Prepare Your Workplace. However, if the requestor wanted information regarding use of either clonidine or guanfacine in this disease state, then the term OR might be used. The SlideShare family just got bigger. There are millions of Web sites and there is no true quality assurance measures in place to evaluate the reliability of information available. Available from: Plumb There is an additional toxicology section which allows identification of drugs based on imprint codes and discussion of overdose management. Bope WW. The use of human-labeled pharmaceuticals prescribed in an off-label manner to treat companion animal disease states is a viable option for veterinary medicine. AL, Newton 2. 2nd ed. This type of literature can be used for multiple purposes; one can be to help keep a practitioner keep abreast of recently published information91 or to help find more recent or detailed information on a specified treatment or disease. MJ, Clauson These operators are similar to AND; however, they require the terms to be within a set number of words of each other. AI. Available from: Ettinger This focuses on the impact food may have on mediations and also highlights what foods should be avoided with specific medications. Available from: Clinical Reference Library [Internet]. New York: McGraw- Hill; 2011. EL Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. Mosby, This resource, assembled by medical residents, contains a succinct discussion of common diseases and conditions of newborn to adolescent patients. While specific electronic resources may be hosted at a different Web site, the publisher site will direct users toward the appropriate link. JP, Elbe If neither of these options are available, then the Loansome Doc ordering system might be used. LS, Lewin Information is provided regarding common compounding techniques and ingredients. ),§ionid=54480666. 2002;22:1036-40. Available from: [homepage on the Internet]. Courses in Therapeutics and Disease State Management. PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from injection drug use by at least 74%. Work on the task that is attractive to you I enjoy working on tasks that are attractive to me. 2004;61:1015-24. What additional information is needed to answer this patients question? For this reason, it is important to consider the categories of requests received in a particular practice setting to ensure that appropriate tertiary texts are available. Identify FDA resources that contain information on drug safety issues 2. Aronson U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, This resource, available in print, online, and flash drive formats, contains the official substance and product standards. Parentheses can also be used to further streamline a search. Often a search for information does not employ all of these steps and does not require the use of all three types of resources. It is often referred to as The Virus in veterinary medicine because it is everywhere.,,,,,,, GG, Freeman Food-Medication Interactions, This resource is available in print, online, and mobile device formats. The Web site,, has pet centers focusing on different species (dog, cat, bird, horses, fish, reptiles, and small mammals) and is written for laypersons. Some experts may be identified via medical organizations focusing on specific disease states, leadership of medical societies, or persons who have authored numerous papers on a specific medication or medical condition. Information about parenteral admixtures, compounded formulations, physical compatibility, and chemotherapy formulations is included., Products are indexed by common name and information is provided regarding action, usage, dosage, and other clinically useful information. Drug Information Drug Facts Browse information on different types of drugs, their street names, how they're used, and how they affect the body. AJ. Many databases link users directly to the article of interest. National Cancer Institute, This database is maintained by the National Cancer Institute and indexes literature from a variety of sources specific to cancer literature. The resource includes a variety of topic areas including palliative care and toxicology information. RR. Neofax 2011. Medical information changes so rapidly that it is possible that information may be out of date before a text is even published. He sees a large number of patients in his practice and is seeking information about efficacy, safety, and appropriate dosing of this product., This resource is a compilation of prescription product package inserts. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This text includes information about disease states and treatment options. Handbook of nonprescription drugs. 35 slides Drug information centers Nica Solis 10.6k views 8 slides Slideshows for you Viewers also liked (20) Drug information final Sitaram Khadka 64.6k views Drug information and poison information THUSHARA MOHAN 44.6k views Poison information center Sri Ramachandra University 31.2k views Rational drug prescribing to essential drugs This list is not comprehensive and reflects only a limited number of resources available. Textbook of therapeutics: drug and disease management. . Medscape, This electronic resource provides extensive information about disease states and conditions. Popular PNG Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, This resource is considered one of the most useful references for extra-label drug dosages, indications, and specific drug information on human and veterinary labeled pharmaceuticals. Rockville (MD): United States Pharmacopeial Convention; 2012. Copyright McGraw HillAll rights reserved.Your IP address is The Alice! For example, Adis ( compiles Anti- infectives Today, Cancer Today, CNS Disorders Today, and Pediatrics Today. PubMed. There are comparative monographs of drug classes to help discern differences between agents of the same class. Merck Veterinary Manual [homepage on the Internet]. Tertiary drug resources were used by the majority. Tampa (FL): Clinical Pharmacology; 2006 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. What to do in an emergency; 10 ways to deal with peer pressure; In this case, a search might be performed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder NOT Tourettes disorder. D, Young BJ, Alldredge These resources are also convenient, easy to use, and familiar to most practitioners. General Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs/Substance Use Resources. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Office of Communications 10001 New Hampshire Ave Hillandale Building, 4th Fl Silver Spring, MD 20993 Toll Free (855) 543-3784 (301). McGraw-Hill Professional, This text describes the role of pharmacokinetics as it relates to drug development and to patient care. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2013. About 18% were retrieving drug information from the primary drug information resources. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2010. If your institution subscribes to this resource, and you don't have a MyAccess Profile, please contact your library's reference desk for information on how to gain access to this resource from off-campus. Natural Standard, This resource is available in text and electronic forms. Washington, DC: US National Institutes of Health; [cited 1 Mar 2013]. CC, Berger The operator NOT would be helpful if a user wants to exclude certain topics, for example, a specific disease state. hb```4fFk``a`b#M 3rd ed. Stimulated reporting. Rockville (MD): United States Pharmacopeia; c19972008 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. This resource is most useful when looking for information about oncology therapies or quality of life issues. There is a separate publication which focuses on antimicrobial therapy. These drugs are derived from one species of the poppy plant, and have a high potential for abuse. A summary of relevant clinical trials is also available. Articles are often available for a fee via the publisher Web site. Data include CAS number, chemical structure, molecular weight, and physical data, including solubility, which may be especially useful in compounding. Notice A. TB. If being asked to recommend a source of online information for a patient, one can confidently recommend health care organizations or disease societies, both of which usually provide helpful, high-quality disease-specific information geared for the average consumer. 5th ed. WA. There are several types of publications considered primary, including controlled trials, cohort studies, case series, and case reports. It helps to look at the MeSH terms to make sure that the search has the most appropriate content. The employer, human resources staff, supervisors, and employees all have a role. For example, useful information can come from poison control centres, social security records, inquest reports, and from clinical and basic pharmacology, toxicology, and pathology units. Browser Support, Error: Please enter a valid sender email address. } 2W;14dJl2]XG:qy0jq8MQ/@xM.oE&;jM,`L>s aEaTN(vu7,,";aa0!g~B}ME,} as. Under the scientific resources tab, there is a resource titled Veterinary Therapeutics that is valuable for educating veterinary pharmacists about current therapeutics issues in veterinary medicine. Available from: Facts & Comparisons E Answers [Internet]. 12th ed. WA, DiScala the literature hierarchy It is the source of information for the development of secondary and tertiary literature resources [2] The primary source knowledge of drug information resources among students of college ofpharmacy and nursing university of nizwa in oman Due to the rapidly increasing number of specialty journals being published it is difficult to determine which journals are really most essential in a pharmacy practice setting. McGraw-Hill Professional, This text focuses on the management of a variety of disease states, centering on the diseases most likely to be seen by pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. Merck Index: an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals. PN. MJ. Another important factor in the selection of appropriate tertiary resources includes selecting a resource focused on the type of information needed for a specific request or situation. This site has information about the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. One additional study90 evaluating the efficacy of PDA databases specifically for addressing drug interaction information found slightly different results from previous studies but did find Lexi-Interact to be one of the top performers, in addition to iFacts ( Delmar (NY): Apothecary Press; 2010. BA, Pasko Monographs are listed in alphabetical order, and categorize the drugs chemistry, pharmacology, indications, species dosing, contraindications, and interactions into an easily identifiable format. A practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice. Find A EN study guides, notes, and practice tests for Riverside Some publications are available full text through this service. JM, Holstad Drug Information Resources Search for Guidelines AMA Style Guide How to Connect to Library Resources Drug Resources Chart Online Resources for finding Primary Literature Online Resources for Tertiary Information AccessPharmacy AccessMedicine DailyMed Tertiary Resources Drug Information Textbook Medicine Textbooks Monograph Book Pharmacy Textbooks Drug Information Resources 2. Some databases will also use the terms WITH or NEAR. Ann Pharmacother. RK, Yaffe Geriatric dosage handbook. SN. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., This reference contains information about prescription and nonprescription drugs organized by drug class. A brief summary of selected tertiary resources is listed to provide examples of some resources that may be useful in the general pharmacy practice. Create a poster (word document or ppt slide) about a drug: Include the following information: Describe this altered state of Expert Help Study Resources These might be more useful for identifying recent research about a disease or disorder, rather than the ingredients in GABA Plus. Some information is provided about common herbal products as well as diagnostic agents, radioactive pharmaceuticals, and some veterinary products. Available from: PDR for herbal medicine. REPOTOX [Internet]. MD. Click here to review the details. Cochrane Library, This database has three components: indexes of Cochrane reviews about a variety of medical treatments, conditions, and alternative therapies; abstracts of international systematic reviews; and a bibliography of systematic reviews in worldwide literature. Extensive evidence-based information regarding efficacy is provided. MM, Arcara For example, databases through the National Library of Medicine (NLM) index terms by their Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms, while the Iowa Drug Information System uses the United States Adopted Name and the International Classification of Diseases. The content filters are specific to the drug or disease state being searched. Active surveillance - Sentinel sites, drug event monitoring and registries. McGraw-Hill Professional, This text, organized by therapeutic class of agents, provides general discussion of pharmacology principles as well as more detailed discussion of specific agents. The major drawback to print copy tertiary resources, however, is the lag time associated with publication, resulting in less current information. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. Merck & Co., Inc., The manual has served veterinarians and other health care professionals as a concise and reliable animal health reference for over 45 years. Malone P.M., & Kier K.L., & Stanovich J.E., & Malone M.J.(Eds. It is tempting just to select the easiest, most familiar resources to find information; however, by doing that there is the possibility of missing new resources or limiting the comprehensiveness of the information found. BS, Hall The center has extensive experience in assisting veterinarians in poison management by providing immediate and specific treatment recommendations. There are also resources to support owners of diabetic animals. types of drug or medical information. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2012. 7th ed. Recently an autosuggest feature has been added to this database, which provides suggested search terms that appear as the searcher begins to enter terminology. The last day. This resource is available online as well as for mobile devices. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., This resource provides information about drugdrug or drugfood interactions. PNG. HH, Marsh American drug index 2013. This is available in text and electronic formats. Limited references to primary literature are provided. Supporting the growth of veterinary pharmacy is the concept of One Medicine, a blending of veterinary medicine and human medicine for the benefit of public health, and to better serve human and animal patients alike. Drug Information Resources. Please review before submitting. Available from: Drug facts and comparisons 2013. Is it possible to identify the author of the site to contact with additional questions or comments? New York: McGraw-Hill; 2011. Additionally, many electronic networked resources allow use of the same resource at more than one location. 1996; 53:184352. Practitioners can also access the FDA Veterinarian Newsletter from this site. Golan Hansten and Horns Drug Interaction Analysis and Management. Red book: pharmacys fundamental reference. Carpenter The electronic versions allow for integrated searches of various Lexicomp products (depending on subscription purchased). The growth in veterinary pharmacy has allowed pharmacists to apply their drug knowledge resources to veterinary situations. So read this article on Robert Galarowicz and fitness.. before you claim that you know all about Robert . This resource also provides information about routes of administration and commercially available strengths. 17th ed. Select appropriate resources for a specific information request. WE. This site uses cookies to provide, maintain and improve your experience. Authentic Oxycodone Front Authentic Oxycodone Back Authentic Oxycodone Side by Side Fake Philadelphia (PA): W.B. Information from the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) is also available online at or, or for mobile devices (PDRBooks). For example, this may include language of publication, year of publication, type of article (e.g., human study, review, case report), or type of journal where publication is found. Information is provided about federal and state regulation of product development, dispensing, and development. Barrons Helms Ansels pharmaceutical dosage forms and delivery systems. Information about etiology, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis is provided. Drugs during pregnancy and lactation: treatment options and risk assessment. 4th ed. Some search engines are geared toward scholarly content (such as Google Scholar, or scientific research, rather than general information. Pediatric drug calculations for nurses ppt - Here, we will show you how to work with Pediatric drug calculations for nurses ppt. Current information uses the most recent, up- to-date sources possible. It includes a variety of interactive features. Get Study is the perfect place to find resources and information for all your academic needs. Information is provided about comparative efficacy of various over-the-counter (OTC) agents, as well as contraindications for self-treatment, drug interactions, and other safety information. The information obtained from this literature is the basis for evidence-based practice. Chapters are organized by drug classification; adverse events are organized by drug name and then by organ system within each drug. This print resource is updated every few years and comes with a CD-ROM. S, Yu Whitehouse Station (NJ): Royal Society of Chemistry; 2013. Shargel Hudson (NY): Lexi-Comp; 2012. Information is included regarding structure, therapeutic class, and proprietary names for single entity medications. ET, Kellerman DA, Smoyer Ibuprofen is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as headache, toothache, back pain, arthritis, menstrual cramps, or minor injury. In this section, you can find useful resources of kidney friendly recipes and cooking tips from around the world. Drug Information Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation 1 / 28 Remove this presentation Flag as Inappropriate I Don't Like This I like this Remember as a Favorite Share About This Presentation Title: Drug Information Resources Description: Alternative Medicines, DRUG DEX. SG. The e-chapter logo indicates a chapter that is currently available only online. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer Health; 2013. This is most helpful when the initial search terms return a large number of possible matches. Drug Scheduling Learn about the categories used to classify drugs depending on their medical use and their potential for abuse. Best deals. Appendix 32 provides a listing of core holdings for a college of pharmacy assembled by the AACP.10 While this list may be more extensive than what is required in most practice settings, it does provide a core listing of journals. 12th ed. Montvale (NJ): Thomson Reuters Healthcare; 2011. King Guide Publications, Over 450 IV drug monographs are provided. Indexing is done by drug- and disease-specific terms, which at times makes searching challenging. National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health. Pharmacokinetics - 4 weeks (longitudinal) The resident will learn the knowledge and skills to; Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. This information is an excellent starting point for any health care professional wishing to prescribe, provide, or utilize compounded drug products for animal patients. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. ).wichita, ks warrant search About . It eliminates any references having that term and may eliminate appropriate articles simply because the term happens to appear somewhere in the article. One could describe it as printed information in a reference or verbalized by an individual that pertains to medications This resource is also available online as a free resource at, and mobile device version. The information in this chapter helps provide guidance as to where specific types of drug information might be found and how to begin a search for drug information. Leading pharmacy textbooks, including DiPiro, Pharmacotherapy (even review quiz questions!) This site contains information about conditions and diseases of special interest to women. The provision of drug information is continually expanding into new areas and technologies, which may impact selection of resources. USP Veterinary Medicine [homepage on the Internet]. He is taking no other medications. Proprietary names and manufacturer contact information are available for a variety of countries. ME. Does the author have appropriate experience/expertise to publish in this area? TH, Lemire St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer; 2012. Goldmans cecil medicine. This div only appears when the trigger link is hovered over. Make sure that your workplace is ready for your drug-free policy and program by informing, educating, training, and motivating stakeholders. Am J Health Syst Pharm. This reference is available in print and online. Additional implications for pharmacy practice are provided for some legislation. King guide to parenteral admixtures. American Pharmacists Association, This text provides information about preparation of sterile and nonsterile dosage forms. The review of natural products. Express gratitude, encourage good behavior, and reward a job well done with these resources. Describe appropriate search strategy for use with electronic databases. A search using OR will return a number of results equal to or greater than a search using the term AND. GR, Bennett Gold Standard, This electronic database contains monographs of prescription and nonprescription products as well as some dietary supplements. This site is a government maintained resource describing ongoing research in the area of dietary supplements, as well as detailing efficacy information currently available. Each practice setting requires slightly different primary literature based on the specific areas that are of greatest importance to that facility and the patients cared for in that location. The text is also available as an e-book. 2149 0 obj <>stream One general text about federal law is listed below. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. Koda-Kimble It is unique in that it provides full-text articles, in either PDF form or, for pre-1988 articles, microfiche. Hudson (NY): LexiComp; 1978 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. Primary literature consists of clinical research studies and reports, both published and unpublished. Recent revisions have dramatically increased the amount of information included in patient counseling sections. In addition to these resources aimed at consumers, there are consumer-specific sections of many tertiary resources discussed earlier. After completing this chapter, the reader will be able to. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. She also requests information about use of any of the other phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. LiverTox provides up-to-date, unbiased and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, clinical patterns and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications and selected herbal and dietary supplements. If the information obtained in the tertiary resources is not recent or comprehensive enough, a secondary database may be employed to direct the reader to review primary literature articles that might provide more insight into the topic. This is also an opportunity for the practitioner to gain general information about the disease or drug in question, which ultimately results in a more structured and productive search. We've updated our privacy policy. The combination of multiple resources in one package may make selection of resources for a practice site much easier, but also more costly.
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