentence of imprisonment of up to 30 days. 30-123) and shall be punishable by civil penalties, including $250 for failure to timely file disclosure requirements. Ann. S.C. Code Ann. Ann. Foulcard's sentencing exposure is up to five years at hard . 0 N.D. 11, 1211. 8-13-705. Mo. Misuse of confidential information. and Cons. 84-19. Retaining property of an office after leaving office, and the property is damaged. D.C. Code Ann. 5 Ill. Comp. Ky. Rev. Alaska Stat. N.H. Rev. Ann. 53a-42. Violations of the Public Officers' and Employees Ethics Act, if the value of the compensation, conflict of interest, or assistance exceeds $1,000. 42.20.030. Knowingly makingor transmittinga false report or complaint pursuant to this chapter, in addition to liability for legal expenses incurred by the respondent against whom the false report or complaint was filed. Ann. 102.02 & Ohio Rev. N.Y. For example, a state's statutes may not require that a legislator be removed from office for engaging in nepotism, but the offender may still be removed from office if provided for by some other policy or procedure not covered here. Ann. 49 0 obj Abuse of office, if the value of the benefit is $25,000 to $5,000. 522.050. Failure to report bribery. 102.99. N.J. Stat. 4694. Ann. 18-8-404. Threats and other improper influence, if the actor threatened to commit a crime or made a threat with the purpose to influence a judicial or administrative proceeding. 33 L.P.R.A. Except as authorized by law, disclosed confidential information regarding proposals or communications from bidders on any proposed contract, or accepting any bid or proposal on a contract, or altering any bid or proposal submitted by a bidder, with the intent to reduce or eliminate competition among bidders or prospective bidders on any contract or proposed contract. Maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment. Colo. Rev. Any other violation of the section on Bribery and Corruption with penalties not specified shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 1 year, or both, as well as forfeiture of office and restitution. Ann. Stat. Embezzlement or falsification of public accounts, punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both, and permanent disqualification from holding any public office. And every state does things in its own way. If $500 or more, punishable by not more than 10 years imprisonment and no more than $10,000 fine. Violations of the Public Officers' and Employees Ethics Act may be punishable by dismissal from employment or removal from office. 61 0 obj Ann. Misuse of public money, if more than $5,000. Unlawful compensation for assistance in public matters. Any person who pleads nolo contendere or guilty, or is convicted of extortion, embezzlement, bribery, malfeasance or misfeasance in office, or fraudulent conversion of public moneys or property, or for any misdemeanor in office, shall forfeit his office. N.C. Gen. Stat. Code Ann. Code Ann. Dehon was arrested on charges of malfeasance in office and aggravated battery, Port Allen Police Chief Corey Hicks told news agencies earlier in April 2021. 430/50-5. Neb. Colo. Rev. Fine of no more than $250. Bribery in the second degree (value of bribe is over $5,000). 5/5-4.5-40. Ann. 4702. Ann. Ann. tit. Utah Code Ann. Ann. Ann. 24.2-953. 750.478. 21-8-304. Wis. Stat. 12.23. Fraudulent alteration of a bill or resolution before or after passage. Fine not to exceed $1,000. 2C:27-2. Ark. 7-6-218. Imprisonment not more than 1 year. Official misconduct. Office: (504) 599-5955. Ann. 49.20 & 9 G.C.A. Fraudulent alteration of enrolled copies. N.D. Bribery. Ann. Fine of no more than $15,000. 11 R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. Penal Law 200.27. Official misconduct, if benefit is of $200 or less. Kan. Stat. Tex. Bribery punishable by imprisonment not more than 10 years or a fine of not more than $20,000, or both. 16-10-4.Willful and intentional violation of the terms of a public officer's oath shall be punished by imprisonment of between 1 and 5 years. Prohibited gift to a public servant. Stat. Kan. Stat. 5-4-401. 558.002. Tex. Provisions may also subject to judicial interpretation and common law principals not included here. 11, 1212. Stat. 721.1. Code Ann. Negligence in the performance of duty if damages to public property do not exceed $10,000, plus restitution. We are not done until someone goes to jail for this, she added. S.C. Code Ann. endobj and Cons. Ann. Stat. Violation of ethics provisions relating to gifts. Stat. Mo. (3) Knowingly permit any other public officer or public employee, under his authority, to intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, or to perform any such duty in an unlawful manner. Ann. N.H. Rev. Punishable by maximum $500 fine. Punishable by maximum fine of $4,000 and 1 year imprisonment. Rev. Stat. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 1 year. For a third or subsequent offense, misdemeanor crime punishable by fine of no more than $5,000 and imprisonment not to exceed 1 year. 33 L.P.R.A. Okla. Stat. Ann. Violation of revolving door/representing others before the government restrictions; improper disclosure or use of official and confidential information for personal profit; improper use of position for personal gain. 17-A, 602. trailer Penal Law 70.00. Colo. Rev. Utah Code Ann. Ark. N.Y. 14-90. 706-640. 4881. Penal Law 200.35. Cent. His bond has been set at $25,000. 30-23-6) and in addition to criminal penalties, results in permanent disqualification from public employment and possible civil damages. Stat. Vt. Stat. 36.08. 5-4-401. Stat. Term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years, with presumptive ranges that vary based on the circumstances. Stat. He defends those charged with Malfeasance in Office throughout the State of Louisiana. Ann. Ky. Rev. Fine not to exceed $2,000. Each may discipline violators of ethics laws using criminal or administrative penalties, respectively, independently and concurrently, depending on the law violated. 273, 1. Ann. Sentence of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Results in forfeiture of public office or employment. Sentence of between 1 and 5 years. 17-A, 1301. Ky. Rev. N.Y. Ann. Threats and other improper influence in official and political matters, unless the actor threatened to commit a crime or made a threat with intent to influence a judicial or administrative proceeding. and Cons. Mo. 54-03-17. 11, 4205. 4893. Penal Law 496.02. Code Ann. 640:6. Wyo. Iowa Code Ann. Exercising certain legislative privileges after leaving office. Corruption of public resources if the value of the resource is less than $75,000, and not subject to obligation to facilitate a public service. Penalties for class C felonies include a term of imprisonment between 1 year and 10 years. 2C:43-3. Punishable by a fine of between $315 and $1,875 and imprisonment not to exceed 1 year. Codified Laws 22-6-2. 28-106. /TrimBox [0.0000 0.0000 612.0000 1008.0000] Stat. Restitution shall include the payment of legal interest at the rate provided in R.S. Negotiations incompatible with the discharge of public office, if attempted and obtained. Gen. Laws Ann. Stat. Ann. 532.060. Ann. Ky. Rev. Unlawful rewarding of past behavior is a misdemeanor, punishable by between 3 months and 1 year imprisonment and a fine of no more than $5,000, or both. Stat. xref Ann. Ark. Me. Penal Law 200.30 & N.Y. Ann. Maximum damages a violator may be ordered to pay is $25,000, but the commission may bring a civil action if in excess of that amount. N.H. Rev. 61-5A-9.Misuse of confidential information, prohibited representation, and practicing before a board, agency, commission or department shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment up to 6 months and a fine of up to $1,000. Malfeasance in office: RS 14:134.1: Malfeasance in office; sexual conduct prohibited with persons in the custody and supervision of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections: RS 14:134.2: Malfeasance in office; tampering with evidence: RS 14:134.3: Abuse of office: RS 14:135: Public salary deduction: RS 14:136: Public salary extortion: RS . 33 L.P.R.A. Ronald Greene's family has filed a wrongful-death civil lawsuit against the troopers involved in the incident. Public corruption profiteering subject to penalties of $500,000, $25,000, or $75,000 depending upon severity, or three times the value of any property involved in the crime. Public officers or employees accepting bribes, if less than $500 in value, imprisonment of not more than 2 years and a fine of no more than $5,000, or both. 21-6005. Actions obtained by virtue of a violation of the Standard of Conduct are voidable in the same manner as voidable contracts. Receiving a bribe. Official misconduct is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of no more than $5,000, if he or she obtains a benefit or maliciously causes harm to another, but if not, subject to a fine of no more than $750. Penal Code Ann. Ohio Rev. Penal Code Ann. Iowa Code Ann. 1-100. Ala. Code 36-25-27. Corrupting the government in the fourth degree. 4887. Fines not to exceed $25,000 per offense if an individual, $50,000 if a corporation. Ann. Ky. Rev. Louisiana State Police still make and break their own laws. 53a-148. Ann. 5-4-201. Penal Law 195.00. Soliciting unlawful compensation. Term of imprisonment not to exceed 10 years. and Cons. Ann. Rev. Code Ann. 197.230.Class C felonies: Ethics commission is authorized to impose civil penalties for violations of ethics matters under its jurisdiction, which may not exceed $5,000 for a first willful violation, $10,000 for a second separate willful violation, and $25,000 for a third. Ann. Stat. Ann. Frivolous or bad-faith ethics complaints for a maximum of $10,000 civil penalty. Ann. Violations of the Code of Ethics for Lobbyists, if benefit derived is over $1,000 in value or for a subsequent violation of the same provision. False statement in a declaration of candidacy. Stat.
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