Yeah idk, not exactly what I was hoping for my first progress post but it's okay haha. This takes muscle discomfort to a new level. Keep your shoulder blades retracted as you lower the weight down to your chest. Compound Supersets. Basically OHP sucks, and has an even stronger correlation to bodyweight simply due to the physics of the lift. I haven't fully stalled out on it, but it does feel difficult to control with higher weigh sometimes. This method should only be used by more advanced trainees because heavy weights are being used in both parts of the superset which can lead to heavy CNS (Central Nervous System) stress. Great for bringing up a lagging body part and for building muscle. Push up Inverted row. It’s difficult to juggle different weights for different exercises. Next, my Wendler 531 BBB Routine that I’ve been using for the last few months: This routine was a bit more complex, but I quickly got used to it. This is an advanced method because heavier weights are being used in both exercises on … I’ve seen this copy pasta countless times and it still makes me laugh out loud. Hey guys, I started a road to 100kg/220lbs bench press video series in my home gym and would love if you and anyone else from the sub would check it out and maybe even follow along!. However, I’ve been going strong for the past year or so, and I feel like I’ve made fantastic progress. Bench press/Overhead press. Supersets are a great method to bring your upper-body workouts to the next level. Using my previous TDEE of 2400 kcal, I reduced my daily intake to 1900 kcal per day with macro targets as follows: I wanted to keep carbs as high as possible while still getting as close to 1 g/lb-BW of protein as possible. Strength Progression (Actual Completed 5RM, lbs. The Tesla tat is dope as well! I get all kinds of guesses on the tat, from Freddie Mercury, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, and a few others. Perform 3 rounds of this superset and perform 10, 8, 6 reps of each exercise. Why: However, these are great for hypertrophy, if you can stand the pain. I apologize for that. 3×8-12 (If you bench pressed first, do overhead press) Incline dumbbell press. The views expressed on this site may come from individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of BarBend or any other organization. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Superset 1 – Flat Barbell Bench Press with Wide Grip Pull-Ups. Tight. Superset Workout. Thanks for sharing. This was my warm-up for both routines. Phase I (Bulk): I increased my daily caloric intake to around 3000 kcal per day, using an intuitive approach and putting emphasis on protein at 1 g/lb-BW and 250g Carbs and 60g Fats. 3×8-12 superset 3×15-20. Solid. Solid. A superset traditionally is a form of strength training where you quickly move between a series of exercises with little breaks.Clearly, you would take small breaks to catch your breath or grab a drink of water between sets of an exercise. Routines in which drop sets hurt like mad include leg extension, leg press, triceps push-downs, military press and biceps curls. Lower the bar to your stomach, keeping your elbows tight to your sides, then press back up. You can pair almost any two exercises together to build muscle, lose fat or bring up a lagging body part. 3x10 Lean-Away Cable Lateral Raise (aka Egyptian Lateral Raise), Superset 3x10 EZ-Bar Skull Crushers + Bicep Curls. Featured image via prostock-studio/Shutterstock. Usually the closer I get to BW the worse it gets. Our entire staff trains together at Cressey Performance. Lower yourself to the floor and push up, ensuring that you keep your back straight and do full repetitions. Grab one pair of dumbbells and make your way to the bench. Superset with band assisted pull-ups between every set including warm up sets. Here is the lowdown on supersets and why they should be a regular part of your training. Triceps pushdowns superset with lateral raises. On the other hand, with dumbbell curls, you’ll be finished a lot sooner, since your starting weight may be, say, 40 pound dumbbells. Quad – Hamstring supersets Leg extension Leg curl. Why: Great for bringing up a lagging body part or a weaker muscle that could be hindering your performance in a compound exercise. For the first 6-ish months I followed the 6-Day Reddit PPL (Metallicadpa's PPL) from the wiki, but I added extra sets of DL’s, simply because I enjoy them. 4×5, 1×5+ (Perform either one of these lifts as main and accessory alternatively.) Weight Progression: 150 lbs ---> 160 lbs (post-bulk) ---> 152 lbs (post-cut). Thoracic extensions 8 reps. Wrapping up. Seated chest press machine Seated row machine. Tight. ): Note: I don't use any kind of assistance/support such as belts, straps, wraps, or even chalk. World records, results, training, nutrition, breaking news, and more. ... For example, performing a bench press, then a … 8 The best bench press superset is going to help you build muscle, strength, endurance, burn fat, allowing you to workout quickly and efficiently. Changing the grip and using different angles of the bend, you can work out different muscle groups on chest. There’s a little more to performing supersets than just banging out a couple of sets. I treat it like work or school, and I rarely skip days (only skipped maybe 4 or 5 days over the past year). In the beginning, I didn't set specific percentages because I didn't intend on keeping track of macros other than protein. Supersets are an efficient way to train and are used in a many ways to match your goals. While longer rest periods are often needed between sets of bench press lifting, the back and arm muscles are also slightly hit, so it makes sense to throw in some pull-ups for a superset! Show us what you got man. Lie with your back flat on a bench elevated at a 45 degree angle. Supersets are very efficient, as you're working one muscle group while the other is resting. Compound Supersets. I add this because I could very easily use my workload as an excuse not to workout, but I've learned to overcome this mental obstacle that have plagued my progress in the past. It’s important to note that my warm-up is the same for each day: 3-5 mins on treadmill, either a brisk walk up a 15-degree incline or a light jog on flat. Let me see that thick. One study compared a superset (bent over row followed by a bench press), with two versions of compound exercises (either a dumbbell bench press followed by a regular bench press, or a back squat followed by a bench press). A deadlift superset with pullups or bench press might do the trick and save you tons of time trying to get your full body workout in. Look thick. Bench Press: 115 ---> 210 (Calculated 1RM = 247), Squat: 175 ---> 305 (Calculated 1RM = 353), Deadlift: 205 ---> 325 (Calculated 1RM = 367). Did you ever stall on your OHP? Good stuff man, you made good progress, and you look like it. I definitely plan to continue lifting and climbing with similar frequency. Or bench press … Chest + Back. Join the BarBend Newsletter for workouts, diets, breaking news and more. Not just visually, but lifting has become part of my normal weekly routine and I feel significatly stronger in general. The Incline Dumbbell Tate Press (or elbows out triceps extension) is an excellent exercise for building the lower triceps, which play a huge role in compound movements such as the Bench Press … The Best Superset Involving an Inclined Press. How to Superset. I'm hoping to hit the big 100kg/220lbs on the bench press by the end of the year! Join the BarBend Newsletter for everything you need to get stronger. Whether it’s fat loss, hypertrophy, improving your mobility or general health, there is a type of superset to match your goal. A strength exercise done for heavier weight and lower reps combined with a mobility exercise to help improve your technique and recovery. Try this 30-minute, full-body opposing muscle superset workout. Superset 1: 3x8-12 Triceps Pushdown + 3x15-20 Lateral Raises. Superset – 4 sets of bench press and pull-ups ( or lat pull-down) 4-8 reps, rest 1 minute. In your before pics, I wouldn't trust you to deliver a pizza. Why: These are best used for full body workouts or full body splits and are ideal for beginner trainees and fat loss. Shred: 4 sets of 12 reps on each, rest 60 – 90 seconds between sets Bulk: 4 sets of 8 reps presses, 12 reps push-ups, rest 90 – 120 seconds between sets Lower yourself to the floor and push up, ensuring that you keep your back straight and do full repetitions. These are great for full rest and recovery of a muscle group and for full body workouts when time is an issue. Superset 1: 3x8-12 Triceps Pushdown + 3x15-20 Lateral Raises, Superset 2: 3x8-12 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher + 3x15-20 Lateral Raises, Superset: 3x8-12 Leg Press + 3x8-12 Calf Press (Big time saver, IMO). The researchers found that the superset group was not only able to complete their sets in half the time, but they were also able to perform better during their sets. Superset 2: 3x8-12 EZ-Bar Skullcrusher + 3x15-20 Lateral Raises. With the same form as a regular barbell bench press, unrack the barbell, with your arms shoulder width apart. Awesome pics. wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Tight. However, supersets aren’t meant for every goal. Upper-Body Supersets for Your Arms, Shoulders, Chest and Back | Relatively speaking, this is the least taxing of all the techniques listed so far because you’re working two completely unrelated muscle groups. Monopolizing the equipment in a busy gym may lead you to being unpopular. Tight. In a third study, supersets consisting of bench press immediately followed by lat-pulldown and then resting for 180 seconds before the next superset, resulted in 10% more weight lifted than traditional training with 90 seconds of rest between each set: first three sets of bench press, then three sets of lat-pulldown. So let’s say sticking with chest as an example you start with flat bench press before moving onto the incline press. Superset – 3 sets leg extension and leg curl 10-15 reps, no rest. ... Superset 2. T I G H T I I G G H H T T. Thick. A superset involves pairing two exercises together and … Phase II (Cut, Jan-1-2020 to Feb-10-2020): I used the My Fitness Pal (MFP) app to keep track of my macros. Supersets are a time-efficient way to train and are used in many ways. Love the hair by the way. (Just make sure you have all the equipment you need beforehand.). EDIT: Uploaded edited "Before" pics due to slightly visible pubes that I somehow didn't notice. However, with supersets, an exerciser would perform eight reps of the bench press, eight reps of the row and rest for a couple of minutes before repeating the superset … Hahaha thanks. Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) ... Superset 2: Inverted Row and Bench Press Pairing pushes and pulls on the horizontal plane is more than balancing muscle groups. My TDEE is ~2400 kcal (According to most online calculators, and using an “Active” activity level). Stability ball hamstring curl 12-15 reps, 1B. I should mention that I have trained in the past for weightlifting/powerlifting, but it has never been for more than 2-3 months at a time before falling off the wagon. For example, if you can bench press 225 pounds for a hard set of 5 reps, then you should start the program using only 185 pounds for the 5 sets of 5 reps. The “key” to a great bench press pairing is to alternate different exercises with your bench press, reducing the resting period, allowing you to work out your body in is little time as possible. The types of supersets you use depend on your current goals, whether you’re a beginner or advanced trainee, and on how much time you have to train. Nice work man! 5/3/1 template of 3x5 reps of bench with added resistance band resistance. Why: Ideal for bringing up a lagging body part. Usually, we take one general program and modify it individually to suit our needs. Tuesday (Pull – Deadlift Focus): 3x5 DL + 1xAMRAP. Supersets may also be slightly less exhausting than traditional sets. Being a smaller dude, I found it difficult to eat enough calories at times. Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) ... Superset 2: Inverted Row and Bench Press Pairing pushes and pulls on the horizontal plane is more than balancing muscle groups. Chest Superset 2: Flat Dumbbell Fly & Flat Dumbbell Press. In the superset group, subjects alternated between the two exercises whereas in the traditional set group the subjects first did 3 sets of bench press and then 3 sets of seated row. My Reddit PPL routine was as follows: Monday (Push – Bench Focus): 4x5 Bench Press + 1xAMRAP. The bench press should be immediately followed by push ups. BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. However, make sure the compound move trains the muscle you’re going to isolate. Makes sense too, the more weight you add, the higher your center of gravity gets so balance becomes increasingly more difficult lol. Perform 8-12 reps of each exercise for 3-4 supersets. Mix. Leg press seated leg curl. However, with supersets, an exerciser would perform eight reps of the bench press, eight reps of the row and rest for a couple of minutes before repeating the superset … Back-and-chest: When you do, say, a bench press or a pushup, you’re pushing something away from your torso. I've also started using wrist wraps (NOT straps) for additional support during OHP and Bench, only because I've felt some mild irritation recently. For example, weaker triceps hindering lockout in the bench press. Always nice when someone gets it right :). For example, the following options for bench presses are possible. This is an advanced method because heavier weights are being used in both exercises on … We’ll be kicking off our chest and back superset workout with the biggest strength and size builder for the chest, the flat barbell bench press along with the king of all back exercises – the pull-up. Thanks for the motivation. I clean up nice sometimes lol. It's weird how in the after pics you end up looking way more responsible. This is just a hobby of mine, but my point is that you can absolutely train for strength and combine other forms of activity while still achieving good results. Just remember, if you want to build muscle, increase endurance, burn calories, and cut down on your workout time, the deadlift or squat superset is the way to go. Recently, it was Tony Gentilcore's turn to write up the monthly program, and our first superset on a Thursday lift was as follows: A1) Bench Press Clusters: 4 x (4x2) — 10s Barbell bench press 3-6 reps. 1B. In some scenarios, an increase in intensity can lead to a drop in performance and compromised technique. If I can do it, so can you. For example, bench press followed by incline bench press. It's funny how the hair always improves too, Hahaha yeah. I probably could've reduced fats in place of more carbs, but I enjoy including various fatty foods so I decided to leave some extra wiggle room. To that end, here are my thoughts on how to properly design and use supersets in your training. As good as the they are for hypertrophy and fat loss, they’re not the most ideal way to build strength. Overhead triceps extensions 12-20 reps. The bench press should be immediately followed by push ups. And before anyone asks, yes, you can do these exercises separately if you train in a sardine-packed commercial gym where supersets are impractical. Always appreciate a detailed look into someone’s routine especially when they have been consistent over several months. The Classic Approach. ReddIt. Not only that, you’ll do more work in less time and hit the showers early while the gym bunnies are busy taking their Instagram selfies. For example, if you’re about to go from bench press to bent-over rows, think of the two sets as one, and then rest briefly after that series. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Pair exercises wisely for great results and enjoy the extra time you’ll save. You combine a compound exercise with an isolation exercise afterwards to exhaust all the muscle fibers in a certain muscle group. Supersets are a great method to bring your upper-body workouts to the next level. Cable crossovers Seated cable row. The classic superset approach is the basic antagonistic superset. ’m currently in month 4 of GZCLP and I feel like I’ve hit a wall with that lift. I don't know why so many people are so upset by few hairs haha. I also plan on investing in a legit lifting belt moving forward, but need to do some research and find an affordable option. The “key” to a great bench press pairing is to alternate different exercises with your bench press, reducing the resting period, allowing you to work out your body in is little time as possible. 3×8-12. When going from 1 to 4 bench sessions per week, each additional day of benching increased the rate of strength gains by an average of 28%. The average weight most adult men and women can bench press depends on age, fitness level, and other factors. How Lie on a decline bench holding an EZ-bar with a shoulder-width grip. Now that I've finished cutting I will do 1-2 more cycles of Wendler since I've been enjoying it, but I've also been considering switching to the nSuns 4-Day routine. It's hard to find progression from people the same general weight and height as me so thanks for posting :D Really helps me how far I need to still improve :D. Check out Jeff Nippard on YouTube, he is our height (maybe even an inch shorter than me) and makes a ton of informative vids and has done the work to back it up. COMPOUND SUPERSETS. Solid. Not to mention the fact that climbing can be pretty strenuous, no doubt that this activity significantly contributed to my progress. Younger men are typically able to bench press … The proper grip on your Bench Press will save your shoulders and maximize your ability to achieve your training goals. I'm incredibly busy but I still find time, everyday, to get my workout in. Superset #3. Gotta get those photos in early before breakfast lol. Superset #2 Seated Machine Chest Press Perform 8-12 reps of each exercise for 3-4 supersets. Followed up a 2-3 warm-up sets working up to my working weight for the day. Supersets are a time-efficient way to train and are used in many ways. The inclined press works your chest, shoulders and triceps, with its main focus being the upper portion of your chest. Tumblr. 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The rep scheme uses percentages of your Training Max (TM) for the working sets of your primary compound lift for the given day, and they increase each week as follows (Reps x %TM, “+” denotes an AMRAP set): Once finished with these main sets of your primary compound lift for the day, you do the Boring But Big (BBB) sets on that same lift, which is 5 sets of 10 reps using 50% of your TM. Now we’re going with a flat angle pairing. The flat bench press can either be the best exercise for adding overall mass, if performed correctly, or the reason your pecs won’t grow if performed incorrectly. 3x8-12 Incline DB Press @ 45-deg. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. I did not "dirty-bulk", ate mostly nutritious foods and cooked at home much of the time but I also allowed myself to eat food I enjoyed. Overhead press/Bench press. If supersets are not a part of your routine, it’s definitely worth putting them in because your results are waiting. 1B. Here are 5 superset types that you can use right now to take your training to the next level. The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes . That said, that's pretty quick to be stalling, perhaps have a look at diet and sleep. Currently 66.6kg's and my PB is 90kg. We break down what supersets are, what science says about them, and how to use them. Superset #2 Seated Machine Chest Press Both exercises will leave your pecs screaming with tension in both the shortened and lengthened position. Great size. 1B. … For example, barbell curls followed by hammer curls. Do a set of biceps curls and then hit the triceps pressdown with no rest in between. Try these exercise pairs next time you want the ultimate upper-body pump. Incline Barbell Bench Press. Wide grip (pec) dips Pull ups or Chin ups. This is an advanced method because heavier weights are being used in both exercises on the same body part, which can lead to muscular fatigue and drop in performance and technique. Overhead triceps superset with lateral raises The Best 3 Superset compound workouts What is a Superset and how can you build muscle and lose weight Faster in 2020? Here's a two-week sample of superset exercises you can try adding to your workout routine, hitting the muscle groups of the back and chest. Solid. The flat bench press can either be the best exercise for adding overall mass, if performed correctly, or the reason your pecs won’t grow if performed incorrectly. Keep it up. Superset – 3 set leg press and Romanian deadlifts 8-12 reps, 30 seconds rest. Thoracic extensions 8 reps. Wrapping up. Note: The isolation move can be done first to change things up. Bench Press Variations supersets on the Chest Press. 3) The compound superset workout In my honest opinion it probably isn’t going to be a good one to be doing. Dumbbell Bench Press Ultimate Guide 2. Dumbbell Bench Press Ultimate Guide 2. Lie on the floor with your feet together, back straight and arms shoulder width apart. Nice work man. The training is separated into 3-week blocks, and I opted for 7th week deloads as outlined in Jim Wendler’s books. Looking for some support to keep me working hard! Dumbbell bench press Two dumbbell bent over row. Dumbbell jump squats (use 10-25% of your body weight) 3- 6 reps. You can save time because you’re working a smaller muscle group in the (almost) same amount of time as you’d spend doing a standard lift-rest scheme, plus all the focus is on one muscle group, helping you feel the burn. Superset is a broad term and can be a little confusing. Having reduced rest periods will increase intensity of your training by performing more work in less time. Upper-Body Supersets for Your Arms, Shoulders, Chest and Back | Here's a superset that'll change that. ISOLATION SUPERSETS. Body while you thick. I will outline both routines here. BarBend is an independent website. To get the best out of your superset experience, you’ll want to visualize both sets as one series. This can take all day if your starting weight is a lot, such as a heavy bench press. Barbell bench press 3-6 reps. 1B. The best bench press superset is going to help you build muscle, strength, endurance, burn fat, allowing you to workout quickly and efficiently. Whether it’s fat loss, hypertrophy, improving your mobility or general health, there is a type of superset to match your goal. I eventually switched to 4-Day Jim Wendler 531 BBB (Upper/Lower split) after stalling out on the 5x5 scheme the Reddit PPL uses. However, I would increase this to 60% because I always felt like I could do more using just 50%. Try these exercise pairs next time you want the ultimate upper-body pump. Lie on the floor with your feet together, back straight and arms shoulder width apart. What he found is that there appears to be a very strong, almost linear relationship between weekly strength gains in the bench press and the number of times you bench per week. Week ( mostly top roping and bouldering ) at a 45 degree angle,! I definitely plan to continue lifting and climbing with similar frequency muscle lose! H t I G H H t T. thick been consistent over several months for 3-4 supersets sticking! Press, triceps push-downs, military press and Romanian deadlifts 8-12 reps of each exercise 3-4... So let ’ s books as you 're working one muscle group while the other resting. In 2020 one general program and modify it individually to suit our needs up! 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