These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. In Athens all men are on an equality which means Not of the few but of the many (doc 3 pericles). What are the advantages and disadvantages of ancient Greece? WebCompare the advantages and disadvantages for settlers of Greece's physical geography. There was some farmland for crops, but the Greeks could always count on seafood and waterfowl to eat. Many people were disenfranchised. Who was not allowed to become a citizen of Greece? One reason why Athens had a greater respect for human rights is that they had a direct democracy, while Sparta had an oligarchy. Athenians elected government officials through lot (Document B). These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. In a relatively resource-poor region, a society rose from the access of foreign sources of raw materials and markets abroad. The purpose of this essay is to prove that ancient Greece wasnt truly democratic. In blues, certain "flattened" notes create the (allusion, illusion) of a human voice. They became skilled sailors. WebHowever, Athens under the rule of Pericles should be considered a democracy for several reasons. (Bulliet 99) From 1000 B.C.E to 30 B.C.E, Ancient Greeces view on individualism changed the political system Greece had, over time changed the way individuals thought and made important Intellectual changes, and gradually changed the Economic system such as bartering. The council (men over sixty years elected for life) and kings acted as judges and proposed laws (PBS 1). They took politics very seriously and made sure that everyone had a voiced opinion. When a new law was proposed, all the citizens of Athens had the opportunity to vote on it. Why is Greece the birthplace of democracy? 1 What are the pros and cons of Athenian society? 4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having mountains cover ancient Greece? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What is the formula for calculating solute potential? However, in Athens, girls did not receive an education like the boys in Athen did but, instead, were expected to become housewives. The assembly passed laws and made policy decisions (PBS 1). Web3.It made abuse of power complicated, as you could always bring a charge against an official in the peoples assembly. Disadvantage: Unpredictable sea, need boats to travel. Athens direct democracy had elected officials including ten generals, magistrates, and others (PBS 1). 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. 7 What are the limitations of a majority rule democracy? Ancient Athens, had a much more stronger basis than ancient Sparta. WebThe term democracy, like many other political terms, was first discovered in Ancient Greece. By the time one enters the third grade they become aware of concept of democracy. While it has been stated that Athens is the cradle of democracy, and that it was better than any of the other governments in the world, it was still a work in progress. Demo, meaning the people, and kratia meaning the power or rule. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. (Figure 2). Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The word democracy has its origins in the Greek language. To have a powerful and lasting empire with great prosperity you must have a series of strong leaders. Democracy (disadvantage) Few people were considered citizens and had a voice in government. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. One that originates from ancient Greece, at the cradle of civilisation.The word democracy comes from the Greek meaning the people and meaning power or rule. One that originates from ancient Greece, at the cradle of civilisation.The word democracy comes from the Greek meaning the people and meaning power or rule. Climate was varied but moderate, with temperature between 48 degrees Fahrenheit in winter and 80 degrees Fahrenheit in summer. Democracy, a noun that means the society is governed by the people, a system of voting, and majority rules. Ancient Athens has two documents that discuss democracy. The key aspects of what makes Australia a democracy being the electoral role, Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), referendumsm, the rule of law, Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy, said Benito Mussolini. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. When looking at this definition and trying to decide whether the Athenian democratic system was truly democratic, one would have to go with the answer no. Democracy is the idea that the citizens of a country should take an active role in the government of their country and manage it directly or through elected representatives. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Democracy is an aspect that can be included in many different governments including, republics, monarchies, and theocracies. What are the pros and cons of democracy in ancient Greece? Athenians were the most scholarly types while the Spartans were more of the military type. The Athenians were stronger because they had a better geography, government, cultural achievements, and I would rather live in the Athens. Secondly, Giovanni Sartori (1997), a Political Science Researcher states that democracy is an abbreviation that means Liberal Democracy. It is a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. They took politics very seriously and made sure that everyone had a voiced opinion. Amongst those city states Athens and Sparta were two of the most powerful and considered in Greek history as the most influential states to western civilisation. Its population was over five times as great as the other small city-states. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. WebGreece's victory ensured the independence and security of the Greek city-states, so that Greece continued to dominate the eastern Mediterranean for centuries, which is known as Gold Age. The history of Ancient Athens dates back to 6,000 years ago. Weaknesses of the Athenian democracy include: The Athenian form of democracy was a contradiction in the sense that it did not allow participation of a large section of the public, namely, women and slaves. Athens was a democratic state that was peaceful and where women were open to culture and democracy. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. I have come to this conclusion that Athens had a better system because anyone could office and they had more equal rights as a citizen in the government. Athens First of all, the economy was very strong in Athens. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a government? WebAdvantages: Greece has mountains which were good for grazing sheep and goats, Greece is next to the Ionian sea on the west, the Mediterranean Sea on the south, and the Aegean sea on the east which enabled the Greeks to fish and to trade with older, more complex cultures, the climate was good for growing deep rooted plants like olives and grapes, so olive oil and There was a constant importance of acknowledging all citizens hard work and participation. What were the advantages and disadvantages of Greece? Even girls were trained to become soldiers because for the Spartans there is no such thing as inequality; women can do the job of mem. (Document B): The second reason is that if the court decides that someone has no right to be enrolled as a citizen he becomes. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. What are the pros and cons of democracy in ancient Greece? During that year, they were responsible for making new laws and controlled all parts of the political process. There are many limitations on democracy as a majority rule. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. Athenians made it clear that the poor helped build the city 's power and not just the wealthy. This group of people only included white male citizens, meaning that slaves, foreign born residents, women and some men who hadnt obtained citizenship couldnt vote (Doc D). Their division led to the widespread of language and culture. Spartas government was said to have a mixture of the major types of government which is oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy. 5 Why is Greece the birthplace of democracy? Athens was the warm welcoming city-state in Ancient Greece, most unlike the horrific neighboring city-state, Sparta. The secret ballot, First of all, it is important to know the definition of democracy and its aspects. Tenant farmer. Being the birthplace of democracy gives Ancient Greece a very important reputation. Who were excluded from Greeces limited democracy? This meant that they may not have represented mass opinion, whereas getting all males over the age of 18 involved in politics increased the likelihood of policies representing what people wanted. Sparta and Athens are very different from the way they are administered as well as their practices. Spartas government was said to have a mixture of the major types of government which is oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy. Apart from many smaller changes, it was mainly based on the opportunity for all citizens over 20 to take part in governing the country. Ancient Greece is often credited with being the birthplace of democracy. Overall, I think Athens is better and safer to live in then Sparta. According to the State of the World Atlas, 44% of the worlds population live in a stable democracy. One of the many states of Greece, ancient Athens was indeed not truly democratic as a result of not inclusive, other than male citizens, to gain authority in ancient Athens, Demokratia was ruled by male citizens only, excluding women, free foreigners(Metics) and slaves.(Document D), therefore ruling Athens was only accessible to male citizen since since women, free foreigners(Metics), and slaves were not allowed to rule as a result of not being male citizens. Democracy in Athenian government the way that the citizens pass a vote is getting done, in elected by the assembly annually for making decisions about military matters and by showing hands. When you look at the literal definition of democracy in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there is a decently large explanation. WebDemocracy (advantage) Allowed more points of view to make decisions because a small group was in chargenot a single person. Athens was a democratic state that was peaceful and where women were open to culture and democracy. Athenian citizens in that era were generally expected to have respectful qualities, like openness, a rational mind and belief in their authority, although they did have shortcomings. You cannot download interactives. They became skilled sailors. The rule of the people is the definition of Democracy. One of the most famous civilizations lies between three seas, the Aegean Sea, Sea of Crete, and the Ionian Sea. Sparta and Athens were different in their values, politics, and societies. Even though their government was ran by the people themselves, only the men in the city could vote. It was possible to prolong the rule for the next term but in case of any abnormalities a quick change of government took place. Established on September 17, 1787, the U.S. Constitution established Americas national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed rights for its citizens. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. But those attitudes shifted in the course of the 5th century under the influence of the Persian invasions of Greece in 480479 bce. The two biggest city-states have always had issues. They also had a council of five hundred. 5. Athenians were the most scholarly types while the Spartans were more of the military type. Specifically in America, one is taught that they live in a democratic society. A belief in shared power: based on a suspicion of concentrated power (whether by individuals, groups or governments). Press ESC to cancel. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The democracy of Athens developed around 500 B.C.E because of the current uproar of oligarchies and dictatorship. Ancient Greece is also known for many things like the birthplace of the first Olympics, beautiful architecture, and famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. WebThe common man, woman and children were considered subjects, who had no say in how the land was governed or any of the policies that were implemented. This caused some to view them with hostility which sparked the conflicts between Athens and Sparta that lead to the Peloponnesian War. During the Archaic Age, Sparta was solely focused on fighting wars and training their children for these wars. Women had no contributing role in politics. Advantages: meet outside often, healthy outdoor lifestyle, they had good temperature for farming and prospering, very moderate climate. + PRO: Though harder to find, more affordable options exist. It was easy for the Athenians to see who the people are due to the population number at the time. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state. Athens was a much more superior polis compared to Sparta because the Athenians invented new ideas and creations that supported the people, such as democracy, the Athenians led the Delian League, and Sparta created the Peloponnesian League after the Athenians created their alliance, and the Athenians changed the ways of their government many times to suit the people, and the Spartans did not. The Athenian democracy, while it did give more power to the people, still left a lot of citizens out. Oligarchy (disadvantage) Over time, middle/lower classes realized they still had little to no say in government Tyranny (disadvantage), Start studying advantages and disadvantages of government in ancient greece. First, all true democracies limit majority rule in order to protect the rights of minorities. Those 500 citizens had to actively serve in the government for one year. 8 Who was not allowed to become a citizen of Greece? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. However up until 500 BCE, the concept of Democracy was a foreign concept, and the great civilizations of that era were run by monarchs, aristocrats, and religious leaders of sorts. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy were all forms of government found at different times and in different city-states in Ancient Greece. It combines two shorter words: demos meaning whole citizen living within a particular city-state and kratos meaning power or rule. Athens on the other hand had a democracy as stated in Document 3, an excerpt from Funeral Orations by Pericles a quotes from this excerpt states it is true that our government is a democracy, because its administration is in the hands, not of the few, but of many.. This quote clearly states that the type of government Athens has is a, Athens is superior towards Sparta throughout ancient Greek history. The geography of the region helped to shape the government and culture of the Ancient Greeks. A tyrants son does not usually inherit his fathers power. WebAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Athens Democracy characterized in terms of unlimited political power anymore as it has transformed to a more citizen-friendly government. The countrys valleys, mountainous terrain, and offshore islands encouraged the development of many city-states. In Ancient Athens, a new system arose that would greatly impact the course of history. Democracy (disadvantage) Only the elite or upper class had a role in government, lower class not represented. Athens and Sparta were two of the most powerful and well known cities among all the Greek nations. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Athens is more superior than Sparta through, government, economy, and culture. Monarchy (advantage) Middle class realized that they could make changes (leads to democracy) Tyranny (advantage) The Sea shaped the Greek civilizations as rivers did in the other ancient civilizations. Every citizen in Athens is allowed to take part in government, even poor citizens. Prior to Athenian democracy, a few people would make decisions for the masses. Oligarchy (advantage) If the leader is strong/effective, the civilization is in good shape. Why was the Athenian form of democracy a contradiction? Oligarchy (disadvantage) Over time, middle/lower classes realized they still had little to no say in government Tyranny (disadvantage) What was the government like in ancient Greece? The focus of the times was directed towards military capabilities, while the Athenians were more interested in comfort and culture. What are the pros and cons of tyranny in ancient Greece? A body of land that has water on three sides, A narrow strip of land that connects two bodies of land, A peninsula; the southern portion of Greece, The Balkan peninsula, connected to other parts of Europe to the north, Elements of a Story and Plot : Base Literary, advantages and disadvantages of government in, Unit 2: Renaissance and Reformation Vocabulary, Of Mice and Men: Chapter 5 & 6 Review Project, Disadvantages and Advantages of Japan's Locat, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, PT600 - SysPath - Pathologies of Endocrine Sy. The Greek divine beings were It was easy for the Athenians to see who the people are due to the population number at the time. Sparta and Athens had differences and similarities in the way they governed their city states, in how they established their military forces, how they treated women, their marriage customs and social gatherings. This caused some to view them with hostility which sparked the conflicts between Athens and Sparta that lead to the Peloponnesian War. Therefore, they could easily make decisions. Some of the strengths of Athenian democracy include making decisions based on the opinions of many rather than a few, giving responsibility to more citizens and making records available for public examination. Overall, ancient Athens was indeed not truly democratic as a result of the government having male citizens have authority, being an oligarchy government instead of a democratic government, and voting not accessible to women, free foreigners(Metics), and slaves except for male citizens. Some of the major issues with government are the political lies and schemes it takes to get to the top and remain there. The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government. What was the government like in ancient Greece? The Roman Republic was all the more a time. These ideas are infused in various pieces of literature where the idea of democracy leaves a visible mark on society, dividing it into two scales, one being unable to, Never before have there been so many democracies in the world or so many competitive elections conducted at national, subnational and region levels. The Athenians were stronger because they had a better geography, government, cultural achievements, and I would rather live in the Athens. 4.Every citizen was included in politics. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Athens organized a group of Greek city states into the Delian League and eventually lead and dominated all of the city states in the League. Their members were elected by the people. Women could own property. Hard work and equality is what makes a nation outstanding. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Women were forced to go through training to become strong, to male healthy babies, it was tough. While Athens is widely regarded as the first historical example of a democratic system, some scholars believe that the Roman Empires republic system was more democratic than that of the Greek. It consists of two short words: demos which means either a citizen in a particular city-state or the lower orders, and kratos which means either rule or power - but these two are not of the same meaning. Due to the fact that Sparta had a very military lifestyle, they were good at raising strong outspoken women in a society where women were kept at home. Thus, a key part of democracy is that the people have a voice. Government failure. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Athens was a superior city state over Sparta. The rigidity of the Constitution makes it difficult to amend easily. This horrible plague killed the Athenian leader Pericles along with many other Athenians, which took a huge toll on their morale. The city-state of Athens, 5th century Athens to be precise, is the inventor and first practitioner of democracy. This form of government had to start somewhere, however, and ideas of democracy can be shown in many early documents written by some of the first peoples to colonize the Americas. WebThe Sea shaped the Greek civilizations as rivers did in the other ancient civilizations. The main disadvantage for the Athenians was that around 430 BCE, a plague struck Athens. He found its concepts to have unique strengths and weaknesses that he believed could be the inspiration for the new government of post-revolution France. There was a constant importance of acknowledging all citizens hard work and participation. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It does not store any personal data. In Athens, the ruler Draco tried to make many reforms in the city state. 5 What are the disadvantages of Constitution? In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or rule by the people. The Athenians established a direct democracy where the people voted directly on the matter at hand. (Ancient Greek Democracy, The Romans then created their own type of democracy, where the citizens elected leaders to represent the peoples opinion. (Crabill, Ancient Rome) While neither the Athenian nor the Roman democracies were perfect by any means, they both, Whats more, Democracy was rising in Athens. Such abundance of water makes Ancient Greece good in fishing and trade. Representative democracy is a government in which citizens vote for representatives who create and change laws that govern the people rather than getting to vote directly on the laws themselves. City-state is an independent or nearly independent state in which political and cultural activities are concentrated in a single urban center (Legon). Athenss military prowess allowed them to look down on the other members of the League and treat them as members of an empire instead of equals. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". True democrats would elect all officials through voting by the people. Athens was a small city compared to Rome that honored and protected citizenship. Disadvantages: Not a lot of flat land to farm, Diffcult to travel over land, Diffcult to unite under a single government, limited natural resources. The biggest advantage of democracy in polis was the general possibility of taking part in public life for all free citizens. Establishing government is one of the most important inventions develop human beings. Hard work and equality is what makes a nation outstanding. WebThe advantages of Greeks geography is that they had protection from invaders and some disadvantages were that they had a hard time farming and traveling. Ancient Greece was divided into many different city-state who had their different cultures, the most critical being Athens and Sparta.They adored a broad range of god and goddesses,the most imperative of whom, the Olympians, small thought to live on Mount Olympus. Athenss military prowess allowed them to look down on the other members of the League and treat them as members of an empire instead of equals. Today we think of democracy as majority rule. As we know, this system is a norm to the Western world, in order to preserve personal freedom and make sure that the will of the people is upheld. It does not store any personal data. Advantage: They had access to trade, transportation, fish, and water. One of the many states of Greece, ancient Athens was indeed not truly democratic as a result of not inclusive, other than male citizens, to gain authority in ancient Athens, Demokratia was ruled by male citizens only, excluding women, free foreigners(Metics) and slaves.(Document D), therefore ruling Athens was only accessible to male citizen since since women, free foreigners(Metics), and slaves were not allowed to rule as a result of not being male citizens. The period of prosperity in Athens was so short lived because they only had one strong leader, Pericles. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They became skilled sailors. Children were tortured to become strongerand all men would be fighting and stealing things just to survive.
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