This book is of great historical value and even in the present day it is still considered of great value by the American military who still seek for improvements in their ways of desert doctrine Analysts continue to assess the data Why do not all troops transport during naval invasion? If a division is cut off from the capital, even if it is in full supply due to occupying a victory point or another source of state supply, or due to air supply, it will not receive manpower or equipment reinforcements. These troops had orders assigned with an army that would bring them to the inactive front line and I tried using them while unassigned and just moving around. Note, however, that the speed of equipment resupply is not affected by a divisions supply state (but if a division has low supply they will experience constant attrition for as long as this is the case, which may prevent a division from reaching its full equipment levels). Hello everyone, I'm trying to invade Italy via marine invasion, however, I have 4k convoys, but I don't know how to convert them into transports? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Redirect page. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. In some cases can mean provinces with no hub supply at all will receive some hub supply, although as noted above, the increasing size of "supply flow drop-off" the further from a supply hub means that extensions in range are likely to be limited. This thread is archived. I'm literally punching the desk out of frustration that I can't move troops from Italy down to Ethiopia to help in the war. If it looks like its not cost-effective, or possible, to get hub supply from existing hubs, it is also possible to build new supply hubs. We print these paperbacks as a service so you don't have to. In terms of industry, it has 3 military and 10 civilian factories, 3 naval dockyards, plus 14 additional open slots, 4 aluminum, 202 steel, 40 chromium, and 70 . I tried that, didn't work. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. TIL that some of the people on Reddit complain about things they see in the title of a post, without the context from the article. While state supply from population and infrastructure will be in every (non-impassable) state, a few states dont have victory points, and many states have no base supply. They'll have to have convoys, as it says in the article. By Posted split sql output into multiple files In tribute to a mother in twi The risk of moving your troops by sea is that if you don't have control of the sea zones you're moving through your convoys will be intercepted and destroyed and you will very quickly lose all your divisions. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. For instance, I set up an amphibious invasion plan for a port along the southern coast of China. A comprehensive account of the Iran-Iraq War through the lens of the Iraqi regime and its senior military commanders. In Hearts of Iron 4, logistics consists of getting personnel (replacements), and equipment where they need to be in order to support the fighting forces, as well as ensuring the level of supply where the unit is, is high enough for that unit to operate effectively. So, drop them behind enemy lines for the best effect. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. Xsolla is an authorized global distributor of Paradox Interactive. Naval units don't participate in the land unit supply system. 6. As a front advances into enemy territory, enemy-held rail lines and hubs may come under friendly control. Chinese states). The amount of stored supply for a division can be seen towards the bottom of the tooltip that comes up when hovering over a divisions name in the Army UI element, as per the example below. Supplies are not produced, but rather the level of supply in a province represents a support capacity (it could be thought of as a soft stacking limit). You need to research transport techs to increase that cap. I use a big army to defend my ports all over asia, i dont have any naval superiority in all that zone so its needed to prevent naval invasion, but when i get invaded some of my division goes to defend . rev2023.3.3.43278. See the three screenshots and their captions below for an example of this in action. You need convoys to transport troops to their naval invasion destination. Hmmm. They're all running across Asia. This can be further extended for Marine divisions if they are lead by a general with the Amphibious. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. Depending on motorization level, each hub needs 0, 40, or 80 trucks (icon symbols: horse, one truck, two trucks). All rights reserved. This is accessed (using default settings) with the F4 key, or selecting the mapmode from the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. JavaScript is disabled. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. While the AI wont do this, if you want allies not to be involved on a particular front, its possible to toggle off supply for allies on a hub-by-hub basis. Higher levels of infrastructure also allow supply from a hub to reach further, by reducing the drop-off in supply flow from the hub (to a maximum reduction in drop-off of 0.3 for level 5 infrastructure). Like lets say I want to move troops from New Orelans to NY in peace time. right when they go to the port they go right back, They are probably in an army that has an active plan (frontline etc), only happens in my captured province in the middle east. hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base. The total draw on the supply capacity of a supply hub. How do I see the naval supply of a fleet/task force? I have no idea how to get my forces over to Europe. Actually building railways can be done in a number of ways: Each additional level of rail will increase the size of the total amount of supply in the hub, which means the amount of supply flowing from the supply hub outwards is also increased. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Is there some trick I dont know about? Ships are grouped into fleets. Which was either introduced recently or hugely increased, as I don't recall capturing half of Germany's VP and getting. The level of supply available in a province is made up of three different sources Hub Supply, "Aerial Supply" and State Supply. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Checking an area to see whether the heatmap shading is due to mostly hub or state supply will provide a clearer indication of the effective supply in the province if more forces are moved into the state in other provinces. They work similar to naval invasions, just their range is limited, you need air superiority to execute them, they are much faster and instead of convoys, you need enough transport planes in the local air base to bring all your paratroopers to the target location. Questions, Paradox Honestly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into with naval invasions, so much so it was hard to articulate what questions should be asked. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You must then click Another province with a Port/Naval dock that has NO land connection avaliable. As is the case for any air mission, the mission efficiency will reduce the amount of supplies that can be provided, and efficiency can be impacted by a range of elements, including weather, the supply status of the squadron performing the mission, and the relationship between the size of the air zone and the range of the squadron. This obviously requires a navy. John Paul The Great Catholic University Alumni, As long as a division has a connection to the capital via a continuous path through friendly provinces, ports and/or convoys, manpower reinforcements will arrive - although at very low supply levels they can take a long time. It doesn't seem to work the same way as in EU4 or CK2- I'm playing as mexico, and preparing to attack portugal, but I have no idea how I'm going to do it. As is the case for other ways to extend supply hub range, the increasing amount of supply drop-off as the distance from the hub (counted in provinces) increases means that any increases are likely to only be at the margins (ie, perhaps an increase of range of one province). Your troops need to be assigned to an army. Both weather and terrain have an impact on the supply system - the tables in the weather and terrain pages on the wiki provide the figures for the various supply impacts for different terrain/weather states. Transport air wings flying air supply missions can only use state and hub supply, and cant draw themselves on air supply. New York Times Divisions with a battleplan that requires naval transport will now have convoys assigned to them automatically. I've found other people online who have encountered similar issues, usually with people responding "give more details" so, let me know if you need more. Holding down the Shift key will show the range of the supply hub (at that time range can change with weather). It may not display this or other websites correctly. I get two notices from my cursor: "Cannot transport to a non-naval base location" when hovered over land in Default map mode and "Our fleet does not have access to this region" when using Naval map mode. It's just a matter of making the most out of whatever forces you have in the area. I'll try this if the issue reproduce (since I cancelled order thinking that maybe i cannot start naval invasion from a puppet harbor). I have available ports along every place I might want to move. I want to get my new divisions over there to make sure I'm all good. The base amount of stored supply that a division can accumulate is 150%. This template is going to be your best friend, especially early game, and is able to withstand battle against most units on the field. Never once have the troops left shore. Outside of aerial supply, improvements to the level of supply in a province over the course of a game will almost entirely be due improvements in the amount of hub supply provided. you probably dont have control of the suez if the war already started, so you will need to take the suez canal first. That gave me a valid war goal, though I have not declared war with China yet. herculoids gloop and gleep sounds click on the army commander and you'll see on the left a naval invasion icon, click on that and choose the starting port, then right click on the invasion site, then wait while your units prepare, then click on the go button to start the invasion #2 BigBoss1917 Jun 14, 2016 @ 12:30pm By default, you can draw supply from your allies supply hubs, and your allies can draw supply from your supply hubs. Have the division railroad to the nearest port and then shift right click on the target port to queue naval transport option. I am playing my first game as Japan. That wikilink posted by safe-keeper is good. I'm in a captured port on an enemy coast and want to reinforce a flanking force by naval transport to another port I took by invasion. Bright red: There is insufficient supply for the units in this province, and they are suffering significant supply-related penalties. How do I transport units over sea? This is a community maintained wiki. When you go to the naval overlay every sea zone the invasion passes through has to be green. Man the Guns replaces the existing naval technology system of set, successive designs with an extensive modular system that allows players to create more highly customized individual ship classes. As in the game Hearts of Iron IV perform landing troops? Note that the full benefits of motorization will only be received if sufficient trucks are available. Question. How the do you get armies across water? Remove "random state" infrastructure rewards from focuses and allow us to place the reward upgrades manually. Dr. Derrys fremstilling af det to-mneders felttog i Norge i 1940 er den frste officielle fremstilling, der fremkom efter krigsafslutningen. Connection via a river is instant, and will be made if the new supply hub is connected via a river (bordering the province containing the supply hub) to either the capital, or another supply hub or port in a province bordering the same river. Prepare your navy and your marines to the closest islands owned (Marshall Islands) to naval invade Hawaii then to West Coast America, the final ocean province outside of California can be reached by separating your three 4000km range light carriers (Hosho, Akagi and Kaga). you basically just described r/worldnews (without the racism). Aircraft, land or carrier based, add a multiplier to this. This obviously requires a navy. 5. Archived. Enough convoys to transport the troops. You must then click Another province with a Port/Naval dock that has NO land connection avaliable. I feel a bit stupid having to ask this, but how do you transport a division by ship? For naval units, being less than fully supplied impacts directly on spotting efficiency and repair speed, but it also reduces the rate of fuel received, which depending on the fuel situation can have an impact on their efficiency in combat as well. I am trying to do a naval invasion. There seems to be a disagreement among the posters in the above link, one saying you need transports (bottom of ship list), and another saying convoys suffice. Can someone state definitely exactly what assets are needed to transport troops over water to a foreign land? Each click of this will add another level of railway to each province on the rail connection to the capital (so, for example, three clicks on a hub connected by a level 2 railway will put construction orders in to upgrade it to the maximum level). Unit: Unit supply draw, and where its coming from. To move troops across water you have to first move them to a province with a Naval dock/Port, which looks like an anchor on the map. 6. I have been previously moving divisions around freely, from Japan to Korea, the Caroline islands to North China. For more information, please see our Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? The books are compact, tightly-bound paperback, full-size (8 1/2 by 11 inches), with large text and glossy covers. Yellow: There is insufficient supply for the units in this province, but there is still enough to provide a reasonable partial level of supply. Right amount of troops (controlled by your transport tech). I think setting up the actual naval invasion order is pretty straightforward. Ask a new player or non-player, "please navally invade province X" Observe and document the new players and non-players' attempts to conduct a naval invasion. Thanks for the answer! Naval invasion can bug out. Mostly only subs and tradeships. Answer (1 of 3): There is no best fleet composition for HOI4 it completely depends on where you are fighting in the ocean. I have no navy, and no idea how to even build a navy. Aug 3, 2016 @ 6:17pm or we have no access there #7. equinox1911. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Now it says cannot transport to non naval base location but there is a naval base #6. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. When I hover over the "go" button, no flags are raised. This command adds the specified amount of naval utility to your naval . If my initial naval invasion is successful and my army grabs the province, how do I get more units to land?
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