As you exhale, drop your shoulders down. Do each exercise for 20 to 30 seconds. About Our ExpertSage Rountree is a pioneer in yoga for athletes and an endurance sports coach. In a dynamic warm-up routine, you’ll move in and out of poses without lingering in them. If holding your leg out to the side is painful or too much effort, place a block or folded blanket under your right thigh to support it. Roll your hips and legs to the left, coming onto your outer left leg so your right hip is stacked on top of the left. Standing Shoulder Movement. start your 14 day free trial. Pump your arms up and down in rhythm with your… 2 days ago. This is similar to the actions we do in Marjarasana (Cat-Cow Pose). As you continue to reach your right arm out the side, try to keep both shoulder blades on the floor. Get 15% Off Membership → Please select a Favorites you wish to add selected product(s) to: Main The yoga therapy components of YogaUOnline courses are based on the teacher’s yoga therapy certifications and trainings; they are not derived from their status as a RYT/E-RYT with Yoga Alliance Registry. Get 15% Off Membership →, A Dynamic Yoga Warm-Up to Prime Your Muscles for a Run, New Year, Healthier You. It is a series of preparatory and functionally based movements that you perform dynamically with the purpose of preparing the muscles, connective tissue and joints for the actual workout and restore active flexibility and range of motion. Get ready to breath and feel invigorating with clean fresh breath and moving your beautiful body all around inside and out. Then follow the instructions for coming out of Version 1. Try These 3 Yoga Stretches for Your Glutes, Advancing Yoga Teaching Methodology - The Role of Kinetic Chains and Posture Imbalances in Practice, Dr. Ray Long: Yogic Deep Breathing - How the Diaphragm Works, Yoga for a Heavy Heart: 4 Restorative Poses to Soothe Your Heart. Dynamic warm up stretches benefits you physiologically as well by stimulating the neurological system. The dynamic floor warm-up sequence that follows is only one of many ways I start a practice on the floor. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. In Constructive Rest pose, bring your awareness to your breath. New Year, Healthier You. a. This variation stretches your outer hip and leg, which is particularly helpful walkers, hikers, runners, and cyclists, who tend to be tight in these areas. To learn more, visit,, and his YouTube channel Baxter Bell Yoga. Inhale, and guide your knee back to center. The exercises in a dynamic warm up should mimic movements that you will use in the workout to come, as to optimize your range of motion and prepare your muscles to endure resistance and tension. However, for a discipline like Ashtanga yoga, which consists of dynamic, free-flowing stretches for the body, some warm ups to prepare for the class may well be necessary. Your hips will tip slightly to your right. Start in Version 1. Inhale, press your feet down, stretching your arms out and up. When you’ve finished both sides, bend both knees and come into Constructive Rest pose for a few breaths. Mindfully raise your … Yoga in the dynamic form demands a good warm up of the muscles, as the physical strength of the body is very important and warm up yoga poses will keep the body free from injuries. A mixture of static stretches, dynamic stretches, and other movements such as yoga stretches will help to limber up your body ready for the game. A. That will ensure you begin your run with appropriate muscular engagement, keeping the workload in the right muscles, which can help prevent injury down the line. Even though this series of poses is a way to warm up for a longer practice, it could also be a fine mini-practice all on its own! from Shannon Rafalowski Plus . Check out our Yoga Therapy section to learn which yogic practices have been shown to have healing qualities for common complaints. Exhale and step your right foot back as you lean over your left thigh in Arrow Lunge. 2. Inflating the top of your body as you breathe in. Swing your right leg directly out to the left so it is parallel to the floor, with your toes pointing to the wall behind you. These are a slight progression from the Vinyasa Flows and possibly my favorite dynamic exercise of all time. While waking up your sense of balance and focus, you’ll activate your glutes and the muscles that support … In this article, you’ll find several ways to make sure your next time playing a quick game of squash with your chap doesn’t leave you stuck to the couch icing your groin. Truth be told, starting a yoga practice on the floor is my favorite way to begin, regardless of what might come later in the sequence. Start by lying on your back, with your legs straight. Then follow the instructions for coming out of Version 1. Are you looking for a new way to prepare your body for your workouts? Start by coming into Version 1. Yoga for athletes specialist Sage Rountree demos a dynamic warm-up routine, perfect to do before a run, workout or yoga practice. Learn more on 3. This pose stretches the front of your body while also strengthening the muscles at the back of your body. Static stretches, like you do holding a yoga pose, are useful for building strength and flexibility, but a dynamic warm-up is best before a run. Are we missing out on the essence of yoga, even as the practice has become a household word? start your 14 day free trial. “The torso is like a tote bag for your organs,” says Leslie Howard, a Bay area yoga teacher who conducts workshops... Yoga for Healthy Aging: A Guide to Lifelong Well-Being. Repeat Step 3 six to eight times, reversing the direction of the rolls. Most people know the importance of core strengthening for health and long-term well-being, but the pelvic floor is an important group of core muscles, which tend to get ignored. If holding your leg out to the side is painful or too much effort, place a block or folded blanket under your right foot to support it. Inhale, and gently guide your right knee toward the right using your right hand. This yoga staple is a great dynamic warm-up exercise for strengthening your upper body while opening up the back and front of your body. Mindfully squeeze your knee in toward your chest for a few breaths. This dynamic sequence is another good way to warm up your hips and focus your attention on the breath and movement. Start in Constructive Rest position, lying on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. To come into the pose, start in Version 1. Dynamic Yoga Flow Warm-Up: Olympic Lifts Open your shoulders and warm up your posterior chain to prepare for an Olympic lift session with this yoga sequence. Inhale to lift your shoulders over your hips into Crescent Lunge, then exhale to return to Arrow, inhale to Crane, and exhale to Mountain. Now press your feet and arms (from shoulders to hands, palms down) down into the floor. Then exhale, and holding onto the back of your leg, straighten your leg toward the ceiling as much as you can. Slide your bottom leg long on the floor, straightening your left knee and pressing out through your left heel. See also Everyday Yoga for Athletes: 5 Pre-Workout Warm-Up Poses. If you are having trouble sitting comfortably on the floor, sit on a folded blanket. Before you begin your warm-up, stand in Mountain Pose for a few breaths. VIEW WORKOUT Warm up your entire body and get into a yoga mindset with this essential warm-up sequence. You will be keeping this arched shape steady as you move through the yoga sit-ups, avoiding flattening or overarching the back as you roll up and down. From Mountain Pose, inhale and lift your right leg into Crane Pose. Shoulder rolls. For this warm-up sequence, you will need a strap and a block. Hold each variation for 30-60 seconds. On an exhalation, lower your hips gently back down to the floor. Dynamic warm up exercises are stretching with a variety of range in motion and above all – it is fun. Stand tall … These days he focuses on teaching yoga full-time, both to ordinary students of all ages and physical conditions and to the next generation of yoga teachers, to whom he teaches anatomy and yoga therapy along with his accessible, skillful style of yoga. Check out Yoga: Dynamic Warm-up by Various artists on Amazon Music. Unlike Version 4, this version doesn’t require twisting your spine, so it is safer for those with lower back pain. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet about a foot from your hips, with arms relaxed at your sides. Keep some tension on the strap and press your right foot into it. Then strap aside and shake out both hands for a moment. Moving through the dynamic warm-up with a focus on your breath will help set the tone for a fantastic run. You can do just one of the variations, but I typically do all four of them, as they also prepare you for many standing poses. Return to Constructive Rest Pose for a few breaths. Baxter brings a unique perspective to his teaching, combining his understanding of anatomy and medicine with his skill at instructing people from all walks of life and all levels of ability. The following warm-up exercises require you to start with the corpse posture (or dead posture). From Constructive Rest Pose, slide your heels back toward your buttocks so they are about 4-5 inches away. But because this version is also a twist, it also opens your chest and releases tight back muscles. To come out of the pose, lift your leg back to vertical. What is a Dynamic Warm-up? glutes and hips. You can also remove poses entirely, such as the Yoga Situps, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), or any pose that you might choose. TUSH Dynamic Warm-Up Yoga. Sage is the author of seven books, including Everyday Yoga and Lifelong Yoga, co-written with Alexandra DeSiato. Inhale and … If you tend to have a bony backside, your practice space is cold, or are just sensitive to a hard surface, you can place a blanket under your hips, shoulders, and head to provide a bit of support and comfort. Pigeon stretch. With a strap in hand, bend your right knee into your chest, place the strap over the arch of the right foot and straighten the right knee, stretching your foot towards the ceiling, keeping some tension on the two sides of the strap. Warm Up Exercises Before Yoga: Try to arrive early for your yoga class and try out some of these stretches on your mat. Most Yoga practitioners enjoy reclining (supine) exercises because the postures are intrinsically relaxing. Yoga Therapeutics Yoga Therapy is the use of yoga postures, meditation and pranayama to help the body naturally heal and balance itself. After that, if you wish, you can repeat the sequence on both sides for 3 to 6 rounds. To come out of the pose, return to the Version 1 by bringing your leg back to vertical. This dynamic sequence helps strengthen many of the core muscles of the belly area. In doing so, you are lubricating your joints, which will give you better range of motion and better elasticity in tendons and ligaments. This could be as simple as a few rounds of Cat-Cow or as complex as … You can set yourself up near a wall, so your feet can press into the wall. Relax your shoulders, and make sure your lower spine is either softly touching the floor or slightly arched away from it (and is not jammed into the floor or overarched). Interlace your fingers and bring your hands behind your head, resting your head against them with elbows pointing to the sky. Continue stretching out through your left leg as you slowly bring your right leg out to your right side and down toward the floor, stopping when your foot is one to two feet from the floor, according to your flexibility. Begin in a full plank, then bring your right leg forward and place it … A dynamic warm-up is a movement prep for the body. Inhale, bend your knee, release your foot to the floor, and straighten your leg along the ground. ← Use Arrow Keys → While static stretching before a run is a big no-no, yoga is a whole different ballgame because it involves movement-based … To create more stretch around your hip, roll your outer right hip away from your waist so your right heel spins to the left and right toes spin to the right. Exhale, release the arms back down, keeping your body soft and your legs strong. The goal is to move through your range of motion, priming the muscles for the work you will soon do. These exercises […] From Constructive Rest Pose, establish a slight arch in your lower back. Keeping your lower back and pelvis on the floor, bring your right leg toward your left, about 6-12 inches across the midline of your body. If you find this practice a bit too long for you on any given day, try doing fewer rounds of the dynamic sequences (for example, only two rounds of Reclined Hip Stretch vinyasa), shortening the holds on the static poses to 30 seconds, or only doing one or two of the variations of Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Leg Stretch Pose). Hatha Yoga 4: Dynamic Warm-up (10 min) is a popular song by Yoga | Create your own TikTok videos with the Hatha Yoga 4: Dynamic Warm-up (10 min) song … Shoulder rolls are great for relieving shoulder and neck tension. Go through 5 flows at a nice and easy tempo. 1. Then exhale and bend your right knee into your chest, and hold onto the right shin with your hands. Upper body warm up . As you inhale, roll your head and chest back to the starting position. Keep some tension on the strap and press the right foot into it. Start by taking an inhalation to get ready and then as you exhale, roll your head and chest up towards your bent knees a few inches. Bring your right elbow to the floor as you keep tension on the strap and press your right foot into the strap. Run through the sequence with your left leg lifting, and do a total of 3 to 5 rounds on each side. Repeat the process, doing the sequence to 2 or 3 times to each side. This warm-up sequence was designed with the beginner in mind and is a great start to any yoga asana practice. We yogis, however, know already: Any flow, moving in and out of a pose with the breath, can be used to get the body warm and ready for work. Baxter is the co-founder and writer for the popular Yoga for Healthy Aging blog, where he shares his knowledge of medical conditions, anatomy, and yoga with practitioners and teachers across the world. Join Active Pass to get Yoga Journal magazine, access to exclusive sequences and other members-only content, and more than 8,000 healthy recipes. Then exhale and bend your right knee to your chest, bringing your hands to meet the knee. This one is particularly suited as a warm-up for a more active practice due to the inclusion of dynamic poses with lots of movement. Standing in Tadanasa/Mountain Pose. Warm-ups can include foam rolling, balance exercises, yoga-type movements, agility drills and even plyometric drills. © 2021 Pocket Outdoor Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. This is a great position to start any floor practice where you are going to be on your back. In addition to being a frequent presenter at Yoga Journal Alive events and yoga conferences such as IAYT’s SYTAR, he is often quoted as an expert on yoga and health by major national news outlets such as The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. A dynamic warm up involves short dynamic stretches and movements aimed to loosen up your joints and the surrounding muscles and increase your body temperature and blood flow. start your 14 day free trial. Standing with feet together in Tadasana, stretch the arms upwards … Yoga For Back Pain: Keys to Preventing and Healing Sacroiliac Instability, Doug Keller: Essentials of Safe Hip Opening, Embodying Spirit: Deepening Your Practice On and Off the Mat, Yoga for the Pelvic Floor: Keys to Lifelong Health, Synchronize Your Body’s Rhythms with Yogic Breathing, Finding Joy: How to Welcome Humor into Your Yoga Practice, Karoshi: The Overwork Epidemic-Yogic Wisdom Might Just Help, Yoga’s Aparigraha: A Sustainable Intention for 2021, Yoga Anatomy: 5 Quick Shoulder Anatomy Tips for Yoga Teachers, Yoga for Stress Resilience: The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Downregulating the Nervous System, Cracking the Samskara Code - A Yogic Blueprint for Resetting The Issues In Our Tissues, Your Foundational Core: Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health, Six Simple Acts to Make the World a Better Place, Hip, Back and Knee Pain? One of my all-time favorite poses, this pose stretches the muscles around your hips in many directions as well as your hamstrings. Copyright ©2016 Inchworm. Repeat the entire sequence on your left side. Also called “movement prep,” dynamic warm-ups consist of integrated movements that can improve muscular strength, mobility, stability, balance, coordination, agility and/or even power. This quick pre workout yoga warm up will warm up my arms, chest, shoulders, core, back, butt and legs. Then follow the instructions for coming out of Version 1. Enjoy! Get 15% Off Membership →, Everyday Yoga for Athletes: 5 Pre-Workout Warm-Up Poses. Like Version 3, this version stretches your outer hip and leg along with your deep buttock muscles. Next, take both sides of the strap into your left hand and extend your right arm out to the side in a “T” position. On your inhalation, roll your pelvis toward your heels, gently arching your low back away from the floor. All rights reserved. Set an intention for your training session, so you can enter it with a clear sense of purpose. Plus, all the whole routine is standing, which is perfect if you want to do it right on the gravelly road or mucky trail you’re about to run on and don’t want to put your hands on the ground. The dynamic warm-up helps get the appropriate muscles firing, with a special focus on the lower legs and hips. To create more stretch for your right hip, leg, and buttock muscles, roll your right hip down toward your left foot and away from the right side of your waist. You can use this time to commit to a mantra, set parameters for your interval pacing, or simply appreciate the blessing of being strong enough to run today. This pose stretches your hip muscles and warms up your shoulders and arms. In Yin Yoga, warmed-up body is not required as the yoga poses are done to stretch the … Like many other warm-ups, you can also use this exercise for compensation. The goal is to inhale 5 seconds and slowly exhale for 5 seconds consistently. Reprinted with permission from Yoga for Healthy Aging Blog spot. Baxter Bell, MD, C-IAYT, eRYT 500, is a yoga teacher and educator, physician and medical acupuncturist. Of poses without lingering in them due to the floor and Step your right knee toward the.... And guide your right arm out the side, try to keep both shoulder blades on breath... Well by stimulating the neurological system easy tempo releases tight back muscles yoga up... In mind and is a yoga class and more than 8,000 Healthy recipes shoulder movement postures intrinsically... A fantastic run your hip, turn your right arm out the side, try to keep shoulder. More, visit,, and do a total of to!, lying on your breath the second edition of her Runner ’ s guide to Lifelong Well-Being are about inches!, back, with your shoulders up and down in rhythm with your… as you lean over your left lifting... 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