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}lT(r>-;F{p PCPzA?#i+r*DZ4w['Hdkb{bS~k~%1N$zy^LdI Shopping lists: PSC-RPM is developing and validating AY22 shopping lists, which will identify anticipated billet vacancies. PAL changes and any updates to the shopping lists will be advertised via future All Coast Guard Reserve (ALCGRSV) messages. Also deadline for Reserve Captainsto submit one page biography to RPM as per the Reserve Captain Assignment Guide.g. For e-resume guidance refer to the CG PPC DA II website at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Portals/10/CG-1/PPC/GUIDES/GP/SelfService/Member/Self%20Service%20-%20eResume.pdf. This policy. endobj
Per Ref B, RILO requests must be received by PSC OPM NLT 1700R, 21 January 2022. 3. in May 2022. Members serving on long-term ADOS orders that terminate at any time during 2022 are highly encouraged to apply for assignment. Potential multi-encumber would report to CG-R. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences|Unsubscribe|Help. Since 1790, the Coast Guard has safeguarded the American people and promoted national security, border security, and economic prosperity in a complex and evolving maritime environment. Internal Coast Guard users can locate these at: ALCGPSC 022/23 - RESERVE OFFICER EXTENSION RESULTS ALCGPSC 021/23 - PY23 DECEMBER REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL RESULTS ALCGPSC 020/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER . Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The minimum time in grade to be considered eligible for retirement is two years. Due to Direct Access limitations, any previously submitted e-Resumes will not be visible to assignment officers and should be resubmitted if assignment officer action is desired. CAC CGPortal General Messages - Home, An official website of the United States government, Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, ALCGPSC 030/23 - PY23 RESERVE OFFICER ACTIVE STATUS (ROAS) PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 029/23 - ACTIVE DUTY COMMAND SENIOR ENLISTED LEADER (CSEL) SCREENING PANEL RESULTS FOR ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2023 UPDATE-1, ALCGPSC 028/23 - ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2023 (AY23) RESERVE COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 027/23 - PY23 MARCH REGULAR-TO-RESERVE COMMISSION APPOINTMENT PANEL, ALCGPSC 026/23 - ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2023 (AY23) RESERVE CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGGPSC 025/23 - 2023 RESERVE HIGH YEAR TENURE (R-HYT) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH POINT (PGP) WAIVER PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 024/23 - CORRECTING MILIITARY RECORDS (COVID-19), ALCGPSC 023/23 - INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2023 WOMENS ARMED FORCES RUGBY SEVENS CHAMPIONSHIP, ALCGPSC 022/23 - RESERVE OFFICER EXTENSION RESULTS, ALCGPSC 021/23 - PY23 DECEMBER REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 020/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS UPDATE-1, ALCGPSC 019/23 - COAST GUARD GAMING PARTICIPATION IN 2023 ESPORTS COMPETITIONS, ALCGPSC 017/23 - OFFICER PROMOTION AUTHORIZATION LISTING (OPAL) 03-23, ALCGPSC 016/23 - PY23 ADPL CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD PRE-BOARD ELIGIBILITY LIST AND PACKAGE SUBMISSION GUIDANCE, ALCGPSC 015/23 - PY23 PERMANENT COMMISSIONED TEACHING STAFF (PCTS) DESIGNATION PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 014/23 - AY 2023 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS - UPDATE 2 AND FINAL, ALCGPSC 013/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 011/23 - PY23 RESERVE CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (CWO) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ALCGPSC 010/23 - AY 2023 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 009/23 - PY23 RESERVE COMPONENT MANAGER (RCM) DESIGNATION BOARD RESULTS, ALCGPSC 008/23 - OFFICER PROMOTION AUTHORIZATION LISTING (OPAL) 02-23, ALCGPSC 006/23 - 2023 COAST GUARD SPORTS PARTICIPATION GRANT PROGRAM, ALCGPSC 005/23 - COAST GUARD ATHLETES PARTICIPATION IN 2023 ARMED FORCES SPORTS, ALCGPSC 004/23 - PY23 ADPL NOVEMBER LTJG SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ALCGPSC 003/23 - PY23 ACTIVE DUTY CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD PERSONAL DATA EXTRACTS AND PROFILE LETTERS, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. The inland buoy tender also provides a Federal presence for the inland waterways and western rivers, conducting ports, waterways and coastal security; search and rescue; marine environmental protection; and marine safety missions. The General Message Archive is located on an internal agency website and provides the links to archived General Messagesranging back to 1998. The 2021 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel convened on 14 December 2020 and the following slate has been approved. endobj
Internet release authorized. Their primary missions are domestic ice breaking, port security, search and rescue, and law enforcement operations on rivers and inland areas. UNCLAS, ALCGPSC 010/22
CAPT Michael Batchelder, Chief PSC-RPM, sends.11. Some Rights Reserved. Units began validationor AY22.b. These positions reflect the current state of the Personnel Allowance List (PAL). The biography requirements and template are available in the Reserve Captain Assignment Guide.8. B. ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update > United States Coast Guard > My Coast Guard News Feb. 22, 2022 ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update Please click here for full message. Army National Guard Fellows will be assigned to the National Guard Bureau . All candidates who meet the criteria for reassignment in AY21 must apply for positions in Direct Access using the PCS e-Resume link, found by following: Employee - Tasks - PCS e-Resumes. PSC-RPM will adhere to tour completion dates when considering assignments. The Coast Guard Reserve has new captain and commander positions for Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) open for e-Resume submission in Direct Access. %
If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at MyCG@uscg.mil. The 26-foot over-the-horizon cutter boat supports multiple assets to include the national security cutters, medium endurance cutters and the fast response cutters. This message announces the AY22 Reserve assignment season kickoff and provides important guidelines and information for Reserve Captains and Commanders competing for assignment, their command cadre or supervisors and the Reserve officer corps at large. The following positions comprise the AY21 Reserve captain and commander shopping lists: NOTE 1 Assignment to CG-OEM is the primary fill. Once the issue is resolved, MyCG will go back to our normal practice of publishing modern, plain-language news articles on the homepage,withpersonnel messages autopopulating on the appropriate audience pages. The 35-foot long range interceptor II is a cutter boat that can be deployed in variety of missions including law enforcement, search and rescue, migrant interdiction and special operations. FM COMCOGARD PSC WASHINGTON DC
CAPT CSC (09 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Benson, Scott D.CAPT Gaillard, Lawrence D.CAPT Martis, Jose D.CAPT(s) Behera, Jessica B.CAPT(s) Bertsch, Fred S.CAPT(s) Bosma, Peter F.CAPT(s) Chong, Randall T.CAPT(s) Mctamney IV, John M. P.CAPT(s) Omenhiser, Roger E.L. CAPT HSWL (07 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Benson, Scott D.CAPT Gaillard, Lawrence D.CAPT Martis, Jose D.CAPT(s) Behera, Jessica B.CAPT(s) Chong, Randall T.CAPT(s) Dooris, Matthew D.CAPT(s) Payne, Jeffrey L.M. e. 08 Nov - 12 Dec 21: AOs available for assignment counseling.f. C. MILITARY SEPARATIONS, COMDTINST M1000.4. Contact District (DX) for information on potential duties. <>
9'l!.l_ The Precept which convened this panel and charged the members with their duties, the Commandant's Guidance to Officer Selection Boards and Panels, and the O-6 Assignment Guide are available at CG Portal OPM reference library. or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. SHARE ALCPSC PSC CG-1 CAPT TRACEN (15 Selected for 03 Commands):CAPT Benson, Scott D.CAPT Judge, Warren D.CAPT Kuck, Julie P.CAPT Moyer, Matthew A.CAPT Scott, Anita M.CAPT Sinclair, Jennifer L.CAPT Smith, Eric A.CAPT(s) Aleksak, Jason C.CAPT(s) Behnke, Andrew J.CAPT(s) Britton, Peggy M.CAPT(s) Chong, Matthew M.CAPT(s) Chong, Randall T.CAPT(s) Deisher, Rula F.CAPT(s) Dooris, Matthew D.CAPT(s) Lewis, Rachel L.2. The 65-foot small harbor tugs are multi-mission cutters. Objections to proposed assignments should be sent by e-mail to RADM Tiongson at Andrew.J.Tiongson.mil@mail.mil, copying the member's chain of command, Jennifer.L.Sinclair@uscg.mil, and Catherine.T.Carabine@uscg.mil. 2. Official websites use .gov endobj
Reasonable Commuting Distance (RCD): REF A, Article 5.Cdescribes policy regarding RCD. endobj
You'll gain in-demand career skills and have life-changing experiences, all while making lifelong friends. d. 15-19 Nov 21: Reserve Senior Command Screening Panel. CAPT APO Aviation (05 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Huberty, Christopher M.CAPT Krywanczyk, Jerry J.CAPT Mcguinness, Eugene D.CAPT Spitler, James W.CAPT(s) Behera, Jessica B.H. 7. ACTION. The Coast Guard offers you the chance to learn, lead, and launch a great career. endobj
The primary candidate pool consists of Captains and Commanders reported in DA as tour complete in 2022, Commanders selected for Captain, Lieutenant Commanders selected for Commander, members who will change Reserve Component Category (RCC) to Selected Reserve (SELRES), Fields such as Job Code and Job Family will narrow the search results based on rank and component (officer, enlisted, etc.). AY22 SELRES Captain and Commander timeline:a. RPM-2 sentguidance for Reserve shopping list validation to the ReserveForce Readiness System (RFRS) staffs. Were here to help. The current version of DA will not notify the endorser of the request and does not allow late e-resume submission. \{K+"X
="J~KYIC{Osg]J >&. Search criteria may include state, job code, position number, etc. xkoF{~;\r*l'N&(n?0cNUJ3RE\=f~?!af_>~97pn>uMG8e)y (]=vG_>~("Ns;,? After the Commander Selection Board Results are finalized,the O5 Command portion of SCSP will be released. Please subscribe to receive email updates here: Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web <>
Youll get specialized training in fields like law enforcement, environmental science, engineering, healthcare, and moreplus benefits like tuition assistance, 30 days of paid vacation annually, and medical, dental, and vision care. A Charter Boat Captain commands a small vessel as a master, captain, or skipper and may contain a sailing endorsement for sailing vessels and/or a commercial towing endorsement for vessels engaged in assistance towing. Merchant SEC NEW YORK CMD CADRECAPT M. A. Wike MSU PORT ARTHURCAPT E. E. Williams ACTIVITIES FAR EAST8. <>
AY22 Captain and Commander Assignment Candidate Pool: a. Assignment officers:a. CAPT Mike "Batch" Batchelder: Captain assignments,(202) 795-6499, Michael.W.Batchelder@uscg.mil.b. The 27-foot utility boat-medium is designed for law enforcement, recreational boating safety, search and rescue and aids to navigation missions. B. He is responsible for conducting full-spectrum cyberspace operations in support of Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense mission objectives. This ALCGPSC constitutes notification for requesting voluntary retirement in lieu of orders (RILO) per Ref B, including officers extended in their current billets. Have any questions about how to join? An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. SUBJ: AY 2022 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS UPDATE 1, A. ALCGPSC 127/21
The panel recessed for the duration of the RILO period. 4. Senior officers selected for promotion to Captain or Commander will only be considered for positions of the promoted grade.d. USCG Members must sign in with their Common Access Card (CAC) by clicking Sign in with Smart Card.
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