0 Here are some potential causes and solutions for a lift that lowers more slowly than normal. Copyright 2023 Derek Weaver Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Understanding Car Lift Set-Up and Routine Maintenance, Determining the Center of Gravity Helps to Locate Lift Columns, Hydraulic Car Lift Maintenance After Installation, How to Install a 2 Post Car Lift or a 4 Post Lift, Motorcycle Tire Changer Wheel Balancer Combos, Motorcycle Tire Changer Parts & Accessories, W-937 Wheel Balancer Factory Settings Video, Motorcycle Tire Changer / Wheel Balancer - Combos, Motorcycle Wheel Balancer Parts & Accessories. States Derek, "Our new W-Pro10 has quickly become our best selling 10,000-lb. Home / Project Categories / Training Videos / Two Post Lift Technical 90 Second Know How - Fill and Bleed Two Post In 90 seconds learn how to fill and bleed a two-post lift. Too much tension on one cable can cause other lift issues. If you're unsure of how to install your new lift, check the manual to be sure. This synchronization equalizes the hydraulic pressure for each cylinder allowing the 2 sides to be locked at a level position. Many owners of TSI-equipped VWs and Audis have experienced drivability concerns and a P2015 code. Check pump mounting bolts are correct per owners manual. Because local and statewide building codes may change and / or vary, always check with the building architect before installation for additional guidance on UBC compliance requirements. Related To: Challenger Lifts. Clean release valve in solvent and blow out with air. Santa Paula, CA 93060 USA The next thing that you have to do is install the safeties, safety cables, hydraulic lines, power unit hoses, and routing the equalizer cables. Remember, this is the part of the lift that picks up the cars and holds them for several hours at a time. !%Q+FEr#fr_XQ]LsECDO#DVISGVK 0] Check pump mounting bolts are correct per owners manual. Check for proper oil level. endstream endobj startxref Installing a 2 post lift requires professional help. All BendPak lifts ship with the necessary anchors required for mounting the unit to your floor. Raise the lift approximately 12 to 14 from the floor but do not go past the first lock. According to the Automotive Lift Institute: On rear wheel drive cars, the center of gravity is usually below the drivers seat. Yet, most car lifts are different depending on the model and the manufacturer. Replace with new OEM part. Bleed air is a common issue on two post car lifts, and there are a few simple solutions to troubleshoot the problem. You will want the top of the lift carriage visible to see and access the adjustment nut on top of the cable. Then, you can lower the lift using the power unit. Did you find it helpful? Adjust the gear ring on the arm as necessary. Sponsorships lifting capacity. Reviews of torque. Keep your lift clean and well-maintained for a long service life. This will allow you to drive the car in and out of the shop without the car sticking out of the back door. Of course, you may move the location according to your specific space needs. If handle does not move freely, replace bracket or handle assembly. Things to keep in mind while you are installing the 2 post car lift. Rotary Lift's New SPOA10-TA-TRIO Black has a patented 2 piece, 3-stage asymmetric arm. Itll help to have dollies or some kind of rolling table to help maneuver boxes once theyre unloaded. Usually, you have to position the lift about 13 feet away from the door. Manuals & Downloads The best starting point for 2 post lifts is to determine the largest vehicles you intend to lift and set the lift columns accordingly. Todays companies need a game-changing way to recruit and deliver value to their greatest asset skilled workers. 1 (888) 856-5820 Support Check if the inlet screen is clogged. Distributors These specifications are always going to change, so make sure you follow the instructions and place the cables. LGw2K'VOWy6>Zr"UnEpb\7R1e>7T |G|:r]y 8|Ney:E$75)~f &RL'00X0Xy}&21D2 J8'N~$o^S-chVu_OX,[2+&j^:GbS2m(toErk 1B #;j?>3lWd?68BKh>^%X\B[Ol # Secondly, make sure that the lift latches are adjusted properly. 16 0 obj <> endobj Only adjust a few turns at a time then recheck the locking positions. 90 Know How - Two Post Hose Installation. Once they are inside and through the holes in the Arm Assembly. %PDF-1.5 % Once you have decided where you want to install the two columns. 1645 Lemonwood Drive Santa Paula, CA 93060 USA Directions. Learn more about car lift maintenance and cable inspections. Copyright 2018 BendPak Inc. All rights reserved. Then, pour the concrete, and voila, your floor is ready. This may help guide you to determine the proper column location. Dont worry, all you have to do is measure where the columns will be installed and dig a couple of holes deep enough where the two columns would be standing at. Replace dirty oil per owners manual. 17 0 obj <> endobj This Is My BendPak After youve read the manual, youll start with assembly. I have both a 2 post and four post lift and my 2 post definitely gets used more, and I believe is quicker for most jobs. Weaver Lift and Weaver Equipment are trademarks of Derek Weaver Co., Inc. You want to hear both locks engage at the same time while maintaining as equal tension on both cables as possible. You should be equipped to install your own lift. Other (unlisted) voltages may be available upon request. Once you are sure that the car lift is level, move the swing arms inward and backwards. Doing so allows the operator to position the car, get out and set the arms on the drivers side, walk to the passenger side and set those arms, stand up and use the power unit to raise the lift. Capacity / Extended /Limo Style, 14,000-lb. If there is, fix it with a couple of horseshoe shims until the column is balanced. Follow the steps again to install the second column. Once placed on top make sure you tighten the bolts. 2-post lift. Remember to check your owners manual for details about your specific lift. Santa Paula, CA 93060 USA If you have any questions about any of these models please give us a call at 877-298-7730 and we would be more than happy to explain how these work. Check if the inlet screen is clogged. Posted by Juan E. Chavez on 29th Oct 2021. Slightly open the Allen bleeders on top of the cylinders, look for bubbles in the fluid. Symmetric loading is typically a 50/50 split with 50% in front of the columns using about 6 feet leaving space for workbenches and walk space. Even though the hydraulic unit is a little heavy, you can install it with the help of someone else. No, the power unit must be attached to the passenger-side right post, since this is where the primary safety latch is located. Manuals & Downloads To equalize the cables you will adjust the nut on the side that the lock was engaging first. This is a simple procedure and most of the time you will either need a forklift to raise the bar or you can also raise it with two ladders and two men on each side. Contact, Chat Live endstream endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <> endobj 19 0 obj <>stream Best Car Lift Guide Check if the oil seal is damaged or cocked. For symmetric loading closer to 12 feet from the front wall will work best. Replace if necessary. Run the lift up and down a few times with no vehicle. Run the lift up and down a few times with no vehicle. Certifications Day-to-day in an auto shop can be just as wild as a kitchen on Thanksgiving. The positioning of the 2 post car lift should be performed in accordance with the directions in the operator's manual. _. g9]5A+\x~| '{! (S ee Figure 11) E. Connecting the cables 1Put down columns and then push the carriages higher than chain pulley(Figure 12 & 13). First, tap the bolts with a hammer until the washer rests against the base plate like so: With a level, make sure that the column is evenly placed and there is no side to side plumb or front to front plum. Always test the lift arm by moving it from left to right and make sure that it can hold up your weight before placing any cars on top of it. With the right tools, techs can tackle those jobs that are close to the line between collision and general repair. This ensures smooth operation and solid engagement of all four Arm Restraint Pin Assemblies with the Arm Restraint Gear Ring. Since you are not doing any heavy lifting anymore, it wont be so difficult; you have to pay close attention to what you are doing. Loosen it just enough to allow as much air as possible to escape. The figures below represent suggested concrete specifications, but should not be construed as actual requirements for your building, facility or application. Two-postvehicle lifts are one of the most useful items that you can have in your home garage or repair shop. Make sure that whoever is delivering the lift calls you 24 hours before them coming. Car in Direction Powerside column Offside column Assemble topplate using M10*35 hex bolt with nut and lock washer Copyright 2023 BendPak Inc. All rights reserved. For asymmetric lifts, closer to 10 feet from the front wall will work best. Tech Tip: How to properly bleed a hydraulic cylinder on a two-post lift. The center of gravity will typically be based on whether the vehicle is front wheel drive or rear wheel drive and if the lift is asymmetric, symmetric or supersymmetric. FAQs Copyright 2023 BendPak Inc. All rights reserved. Not a Pry Bar or Punch: Does it Really Have to be That Hard? First, make sure that the concrete for your floor is deep enough and strong enough to support both of the columns. We'll find you a professional installer in your area that will be able to do it at a reasonable price. Garage Spotlights Replace if necessary. Loosen it just enough to allow as much air as . Keep everyone clear of the lift when the lift is moving, the locking mechanism is disengaged, or the vehicle is in danger of falling. Slightly open the Allen bleeders on top of the cylinders, look for bubbles in the fluid. To keep yourself from spending a fortune on repair costs, follow the manufacturer's installation instructions. Contact A Distributor Download Subscribe. 1. They will be more skilled and knowledgeable in identifying problems. c Loosen but do not remove the bleeder screw. Replace if necessary. Mobi-EVS full-rise, battery-powered, mobile scissor lift tables are designed for removing and installing high-voltage battery packs. It should only take you a couple of hours to install this lift, and believe it or not, it's rather simple. The XPR-9S two-post lift offers automotive service professionals unparalleled lifting performance and lasting quality. Make sure that the gears are working well before operating the lift. Also, make sure that the locks on the lift are locked in the level position. Then you will have the structure and hardest part of the lift already set up. Clean or replace. Now, if you are looking to install the car lift yourself, there are certain things you always want to keep in mind. Carefully examine the space you are leaving around the vehicle for walking space, cabinets, workbenches and other obstacles. It might also be due to insufficient air pressure, which can be remedied by raising the air pressure. Positioning the car lift in a level location is essential to avoid causing damage to the vehicle. Most car lifts today have columns that face each other squarely as opposed to being turned on angle. When the columns are straight and square to each other it means you can place the front lifting arms on either side of the lift or approach the lift from either direction depending on your needs. Orders & Shipping Always use another person to help you lift the heavier objects so you dont strain your back. Unauthorized personnel should never be in the shop area when the lift is in use. Disengage the safety locks using the Mechanical Lock Release Handle or Air Lock Release Valve (depending on the model of 4 Post Lift you have). If you're unsure of the parts or components of your lift, you may want to hire a professional mechanic. Follow Us Cables need to be maintained, as do hydraulic systems. Slightly open the Allen bleeders on top of the cylinders, look for bubbles in the fluid. Replace fitting with a short thread lead. You also want to be careful when you are removing the shipping bands and the packing materials from the lift. Events Inspect the lift daily. Mon - Fri, 7am to 4:30pm PST, Policies Orders & Shipping Refurbished Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Style Guide DAS Check Site Map Contact Locator. For "chain over cylinder" car lifts . Government Buyers Make sure that the teeth on the gear ring mesh with the teeth on the gears of the arm restraint. Lower arms to about 1 foot off the ground. Last but not least, you have the lift arms. The positioning of the 2 post car lift should be performed in accordance with the directions in the operator's manual. Every repair shop has one and it goes without saying that automotive repair is easier (and safer) with a hoisted vehicle. While wheel and tire maintenance is important for any vehicle, its critical for EVs. Follow directions carefully, and only tighten bolts by hand until your component is properly aligned. RATZ Check Starting at $5,305. EC,bl*nCA!dDb}0K(,A1PMtXZ6T}+uHk0N% c}>_"c Once there are no more bubbles, close the Allen bleeders. Fully comprehending the installation steps will save you time in the long run. Remember to check your owners manual for details about your specific lift. Capacity / Floorplate / Direct-Drive, 10,000-lb. Follow the final installation steps as recommended by your product manual and your lift should be ready to go. This will help any remaining air to flow back into the cylinders. hb```c``rb`a`V @e b -?K*=f&dUQ$`t*v\ @\0 l Apr 12, 2019 Book appointment based on your convenience, How to Bleed Air From a Two Post Car Lift. Lower the lift back down and then raise to about 12". Disengage the Safety Locks on both Columns using the Single Point Release Handle near the power unit or by pulling the two Manual Release Cables located on each carriage (depending on model of 2 Post Lift you have). J],[@(bD Raise the lift about 12 off the floor and locate the bleeder screw on top of either cylinder. The 4 post-er does make a transmission job easy or access to undercarriage removal items (exhaust, frame wiring and plumbing ect.) Free Shipping Loosen it just enough to allow as much air as possible to escape. Once the lift is mostly assembled, make sure the floor is marked so when you get around to raising the lift using adequate lifting means (such as a forklift), you dont end up being way off the installation mark. This is available in virtually any automotive store. Clean or replace. Mission & Vision Most manufacturers say to at least have the concrete from 6 to 12 inches in depth and have a minimum PSI of 3000. If handle does not move freely, replace bracket or handle assembly. Asymmetric loading is typically a 30/70 split with the 30% in front of the columns using only about 4-5 feet leaving enough space for workbenches and walk space. First, make sure the contact pads on the two-post lift are matched. Capacity / Four Post Lift / Narrow Width, 9,000-lb. For instance, a two-post lift may be more difficult to work on than a four-post lift. Lift buyers are responsible for any special regional structural and/or seismic anchoring requirements specified by any other agencies and/or codes such as the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and/or International Building Code (IBC). By Jay Goninen, co-founder and president of WrenchWay Rob Frohwein, co-founder and CEO of Keep Financial. Make sure you dont drop the power unit which should be on top of the lift when its lying down. 1 Sales-Improvement Source for the Automotive Professional, - BendPak Announces Death of Gary Henthorn, - Servicing Mercedes-Benz AMG Braking Systems, Organize Your Heart Out with Snap-on Magnetic Tool Holders, Myers Tire Supply Announces New TPMS Programming App, NGK/NTK, Autel Collaborate on Webinar Series, Executive Spotlight with Skip Dowd of Xcite Automotive, NADA 2023: Hormann High Performance Doors, NADA 2023: DealerPRO Training Magic Show, How to Identify & Target High-Intention Customers with a Customer Data Platform, Part 1, The Modern Dealership & the Blended Buyer, BendPak Launches EV & Powertrain Lifting Systems, Hunters Maverick Tire Changer Offers Best of Both Worlds, BendPak Redesigns MaxJax Portable 2-Post Lift. H[$7~k When the lift is lowered all the way, continue to hold the lowering valve for about 10-15 seconds for each cycle before lifting again. One mistake and you might have to redo all your work again. Loosen the bleeder screw slightly to let the air escape without removing the screw. Best Car Lift Guide Always remember that you must inspect the gears from time to time to make sure that they are in the correct place. Raise the lift approximately 12" to 14" from the floor but do not go past the first lock. Lower arms to about 1 foot off the ground. Go up and down until the hole is cleared and at the end blow on the hole so you can remove any dust to increase holding power. @I . Bleed the cylinders. 50 0 obj <>stream If it stops working correctly, its costing you money. For 2 post car lifts that have direct drive hydraulic cylinders, there will be a bleeder screw on top of the cylinder. Directions, 1 (800) 253-2363 Toll Free Use caution when drilling concrete holes and ensure you have the right tools and protection to prevent any accidents. When marking the spot for the columns to be bolted down, determine where they will be in relation to your largest vehicle. BendPak Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this document without incurring any obligation to notify the public that changes were made. Returns, BendPak on TV Report Fraudulent Sites, BendPak on TV FAQs Lowering valve leaks. Use the following steps to bleed the air out or watch the video: For chain over cylinder car lifts, simply cycle the lift up and down for several cycles. It will be required to have 30 40 psi to disengage the locks. 90 Know How - Two Post Fill and Bleed. Once the lift arrives at your place you want to make sure that you have a way to get it off the truck.
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