3. The crew members that survived and made it to shore said there was a million dollars worth of gold and silver aboard. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. Somewhere near Primm Springs, Tennessee. President Davis pleaded with Lee to form defense lines for just one more day and informed his cabinet that Richmond was to be evacuated and that they would take the Confederate treasury with them. It was an E-mail he sent to someone and it found it's way to being an article on several sites. In his quest, he is joined by treasure hunters and 'The Curse of Oak Island' brothers Rick and Marty Lagina. A man named Hardy Clemens who was a rich businessman, politician, and farmer bought a few acres of land in Coaling, Alabama on the shores of Big Sandy Creek in 1845. The Beckham Plantation Treasure. Its still hidden in a limestone cave called Red Bone. He allowed both sides to use the ferry free of charge in hopes that he would be allowed to continue his ferry operations. The town of Louina lasted from 1834-1902. $15,000 in silver dollars. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The question that I pose. If you ever get out to Dauphin Island speak with the natives there and they will tell you about all the history and treasure stories that went on on the island. Plus, as others have pointed out, gold weighs alot. Few mysteries present themselves so close to home. The Irish Crown Jewels, stolen from Dublin Castle over a century ago, are still out there for treasure-seekers to find today. They fought with the Indians and ended up taking their gold and jewels and then going onto Alabama. After all, the mysterious doesn't always have to be serious. Also, a Spanish galleon ship broke up near the east end of Dauphin Island in 1801. Ill Trade You a Fredericksburg for a Winchester and a Pea Ridge. FBI agents, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) employees and other unidentified people with shovels have descended upon the tiny town of Dents Run, Pennsylvania, looking for a cache of gold bars lost just before the Civil War battle of Gettysburg that could today be worth upwards of $54 million. That is a crazy amount of money even by todays standards. He immigrated here from Scotland. Other Confederate gold, remains of the treasury evacuated from Richmond, did ultimately reach Georgia. I am sure some of your readers are from that area and are familiar with the Prattville, Montgomery area and of course, the Alabama River. The daughter didnt want anything to do with the braces that her father presented to her but she had an infatuation with the white trapper who recently came around. The balance of the captured treasure was assembled and loaded into wagons for transport to Washington, D.C. More information on where and how to research for lost treasures. You are using an out of date browser. You are using an out of date browser. Hunley, was one of the first working submarines that operated with a crew. Portions of it are believed to be in Greene & Morgan Counties of Georgia. In the 1966 Spaghetti Western film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the . The bushwhackers were stragglers from both the Federal and Confederate armies who had heard of the treasure and the handouts being given to soldiers. JavaScript is disabled. It may not display this or other websites correctly. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I did not know of this event until I had moved to California, but I have retired and have relatives and land in the area. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Self-Driving Robot Cars Claim Their First Human Victim, Bigfoot Bathing, Godzilla Egg, Five-Legged Toad, Presidential Hair in Space and More Mysterious News Briefly, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon, Royal Time Traveler, Illuminati Psychic, Human with a Tail, Drug-Sniffing Squirrels and More Mysterious News Briefly. You must log in or register to reply here. The belief that Confederate gold is buried in Wilkes County has persisted since the end of the war. The Chief agreed but he had other intentions as well. In the movie, the characters are hunting for . If you are venturing on to State or Federal lands you should know the laws of that State. They never made it. Most if not all of them take place well into the war, and by then the confederate had serious cash flow issues. John Willismith was a rich businessman who lived in Fort Payne, Alabama. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({google_ad_client:"ca-pub-0945725028962484",enable_page_level_ads:true}); The first was given to the Presbyterian Church, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, in trust for the maintenance and education of white orphan girls of Brantley County. Appreciative of the home the Mumfords provided and his opportunity for a college education, he set out to discover the facts behind the Confederate gold. He resigned his commission as a captain after almost six years and he retired from the U.S. Two more Union soldiers were killed along with the two rebels that had been with Hansen. South Florida Sun-Sentinel. A town was named after her that once was one of the largest towns in Randolph County Alabama. Had he known that in April of 1865 he, his cabinet and about $700,000 in gold and specie would have to evacuate Richmond to avoid capture during the waning days of the Civil War, he might have elected to remain in Montgomery. By Hans KuenziThe Cleveland Civil War RoundtableCopyright 2008, All Rights Reserved, In late May 1861, Jefferson Davis, the former Mississippi Senator and the reluctant president of the seceding Confederate States of America, moved the capital of the CSA from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia to boost the morale of the Confederate troops and weld Virginia to the Confederacy. But with 100 acres to cover and now metal detectors back then it was never found. His anger turned to crime and robbing the L&N trains was the outcome. It's the site where the treasure-hunting group, Finders Keepers, says as much as $55 million in lost Union gold could be buried. 1. But this time Henry died from being beaten. This guard consisted of mostly young navy midshipmen from a training ship on the James River and some of them were only twelve years old. Confederate gold refers to hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War. Apparently in 1865, $100,000 of gold and silver was put into two large metal boxes by . Finders Keepers asked the Justice Department for expedited processing, which can be granted in cases where there is widespread media interest involving questions about the government's integrity. The abandoned town of Demopolis can be found near the Tombigbee River, close to the intersection of routes 80 and 43. Finders Keepers filed a federal lawsuit against the Justice Department over its failure to produce documents on the FBI's search for the legendary gold, which took place nearly four years ago at a remote woodland site in northwestern Pennsylvania. Puckett claimed that when Miss Gertrude decided that the remainder of the Confederate gold should be returned to the people to whom it belonged, her personal lawyer, Judge J.P. Highsmith, suggested that an educational trust be established for the descendants of the Confederate soldiers. As heir to the Mumford estate, Miss Gertrude allegedly made provisions to return the balance of the Confederate treasure to Southern hands after her death. Which leads us to today. Lost Treasure Near Clear Fork Creek. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, 'The Curse of Civil War Gold' follows Michigan-based Kevin Dykstra in his 8-year mission to find the lost confederate gold of the Civil War. An FBI agent applied for a federal warrant in 2018 to seize a fabled cache of U.S. government gold he said was "stolen during the Civil War" and hidden in a Pennsylvania cave, saying the state . A member of the society said there is no historical evidence that gold is buried in the area. Castleton got the fever (not a good thing in those days) and Connor took over for a while. The FBI initially claimed it had no files about the investigation. So with no luck finding the treasure he packed up and moved to California. but where did the money come from? According to local lore, the gold was lost or stolen during the1863 Battle of Gettysburg. Sep 27, 2005. The rest of the gold found its way into the hands of his daughter, Goertner Gertrude Mumford Parkhurst, in New York, where she lived and invested it well. The Sound and the Fury: William Faulkners Great-Grandfather. The troops were trying to keep the gold and silver away from Union soldiers. Legend of the Lost Confederate Gold. I guess this happened more often than we would think. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. The story has it that Mr. Clemens buried $100,000 worth of gold on his property because he was worried about losing it. He didnt even tell his son. Are they really out there ? All but about $70,000 was recovered and transferred to Augusta, Georgia, where ownership of the funds was tied up in court until 1893. It is said that John Buried $100,000 worth of gold there. Hansen ended up killing one of the Union scouts. The Indians thought this request to be outrageous and attacked De Sotos camp. (Note: specie describes money in the form of coins, usually gold or silver, as opposed to paper money. So the treasure has never been found. One of the first settlements of Alabama is called Dauphin Island. Such is the legend of the Lost Gold of Keel Mountain told first by an old Madison County man named Jeremiah McCain, who had joined up with a renegade band of rebel guerillas in early 1862. . La Bellone was a French merchant ship that was in the area of Dauphin Island to pick up merchandise from the French Colonials in Louisiana. Mystery of Lost Confederate Gold. Back during the depression Uncle Byron Campbell got word that during the Civil War the folks of Lucille Al. Sharps ended up falling off the mills roof when he was doing repairs in June of 1899. Nor did anyone else looking for it after word got out. They were active in Louisiana, Texas, Florida, and Alabama. The Army sent Pinkerton detectives disguised as prospectors and lumbermen to clandestinely look for the gold, but they obviously never found it. There were , also, over 2000 Tallassee Carbines hidden and never recovered. In Washington, Georgia, Jefferson Davis and his cabinet met for the final time, where Davis signed his last official order, making Micajah Clark the acting Treasurer of the Confederacy. So Hardy decided to bury the treasure late at night when everyone was asleep. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. I grew up in Prattville, Alabama. Nunez being a former pirate had plenty of money stored up so he was able to save most of the money earned from the ferry. It definitely would be worth taking a metal detector to the beach. If you are venturing on to State or Federal lands. If its there Im all for digging it up. The treasure may be Puckett was rather vague about what Mumford did with the gold he allegedly transported to England, except to claim that he ordered enough seed corn from South America, by way of Great Britain, to replant the whole State of Georgia. Those products, whether pictures of a service or a product contain links to the seller.What companies do I work with and promote?I work with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Clickbank, and MyTopo, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these websites.I also promote Solo Build It Site Built It, because it's the product I used to build this website. One of Georgia's most lingering and possibly lucrative mysteries is that of the lost Confederate gold. . She would then sail the goods back to France. In 1975, amateur fortune hunters, now called Finders Keepers USA, claim they heard about the gold from a mysterious stranger and began looking, using a map he drew for them. By the early 1800s, the gang set up a hideout in Rocky Springs and, supposedly, buried tens of thousands of dollars in stolen gold and silver between the church and cemetery at Little Sand Creek near Rocky Springs. Morris was formerly a skilled circus performer and had an athletic build which made getting on off trains a breeze. Will the FBI abscond with it? I got the Keel Mountain story from a treasure hunter in west Tennessee, and it was a small, one-paragraph statement. Levi Colbert who lived from 1759 to1834 was the bench chief of the Chickasaw Nation. Henry knew he could make a fortune with his ferry because the Perdido River was a popular crossing spot for people going from Alabama to Florida and vice versa. The Paradas accompanied the FBI to the site in Dent's Run, about 135 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, but say they were confined to their car while the FBI excavated. . So many of them buried their gold and silver for safekeeping. He was specific about the state, but Bellview and Booneville are marked as being in Tennessee. The church petitioned the court to expand the scope of the scholarships by including residents of counties which immediately surrounded Brantley and by defining an orphan as a child who had lost at least one parent. Explore Alabama - ALABAMA TREASURE LEGENDS Table of Contents: Alabama Treasure Legends, Legend of the Lost Confederate Gold, Old Flint River Settlement Gold, $30000 in Gold Coin Buried in Bridgeport Alabama, Loot Buried by Levi Colbert in Buzzard Roost Alabama , Rumors of Buried Treasure in . Confederate Gold - New Georgia Encyclopedia. Henry refused and was subsequently strung up to a tree and whipped. His What in the World! podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange sports stories and odd trivia. The FBI has since dragged its feet on the treasure hunters' Freedom of Information Act request for records, their lawyer said Wednesday. Union soldiers happened by and demanded that Hansen and his men unload the cargo in their wagons because they became suspicious that the cargo in the wagons might be guns and ammunition. The trapper returned to the Chickasaw camp and married the daughter of the chief but her father had disappeared and no one in the village seemed to know where the cave was that held the treasure. Also, keep in mind whenever you want to go metal detecting make sure you know the laws of the state in which you are digging in and always ask permission before metal detecting on any private property. He was very skilled at evading the police. Dauphin Island held many camps over the centuries including a British army camp, a Spanish army camp, a Federal army camp, and a French army camp. As fate has it the 3 men that buried the gold ended up dead after the attack. Perhaps the best-known tale of lost treasure in Virginia is the legend of Beale's Treasure. In the waning days of the war, in April 1865, Confederate President Jefferson Davis fled Richmond with a trainload of what was left of the Confederate treasury . And some say its buried amongst the slaves in the graveyard on the property. Deep in the Everglades is Lost City, a place where mobster Al Capone reportedly produced moonshine to keep a nearby saloon . In June 1863, President Lincoln ordered two wagons with false bottoms to carry anywhere from 26 to 52 gold bars weighing 50 pounds each from Wheeling, West Virginia, 400 miles north to Pennsylvania to pay the Union troops stationed there. AFFILIATE DISCLOSUREI am an affiliate marketer. De Soto and his army of men some 600 plus came to the Sacred mountain City of the Cherokees. By all accounts, he stayed by the tracks between Atmore and Bay Minette Alabama stealing from the trains every chance he got. A message was sent to the Justice Department seeking comment on the suit, which asks a judge to order the FBI to immediately turn over the records. In November 2004, they claim to have found a fire pit in Dents Run where human skeletons were allegedly discovered in 1876. Given this claim that the source of these scholarships was in fact a portion of the lost Confederate treasury, researchers throughout the years sought to confirm the veracity of the Mumford legend. According to local lore, the gold was lost or stolen during the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg. Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? It was the summer of 1863, and Union Lieutenant Castleton and his men were lost. The FBI has long insisted the March 2018 dig came up empty, but the agency has consistently stymied the Paradas' efforts to obtain information. After a long day traveling Hansen ended up at a friends home. This means that certain products that you may see advertised on this site I get paid a small commission if that product is clicked on AND purchased by you. The attack happened in March of 1865. In recent years, the number of students receiving tuition assistance has fluctuated between ten and twelve. Buried Train Robbery Loot: $30,000: On a farm in the Osage Hills close to the small town of Okesa, Ok. In his early years, he was a sailor with the pirate Jean Lafitte. The wreck is still there and its treasure is waiting to be recovered! Many posses were formed looking for Railroad Bill. It is said that he would only accept gold coins as payment for the ground corn and flour that he sold. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It seems tales about long-lost Civil War gold will not go away, even though for the last 156 years people have looked unsuccessfully across the country for it. It was said that many riders were so overloaded that they later discarded or hid large quantities of the coins all over Wilkes County. They worked hard to get good lands out west which the U.S. Government was trying to move them to. Back in the 1800s that made for a huge town. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. Juan Monroy. Apparently in 1865, $100,000 of gold and silver was put into two large metal boxes by Confederate troops, and then thrown into the swamp. Wesley Millett and Gerald White are the authors of The Rebel and the Rose. Henry Allen Nunez was an early-day entrepreneur. The treasure was suppose to be hidden under the foundation in the creek at the old Lucille grist mill, so one moonless night he employed the help of his . The town of Louina grew to 2,500 residents with 30 homes, two churches, two schools, eight stores, and even a Masonic Lodge. Alabama lost treasure sites are listed on this page. Another account maintains Jefferson Davis entrusted the entire Confederate treasury into the care of Sylvester Mumford. What Confederate Money (paper notes) that they had was burned at Washington, Ga. in the middle of town by Brig. So if you are ever in that area you might want to have your metal detector and shovel ready because there might be something worth finding buried in the ground there. The ferry was used by Confederate and Union troops during the Civil War. In early 1865 when the Yankees under Gen. James H. Wilson were burning Selma, and it was pretty much a given that they were coming to Montgomery next, the local polititians and civic leaders had two steam barges loaded with all of Montgomery's (the Capital of Alabama) money, gold, valuables, and even silverware and jewelry from shops and .
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