Halloween: The First Death of Laurie Strode #2, The existence of this character is considered apocryphal as. Judith C. Myers, age 79, died Thursday, February 16, 2023 at Generations at Neighbor's in Byron, IL. Netflix Announces Stranger Things 2 for 2017 . When I graduated, I went ahead and got started with professionals yknow, acting classes, and I was in the Playboy talent agency so that lead to going on interviews.. Meanwhile, a police officer was dispatched to Judith's boyfriend's house so that he could also be brought down to the police station for questioning. . I went online and then I started researching stuff, which wouldve been unlike me otherwise. I sought refuge through kind of writing dark poetry and participating in drama and dance in high school.. In 1978, Angus Taylor, the graveyard keeper continued to express surprise that such a young boy as Michael could commit such a horrible act of violence. [2], The only one who spoke was a young boy in a clown costume, who told Judith that they would kill her. Judith's boyfriend, peers and former high school staff paid their respects by attending her wake on November 2, 1963. On Halloween night, Deborah asked Judith to take Michael out trick 'r treating, but Judith dismissed him, preferring instead to go upstairs and have sex with her boyfriend, Steve Haley. Following this incident, Michael was remanded to the care of Smith's Grove Sanitarium in Warren County. I hate you! She told him that she was going to tell their parents what he said but Michael simply replied: "I'm not Michael Myers, I'm a clown." Do you have any closing thoughts? Sandy Johnson: I enjoyed working with them. It wasnt until middle school that we actually settled in California.. Sandy Johnson: I dont remember a whole lot about Surfer Girls, but I remember that I was not happy with the role and I felt pressured into doing scenes that I was not comfortable with. Fifteen years later, Michael broke out of Smith's Grove. At that moment, Michael began stabbing her repeatedly until she fell off the chair, screaming and dying. Could you tell us a bit about those roles? Michael Myers, age 10 : Elvis died. The character has appeared in comic books, fan. A few bucks here and there. She moved to Danville, Illinois and was a public school teacher and a secretary for a manufacturing company. As the existence of Jamie Lloyd is considered apocryphal, so too is the existence of her son, Steven. Fifteen years later, Michael broke out of Smith's Grove. His father, Don Myers, pulled off the clown mask and said "Michael?!" Judith C. Myers. The Myers' family moved out of the house because of the incident. Birth Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. When the paramedics entered Judith's bedroom they got to work immediately. from view for close to forty years. What motivated you to make the transition from modeling to the big screen? I did get married in Los Angeles, and I moved to Oregon in hopes of finding happiness. I want to do it with the mask on. : It also stated that the wounds were not deep enough to be inflicted by the strength required of an adult and that they were primarily centered around Judith's abdomen and torso with a few chest wounds which suggested that the perpetrator was not as tall as the average adult. We all know its a small role but one that would serve as the catalyst for the entire series. Comely, busty and sexy brunette stunner Sandy Johnson was born on July 7, 1954 in San Antonio, Texas. Her tone of voice suggests that shes caught him in her room, watching her, more than once. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. What are your thoughts on John Carpenter and Jamie Lee Curtis returning for the upcoming film? Judith Margaret Myers lived with her mother Deborah, her younger siblings Michael and "Boo" and her mother's boyfriend Ronnie White. : Dan's fingerprints were not found on the knife and he was ruled out. Myers entered the bedroom of the deceased. She moved to Danville, Illinois and was a public school teacher and a secretary for a manufacturing company. In fact, she has been M.I.A. It isnt particularly uncommon for an actor/actress within the genre to have eventually quit Hollywood these films just werent regarded in the same manner as they are today and until recently, the genre was hardly known as a potentially star-making machine Jamie Lee Curtis being the exception, not the rule. I think the audition was for any of the girls I think they were just looking to see which girls they wanted I dont think they had cast anybody yet. Sandy Johnson: I remember that we worked well together they would try my ideas and I would try their ideas I dont remember any competition or anything. She first appears in the original Halloween. fleetwood mobile home serial number; james legros movies; stripes burrito company calories; good day for a hanging She was 16 years old when Michael stabbed her to death with a kitchen knife. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. Sandy Johnson: I know we did several takes because there was a lot going on they had to lay tracks down and all that and they had to move the camera outside of the house, down the back, through the kitchen, through the front, up the stairs, and then get to me so a lot of the takes were before they even got to me. It was too soon. . Do you recall how you obtained the role of Judith Myers in Halloween? Judith Myers is a character featured in the 1978 slasher film Halloween as well as the 2007 remake by Rob Zombie. Upon his departure, Michael walked up the stairs and donned a dropped clown mask before he followed a trail of dropped clothing towards his sister's bedroom. Related lists from IMDb users. Sandy Johnson This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. He and Edith both died in the fatal car accident. The place would remain unoccupied for quite some time. There he is! Moreover, Johnson attended Santa Monica. On Halloween 1963, Michael and Laurie were left in the care of Minnie Blankenship, a neighbor who lived across the street from the Myers family, while Mr. and Mrs. Myers went out. But all friendly and helpful. Judith Margaret Myers It was like, Oh, well, thats cool, theyre just making more of them. Ive never seen any of them. Eventually, when the crime scene photos were developed, it was evident to the investigators that Judith did not put up much of a fight. He returned to Haddonfield and stole his sister's headstone from the cemetery. This new article series is dedicated to those victims who weve watched get slaughtered time and time again. She also noted that whenever Michael would end up hurting himself, she would get blamed for it. : Sandy Johnson: It was amazing, actually being on a big set with lots of stars and meeting Joe Nameth, of course and I remember it was such fun having wardrobe people. Judith Margaret "Judy" Myers was born on 1945 to parents Donald and Edith Myers. Now, Gas Pump Girls was your last screen appearance. Bleeding and in shock, Judith scrambled to get away and began running down the hallway. Female . Instead of going home to 45 Lampkin Lane, they spent the night and several others at Edith's mother's house. : They would not accept the fact that Michael was suffering from mental illness and remained in a state of deep denial. Biography Halloween by John Carpenter (1978) Judith Myers is a fictional murder victim and a minor character featured in the Halloween film series. However, their young daughter, Cynthia managed to survive the car accident, which was thought to be a miracle. She also stressed that she thought that her parents were not taking her concerns seriously. Five months later, Judith was tasked with taking her brother out trick 'r treating on Halloween night. Both of them were kind of light-hearted sets with nice people to work with It was just crazy, fun, young girls doing young girl stuff. See also. He brought it to the Wallace residence where he placed it on a bed in the upstairs bedroom. Ronnie White Sometime in late 1978, after Halloween, Laurie Strode learned that she was the younger sister of Judith from Dr. Samuel Loomis. Best Match Powered by Whitepages Premium AGE 80+ Judith Kay Myers Ashtabula, OH Aliases Judy Kay Meyers Judy R Myers View Full Report Halloween: The First Death of Laurie Strode #2, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers. Sandy Johnson: The audition was done in a residential area. Judith Margaret "Judy" Myers is a character in the Halloween franchise. It seemed to be doing pretty good other theaters were starting to pick it up. They eventually returned to their house and had to deal with the horrible task of cleaning up the mess in Judith's bedroom. Daughter Actor Vivien Ng On The New Cult Horror Film, Every Frightening New Title Coming to Paramount+ in March, The Number One Horror Show on Netflix For The Month Is A great adaptation of a fantastic series, The Most-Viewed Horror Movie Trailer On YouTube This Week Has Fans All-In, Seeing Red: Enter To Win A Blu-Ray of Joe Begos Christmas Bloody Christmas, Subscribers Find The Latest Shocking Netflix True Crime Documentary Series Unbelievable. That is amazing. *laughs* And make-up artists, making us all look our best and it was a live audience, so that was a whole different experience, but it was definitely fun and exciting. Sandy Johnson: Yeah, it did. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); Release Dates 'Illinois Blue Book 2001-2002,' Biographical Sketch of Judith A. Myers, pg. Sandy Johnsons last movie role to date was as a ballroom dancer in Mel Brooks typically broad fright feature send-up Dracula: Dead and Loving It. Judith Myers may refer to: Judith H. Myers, Canadian-American ecologist Judith A. Myers (born 1939), American educator, secretary, and politician Judith Myers (Halloween), a character in the Halloween franchise This disambiguation page lists articles about people with the same name. But obviously, this stirred up some odd things and so thats when I found the Vermont snowboard club, and I was like, Oh my god. Michael took a butcher knife from the kitchen, silently stalked up the stairs into Judith's room and stabbed her to death. Contents 1 Biography 2 Notes & Trivia 3 Family 4 See also 5 External Links Testimony from Mr. and Mrs. Myers, states that Michael was wearing the clown mask upon their return home. Had you kept up with the popularity of the series? [snickers] Judith snapped to attention, demanding to know what Michael was doing in her room. Had Judith been standing, Michael would have had difficulty reaching her chest and upper torso region. But whatever happened to Sandy Johnson the original actress who brought Judith Myers to (ahem) life? Born March 10, 1940 in Washington, PA, Judith (ne Judith Evelyn Myers) was the first child of Stanley Swart Myers and Violet Durbin Myers (both deceased). Contents 1 Biography 2 Notes & Trivia 3 See also 4 External Links 5 References Biography As the first victim of Michael Myers, Judith is referenced in every film in the series whether by visual homage or in the form of a ghost story. judith myers actress. Are you excited at the prospect of reconnecting with others? A lot of films just come and then theyre gone. They [Sonny and Cher] were very nice obviously very talented and put us all at ease. While at Mrs. Blackenship's house, Michael was inflicted with theCurse of Thorna druidic curse that granted its bearer supernatural strength and forced him to killhis family members. He did provide some input as far as what he wanted in the downstairs scene with the boyfriend and the trip upstairs what he wanted me doing and how he wanted that scene to go, with me turning and the surprise at my brother being there. | Judith then ditched Michael to go have sex in the grass with Danny, , which left Michael to his own devices. Judith Myers in Ohio We found 74 records for Judith Myers in Ashtabula, Washington Court House and 41 other cities in Ohio. However, the main thing that troubled Judith about her younger brother were the times when she would catch him staring at her. that was tons of fun. Sandy Johnson: Well, that would be nice my husband and I would like to get a nice RV and do some traveling. They were just doing general interviews, kind of just bringing us down to see who they wanted to use.. | Judith ditched Michael to go have sex in the grass with Danny, leaving Michael to his own devices. But after six years of his own searching, talent agent Rick Henriques has finally found the OG Judith Myers. Like what you see? Other relatives were scattered throughout the United States and were busy with their own lives. For someone to actually like it and to think it was cool, I actually thought that was kind of fun. Although my true love was modern dancing and choreography, but there werent a whole lot of opportunities but I loved the emotional aspect of both dancing and drama. And then she disappeared. NAME: Judith Margaret Myers Judith then noticed Michael as he crept up behind her and spun around, calling his name in surprise. She was stabbed multiple times. If it hadnt been for Rick, I would still be blissfully unaware., Sandy Johnson: I know, isnt it funny? Do you think youll see it on opening night? : Her brother Michael was born in 1957, and her sister Cynthia was born in 1961. Judith Myers : Take that stupid thing off. The stool that she had sat on was covered with blood splatter as was her vanity mirror. Sandy Johnson: My motivation, initially, was that my father had cancer and there was a treatment that they were offering in Mexico but in order to get it, you had to go there and of course, you had to be able to pay for it. The family lived in a white, two-story house at 45 Lampkin Lane, in the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois. She first appeared in John Carpenter's original 1978 "Halloween". Judith was deeply disturbed by this, but knew better than to tell her parents, or else she would have to explain why she wasn't keeping an eye on her brother while this occurred. Deborah Myers *laughs*. Their young daughter, Cynthia, was driven to her grandmother's house where she would stay until the interrogation was over.
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