You cannot effectively do a visual inspect of the pocket area, even with a mirror, but I was able to feel around with my fingers in search of a drain hole. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Display as a link instead, Depending on where you live, sunroof drains may become plugged sooner than later. If you pull the driver side inner wheel well you should see a rubber grommet on the firewall that has most likely deteriorated. Search and buy used Ford Fusion with sunroof. After doing that I was able to diagnose and fix the problem fairly quickly. I never use the dang thing, sun makes it too hot to even open the shade except in winter here in the south. Knock on wood. I think we need more of the back story on the Hot pinkness? Anyway, if I had my choice I wouldn't pay for one ever again. There was a spot where the sealer had not been applied correctly at the factory. Examine the sunroof track. When putting water into the driver side drain hole, the water immediately filled the driver side floorpan. Sun roof open and - Answered by a verified Ford Mechanic Agreed not a sunroof fan and there was no option to deletenow I have the dreaded track issuesI've maybe used the roof maybe 6 timesand it's out of warranty.$$$, The following errors occurred with your submission, The 2017+ Ford F250, F350, F450 and F550 Super Duty Pickup and Chassis Cab, Lightning, Harley-Davidson F-150, Roush F-150 & Saleen F-150, Conventional (Bumper Pull) Towing; Travel Trailers & Pop-ups, Toy Hauler Towing; Fifth Wheel & Bumper Pull, Flatbed, Car, Boat, Utility, Horse & Misc. Depending on your vehicle, the location of these may vary, though the front drain holes in most cars exit in the doorjamb or under the car. by 6door74 Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:30 pm, Post It's never a bunch only a couple dropsI'm taking it to the dealership to be checked for a leak next time I get an oil changenot sure what the deal is but its frustrating on such a new car! Rear tubes don't have that valve, so shouldn't get blocked. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. From: John Loftus, 4488 Elkcam Blvd SE, St. Pete FL, 33705. If you shop at (for anything), use this link to support! Does anyone else have this issue? by Mudman78 Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:58 am, Post My 2012 Fusion has a water leak when it rains, leaving standing water in both sides of the back seat floorboard. Finally, confirm if the glass is tightly sealed to the body. I'm glad my wife finally convinced me to give up and take it to someone who know what they were doing. I took off the cowl cover and poked all the drain holes I could findwith a coat hanger, which may have helped some but it still leaks. I hope the guy who designed this is having a really bad weekend. After WEEKS at the dealership, they found that the drain holes punched in the body werent punched. If the car is parked "flat" there is no obvious water accumulation. When cleaning the drain, its also a great idea to ensure there is no debris around the sunroof area which could worsen the clog or cause another clog. by Adria719 Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:42 pm, Post They mentioned that the sunroof and AC drains join together and exit the car at the same place so try shooting air down your sunroof drain and it might clear both. New windshield and it stopped. for 2 weeks. FOURTH SERVICE - THIS TIME THRU OVERHEAD LIGHT/MOONROOF CONTROL, OTHER TWO LEAKS. A forum community dedicated to all Ford owners and enthusiasts. So I don't know if it ever had that problem again, but I have not had a problem with the 08. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Your link has been automatically embedded. First, I read other related posts here to familiarize myself with known issues. The trimmer line "snake" was a brilliant idea. Livid isnt a strong enough word. Mine was full of water. Stay up to date with my latest tutorials, don't forget to FOLLOW my profile and be sure to check out my YOUTUBE page as well for all your DIY needs. I found two drain holes in the sunroof on the front of the sunroof are there any in the back. Results of my own (now resolved) sunroof leak. 1 luis-luis-luis 3 yr. ago NHTSA ID: 10119667. By Well i pushed a brake cable up through that valve and yes i got quite a bit of horrible black gunge followed by some clear water. Update: I posted this back in December. Depending on your vehicle, the location of these may vary, though the front drain holes in most cars exit in the doorjamb or under the car. Return Policy Something went wrong but the dealer and Ford engineer can't seem to figure out what. Water that gets under the rubber molding on FACTORY installed sun roof WILL run into the gutters. At first they told me they couldn't work on it per Ford Council due to my BBB claim. There are after market sensors available to close sun roofs when the rain water closes the circuit. Blow compressed air into the drains if there is no water coming out of the rubber drain exits., Suspension/Wheels/Brakes/Steering (Mk3 Mondeo). In some cases the drain tubes may be clogged and require a clean-out. I was getting a shower and wet seat in my 1999 Subaru Outback Ltd. Thoughts? 5 years ago. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. A SMALL PIECE OF CRIMPED HOSE IN THE DRAIN WAS REPLACED. My car was torn apart - seats taken out, seatbelts detached, everything to replace the moonroof parts and put in a new headliner. If the water still does not drain out, use a piece of flexible wire to snake it down the drain hole to dislodge the debris. The water drips in around the sunglass holder/dome lights. BUILT UP AROUND DRIP TRAY. First you will need to open the sunroof as this is the easiest way to access the drains. Clean off any dirt, leaves and debris around the drain holes. Location: Austin, Texas Posts: 793 Likes: 38 Received 18 Likes on 10 Posts Where are the Sunroof Drains Located? If you are getting water on the headliner, it is likely that the drains are plugged and water is backed up all the way to sunroof pan. CAR RUNS GREAT. I will take mine apart this weekend if the weather permits. Either moral is a good one. This will save me a lot of time not having to find the rear pipes… for now. By Car enthusiast YouTuber creating helpful tutorial videos on both repairs and customizations. The issue isstill there and the flow may be mitigated if parked on a slope with the nose down. Insert Panel Drain Hose - Ford (5F9Z-7401523-AA) 2005-2019 Ford Insert Panel Drain Hose 5F9Z-7401523-AA | . ford_leak Fusion Member 4 Region:U.S. Southern Atlantic My Fusion:Decline Author Posted October 4, 2020 Update: It is indeed leaking down the left (driver's) side, from the corner up behind the dash. Just bought an 06 expedition ,so new to this forum. 0:00 / 7:44 Sunroof Drain Cleaning (Sunroof Exits) - 2013 Ford Taurus TechDude731 1.11K subscribers Subscribe 102 Share 17K views 5 years ago Find the location of the sunroof drain exits,. Sunroofs add an element of fun to your everyday drive, but sometimes they break. No sign of windshield leaking, ceiling in car is not wet. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that all works out well. found a seam where the floor pan meets the firewall that was supposed to be sealed with some kind of foam or silicone. When broken, it does not pull the drain to the proper location, allowing the water to drain in the car. If you stand up through the sunroof and look in the corner (you may have to push down the wind guard) you should see a hole in the side. That's right - FABRIC. There are four drain hoses on the 2008 Fusion roof opening panel. I've been trying to locate where the tube exits out at the bottom. JavaScript is disabled. This pushes the drainage system to its limits. Also where the back seat goes into the floor, those indents are also full with water. Granted, I am still under factory warranty, but just thought Id see if anyone knows or has any ideas. What causes a Ford sunroof motor to make a continuous clicking noise while trying to open it? If available one could also try an electrician's steel fish line wire. Having a drip tray would suggest Fords expect a lot of water to get through. Question Water was draining fast so I it is either unclogged or I have another problem. We will see next time it rains. Ford Fusion Sunroof Replacement. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. After a torrential rain, the foot mat at the driver's get waterlogged sometimes spilling over to the other side and backwards. 4 years ago Is it an easy fix? In fact, every seam between the various sheet metal pieces was filled some some rubbery foam stuff. Pull the door seal trim away so it's out of the way. I don't think so and I hope not. Only wet around the A pillar handle and just below it on the floor mat. How to fix the sunroof on a Ford Fusion Pull down the fuse panel under the steering wheel to open it. In this video I show how we fixed a leaking sunroof on a 2012 Ford Focus. For those of you who are also having the mysterious origin moonroof leaks, if it doesn't get resolved second time round you should be asking for a replacement vehicle. CAR WAS, RETURNED TO US. Done the job today and the information he gives in tackling this job is excellent. Resolution: The 2 drain tubes are 3/8 inch clear hose that run from the sunroof pan thru the roof pillars and down behind the kick panel in the foot well area. Apparently there is a drainage spot somewhere around here that can be blocked and cause flooding inside the vehicle. Stick with it. Sunroof leaks are covered under the regular warranty, but not the extended warranty. If you download the images to your computer you can alter the color/brightness/contrast if necessary to better spot some of the details. These drains are normally feed through the roof pillars and exit somewhere underneath the vehicle. Clear editor. My theory is that it's related to the cowl vent drains. Next, examine the drain holes to verify they are clear of any obstruction which may prevent water from draining through. As you can see the water is draining properly. A few weeks later I noticed that on the drivers side near the sun visor there was water leaking on to my jeans. Another instance for light reading: My Parents bought an '85 New Yorker 4cyl turbo new off the lot. Ford 2018-2020 Expedition 2018-2020 F-150 2018-2020 F-Super Duty Lincoln . It is most likely clogged with debris, you can air blast it if you have a compressor, of use a coil plunger line, shove it down ther and push all of that until it comes out the end and of the bottom of the . Step 2 After it was fixed, I wrecked it. Location: Southeastern PA Leaking Sunroof by poff Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:32 pm I have a 2007 Milan (I am the original owner) and the sunroof started leaking. Will study it more tomorrow, when I can stand it. If you live in a treed area, it can happen more often as there is larger particles floating around in the air which would eventually plug the drains. My SUV once had a leaky roof drain or so it seems. Guess that rough stretch of I-40 I was griping about shook it off! The work they preceded to do on the vehicle has actually caused a substancial amount of damage to it. Used a kitchen syringe to squirt water down into the drain holes. After heavy rain the driver side floorpan fills with water. It seems I have had that bad luck too. Began in 2015 as a leak only when going through a car wash. 5. I tried clearing all the drains in my car but that didnt work. If you get more water than the pocket will hold the rest spills over the top of the pocket and into the floorpan. STILL LEAKING. When the sunroof pan fills up, or if you deliberately plug the drain holes, the water has nowhere to go and will certainly (if only slowly) drain into the cabin. carpet and headliner etc. Clear editor. The water drips in around the sunglass holder/dome lights. Cycle the ignition to the OFF position and then back to the ON position. Depending on your particular vehicle, there could be up to four of them, and they'd be located in the corners . Does anyone else have this issue? 2018-2020 F-Super Duty: Remove The Metal Shield From The Evaporator Drain, Pasted as rich text. Locate your sunroof's drains. To unblock it, gently pull the pipe away from the body and remove the elbow join from the end of the pipe. Does this sound right? So several litres per minute of rain water gets dumped on the top of the car, much more than the drain is able to clear. Diagnosis: I parked the car in the usual inclined position. As the truck gets older the sunroof seal may contract a bit and let more water in. i think it is from the sunroof not draining properly so I'm . If that doesn't do the trick, try running a very small flexible "plumbing" snake down the tube to break up the clog. While a faulty seal could be the reason for your leak, the most common cause of a leaky sunroof is a clog in the drainage system that carries water away. by kanajana Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:14 am, Post Members can start their own topics & subscribe to topics Here's the rear rail back in Here's the dumb kinked tube. It will likely be the 2 front moonroof drains that are clogged. Dropping the corner of the headliner is easy. It did not leak at all the first 5 months I owned the car. That seemed to clear the pipe so i tried to feed the pipe cleaner all the way up to the top but it wouldn't go any further than about 12" up the pipe, leading me to beleive there is more further up, appx mid-A pillar area. This information has been great and has help me identify the front drainage tubes. The drain channel collects water and drains it through the front drain hose(s) located in the A-pillar and the rear drain hose(s) located in the C-pillar. Then all of a sudden the leaks started happening. I really think their final push was what brought resolution to my situation. It's possible that a sunroof drain is clogged. Right in the corners there is a 1/4" hole on both sides. You can post now and register later. on Introduction. 2010 ford fusion sunroof is stuck open in vent position, three weeks, 84000, bout used one month ago. NOTE: Complete the following within 5 seconds: A. Consult a workshop manual for your specific model. . It happened almost overnight, but followed on the heels of a terrifically bad round of storms. For this particular vehicle, right below the run drain opening, I takes a tighter turn so something stiffer may cause issues. (must have been dirty glasses) Should have typed 3/8" I.D. They tried everything from cleaning out the moonroof drains. Honestly I never would have even expected that. Plus, I do park under trees.Your video was easy to follow, and what a great suggestion - using plastic trimmer wire. I have managed to clear the front pipes but cant see the rear pipes. Aug 17, 2018. Sunroofs/Moonroofs are increasing in popularity with todays car buyers. Where is the ac drain located on a 2016 Fusion? No solution yet. I don't know how to make repairs so I'm going to have to take it to the dealership and get it fixed. by Unobtainium Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:03 pm, Post Your cars sunroof drains should be cleaned regularly. Anyone have any expierience with doing this. Basically the tube connects at the corner of the sunroof, runs down the A-pillar behind the trim, between the dashboard and the car frame, through a sizable hole (large enough to get a hand in), and there is finally a small hole that the drain end fits through. Weirdly, a bottle of water poured into the gutter drains well and this problem also does not occur at the car wash. So, this is a fairly recent problem. I don't even WANT the Moonroof but I've got to buy it as it's packaged with the SONY Stereo. Ultimately, if anyone else has this problem it may be a great help. I should have only poured a tiny bit. Well with thousands and thousands of moon roofs out there , if things were that bad a recall would be issued or at least a TSB. I have the PC cleaning cans of air. The dealership was smart enough to avoid a lawsuit by letting him get another car at a great discount. On the driver side there is also a large bundle of wires that needs to be pulled aside.
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